• Published 9th May 2020
  • 275 Views, 4 Comments

JKL; - Phillips_Quickfix

Discord's fanfiction. Don't expect it to make sense.

  • ...

Chapter Uno! (draw 4)

Twilight took in a deep calming breath as she regarded the book that Discord had handed her. He had sent her a letter asking if she would be willing to critique it for him, and since she’s always eager help young budding artists she happily agreed to do just that for him. With a kind and disarming smile she looked up to see him nervously smiling and wringing his hands together.

With slight trepidation she opened it to the first page and beheld the story's one word title.


* * *

The earth pony had been waiting all day for this moment. A moment he knew would probably never come again as his intended target stood there completely unaware. He took a brief moment to savor it before he sauntered near the unicorn as if he were just intending to pass him by. Then in one deft move he had flung one forelimb around the unicorn's neck, raised his other forelimb up and growled into his ear, "I'm going to p-" only to be Interrupted by a pie to his face.

* * *

Twilight was walking along the streets of Ponyville when she heard the most peculiar music. She stopped and perked her ears up in hopes of locating the strange music. She looked up just in time to have a piano drop on top of her.

Up on a cloud above sat Celestia who gave the goofiest trolling grin she could muster while next to her levitated a record player that played Trololo.

* * *

Luna, the moon pony.

Luna bounces happily on the surface humming to herself when she looks up in surprise as she notices your presence. She bats her eyelashes cutely and waves a fore-hoof to beckon you closer. Once you're both face to face she wraps her forelegs around your neck with a seductive smile and whispers. "I have green socks..."

The end.

* * *

The young pegasus loved flying about among the clouds. she ducked and weaved as she hummed to herself. This calm serene moment all to herself sent shivers coursing through her body, or maybe it was just the wind whipping past her body as she flew along at a casual pace. The giddy feeling deep within her welled up so big that it made her want to sing, and so she did. "I'm a magical pegasus flying through the sk-" Any further singing was halted due to a cyan pegasus with rainbow colored hair and tail careening into her side at mach one.

* * *

Spike walks up to an unassuming lamp in the middle of the library floor. "Twilight, did you turn yourself into a lamp again?"

"No..." The comfy purple and pink Lazy Colt recliner behind Spike sighed.

* * *

"I'm going to do an internet!" Lyra Heartstrings cried with one foreleg held up in the air in excitement.

Perplexed, Bonbon walked up behind Lyra and asked, "What's an internet?"

Lyra promptly face-planted through the desk utterly deflated.

* * *

Spike walked up next to Pinkie Pie and took a long hard look at her cutie mark of three balloons. Somewhat mesmerized by them he extended a finger and poked one of the balloons with a dragon claw and Pinkie Pie flew off like a rapidly deflating balloon, making the accompanying sound as she went. Eventually her random flight path led her to smack into a wall thoroughly deflated.

* * *

Apple Jack kicked a nearby apple tree and got crushed by a giant pineapple.

* * *

Trixie levitated her hat upside down in front of her. With a free hoof she waved a wand over the opening and out popped a cartoon rabbit who promptly kissed her on the lips.

* * *

The earth pony ran at near break neck speed down the road. He had to get away from them. He couldn't slow down or they would catch him. He looked back now to see that no one was there. Somehow he had managed to lose them.

With a deep sigh of relief as he turned his head forward once more just in time to come to a skidding halt in front of Pinkie Pie whom suddenly exclaimed "CHERRYCHANGA!" and exploded leaving behind a black charred yet clearly alive earth pony whom only blinked in confusion.

* * *

Celestia walks into the room. Her regal shoes are clacking against the marble floor as she approaches you. She winks with a giggle and says. "Don't you dare smile."

* * *

A unicorn walks up to another more posh looking unicorn, squints his eyes, and in a deep gravelly voice says "Mustache socks!"

* * *

Cheerilee sighed as she levitated an envelope before addressing the pegasus filly in front of her. "Scootaloo, this letter is the last thing your mother wrote before she died." The letter levitated in front of the young pegasus who took it in her mouth as Cheerilee continued. "She wanted me to make absolutely sure that it got to you along with specific instructions that it was only to be opened in the event of her death." With that she nodded her consent for Scootaloo to proceed.

Scootaloo ripped open the top and peered inside. A muffin shot out and pelted the filly pegasus in the face.

* * *

Rarity walks into the next room to find Sweetie Belle drawing on a piece of paper in the middle of the floor. Rarity reaches a hoof out to hug her sister only for the filly unicorn to burst into flames and start sparking. Rarity promptly face-hoofs and sighs. "I hate Mondays."

* * *

Fluttershy stared nervously at the other pegasus that was standing dangerously close to the shed. "I wouldn't try to go into my shed if I were you." She warned.

"Phffft!" The other pegasus scoffed. "What's the worst that could happen?"

A face appeared on the shack which then ate the unfortunate pegasus in one gulp.

* * *

A heavy techno base blared from the speakers as Vinyl Scratch bobbed her head in time with the beat. All the ponies danced and swayed in time with the rhythm. Some of them Vinyl noticed were wearing glow rings, necklaces, and various other glow accessories. All was going great for tonight's show and it could only get better as she ramped up the volume. The speakers burst with loud wubz as the white unicorn DJ used her magic to levitate a microphone to her mouth. She inhaled ready to speak into the mic, and was promptly crushed beneath two unconscious pegasi that fell from the sky, one of which had a rainbow colored mane and tail.

* * *

"Well Twilight?" Discord asked with nervous anticipation as she closed the small book containing all of his random disjointed stories that he had written and handed to her. "What do you think?

Twilight opened her mouth to say something but instead let out a snort that immediately sent her into a guffawing laughing fit. She only managed to choke out an, "I love it!" between laughs much to Discord's delight. Then suddenly against all known laws of biology, physics, and reason, Twilight Sparkle somehow gave Discord a thumbs up.