• Published 1st Dec 2014
  • 491 Views, 3 Comments

Wolf - PressStart

Lily Sky is going to be apart of the long lasting vampire and werewolf war.

  • ...

chapter one

It began when I met them. I was attacked by a couple horny stallions while I was just a filly. I laid bloody on the ground, unable to protect myself as I wait for them to have their way, but out of nowhere, two Colts about my age stood between the both me and the stallions. One colt was a wild brown coated earth pony, the other was a grim gray unicorn.

"Stay there, we'll handle this." The earth pony said.

"We'll protect you." The unicorn said.

It was my first encounter with a vampire and a wherewolf. At that time, I didn't even know they existed. I still didn't think they were after they pummeled the stallions. They trotted up to me as I looked at them, they smiled at me. I saw the red eyes of a vampire and the yellow of the wherewolf. I never never knew at that time... but one must never get close to either one... cause their gaze will enslave you.

My name is Lily Sky. Daughter of Winter Rose and the famous tomb raider Nightshade. It's been a long time since I first met them. I'm a sixteen year old mare now. At this time I still didn't know their secret. Zilo is my cousin, but not actually related by bloodline. We hang out together with three other mares, they will come later in this story. She also has a crush on one of my fillyhood friends. Her mother is a dragon pony princess named Zora and her father is a changling named Flin. So she's a very cute changling Dragon pony.

"Zilo, your thinking about Red, aren't you?" Lily asked.

"What makes you think that, I could be thinking about other things. "Zilo said with her usual attitude.

"Wait I see something moving over there." Zilo said as she stuck her changeling style wing out to stop Lily. And just as Zilo said there was something moving in a bush to the girl's right.

I stared at the bushes. I didn't know what it was, but I stood behind Zilo.

"W-what is it?" Lily asked.

"I think it might be a timber wolf or something." Zilo said as she stood her ground, but to her disappointment it only turned out to be both the brown fur and white fangs of Wild and Red.

"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Zilo yelled.

Wild Hunt is a brown coated, black and green maned earth pony, who is actually a wherewolf. Red Moon is a gray coated, dark red maned unicorn, who is actually a vampire. They are my fillyhood friends and the ones who saved me when we first met.

"Lily! Zilo!" Red shouted cheerfully and hugs the two mares. Wild pulled Red off them and glared.

"Your way to touchy fangboy!" Wild said firmly.

"Hey I don't mind." Zilo said as she gave Red a kiss on the cheek. "So what are you two doing in my neck of the woods?" Zilo asked the two stallions who were now fighting one another for reasons unknown.

"Its nothing." Wild shot back firmly.

I was shocked to see him actually try to hide something from me. Red I'm used to, but it was then I began to be curious what they are hiding.

"Really your doing nothing in my neck of the woods, that's hard to believe since you were probably fighting behind that bush....... or Lily maybe you think they were making out behind that bush, I mean they bicker like an old married couple." Zilo said laughing so hard she fell over not meaning what she was laughing so hard about.

"Actually its family related. Nothing more, so don't think anything of it." Red said.

I could always tell when Red lies to me. This was not one of those times.

"Oh come on Red you no fun....... Wait Lily when did Red turn into Wild, I'm scared." Zilo said wide eyed still on the ground.

"Um could one of you help me up I cant get up." Zilo said and truly could not get up by herself. Wild trotts up and holds up a hoof for Zilo.

"Thanks Wild, so really what are you two doing all the way out by my house." Zilo asked and took Wild's hoof.

"Its better if you don't know." Wild said.

That made me feel guilty for being curious.

"You were fighting in the woods by my house and you think its better that i don't know, really!" Zilo said almost yelling at Wild as her pupils turned into thin slits.

"It was fight... but this time it wasn't us. Please leave it at that?" Wild asked insistent.

"You know what I am going to just leave it at that as soon as you tell me why it had to be all the way out here!" Zilo demanded an answer from Wild with her eyes still thin slits.

"Sorry I just can't." Wild said.

"I hate you. " Zilo said flatly.

"I can deal with that. Lily? Do you hate me as well?" Wild asked.

He had trases of worry in his voice. It pained me to notice that.

"No! I could never hate you." Lily said firmly.

"Really of course you could never hate him Lily, heash." Zilo said as she rolled her thin slit eyes now dilating.

"What's that supposed to mean Zilo?" Lily asked.

"Oh nothin it just means that you have a you know what on him." Zilo said as she did the you know I'm right look.

I blushed at what she said.

"So? What if I do? You still have a you know what on Red!" Lily said.

"Yeah I do and you know what HE KNOW ABOUT IT!" Zilo responded to Lily "Oh and Lil you should try a bit harder to hide that you like him." Zilo commented with a smirk on her muzzle.
I blushed harder and turn my head away so the others don't see it. Also a was a bit mad at Zilo for saying I had to try harder. Like it wasn't hard enough.

"Wild you cheer her up I did it last time." Zilo said as she used her magic to push Wild against his own will towards Lily.

"Lily, Um... oh! Do you remember when we first met? "Wild asked smiling.

I nod, of course I remember that day. I could never forget such an important day.

"*cough* horrible *cough*." Zilo cough as to shield the word.

I ignore Zilo and place my forehead on Wild's chest.

"We promised we stay by your side and protect you." Wild said.

"I remember. That day you and Red saved me." Lily said.

"OH GOD I THINK I'M GOING TO BE SICK ITS SO HORRIBLE" Zilo said as she pretended to die. As Zilo was doing that Red just laughed.

"Red and I have somewhere to be." Wild said.

"I understand. Be safe." Lily said smiling.

"Oh your leaving now, well see ya later, and I have to get Lily home before her mom kills me." Zilo said and started walking along side with Lily.

it was almost time. As Zilo walked me home a stallion walked around the corner.

"I smell something delicious." The stallion said And looked at the two mares.

Zilo stood in front of me to protect me. But neither of us knew it was a vampire. With its immense speed it was behind me instantly.

"Allow me to drink your blood." The stallion said.

I didn't know what was happening when I felt it bite my neck. I struggled to get free, but it held me down. Zilo tugged to get it off me, the the lust for blood was to strong. I could hear my blood leaving my body, then suddenly it stopped. I laid on the ground, not knowing what's happening when I noticed a hoof next to my head. Red was standing over me glaring at the vampire that he had pulled off me.

"Get lost!" Red growled.

"Should have figured another has claimed her." The vampire said And flew off.

Zilo was trying to help me when Red stops her.

"Zilo she's infected. If I don't take the poison out she'll become a vampire. Do you want that?" Red asked concerned.

"OH COURSE NOT JUST DO WHAT EVER YOU CAN DO TO SAVE HER, I on the other hoof will try and find that creep and if I get my hooves on him I'll kill him." Zilo said with true hate in her voice because to her Lily was more like a sister to her.

"Zilo... the only way to save her is for another vampire to take out the venom. I'm a vampire... Wild is a Wherewolf and our families are still at war. Wild and I kept this secret to protect everyone We hold dear. Like you and Lily." Red said.

It was then Red took his true form for the first time in front of us both. His eyes glowed a lustful blood red. He carefully placed his fangs into the already made holes in my neck. He wasn't rough like the other one. I could feel myself getting lighter and more relaxed. I knew I was still alive cause I could hear my blood drain from my body. Then he stopped and turned around, wiping his muzzle.

"Z-Zilo? Please take her home now. The poison is gone." Red said.

Zilo helped me up and left as I nuzzled into Zilo's fur. It felt nice and Zilo didn't seem to mind.

"Yes... take her away... her blood... It's to good... to sweet... I... don't know to hurt her... " Red said after they were gone.

Author's Note:

I know there might be some mistakes, I don't have an editor for this story yet. Bare with me. If you have a comment, don't be afraid to post.
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Comments ( 3 )

I'm really enjoying this story so far! There are some mistakes, but either than that, it's great! The plot-line is really interesting, considering that I'm a fantasy, were-wolf, vampire freak myself. I can't wait for chapter two! :pinkiehappy:
- Shadowflash237

5335414 I appreciate your comment and fav to the story and if you see a mistake, don't be afraid to point out. I'll get an editor as soon as possible and I hope to get out chapter two soon.
Many thanks,

I definitely think that it could use a little bit of work but other than that I find it really fasinating and I hope to read more as soon as I can

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