• Published 27th Nov 2014
  • 933 Views, 17 Comments

Corrupted Friends - Nightmaresenemy

The villians of Equestria have had enough of being defeated through the Elements of Harmony. Instead the all team up this time coming up with a plan to defeat everyone once and for all without being stopped by the Elements.

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Pinkie's Lie

As the sun shines through a window at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie gets up out of bed and starts to head downstairs to say good morning to Mr. and Mrs. Cake. As she starts to leave her room she remembers about Gummy.

"How silly of me to forget about Gummy. How could I leave him behind? Pinkie bounces back up the stairs heading into her room. Gummy was found sleeping very peacefully at the very edge of her bed. With a simple tap on the back Pinkie's pet alligator wakes up and looks at her with his purple eyes.

"Come on silly, let's head downstairs to say good morning to Mr. and Mrs. Cake." giggles escape from Pinkie as she hops towards her door with Gummy trailing right behind her.

Snap! As Pinkie looks down to see what she has broken she panics. Right under her hoof are the elements of harmony, but she accidentally broke Twilight's element. Waterfalls practically start pouring from her eyes once she realizes that the elements are ineffective without Twilight's. Not understanding how they got there she gathers all of them up but one of them and puts them into her saddlebags. Knowing that this is irreplaceable she hopes to be able to glue it back together and hope the Twilight can not tell the difference. Then those darn voices she heard before come back into her head.

"Ouch, that looks like one big problem right there. Whatcha' gonna do if...idk let's say a villain tries to take over?" A very deep voice makes a joke out of what happened.

"haha....hey, hey Shadow I bet you she doesn't know what to do!" Another voice starts laughing hard like there's no tomorrow.

"Phantom, you're not funny why don't you shut up.You're so annoying sometimes."Pinkie concluded that this Shadow dude (whoever he was) didn't like this Phantom guy very much.

"Wait, I don't get it. Who are you guys? What do you guys want from me?" Pinkie starts asking these 2 voices questions.

"Oh Pinkie, you don't get it do you? We caused you to take the elements. What we want from you is to help us rule Equestria. Our first step into doing that is by getting rid of the elements." Shadow responds. Guessing that maybe Shadow is the leader of whatever they are Pinkie wants to make sure to get all answers from him.

Realizing that she was capable of letting these monsters get to her in the first place she starts to cry again. Maybe crying will make it look like she's weak and hopes that they leave.

"My goodness...would you stop crying all the time. We don't plan on leaving since we know your stronger than what you show right now." This time Phantom makes the complaint not Shadow.

"PINKIE PIE!!!! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Pinkie looks out the window and sees Twilight, at least she thinks it's Twilight. Her coat is white while her mane and tail are on fire. The voices go away immediately after hearing the voice of the alicorn. Leaving her own battle between whether to tell Twilight or not between herself. the pink earth pony shoves the saddlebags that contain the elements into her closet. Knowing its not a very good idea to lie to her friend if she asks about the elements she decides to lie anyway. Putting a smile on her face, she trots down the stairs and opens the door.
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As Twilight is standing at right outside the door of Sugar Cube Corner her patience meter is going down while her anger meter reaches the top. She's been waiting for Pinkie pie to answer a door for at least 20 min now.

"Pinkie you have never taken this long before what's the issue?" Twilight mutters to herself while rolling her eyes at the thought.10 more minutes pass by and Twilight just snaps. Her coat turns white while her mane and tail erupt into flames. Not caring whether all of Equestria hears her she screams "PINKIE!!!! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Finally the door opens and there is Pinkie pie standing there with a surprised look on her face.
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"Wooooahhhh.....Twilight why are you partially on fire?" Pinkie's eyes went wide with curiosity while her mouth formed a 'O' shape.

Ignoring her friends question Twilight starts demanding Pinkie to tell her where that elements are. She will not let anything stop her from finding the elements. Even if she has to search this whole building to find them she will. Twilight doesn't want to know the consequence Celestia has waiting for her when Twilight has to tell her that the elements are gone.

"Pinkie where are the elements?" Twilight asks this question very calmly to see if Pinkie would tell her. Her coat turns back into a lavender color along with her mane and tail that turn into their normal dark navy blue with a purple and pink stripe.

"Twilight *gasp* why would I ever steal the elements. That be very silly of me." giggles come out of Pinkie's mouth.

Slightly annoyed with Pinkie not admitting to it Twilight decides to add in some 'recent' activities that occurred late last night.

"Than how come they were missing this morning? Last night you come to the library asking to borrow a book. I trusted you down there by yourself while I went back to bed. You want to tell me that you didn't take them?" Twilight starts to give a glare towards the party pony hoping it would make her uncomfortable and spill the beans about her theft.

"I...I never came to the library last night. I was in my be...bed the wh....whole night." Twilight's glare is making Pinkie very uncomfortable causing her to stammer making it look like a lie.

' She's stammering which means that she might have taken them.' thinking to herself Twilight looks out the window to find out that Luna already raised the moon. It was pretty late out but Twilight didn't want to take forever finding them either. Unsure of what to do Twilight accepts Pinkie's 'story' and says goodnight.

Meanwhile back upstairs Pinkie grabs a snack and heads back to bed. Surprised by how fast today went she falls fast asleep right away. Only to be greeted by a nightmare about her friends and what would come next if the elements aren't fixed. Then those awful voices came back to her. As they talk to her Pinkie is unaware that she listens to what they tell her to do. Heading to the closet Pinkie picks up the elements of harmony and starts to head into the direction of the Badlands.

Author's Note:

sorry for a wait. I tried typing this on my phone so there is probably a ton of grammer mistakes. Go ahead grammer nazis come after me : Very sorry for not really that great of a c;iffhanger either. I wanted to include the dream in this chapter but at the same time I wanted it to be its own chapter.