• Published 27th Nov 2014
  • 539 Views, 26 Comments

The Jets, The Sharks, and The Ponies - Equestrian Career

When the musical West Side Story is introduced to the Mane 6, they travel into the movie! What do they do? What happens to them? And most importantly, who will get shipped with who by the readers? Read the story and find out!

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Chapter 6

Back with the Sharks, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were with the other Sharks, waiting for Bernardo. Slowly but surely, the arguing voices of him and Anita came right before they did. "Is Maria alright?" asked Fluttershy.

"It will not happen again," informed Bernardo. Applejack shoved an apple to him, "Thanks Applejack, but never mind my stomach."

"Well I mind your nose and your head broken!"shouted Anita.

"BROKEN????" asked everyone.

Anita turned to them, "Sure. They use Maria as an excuse to start World War III. She was only dancing."

Bernardo came in, "With an American, who's really a Polack."

Anita sat down next to the ponies, "Says the Spic,"

"Oooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!!" The ponies oohed.

Bernardo pointed to Anita, "You are not so cute,"

"That Tony is," announced Rosalia.

"And he works," added Consuelo.

"A delivery boy!" shouted Chino.

Bernardo pointed to him, "And what are you?"

"Well, an assistant!"

"And Chino makes half of what the Polack makes. The Polack is an American..."

Anita interrupted, "Oh, here comes the whole commercial: You're mothers a Pole, you're father's a Swede, but you were born here and that's all that you need. You're an American, but us? Foreigners!"

Everyone, including the ponies shouted along, "Lice! Cockroaches!"

Bernardo sighed, "But it's true. When I thought how it would be for us here, we came like children..."

"...Trusting with our hearts open!" Anita mocked.

Applejack stood up, "With our arms open!"

Indio pushed her, "You came with your mouth open!"

Rarity bent over to her, "It's funny because it's true."

Applejack whispered, "You're just jealous because I'm so honest."

They turned to a ranting Bernardo, "...you'll go back in handcuffs."

"I'm going back in a Cadillac!" exclaimed Pepe "Air conditioned! Built-in bar! Telephone! Television!"

"If you had all that here, why would you want to go back to Puerto Rico?" questioned Francesca.

Anita scoffed, "Oh, even if you didn't have all that here, why would want to go back?"

"It's so good here?" Bernardo asked her.

"It's so good there? We had nothing!"

"Oh, we still have nothing. Only more expensive!" Anita started walking away. Bernardo teasingly followed her, "Anita Josephina Beatriz del Carmen Margarita etc..."

"It's just plain Anita now! Leave me alone! Once an immigrant, always an immigrant!"

Bernardo turned to everyone, "Look, instead of a shampoo, she's been brainwashed! She's given up Puerto Rico and now she's falling for Uncle Sam!"

The ponies scooted down. One of the best songs of the movie was coming up. Anita turned around, "Oh no, that's not true." She started singing, "Puerto Rico, my heart’s devotion. Let it sink back in the ocean!" The ponies laughed. "Always the hurricanes blowing, always the population growing, and the money owing, and the sunlight streaming, and the natives steaming. I like the island Manhattan. (Fluttershy: I know you do!) Smoke on your pipe and put that in."

The girls got together to sing the next part and the ponies just couldn't help but join in, "I like to be in America. Okay by me in America. Everything free in America.

Bernardo interrupted, "For a small fee in America."

Anita got to the front of the crowd, "Buying on credit is so nice."

Bernardo had a comeback, "One look at us and they charge twice."

Another Shark girl, Rosalia, had something to say, "I’ll have my own washing machine."

Shark Juano also came back, "What will you have, though, to keep clean?"

Rarity decided it was her time to shine. She sang, "Skyscrapers bloom in America."

Applejack joined in, "Cadillacs zoom in America."

Fluttershy was quick to get her own solo, "Industry boom in America."

The Sharks huddled together in front of the ponies, "Twelve in a room in America."

Anita got to the front of the pack again, "Lots of new housing with more space." she sang to the girls.

"Lots of doors slamming in our face." Bernardo sang to the boys.

Back to Anita with the girls, "I’ll get a terrace apartment."

Bernardo turned to her, "Better get rid of your accent."

Anita marched in front of the boys, "Life can be bright in America."

The boys pretended to punch her, "If you can fight in America."

The girls and ponies were quick to defend her, "Life is all right in America."

"If you’re all white in America." It was time to dance. First, Bernardo and a couple of guys, then Anita. They boys went back, this time with a song of their own, "La-la-la-la-la America. (Punch! Punch!) America! La-la-la-la-la America. (Punch! Punch!) America!"

Anita went to retaliate. The ponies went with her, "Here you are free and you have pride."

The Sharks, "Long as you stay on your own side."

Anita and the ponies, "Free to be anything you choose."

The boys, "Free to wait tables and shine shoes!"

Anita, having enough of this walked away, Bernardo was quick to follow her, "Everywhere grime in America. Organized crime in America Terrible time in America."

This time, Anita had a comeback, "You forget I’m in America." The girls and ponies cheered, then (because why not?) MORE DANCING! Anita and some girls started to dance, with Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy joining in.

Bernardo interrupted, "I think I'll go back to San Juan."

Anita was not so concerned, "I know a boat you can get on. Bye Bye!"

Bernardo, ignoring, continued, "Everyone there will give big cheer."

Anita came in as the boys cheered, "Everyone there will have moved here."

There was more dancing, but Bernardo calmed everyone down, "Alright everyone! We need to go to the war council with the Jets! Sharks, we go!"

"Can we come too?" asked Applejack. She and the others made a sad face. "Remember our skills from earlier today?"

"All right! You ponies can come too," Bernardo sighed.

Rarity stepped in, "Actually, Fluttershy and I have something we need to do before we leave TONIGHT!"

"Huh?" Fluttershy was confused. Then she got it, "Oh yeah. We'll meet you there in a snap Bernardo!"

"Okay," Bernardo and the Sharks left.

"Are you really gonna miss this for a stupid love song Rarity?" Applejack whispered.

"Don't worry AJ, we'll be there. Go on!" She shoved Applejack toward the Sharks. "Let's get going Fluttershy," she said as Applejack left. She and Fluttershy headed down to Maria's room.

Author's Note:

I hope your liking it so far! The reason I got this account was to show this story to the world!