• Published 8th Dec 2014
  • 1,053 Views, 29 Comments

Spectre of the Past - Juntao112

All Ace Gambit, changeling extraordinaire, wanted was a nice, quiet life where he could make friends, practice magic, and perhaps even find love one day. Fate, however, had other plans involving a vicious anti-changeling conspiracy.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Good afternoon. This is the Voice of Equestria, with special guest host Sea Crest substituting for Rainy Meadow, who is currently on medical leave for hearing–related injuries. Get well soon, Rainy!

Today, we have secured an interview with Captain Thunderball of the Equestrian Army, Director of the Everfree Colony, and acting head of House Argent. Captain, may I say what an honor it is to have you here today?

The honor is all mine, Mr. Sea Crest. I must say, I've been looking forward to this interview for quite some time now.

Then let's not delay. I guess my first question is how it feels to transition from a military career to an administrative role with our former enemies.

Not as difficult as you would think. The highest calling of a soldier is to serve Equestria in whatever capacity Celestia demands, be it war or peace, depending solely on what the best interests of the nation are. As long as I can serve my country, I am happy.

Do you find working with changelings to be rewarding?

Yes, I think there's much merit to have them as allies rather than enemies. Certainly, the changelings who have joined us in the Everfree are enthusiastic about their new life with us.

How have they taken the recent attack on your house's representatives? Two of them are still comatose, with only slow signs of recovery.

The community is saddened, of course, but they have the fullest confidence in Equestria that the culprits will be brought to justice, and House Argent will exercise every legal option available to see that this is the case.

Quite frankly, the fact that these cowards call themselves patriots disgusts me. Equestria is more than a group of ponies, or collection of buildings; it is a nation founded on the principles of harmony, and it is acting in adherence to these values that makes one a patriot. Ponies who use patriotism as an excuse to preserve the status quo, or act out their own personal prejudices, are charlatans who seek to bring disorder to Equestria wrapped in the flag and carrying the crown.

The Ponyville train station was a small affair, with an office smaller than that of most Canterlot bathrooms. In it sat money, dozens of records, train tickets, and the ticketmaster, unless it was between the hours of 12 and 1, in which case he was out to lunch. Anyone wishing to purchase a ticket at that time could serve themselves with the roll of tickets he left outside (Payment was on the honor system).

Deadwood pulled a cart full of hay up to the side of the building and conveniently blocked off the side door leading into the office from view of the main street, while a cart full of luggage on the platform prevented any passengers from seeing them. Ace and Stiletto jumped out of the hay and crowded around the door, while Deadwood casually walked behind the cart to meet them.

Stiletto inspected the lock closely. "You know, I've got a lot of practice picking these sorts of locks, since I'm always forgetting my keys. I bet I could pick this one too."

Ace's hoof shot up into the air. "Ooh, teach me!"

"Sure! Just reach out and touch the inside of the lock with your telekinesis. You'll find that this type of lock is composed of a cylinder with channels, each containing a differently sized pin paired with a tumbler. Do you feel it?"

"Yeah! And there's a spring keeping the pins pressing down on the tumblers."

"Right. When a key is inserted, the differently sized pins are raised up on the uneven key surface. This allows the pins to line up with the space where the cylinder meets its housing, which lets the key rotate the cylinder. Go ahead and see if you can align everything."

Ace closed his eyes and felt the tumblers and the cylinder. He raised the tumblers until the pins were brought up to the surface of the cylinder, then turned it to the left. He grinned wildly as he heard a soft click and turned the knob, but the door remained firmly shut.

Stiletto pressed her horn to the door, "Of course, there might be additional locking mechanisms, such as a deadbolt. To deal with those, we have to feel out the other side of the door and–"

The sharp whistle of a train leaving the station filled the air just as Deadwood's hoof planted itself firmly underneath the doorknob. The door flew open with a bang, taking a good portion of the frame with it. Ace's jaw dropped open while Stiletto glared daggers at Deadwood.

"I find that buckin' right there gives enough leverage to bust a door open most of the time," Deadwood shrugged. "Quicker, too."

"You don't think a cracked frame is suspicious?" Stiletto hissed.

"So have your coltfriend mend it."

Deadwood stepped into an office so small that her flank filled the doorway. Ace and Stiletto remained on the lookout while she rummaged around inside. After a moment, she tossed her head back and a clipboard came flying over her shoulder.

Stiletto caught it and immediately began flipping through the list. "Let's see if there's any suspicious characters. Fancy Pants. Pokey Pierce. Cloud Kicker — I wonder why pegasi don't fly? Furioso? I don't recognize that name. What about you, Ace?"

"Pinkie Pie would know for sure, but I don't think that's a Ponyville resident."

"Well, looks like we've got our suspect," Deadwood grinned. "How 'bout I draw us up a couple of tickets and we get on our way soon as the next train for Canterlot rolls in?"

Among the many amenities that the Friendship Express to Canterlot offered were private sleeping compartments. Each compartment had a pair of bunk beds and soundproof walls for the best comfort and privacy on the train. There was no better way to enjoy a trip to Canterlot.

Deadwood tossed her duster onto one of the upper bunks, revealing her body for the first time. Ace stopped in the doorway and watched her climb into the bed. She was still quite a bit larger than most stallions without her long coat, but it was not an ounce of fat to be found on her, just layers of sinew and muscle, like one might find on a draft horse.

Stiletto gave a pointed cough and pushed him into the room. "Might I suggest you take a photograph? It would last longer."

Ace turned deep red. "I–I was just looking at her cutie mark."

"Nothing you ain't seen before, unless you ain't played cards." Deadwood brought her hooves together and then unclasped them to reveal a set of playing cards, and then flipped the top one up to reveal the ace of clubs. "Or are three–leaf clovers particularly rare around these parts?"

The cards in Deadwood's hoof disappeared with a flick of her wrist. "So, what'd ya'll have in mind for entertainment?"

Stiletto sat down on one of the bottom bunks and pulled a pair of knitting needles out of her saddlebags. "I intend to do something constructive with my time."

Ace sat down next to Stiletto and looked up at Deadwood. "Um, maybe you could teach me some sleight of hoof?"

The deck of cards promptly vanished. "Naw, not in the mood. I want to do something fun."

"You mean like visit the bar in the dining car?"

Deadwood shook her head. "Ace, we're in a muffled room with soft beds. To me, that sounds like a prime opportunity for bucking."

Ace's brain suddenly forgot how to work his mouth, but Stiletto promptly picked up the conversation. "Must you be so uncouth?"

"My my, where are my manners? You're invited too, darlin'. Wouldn't want to steal away your stallion." A half–finished wool cap hit her right in the face. Deadwood laid back on her bed grinning like a fiend, and drew her hat over her eyes. "Well, wake me when we get there — or if ya'll change your mind."

"Insufferable," Stiletto muttered. "So, Ace, any thoughts about our little misadventure?"

"Well, it does feel good to be doing something." He paused for a moment. "Ok, it feels awesome to be doing something. Exhilarating. Invigorating. Cathartic, even. Ace Gambit does not sit around when there's trouble ahoof!"

"Still, there's something to be said for taking care of problems through the proper channels. It puts us at far lower risk of encountering anything unpleasant." Stiletto glanced up at Deadwood. "It keeps us away from unpleasant individuals as well."

"You don't trust her?"

"Well, extensive criminal history aside, I wouldn't trust anypony that showed up out of nowhere just offering help under a flimsy pretext. There's always something more going on beneath the surface."

Ace raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you pop into my life because you wanted to join a reading group?"

"I...well...that was different! I like reading, and I heard Miss Rarity would be there! And I'm not an outlaw!"

"You keep bringing that up, but nopony else seems to treat her like one."

"Well, they simply do not keep up with developments out west. Granted, a good portion of communities actually exist outside of Equestrian territory, but Deadwood is notorious even in Appaloosa or Dodge Junction. If you can name a type of crime, she's probably had a hoof in it."

"Oh, um, I see…" Ace cleared his throat. "So, you seem fairly well–informed; any thoughts on the Patriotic Order of the Nation of Equestria?"

Stiletto frowned. "I have a few, though I'd avoid discussing it until we're at a more private location. Deadwood's probably listening in on us right now."


The afternoon sun cast long shadows over Canterlot as the passengers of the Friendship Express stepped off of the train. Canterlot was familiar territory for Ace by now, and Stiletto had obviously received a cosmopolitan upbringing, but Deadwood was as giddy as a colt in a cotton candy factory.

"Why didn't ya'll wake me up sooner? This place is fancier than a Diamond Dog in a tuxedo!"

Stiletto grabbed her by the neck of her coat. "Calm down, we're here for business, not pleasure. We need to find a particular pony in a very big city."

Ace raised his hoof. "We should ask the guards. There's going to be a few at the hospital watching over my friends."

"I reckon you got the right idea. Mind if I pay a visit to the bank and take care of some business while I'm here?" Deadwood checked the nearest clock. "How about we part ways and meet at the hospital? I guarantee it won't be long."

Deadwood barely waited for their agreement before she dashed off down the street, leaving Ace and Stiletto alone at the train station.

"And good riddance," Stiletto muttered once Deadwood was out of earshot. "Come on, let's go to the hospital."

Ace quietly followed behind her for several blocks before Stiletto paused and gently touched his hoof. "Are you alright, dear?"

"It's just…" Ace sat down on a nearby bench. "Being back in the city has brought up memories, you know?"

Stiletto took his foreleg in her's and pulled him back onto his hooves. "I can imagine, but you mustn't let that get the better of you. Harmony, and justice will triumph in the end, as they always have, so long as we never stop pursuing them."

They walked for several more blocks in silence, before coming to a halt in front of the hospital. Ace looked up at the fourth floor of the east wing, and picked out the dimly lit room Bonling and Adjutant were kept in.

"Go on," Stiletto gently urged. "I'll wait for you in the lobby."

Ace nodded numbly and caught an elevator upstairs. None of the doctors showed any signs of recognizing him, nor did the royal guards patrolling the empty hallway.

"Halt and state your business!" One unicorn ordered, leveling his spear as Ace drew near to the changelings' room.

Ace's pony form vanished in a flash of green flame. "It's me, I'm just visiting."

The unicorn's horn glowed, and Ace felt his carapace tingle as a spell washed over it. "Alright, you check out. Take as long as you need — doctors say the patients show slightly more neural activity when talked to, so maybe you can jolt them out of it."

"Thanks." Ace sighed softly and walked into the room.

Two comatose changelings lay in beds next to each other, as still as when he had left them. Ace pulled a chair between the two beds and sat between them.

"Hey." He paused, unsure of what else to say. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm doing ok, and I...this is so unfair, you know? Things are, objectively going so well for me, but I don't think I deserve it, and I'd let you trade places with me in a heartbeat. Neither of you deserve this, and either one of you could do more for the colony than I ever could." He blinked tears out of his eyes. "But I'm going to do what I can. I'm going to find out who did this and bring them to justice. I promise, things will be better when you wake up."

He strolled out of the room and saw the unicorn from earlier standing at attention by the door. "Hey, I don't suppose you'd mind if I asked a question?"

The guard shrugged. "Shoot."

"I'm looking for information on a pony called Furioso. Who should I ask?"

"Furioso? I'm going to assume you're talking about the violinist, and not the head of the North Star crime family."

"Oh, yes, of course." Ace nodded vigorously. "I was hoping to get his autograph."

"Hm, you're out of luck, then; he's out touring Manehattan at the moment. I hear he'll be back next month, though."

"Well, there's something to look forward to! Thanks for the help."

Ace shook his hoof and quickly made his way down to the lobby. Stiletto sat knitting her hat, while Deadwood leaned against a column outside, casually smoking another one of her minty cigarettes despite the sharp looks of disapproval from the hospital staff.

Deadwood tipped her hat at Ace. "Howdy there, partner. Rustle up any news?"

"Plenty!" Ace motioned for them to come close together. "Looks like Furioso's a member of the Canterlot mob."

"A mafioso?" Stiletto stared at Ace. "You seriously want to go up against them?"

Deadwood gave Ace a slap on the back. "Why not? Sounds more fun than a barrel full of monkeys to me."

"Well, I don't know about that, but he's our pony, so unless we want to go home–"

"Which, need I remind you, is perfectly valid course of action."

"–we're going after him."

"Atta boy," Deadwood beamed. "Now, where's this varmint at?"

"Um, I didn't think to ask, but I'm sure we can find out."

Stiletto cleared her throat. "Actually, the Canterlot mafia is suspected of having ties to, and possibly operating out of, The Cavallo, a casino on the outskirts of Canterlot."

Deadwood scratched her head. "I thought them highfalutin Canterlot types didn't like casinos?"

"Well, it's listed as a resort for business and tax purposes, but it's a casino."

Ace cracked his neck. "Then I guess we're going gambling."

Prince Blueblood dismounted from his carriage in front of Bella Donna's Canterlot estate and bid him to leave. He wandered up to it slowly, contemplating his host. Bella Donna turned out to own a small neo–gothic villa, of the time that many nouveau riche ponies bought when they had struck wealth, in a vain attempt at imitating old money. The effort some of them went in order to kiss up to high society was quite impressive sometimes — Bella Donna had imported crystals from the Crystal Empire, plants from all over Equestria, and even a Germane butler in an attempt to come off as a pony of culture and sophistication. The effect on her villa was rather schizophrenic.

The butler, a brown unicorn who introduced himself as Siegfried, quickly opened the gate and showed him in with almost indecent haste. Prince Blueblood found himself ushered into a dining room full of rich ponies and several members of the Canterlot elite — Jet Set and Upper Crust stood out immediately due to how high their heads were held. An appetizer — some variety of autumn apple salad — was already laid out, so he let himself be guided to a vacant seat to the right of the head of the table and began munching away.

Once the other seats had been filled, Bella Donna gracefully stepped into the room, wearing another one of her oversized hats. She took her place at the head of the table and tapped her spoon against a flute of champagne to draw everypony's attention.

"Distinguished guests and dear friends, welcome to my humble abode. I trust that your accommodations thus far have been satisfactory?"

There was a general murmur of agreement from the table. Prince Blueblood kept his misgivings about the amount of vinegar used in the salad to himself.

"The pleasure of your company honors me to no end, but I am afraid that I have not called you all here for leisure. I have talked with you all at length this past week, and I know that you have the same love and devotion to Equestria as I do."

Everypony nodded. Prince Blueblood drank a glass of water to cleanse his palette.

"That is why I must broach the subject of Celestia's plans for the newest member of our great nation."

Each of the guests displayed varying degrees of displeasure. Prince Blueblood put down his glass dabbed his lips with a napkin. Now things were interesting.

"Now, current efforts to feed the changeling population of both Equestria and Queen Chrysalis's hive depend on a number of volunteers — and I use that term loosely, due to the fact that they were coerced — who are interred in cocoons that harvest their emotional energy. However, there are simply not enough willing participants in this program for it to keep Chrysalis's hive at anything above subsistence levels. If Celestia left it as this, it might be acceptable — controlling the food source of our enemy is a great way to keep them obedient. But no, she not only wants to provide our enemy with enough food to prosper, but welcome other hives into the fold."

"Outrageous!" Jet Set pounded the table, sending his plate rattling off the edge. Siegfried dove forward to catch it before it could shatter. If Jet Set noticed the servant's distress, he made no sign of it. "Celestia is giving them enough ammunition to destroy us all!"

"My thoughts exactly," Bella Donna purred. "Fortunately, we have a means of stopping this travesty."

Siegfried promptly wheeled out a serving cart covered in a tablecloth, which Bella Donna pulled off with a dramatic flourish to reveal a glass replica of the Crystal Heart, the type that one could easily find the souvenir shops around the train station (Prince Blueblood had two;. they made for fantastic paperweights).

"My friends I am proud to say that the Patriotic Order of the Nation of Equestria has learned of Celestia's plan to use the Crystal Heart's power to spread love and hope to feed the changelings."

A particularly pudgy pony in a banker's waistcoat frowned. "But surely Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance would not lend their aid so willingly? After all, it was their wedding that Chrysalis attacked!"

"I'd like to think that the rulers of the Crystal Empire would be wise enough learn from their experiences, and not be so easily swayed by Celestia, but I prefer to deal with certainty rather than wishful thinking. The crystal ponies are too generous for their own good, and have petitioned the crown to offer aid. I think we would all rest easier at night if this never came to pass."

She looked over the stunned table. "Now, I have a plan to nip this foalishness in the bud, and all I require is your help in funding our this little endeavor. What say you brave and noble patriots?"

"Hear hear!" Shouted Jet Set.

"Hear hear!" Shouted the fat banker.

"Oh my," thought Prince Blueblood.