• Published 13th Dec 2014
  • 6,845 Views, 97 Comments

Second Chances - ArguingPizza

The years have passed well for Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence: the Crystal Empire is prosperous, their ponies are happy, and their love is strong. All is well, until Twilight makes a discovery that will upend their lives forever.

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The Crystal Embassy in Canterlot seemed, to many, superfluous. Imperial dignitaries visiting the Equestrian capitol were hosted in the Palace guest suites, and with Princess Twilight possessing crowns of both Equestria and the Empire, an ambassador was deemed unnecessary.

In the end, the Imperial Residence served little purpose aside from a secure location for storing tax and trade documents for the Empire. As such, it was little more than a three bedroom home in Canterlot’s upper Middle Tier, deep in the city's residential section. The entire upper floor, consisting of two bedrooms, a study, and a restroom, had been renovated into a large vault with a low-grade magic lock. The master bedroom on the ground floor was preserved for the single crystal pony tasked with keeping the files in good order.

With Princess Cadence, a retinue of Crystal Knights that had followed after her from the Empire, and the caretaker/secretary crammed into its tight confines, it was an uncomfortably cramped living situation.

Cadence had locked herself in the master bedroom, and had remained there since Celestia had slapped and dismissed her. It had been made abundantly clear that she was not welcome in the Palace, and none of the hotels in the city reported vacancies. That was not to say that there were no vacancies, as at each hotel the staff had appeared nervous when she requested lodgings. She suspected that Luna had beaten her to them in an attempt to deny her lodging and ensure she would be forced to depart for the Empire. Fortunately, it seemed that the humble Embassy had escaped her notice, as it did that of many ponies.

Alone in the drab bedroom, Cadence was trying to distract herself by once again reading the letter she had received from Spike the day before. Or, more accurately, she was attempting to read it. Her previous attempts had failed, as she had lacked the energy to even process the words on the page. It seemed she was without the will to do more than lay on the cheap mattress, cry, and fall into restless, aching sleep that only served to leave her more exhausted upon waking.

Scraping together what strength she could, Cadence did her best to force her brain into something vaguely resembling functionality. As she read, she had to pause several times to re-read a sentence or even entire paragraphs, but eventually she was able to gather the gist of the letter.

It seemed Spike, still in the Crystal Empire, had no idea why both she and Twilight had suddenly fled the city with no notice. He mentioned that Twilight had only responded to his letters by telling him she would speak with him soon, and to assure him she was fine. Spike was far from satisfied, and had turned to her for answers.

She slowly lowered the letter and stared at a blank section of wall.

What could she tell him? That she’d cheated on her wife, his closest companion and sister/mother figure, with her brother? In their bed? That she’d hurt the kindest, sweetest, most compassionate mare in all the Inhabited Lands? That she’d thrown away her life for…

There it was.

There was the question she had avoided asking herself. She’d done her best to keep the thought from even forming. It had taken Spike’s good intentions to sneak through and throw what she’d done in her face. It struck her like a brick, overcoming her mental walls and reducing the self-delusions she had built to dust.

When had she lost control of her life? Everything had been perfect, until it wasn’t. She’d been walking down the path to happiness, and suddenly found herself lost in a maze of her own lies and deceit without remembering having turned a single corner.

Before she could truly begin to properly process the reality she had avoided for so long, a knock on the door drew her attention. The knights of her personal guard had generally given up on trying to rouse her, and the caretaker likely felt so out of his league that he had yet to approach her, so the knock was a curiosity.

“Your Majesty, I have information regarding Princess Twilight.”

Cadence recognized the voice of Sir Cinnabar, the Lord Captain of her personal retinue. Faster than she had moved in days, her muscles aching from lack of use, Cadence bolted from the bed and threw open the door. Cinnabar, a translucent red crystal pony, masked his surprise at her sudden appearance well.

“Where is she?!” Cadence demanded, one hoof pounding on Cinnabar’s armored chest hard enough to rock him on his hooves.

“I spoke with a friend in the Royal Guard, and he informed me that Princess Twilight has returned to the Castle of Harmony in Ponyville. She is—“

Before Cinnabar could finish his sentence, Cadence shoved him aside and took to the skies. Her wings, still sore from her breakneck rush after Twilight, screamed at her. She ignored their protests, suddenly infused with energy she hadn’t felt since her marriage had been a happy one. This time, gravity was her ally, as the Canterhorn acted as an enormous perch for her diving flight to Ponyville.

In her haste, Cadence didn’t notice the Royal Guard chariot team pass by above her on their way back to the city.

Faster than she had ever made the trip, Cadence reached the small town in the shadow of the mountain. She ripped past thatched roofs, missing them by inches as she barreled through the sky towards her prize.

When the Castle of Harmony loomed above her, she dug her hooves into the earth. The dirt gave way as her momentum carved four deep grooves in the ground, stopping her just short of the castle doors. Ponies on the street stared at her, surprised by the sudden appearance of the Crystal Princess.

Desperate to reach her wife, Cadence scrambled to the door and attempted to force them open, only to find them locked. She briefly considered breaking them down, but quickly tossed the idea aside. Twilight had sculpted the castle’s defensive wards herself, and Cadence was far from equal to the task of overcoming them.

The momentary delay allowed her to regain some sense of control over herself. She was shaking from adrenaline and excitement, but when she knocked on the doors, it was far from the ferocious pounding she would have delivered immediately upon her arrival.

The minute that followed was one of the longest of her life as she waited for the massive slabs of enchanted crystal to open. When they finally began to budge, she nearly squealed.

“Hello there, I—“ Twilight, halfway through opening the doors, froze in place upon seeing who was standing at her door.

Cadence was suddenly overcome with a wave of tense, anxious terror. Her stomach rebelled against her, and her limbs felt heavy as cannonballs and sturdy as twigs.

A tremble in her voice, Cadence offered a hopeful, fearful half-smile.

“H-hi, Twilight.”