• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 544 Views, 1 Comments

Wake Up - StarRibbon

Ponyville is distraught as seemingly random ponies fall into a bout of endless sleep, but really, is anything as random as it appears?

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Princess of Sleep

"Filthy, for the last time..." Twilight felt a sigh escape her mouth from exasperation. She grew tense, her body shifting as she concentrated on her magical book. Her magic wavering as Filthy Rich continued forward, "pestering" her. Twilight mentally altered that. He wasn't pestering her per say-he had every right to show such emotion. After all-if Shining Armour...She shook her head. No, she wouldn't dare think that way. "I've been searching all day for some cure, I even messaged Princess Luna."

"Call me Rich, please," Filthy Rich corrected before simply shaking his head at the notion before he bows in respect. She tapped his shoulder, vaguely reminding him that such formalities weren't needed with her."What had she said? Anything new that I should be aware of?" Twilight looked towards him, a frown following soon after as her eyes tilted, gleaming at the sad sight.

"I'm sorry, Rich," She shakes her head. "But I have yet to hear any responses from the princess as of yet. The only response thus far was simply that she knew of the problem." At the statement, Filthy grew agitated.

"What in blazes do you mean, she knows?" He quickly caught himself before saying anything too mean spirited. Twilight was a princess after all. Twilight sighed again before trotting to the nearest shelf. While it was not exactly a library anymore, there were still books that were stored within the castle walls, similar to the old library that resided.

"She knows that ponies are falling asleep, never waking again but not quite dead," Twilight corrected. Her voice had a subtle edge. "Luna can't enter those dreams, that much is certain. She can't seem to pinpoint why though. I'll tell you if I find something new. "

"You..." Rich looked down, ready to question yet was reluctant to. Twilight simply nodded and placed a comforting hoof across his shoulder with silent understanding.

"Don't worry, I've got this covered. Go to Diamond Tiara. I bet she'd want you there when she wakes up from her nap." Rich nodded with a shaky smile before trotting off with great unease marking his steps. All Twilight could do is look towards him, a wave of pity illuminating from her form.

"Twilight?" She turned to the source of the voice calling her. It was her number one assistant of course, Spike. She grinned at his presence. He was safe-if anything, that was something to be proud of surely. Just days prior, ponies started falling asleep, never waking up. She sighed again, relieved. He wasn't affected, thankfully. "You okay? You seem a bit out of it."

"Don't mind me, Spike," She answered with the smile appearing still. "Just..a bit on edge. Who isn't anymore?" Spike cocked an eyebrow at this, skeptical. That grin became sheepish in nature as he observed her.

"You can't keep this up Twilight!" Spike urged as he maneuvered her away from the door. "Your working yourself up. At this rate, you won't solve anything because you'll be too tired!"

"That's just it, I need to figure out this solution fast or else that might just happen!" Twilight trotted towards the shelves once more. Her eyes scanning over the spells. There were spells ranging from the simple to the top class. "Ah, there."

"'Dream Casting: Mastering the Art of Dreams?'" Spike quoted the cover instantly. "You sure about this?"

"For the last time, I'm positive!" Twilight said defiantly as she sat on the ground. She frowned at the results as she started skimming the pages. The words were harder to interpret in comparison to other magic books she read previously. It was in Old Equestrian. Dream casting wasn't very popular, she assumed. Maybe it gone out of date for sometime? She'd have to ask-

"Twilight?" A cautious, prim voice called out to her from the front door. The prim voice belonged to such a pony: a prim unicorn pony with white fur like untouched snow and a mane of purple. Spike straightened his scales at the sight of this mare, the mare he found beyond beautiful. Beautiful was simply too small of a word to describe that feeling he had. He sighed dreamily as he watched her enter. "Is Twilight here?" Spike walked over, nodding.

"Course she is, I'll lead you over to her right away Rarity!" He said with great obedience. "With Diamond Tiara's father showing here every so often, panicking, Twilight's been anything but relaxed." Rarity nodded with silent understanding.

"Surely that could be seen," Rarity agreed. "That poor stallion has to be riled up, I can't see why not. If Sweetie Belle ever..." She sniffled at even the prospect of Sweetie Belle falling victim to such slumber. Spike frowned silently at her dismay.

"I bet you Sweetie Belle will be fine. I just hope the best is all. I know Diamond Tiara....wasn't so great..."Spike looked down as he walked down. He knew first hoof that Diamond Tiara was bad news. He'd seen some of what she had done, especially to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He'd seen more than enough to land her in trouble, some being against pony laws and some being lawful but downright against...pony kind, in a way. Still, he lacked power to truly do something about her actions. Thinking back, he pieced together each offense and action. Actions that could be deemed creepy even. Sometimes, he'd wonder why she'd follow alongside Scootaloo. She'd grin wildly as Scootaloo rode her scooter past the townsponies. "But..she didn't..deserve this..."

Rarity smiled down at him. "I understand perfectly well, deary. Its unbecoming of a pony to wish ill on another." Spike paused as he neared the corner to his friend's quarters. Rarity noted this absent minded pause, taking it in. "Spikey, you okay? You seem a tad gone for a moment there." Spike shook his head.

"I was just...wondering..." Why was Diamond following Scootaloo in the first place? Knowing Diamond's previous records, he doubted it was anything good. Besides that, where WAS Scootaloo anyway? He lacked any knowledge of her whereabouts anymore. "Don't worry about it Rarity. Its nothing, really." Rarity eyed him suspiciously, her eyes narrowing. She didn't buy that act for a second.

"Don't give me that, something's on your mind. It'll hurt your scales if you don't speak your mind. It ages you, you know." Spike sighed dreamily once more at her worry, before straightening out.

"I'll tell you later, I promise," Spike sighed in relief as Rarity dropped the subject seemingly. She took that answer, for now at least. He didn't enjoy the pit in his stomach that grew deeper at the thoughts. What exactly did Diamond Tiara do to Scootaloo? Where was she now? He bit back, refraining from asking further. Rarity simply eyed him knowingly. She knew he'd tell eventually, so she let him slide. They neared the room with ease, silence entering between them and growing bigger each passing moment.

"Twilight, darling, are you still reading?" Rarity asked, her voice aching with concern. "You've been cooped up so long. Surely you have to see the light eventually." Twilight merely shushed her friend with annoyance tracing its features as she turned the page. Her eyes narrowing as she concentrated further. Too many loud ponies in her way. She was sure if she translated it, she'd get it fast then Ponyville would return to its normal state.

"I think its best if you let her be." He suggested his crush with a shrug. She looked perplexed at his reaction. "I've known her all my life. When she's like this, nothing will change her path."

"You sure about that Spikey-Wikey?"

"I guess Filthy got her good," Spike observed as he watched the studious alicorn. He simply caved in when she started reading. No use trying to snap her out of something so big, especially when she's in one of those moods. Still, he might as well whip up a meal for her. She'll be up with that book for a while, he rationalized. Surely she'd need something. He pattered his way to the kitchen with Rarity not far behind with similar ideas. He was waiting for a response from her, hoping she'd give one anyway. Knowing Twilight, she'd answer despite it not directed towards her. "From the looks of it, anyway."

"To place burden on ones-self makes everypony flustered, Spike," Rarity rationalized. "Twilight must be feeling quite a bit of pressure...I can not, without a mind, blame her of course."

"Of course he had," She answered bitterly, a sigh forming from frustration. Why couldn't anything be easy anymore? There wasn't a spell that-wait. "Spike..."She turned to face where he was prior, only to see him gone. She panicked a little as her heart raced.

"Spike?!" She called out. "Rarity?!" There was no response from either one of them. Where could that baby dragon and pony possibly be? Pots cluttered around, her ears perking at the sounds of metal instantly. She trotted off in the direction with a fast pace.

"T-Twilight..." He whined out, his voice lowering. His draconian eyes still, watching something Twilight couldn't pinpoint. She tilted her head, trying to see what he was staring so intensely at. "Do you see that?"

"D-Dear, surely you see that!" Rarity stuttered out, eyes fixated on the same object as the dragon. Twilight could see that she was about to faint.

"There is nothing there, Spike," She tried approaching him. He was startled, so why startle the young dragon further? She turns her head towards the location again, never leaving. She frowns a bit before her eyes widening.

"Ah, you certainly see me now, Princess." The figure lowered its head as if showing some respect until it bore its eyes into her. A shiver ran down her spine as she watched the form move closer to the dragon. Sensing this, Twilight stepped in front to guard him. Rarity's magic flickered wildly as she prepared herself.

"You are not hurting Spike! You hear me?!" Twilight called out. "Who or what are you?!" The figure simply tilted its head. Was it perplexed? "Well?"

"Forgive me, but alas, we can not state who we are," The figure's raspy voice didn't falter. "If you can not see my entire essence, then I can not state my being." Twilight stomped her hoof at that revolting concept.

"Are you behind all this?!" Rarity questioned out to the black figure. It didn't answer as readily this time around. It pawed at the ground.

"In a way, you can say such words, Preppy." It sounded deponent. "But alas, this was the work of many, not one." Twilight and Rarity backed off at the statement, curiosity filling Twilight's being entirely. She wanted to learn more-eager to. Maybe she found the-

"WAIT!" Twilight cried out, but was too late. The figure was gone before she realized it. Its blackened form escaping without another word on the matter. Twilight levitated objects here and there, looking for something to trace back the figure to, but came up with nothing in the end. Spike blinked, snapping out from his stupor in time to calmly tap Twilight, handing over something that might sooth. Rarity, on the other hoof, quickly prepared a snack along side the tasty beverage. After such an ordeal, why not?

"I made some tea..." Spike states weakly, his eyes falling to the floor. "Tea always calms you down.." She gave a weak smile as she levitated the delicate cup to her mouth. Chamomile with peppermint tea leaves were the sweetest type of tea there was. It was perfect. A look of content laced her features.

"Here, you might want this too," Rarity insisted. "Crumpets go delightfully well with tea, if I say so myself. Always helps my dilemmas." Twilight levitated the crumpet and munched it. Rarity surely was a great cook. She munched on it a bit, smiling.

"Thanks, that truly does wonders," Twilight looked his way again. "Why were you two here?" Spike looked towards her with a small grin of his own to match. Rarity, however, answered with as much pride as he had.

"You were reading and well...." She paused, figuring her wording. "You don't eat when your reading, and, seeing you engrossed...I figured you'd need the meals more than ever. What, with Diamond Tiara falling under that dream..er.. thing."

"Wait...what?" Twilight stopped drinking momentarily, her heart stopping.

"Uh..I said when you read you get engrossed-"


Suddenly, the cup fell to the ground as Twilight stared straight ahead. Her magic loosened at the prospect.

"How could I forget so easily?!" She reprimanded herself, frantic. "I must have forgot after that figure appeared!" She felt her chest tighten. Where had that figure gone? Had it-She had to check instantly. She felt herself race towards the shelves once more, her heart pounding as sweat dripped from her forehead. She was so close, she can't lose all her data just like that! She slid her way down before landing right in front of the book.

"Twilight?! Twilight?!" Spike called out, racing over. He was huffing out from being forced to run such distance. He bent his head and paused, taking air in like it was the most precious thing in the world and he had so little of it. When he peered up, he saw her sitting on her hunches, immobile.

"What's wrong?!" Rarity cried out, racing towards her. She brushed off her coat, frowning. Certainly, she scuffed her fur while running, and that wouldn't do in the least! Ugh. Bad day turned worse. Still, her friend was worth more than a scuff mark or so. She marched forward, keeping her head high as she took a glance at her fallen friend. Her eyes wandered to the item in question before she cocked her eyebrow.

"I....I..." Twilight stuttered softly. Spike could almost see tears dripping from her eyes right down her cheeks. "I almost had it Spike..."

"Tw..Twilight?" He cautiously tilted his head as he softly walked over, his claws landing on her. He peered up to see her expression. It was horrifying, at least in his eyes. He never seen Twilight so devastated. "Are..you ok..?"

"I was..so close.." Twilight stuttered again. Spike frowned again, wiping away her tears.

"Its that book, isn't it?" Rarity questioned, gesturing towards the item she knew was probably the culprit. Why did such trivial things break her so easily? It couldn't possibly be so bad! She gasped in realization. Spike, however, never took the hint.

"Your not making any sense, "Spike shook his head. "What's wro-" Twilight spun him around. His stomach churned a bit, but he regained his bearings. However, his stomach plummeted above fifty stories below. He suddenly didn't feel good as he stared at the book. It wasn't the book itself that originally had him riling.

No, of course it wasn't. It was something different. Something odd that he never expected would happen. The book edited itself, new words forming instead of what was there earlier, given the type of text was shown. It didn't need to have a different text type for him to realize it wasn't there prior. It was what had been written instead. Written in strange font was clear cut words that shook him to the core.

"During our time of unrest, we resort to ignorance and magic. Magic only lasts as long as the wielder has knowledge. Ignorance lasts simply as long as the individual lacks perception. With neither at your disposal..." The words simply cut itself off.