• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 2,066 Views, 241 Comments

Reflected Reflections - kudzuhaiku

There is at least two of everything, and beyond the mirror, there is a second Equestria...

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Chapter 2

Garlic pushed his way through one of the double doors, holding that door open for Fogwalker as he passed through. She ignored the open door and pushed open the second door, and made her own way through, careful to not meet Garlic’s gaze as she entered.

There, in the central library alcove, was Princess Celestia the Redeemed. The big mare smiled when she saw the two ponies enter the library and moved to say hello.

“Greetings Your Majesty,” Garlic said, bowing his head slightly as he spoke.

“Your Majesty is looking well,” Fogwalker greeted, also bowing her head.

“Please, let us spare the formalities,” Celestia said in a low voice. “Trixie is in the library somewhere and we do not wish to draw her attention.”

Lifting his head, Garlic brought himself to his full height. He wasn’t as tall as Celestia, but he was closer than most. Looking down, he saw a short stubby unicorn, a filly on the cusp of marehood. She was bright yellow in colour with a pink mane that had bright orange streaks. She wore glasses that were very much like Derpy’s, but with dark grey frames and thick bifocal lenses.

The unicorn was also surprisingly chubby.

Celestia, noticing that Garlic was looking at her student, smiled at the tall earth pony. “This is my most faithful student, Sunrise Surprise. She is in need of protectors. Sunrise Surprise, this is Garlic Van der Grease and Fogwalker Fetlocks, your companions.”

“Protectors? Companions?” Fogwalker asked.

“I’m going on a mission,” Sunrise Surprise announced in a somewhat nasaly voice.

“And both of you are going to escort her,” Celestia said sheepishly, still looking at Garlic and Fogwalker. The tall mare’s ears splayed out sideways and she smiled, revealing white perfect teeth.

“So what are we doing?” Garlic asked, getting right to the point.

Her nostrils flaring, Celestia let out a nervous whinny while her student Sunrise Surprise let go of a fearful snort, which did nothing to alleviate Garlic’s growing feeling of dreadful apprehension. Cocking his head, he cast a glance at Fogwalker and his eyes narrowed.

“I need Sunrise to go to Canterlot,” Celestia said in a shrill voice.

“Nopony can go to Canterlot!” Fogwalker retorted, her ears pinning back against her skull. “Every pegasus who has tried to pierce the storm covering the city gets dizzy and disoriented and those that force themselves to keep going have never returned… how are we going to get there?”

Taking one step backwards, Celestia’s eyes darted around the room at the various books scattered all around them. “I realise this won’t be easy, but it stands to reason that Sombra lives under the storm he covered Canterhorn Peak with. Or did. I don’t think he’s actually up there anymore. Luna can no longer sense his dreams. I believe he has gone, and I want you three to check. And, if possible, find a clue of his whereabouts.”

“You sent Captain Goodguy on this mission before us, didn’t you?” Garlic inquired, his tone very nearly accusing.

“I did,” Celestia admitted, being honest.

“So that is why he is missing,” Garlic grumbled.

“I don’t suppose you have a plan on how to get to Canterlot? The storm surrounds the whole city and half of the mountain in a mass of black clouds. We can’t fly there, and it is impossible to climb the mountain for the same reason it is impossible to fly there. Not to mention that Sombra destroyed the winding road that lead around the mountain to Canterlot,” Fogwalker said as she took a seat in a chair by a table and eyed Sunrise Surprise.

“I came up with an idea actually,” Sunrise Surprise responded, her mane falling down over her face and one curling strand tickled her nose, causing her to snort loudly.

Reaching a silent conclusion, Garlic realised he hated the sound of Sunrise’s voice. It was rather nasal, she had a lisp, and it went immediately upon his list of things that annoyed him, right up near the top of the list with Fogwalker Fetlocks. “I came upth with an ithea acthually…” He shuddered inwardly at the sound and steeled himself for having to deal with it for an extended amount of time.

“And what is your idea?” Fogwalker inquired, looking bored but sounding curious. The pegasus much prefered action, and action typically did not happen inside of a library.

“Sunrise Surprise is my brilliant pupil,” Celestia boasted, looking proud. “Her idea was cunning and well thought out.”

“So what is it?” Garlic said impatiently. “Less time praising it, more time explaining it,” he demanded in an impatient voice.

“My idea is simple and direct. There are a series of tunnels and mines that run the full length of the mountain from top to bottom. We found an old map… the old mining records are proving useful, and I think we can reach Canterlot,” Sunrise explained, looking rather owlish in her glasses. The lower half of the bifocals caused her eyes to become tremendously magnified and rather silly looking.

Sucking a deep breath sharply, Garlic heaved out a sigh and shook his head. “I don’t even want to think about what we might run into in those caves. There are tree goblins around the Canterhorn, and I can only imagine that there would be cave goblins inside of the Canterhorn. Not to mention the possibilities of ogres.”

“Ogres?” Sunrise Surprise said in a trembling voice.

“Big. Scary. Likes to eat ponies. And they don’t like cooking their food, they eat things alive,” Garlic said in a low voice, looking Sunrise in the eye the entire time he spoke.

“And that is why you will be going along Garlic,” Celestia said in a cheerful voice, trying to reassure her terrified student.

“Your Majesty, while I’ve faced off against my fair share of axe wielding goblins, survived falling into a hidden den that had a vampiric jackalope, and even brought down Baron Big Mac, I don’t know if I could pick a fight with an ogre and win,” Garlic gently argued, shaking head his head as he spoke, his words slow and somewhat hesitant.

“Oh stop being modest,” Celestia said good naturedly in reply, looking at Garlic fondly. “You were selected to be a Preserver because of your exploits.”

“I’m no slouch in a scuffle,” Fogwalker said, sounding a bit miffed.

“When was the last time you faced off with a dozen tree goblins holding axes?” Garlic retorted, looking at Fogwalker with one narrowed eye.

“I was part of the patrol that chased down and battled the giant carnivorous molerat that was terrorising the farmers of the outer barony,” Fogwalker said defensively.

“I chose both of you because of your skills,” Celestia interjected. “Fogwalker, you are an accomplished scout, a good tracker, and you’ve shown that you perform best under pressure, thinking and reacting quickly during a crisis. Garlic, you… you were selected simply because you are you... take that as you will. Your physical size alone is a powerful deterrent for more cowardly creatures.”

“Plus, he can be loaded down and used as a beast of burden,” Sunrise Surprise suggested in a cheerful voice. “Or… not,” she stammered when three ponies all turned to glare at her.

“Earth ponies are more than just simple pack animals,” Celestia said in a disappointed voice to her student. “Garlic might not have wings, he might not be a pegasus, but there is no denying that he can fight.”

“He earned that stone wall cutie mark of his for a reason,” Fogwalker said in an irritated voice. “He is the living wall. Baron Big Mac challenged the wall and lost.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it,” Sunrise said in apologetic tones. “I just meant it in a practical sense. He’s stronger than both of us put together. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it… this isn’t getting us anywhere. So we need to infiltrate Canterlot. I’m the muscle bound goon. I get it. I know my place and I accept it,” Garlic stated in a flat voice, looking at Sunrise and then at Celestia, offering a nod when he looked at the alabaster alicorn.

“So I take it he has the stone wall because he’s an immovable defender. If you don’t mind me asking, Fogwalker, what does your cutie mark mean? I’ve never seen one like it, you have a most curious mark,” Sunrise questioned, peering at Fogwalker with narrowed eyes behind her glasses.

“My flaming oil drip thingies? Those appeared after I battled the giant molerat. I doused him in oil as I flew overhead and then I set him on fire by tossing a torch on him,” Fogwalker responded, offering her explanation with a broad smile.

“That’s horrible!” Sunrise gasped, covering her mouth with her hoof.

Looking rather queasy, Celestia reached out and patted her student, trying to make the small chubby unicorn feel a little better. Celestia was unsure of who would make her feel better. Since her reformation, the casual attitude about violence that most pegasi had disturbed her a great deal. This was something that would have made her old self cackle evilly and would have given her much amusement. Now, the idea of such violence made her feel ill.

“When I go out on patrol I carry several flasks of oil strapped to my armor in easy reach and I have special war shoes that shower off a lot of sparks when struck together. I have a bit of a reputation now,” Fogwalker said proudly with a wide toothy grin.

“Yes… setting one’s enemies on fire and burning them alive does tend to make one rather infamous,” Garlic agreed, his ears pinning back against his head as he spoke. “I must say, that is actually one habit of yours that I do in fact approve of.”

“Why thank you Garlic,” Fogwalker remarked.

“Ugh, both of you are horrible,” Sunrise said, looking disgusted.

“Sunrise, speak kindly to your protectors,” Celestia instructed.

“Yes Princess Celestia,” Sunrise responded, bowing her head as she spoke. “I’m sorry,” she said to both Garlic and Fogwalker.

“No need to be sorry, Fogwalker is a horrible pony,” Garlic replied, grinning sordidly as he did so and casting a sly glance at Fogwalker.

“Sunrise, my faithful student, these ponies are not studious like you are. They are… a little a rough around the edges. Consider this a new lesson. Try to learn what you can about them when you are with them. Now get ready. We’ve wasted enough time. There is a lot to be done and I want you to be ready to go by nightfall, so you can leave under the cover of darkness,” Celestia commanded, looking down at her student.

“The dark?” Sunrise retorted in a nasal whine. “I’m scared of the dark!”

“Well, you are in good company. So is Fogwalker,” Garlic stated, enjoying his chance to get his digs in, which was a rare and treasured opportunity.

Her eyes narrowing, Fogwalker looked up at Garlic. “Whatever you say Stinky.”

“That’s not nice, calling a pony stinky,” Sunrise chided.

“His father’s name is actually Gasser… no kidding! And Garlic has the family gift as well,” Fogwalker said, a soft giggle creeping into her voice.

“When I walk point you’ll be walking in the fog alright,” Garlic grumbled.

“Ugh, I hate you sometimes,” Fogwalker admitted, rolling her eyes at Garlic.

“Celestia, do I have to go with these ponies?” Sunrise asked in a pleading voice.

“These ponies will keep you safe,” Celestia responded in a soft voice to her student. “I cannot go with you, I must stay here and protect my little ponies, which I am sworn to do. I found you good protectors. Now they are rough, but such is the nature of those who are born to be adventurers.”

“These two must be born to be the greatest adventurers ever,” Sunrise stated in a nasal deadpan, looking up at her instructor.

Fogwalker watched with great interest as Garlic was being fitted into makeshift armor, some steel plating as well as bands affixed to heavy oilcloth canvas with rivets and heavy duty saddlebags. Beside her, Sunrise Surprise sat, humming to herself, waiting patiently for the adventure to start.

“So, Sunrise, about your cutie mark. What does it mean?” Fogwalker inquired, looking down at the shorter and far more chubbier filly on the verge of marehood beside her.

“I don’t know,” Sunrise responded, shaking her head. “I never understood it and I don’t remember getting it. It has been there for as long as I remember.”

“Very curious. A question mark with the end of it being a key,” Fogwalker stated.

The chubby unicorn pushed her glasses upwards using her hoof and squashed her snoot in the process. She let out a small grunt of frustration because of her own clumsiness. “He’s big.” Sunrise said in a conversational tone.

“He’s the biggest pony in the Foreverfree County,” Fogwalker remarked. “And he’s big all over,” she quipped in a much lower voice.

“In other places you mean? Like other cities? Is he so tall that he’s famous?” Sunrise inquired, looking at Fogwalker and blinking curiously.

“Um, no, not exactly. Let’s just say he’s a big pony, a very gifted big pony and we’ll leave it at that,” Fogwalker said in reply, barely able to contain the laughter in her voice. “But he is famous… you’ll end up finding out sometime.”

“Look, I’m not a foal anymore,” Sunrise said in an annoyed nasal whine. “You can talk to me like I’m adult.”

“Really, it is probably best that you don’t know about this,” Fogwalker chortled.

“You’re impossible,” Sunrise grumbled.

“That is what every other stallion who sees me says,” Fogwalker giggled.

“What does that mean?” Sunrise questioned, now utterly confused and wishing she could just return to the library.

“It means that I only have eyes for just one pony, and I’m going to get him someday,” Fogwalker said in a wistful voice that was full of longing.

“You like Garlic?” Sunrise asked, now clearly puzzled.

“Oh very much,” Fogwalker admitted.

“But he’s an earth pony,” Sunrise stated.

“So what?” Fogwalker retorted, sounding miffed. “We’re both ponies.”

“I suppose so,” Sunrise acquiesced, her mind quietly telling her that pegasi lived in clouds and earth ponies lived in the dirt. She shook her head and said nothing.

“Ready for an adventure?” Fogwalker asked, cocking her head to get a better look at Garlic, who was being cinched by the armorer.

“I don’t know,” Sunrise admitted, looking worried. “I hope so. I’m scared.”

“You’ll be fine. Trust me, Garlic and I won’t let anything hurt you,” Fogwalker promised in a gentle reassuring voice.

Author's Note:

Garlic: Preserver, level 1.

Fogwalker: Scout, level 1.

Sunrise Surprise: Apprentice, level 2.

Sunrise Surprise has the skill Bookworm Obliviousness.

Quests begun: Reach Canterlot, Find Info.

Optional quests begun: Discover the Fate of Captain Goodguy.