• Published 4th Dec 2014
  • 1,454 Views, 13 Comments

Luna's Misunderstood Night - Purpleblackkiwi

As a maid curses herself for once again having to spend the night helping Princess Luna, she only hopes to keep her job. However as the night continues she slowly realizes that perhaps everypony ha misunderstood the Luna.

  • ...

Night's Kiss

Laughing? Princess Luna, the alicorn who seemed to embody the very night, laughing like a foal?

Sweet Night intently pressed her ear to the door, listening as the Princess laughed. The laugh was not a small giggle or chuckle, but rather uncontrollable laughter coming out along with snorts and gasps for air. She couldn't believe that she was actually hearing this. Her second thought was why, what had caused her to start laughing?

A sad thought formed in her mind; perhaps it was due to her blunders. Was the Princess just laughing at her mistakes? Was that the reason she was sent out of the room? As Sweet Night stood in the hall, an odd mixture of embarrassment and excitement stirred in her stomach as she withheld the sensation to laugh along with the princess. The laughter sounded like that a pony who was told a blissful joke; two friends reminiscing over the past, a foal playing with her mother.

Sweet Night began to giggle along with the laughter within the room, she couldn't help but laugh along such an innocent laughter. Sweet Night soon realized that the guards at either ends of the hall would notice her small bursts, so she quickly regained her composure before resuming her position next to the door, pondering what she had just learned.

Soon, Sweet Night began to hear water splash, signalling that the Princess began to wash her face. Again a tinge of guilt rose in her stomach as she realized she was not there to help her.

Maybe it’s better this way Sweet Night thought to herself. This way, she had time to look over the small schedule she was tasked with.

The list began with the preparations to the day, helping the Princess clean and prepare for the night. After that, the Princess has to raise the moon. Then after that was the first meal of the night, the Princess’s equivalent to breakfast. She thought it was sad how she had to work before eating anything, but she knew how important it was to the Princess to keep to the schedule.

She began to hear small steps from the room approaching the door. Assuming that this was the princess Sweet Night straightened herself attempting to look as professional as possible.

Should I ask her if she’s okay? Sweet Night thought to herself, but soon dismissed the idea, realizing that she didn't want to bring attention to her mistakes and what she heard.

The door opened with a magical blue glow. Sweet Night wondered how it felt to manipulate objects using magic, her family's lack of horns and wings left them to work the land in their old town. She remembered back thinking how much work she put to be where she is now, working in Canterlot castle meant a non-stop journey to the best schools in Equestria.

The two doors opened slowly revealing Princess Luna cleaned and ready for the night. Princess Luna began to walk and Sweet Night quickly trotted alongside her.

“What is first on the schedule, Miss Night?” Luna inquired.

Sweet Night quickly opened the note once again, she cleared her throat before reciting the second event.

“Princess Luna you are to raise the moon, 12 minutes from now.” Sweet Night noted as they walked past a large grandfather clock in the hall.

What Sweet Night didn't read aloud on the schedule was that Luna was to raise the moon from the garden in the back of the castle. No one seemed to know why, since Princess Celestia tended to raise the sun from where ever she pleased. Nevertheless the two walked to the large garden in the back of the castle. As the two stood on a balcony overlooking the garden, Sweet Night could barely make out anything from below.

The only thing that could be heard were the crickets chirping through the night, unlike during the day when the garden would be filled with laughter and small parties. Foals running through the mazes, and the couples taking picnics in the open areas. Now it had seemed the very life of the garden had gone into slumber along with the rest of Equestria.

“Miss Night, do you know which phase the moon is tonight?” Luna questioned Sweet Night.

“Tonight will be June 17 to June 18…” Sweet Night considered the date of the last full moon, and of the new moon. She began to tap the floor drawing a small imaginary diagram.

“Tonight will be a waning gibbous, 3/4th of the left side of the moon will be lit tonight.” Sweet Night finally answered.

Luna’s eyes widened in shock.

“That is correct Miss Night, very impressive.” Luna stated impressed by the accuracy of her answer.

Sweet Night couldn't hold back a small grin, knowing she surprised Luna, the known maker of the night. Sweet Night looked around the garden once again hoping to make out shapes she was familiar with. Nothing seemed the same at night she thought to herself, she began to squint her eyes with no avail.

“Why are you closing your eyes so tightly like that Miss Night?” Luna asked, wondering why her maid was attempting to look over the garden, as if her life depended on it.

Luna’s question quickly embarrassed Sweet Night.

“Oh! Sorry your majesty, I was just looking to see if I could recognize any of the garden.” Sweet Night apologized, she quickly scolded herself for breaking her own professionalism. She was of course still the maid of Princess Luna, and she should act like it.

“Is this your first time witnessing me raise the moon, young one?” Luna asked, curious at the mare’s excitement.

“Yes your majesty, last night I had other things to attend so I could not see you raise the moon.” Sweet Night answered, even with her love of the night she had never personally seen Princess Luna raise the moon and arrange stars.

Luna nodded her head in acknowledgement.

“Please stand back.” Luna kindly asked.

Sweet Night took a few steps to the rear, giving the alicorn plenty of space to work her magic. Luna lowered her head and horn to the ground, she took a deep breath before releasing it slowly. The same magical aura that was used on the door began to emanate from her horn, the aura started from the base of the horn before slowly rising to the very top of the horn. Once her horn was completely enveloped in the dark blue aura, Luna spread her legs into a firm stance. Slowly Luna began to raise her head, her neck strained as if her horn now weighed a ton, then the garden began to light up in wonder. Sweet Night quickly looked around noticing it had become considerably easier to see, she looked at the horizon to see a large glowing sphere rise. The light emanating felt comforting and warm even as the cold night wind blew through her mane and her skirt.

The night sky had begun to light up just like her room, by the second the garden became more and more clear. Sweet Night was then treated to a wonderful sight never achievable by the sun. The moonlight was neither soft nor strong, the beams seemingly danced along the petals and leaves of the garden, the plants and flowers creating an orchestra of dancing lights. The shadows themselves seemed to play a purpose; their strange shapes seemed to create wonderful pictures on the floor of the garden.

Sweet Night could barely contain herself. Her eyes seemed to grow heavy as they filled with tears of joy. She quickly looked into the sky to keep the tears from flowing out, and embarrassing herself once again.

It was then she noticed Princess Luna open her wings, her strong stance only reflected by her large wings. She then tilted her head to the portion of the sky to her right, small sparks of magic began to jump from her horn. Sweet Night tilted her head wondering what Luna was doing, it wasn't until she looked at the corner of the sky that she understood. The sky began to fill with small lights, some large and bright and other small and dim. Luna began to turn her head pointing her horn across the sky, and as she turned, she filled the night with more and more stars, each with their own light creating a seemingly endless sky.

Sweet Night quickly began to rub her eyes with her hoof, her hoof moistening with salt and water. She could easily understand why the princess raised the moon here. With all her studies and watching the night sky, she could never have imagined such a wonderful sight.

Luna folded her wings back into her sides, and allowed the magical aura on her horn to fade. She looked at her sky she created and let out a smile satisfied with her own work. She heard small steps as Sweet Night approached her side.

“That was wonderful, Princess Luna.” Sweet Night complimented.

A small blush came over the alicorns face; one of the few things she enjoyed the most were ponies who had an appreciation for her night.

“Thank you Sweet Night, I am glad you enjoyed my work.” Luna replied.

Sweet Night looked at the garden once again to notice plants beginning to shift. Was it a creature? Sweet Night thought to herself. No it was the very plants themselves moving. Small stems began to branch from the ground of the garden.

At first it had looked like the plants were overrunning the garden with its tendrils, but then the small vines stopped growing to the height of her stomach. At the top of each plant laid a single bulb. Sweet Night stood there confused wondering in all of Equestria was this plant or creature. It was then the bulb began to opening into a small, white, tear drop shaped plants. Then as if being called by its creator, the all the small white object opened, all in varying speeds. It was then she realized that she was actually observing a flower, as small petals began to open from the bulb.

One by one each petal opened creating a smaller and smaller center until the rest of it had opened. What was left was a beautiful white flower, its petals spreading in all directions. In the center of the flower where small stems that seemed to carry the pollen of the flower. Sweet Night rubbed her eyes as she believed her eyes were playing a trick on her, it had seemed like the pollen of the flower was glowing.

“The light is no trick my dear. The pollen of cerus nox basium glows in the moonlight. Direct sunlight is harmful to the plant, however light reflected off the moon is perfect.” Luna said proudly.

“W-why haven’t I seen these plants before your majesty?” Sweet Night asked, she desperately wanted to grow these plants herself.

“These plants were pony made, my sister had them made after my banishment. She told me they were a treat made just for me.” Luna replied. She looked away from the flowers, as they now seemed to be painful.

“However these plants are very sensitive, they die in the sunlight and are hidden from the rest of the world. In addition these plants must be meticulously cared for: they cannot survive outside of pony care.” Luna finished.

The alicorn thought of the horrible irony the flowers represented. The plant must be entirely submerged in the dirt or the very plant will die. Celestia had attempted to create a new plant that would be more resilient to the sun, however with very little success. She thought how each night she was assigned a pony, to take care of her. Even if her sister meant well, in truth many of the ponies still had a fear of Luna. The ones who did hold a grudge against Princess Luna or rather Nightmare Moon, were quickly released from the castle as Celestia fired them.

Waking up each day was a reminder of how Luna would never be able to outrun her mistakes. No matter how many years passed, her mistakes would eventually catch her.

“Your majesty? Are you alright?” Sweet Night inquired, she had noticed a significant change in the princess as she began to talk of the flowers.

Luna quickly replied “I-I’m fine Sweet Night, let us continue with the rest of the night.”

“Yes your majesty.” Sweet Night quickly abandoned any notion of Luna change in attitude.

“Next we have your first meal of the night.” Sweet Night spoke as she recalled the course of events.

The two walked towards the large dining hall, ready to resume the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

Credit for Editing goes too: Twilight_scratch

I will be intending to update every weekend for this particular story, I am however sorry for the long wait for this chapter.
I had originally intended this chapter to be much longer, however changed it after much thought.

for those who don't speak latin.
The plant discussed in the chapter is called Cerus Nox Basium.
The Cerus plant family contains a certain plant in which the flowers only bloom at night. Although the Nox Basium looks nothing like a cactus, I thought it would be nice to pay homage to this wonderful flower.
Nox Basium roughly translates to Night Kiss in Latin.