• Published 8th Dec 2014
  • 3,651 Views, 182 Comments

"The Name's Dash" - calmcalmcalm

Soarin and Rainbow Dash have met several times before, but alas have yet to fall in love. When they both try to change this in very different ways, things get funny.

  • ...

"It all started in Ghastly Gorge..."

"Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow shifted slightly in her sleep, burrowing further into the blankets. A loud bang echoed through the room, causing her eyes to shoot open.

"Huh? I'm awake!" She whipped her head around wildly, looking for the source of the noise that had interrupted her snooze. It wasn't very hard to find. Blocking the door frame was a grumpy looking purple alicorn. "Uh, Twi? What are you doing here?" Rainbow peered around her friend, and saw the rest of the girls standing behind her. "Wait, what time is it?"

"I could ask you the same thing?" Twilight strode into the room, apparently waiting for Rainbow's answer. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack followed, knowing it was better to keep quiet than to interfere with a cranky Twilight. "And it's 9 AM." She added as an afterthought.

"Heh, it's sort of a long story." Dash grinned sheepishly. "You go first." Twilight raised an eyebrow in reply. "Or I will..." The five visitors gathered closer around her bed, with varying expressions of exasperation and worry. "Well, it all started in Ghastly Gorge."

"Oh Rainbow, I thought you decided that place was too dangerous after you got hurt in that rock slide!" Fluttershy's soft voice was full of concern.

"Well Fluttershy, don't forget that danger is my middle name."

"And my middle name is Diane!" Pinkie Pie chirped from her spot on the floor.

"Get to the point." Twilight grumbled. "You know, the reason that you didn't mention the fact that you were in the hospital to any one of us, even though we could have helped you? Because we're your friends, and obviously you wouldn't want to worry us in anyway?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Right." Rainbow snickered at Pinkie before continuing. "Well, anyways, me and the Wonderbolts decided to race through, which I totally won by the way." She paused, smirking. "But Soarin didn't come out through the other end. I went back to look for him, ran face-first into an eel, and kicked a boulder. You know how it goes." Dash glanced around at her friends. "Hey, I guess the story's not as long as I thought!"

"Huh?" Twilight's annoyed expression morphed into one of confusion.

"I'm afraid we didn't quite catch that, darling." Rarity glanced at Applejack, who shrugged.

"Rainbow, you're a lousy storyteller." A giggling voice came from the door. Fleetfoot trotted in, followed by Spitfire. "Hey gang!" The pale pegasis waved cheerfully before sitting right next to Fluttershy, who looked nervous. The other girls greeted the Wonderbolts as they made themselves comfortable.

"Hey!" Dash waved cheerfully before crossing her arms. "And hey! I'm an awesome storyteller!"

"Nope." Applejack turned to Fleetfoot and Spitfire. "Y'all care to tell us what happened?"

"Sure!" Fleet rested her arm on Fluttershy's shoulder, making the shy mare's eyes widen. "Well, it all started in Ghastly Gorge..."

Sunlight streamed through the window in Soarin's hospital room, shining directly across his bed. He dozed peacefully, blissfully unaware of his surroundings until a high-pitched yelp woke him up.

"Huh?" His groggy eyes fluttered open, squinting through the bright sunlight.

"Ow!" Another whine reached his ears. Soarin yawned widely before pushing himself into a sitting position and locating the small alarm clock on his bedside table. It was 10 AM, which was later than Soarin usually slept, but he had stayed up with Dash the night before. He smiled at the memory.

"Good morning Mister Soarin." Nurse Redheart glanced over at him from the other side of the room. She was currently standing next to the second bed in the room, trying to wrap a certain somepony's head in a white bandage.

"Morning." Soarin wasn't sure if she heard him, as she seemed quite focused on wrapping the fabric as tight as she could.

"No, you're gonna wreck my mane!" The pony pouted as his mohawk was flattened by the bandage. "I'm fine, I don't need this thing!" Nurse Redheart smacked his hoof that had been attempting to undo her work away.

"Thunderlane." She adjusted the wrapping, looking at him sternly. "You crashed pretty hard, and knocked yourself unconscious. You have several cuts that I'm trying to wrap up, now let me do my job." Soarin watched from his bed, trying to hide the smirk on his face. Nurse Redheart swatted Thunderlane's hoof away again. "Stop that!"

The dark pegasus grumbled under his breath as the rest of his mane got buried underneath the thick bandage. He glanced over at the other side of the room and spotted Soarin looking at him.

"Hey." He grimaced as Nurse Redheart yanked on the fabric again, tying the two ends together.

"Hey." Soarin fought the urge to snicker at the miserable look on his roommate's face.

"There! I'm finished." The nurse gave a final tug, nodding happily. "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"My mane doesn't agree with you." Thunderlane winced. "Can I leave now?"

"No, we want to monitor you for at least twenty four hours." Nurse Redheart trotted to the door, rolling her eyes. "Wouldn't want you to suffer anymore brain damage." She left the room, leaving the two stallions staring at each other awkwardly.

"So, Thunderlane, was it?" Soarin broke the silence.

"Yup. And you're Dash's friend. Soarin."

"Yup." Silence settled back over them until Thunderlane spoke again.

"She's a pretty cool mare, that Rainbow Dash. We're on the weather team together."

"...So I've heard." Soarin tried to keep his tone light and friendly, still unsure of why this pony irritated him so much. He seemed like a nice enough guy after all...

"So, how do you know her?" Thunderlane trained his golden-brown eyes on his roommate.

"We, er..." Soarin wracked his brain for an answer. "We grew up down the street from each other in Cloudsdale. I'm staying with her while I'm in Ponyville." It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't the truth either. He just wanted his story to be better than Thunderlane's.

"Oh, nice!" The dark coloured stallion nodded and smiled. Soarin was about to reply when his door burst open.

"Hey! Get your lazy ass up!" Fleetfoot's voice hollered from the doorway. She was standing beside Doctor Stable, who shushed her.

"This is a hospital, not a bar. Please keep your voice down." He trotted in, greeting the two stallions. "Good morning fellows, I hope you both slept well."

"Didn't really have a choice, did I...." Thunderlane joked. "I was unconscious whether I wanted to be or not." Fleetfoot giggled loudly, earning another look from the doctor.

"Well Soarin," Doctor Stable glanced at a clipboard he had been levitating in his unicorn magic. "I'm just going to check your wing, it should only take a few minutes."

"Wait, why did I even come in here?" Fleetfoot glanced around, her gaze landing on Thunderlane. "Oh, right. Soarin, Dash got cleared to go home, so we'll be back later, kay?" She didn't look away from the weatherpony the entire time she spoke.

"Sounds good." Soarin leaned forward in his sitting position, allowing more room for Doctor Stable to inspect his wing.

"Well, see you later!" The mare backed all the way up to the door, still looking at Thunderlane. She smirked at him before winking and darting out of the room. When Soarin peered at his Thunderlane, his mouth was hanging slightly open and he was staring at the door. The Wonderbolt had to stifle his snicker. Fleet often had that effect on ponies.

"I'm finally free!" Rainbow burst through the hospitals double doors, breathing in the fresh air.

"You were only here for a night." Spitfire followed behind her, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, but it feels nice." Dash darted into the air and did a loop-de-loop. "I told them I was fine!"

"But Dash, what if you weren't fine? You really need to start being more careful!" Twilight's voice was stern.

"Yes Mom." The cyan mare landed in front of the alicorn and stuck her tongue out. Twilight just shook her head, knowing that Rainbow would never change her ways.

"Y'know, she's right." Applejack peered at Dash from underneath her stetson. "How many times have you gotten hurt in the past month?" Rainbow hesitated.

"Er... I don't know the exact number..."

"Yeah Dash, don't be such a klutz." Fleetfoot piped up, attempting to keep a straight face. Obviously she failed, and busted out laughing at Rainbow's expression. "Aw, I'm just kidding! I was the same way before the 'Bolts accepted me."

"I'm not trying to baby you, Dash." Twilight wrapped a hoof around her friend's shoulder. "I just want you to be safe."

"I know Twi." Rainbow returned the hug. "I'll try to be more careful. Emphasis on the word try."

“I still think this is stupid.”

“Shh! They’re going to be here soon!” Sweetie Belle slapped a hoof over Scootaloo’s mouth, silencing her.

“Bleh!” The orange Pegasus swatted the hoof away and stuck out her tongue. “I don’t know where those hooves have been!” Sweetie elbowed her side, shushing her again.

“Stop it, you two.” Applebloom nudged Scootaloo to the side, making room for her to see what was going on. The three fillies were sat directly in the center of Ponyville Park, waiting. They had been waiting for twenty minutes already, and there was still no sign of Pipsqueak, Rumble or Button Mash.

“You dragged us all the way over here for some silly picnic, and now those featherbrains aren’t even gonna show up!” Scootaloo folded her hooves over her chest and pouted. She had been quite literally dragged by Sweetie Belle all the way up the hill, grumbling the whole time.

“They’re not that late!” The unicorn protested, her voice cracking slightly. “I’m sure they just got lost or something.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. Because the park- the ONLY park in Ponyville- is really hard to find.”

“Well-” Sweetie began to protest before Applebloom tapped her lightly.

“Shut it, both of you.” The earth pony pointed to the entrance of the park, where three colts could be seen entering. “Now let’s jus’ get this over with…”

“Hey Applebloom! Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle!” Pipsqueak called as he spotted them. “Sorry for being late.”

“This one,” Rumble nodded at Button Mash. “Was too busy playing his JoyBoy to pay attention to where he was going.”

“He ended up walking halfway across town before he realised. We had to go find him, otherwise he would have been completely lost.” Pip finished for him. Button had only moved to Ponyville about a year ago, and based on his attitude, didn't get out much.

“Die MasterPony, DIE!” Button Mash shouted at a small handheld video game device he clutched in his hoof. He didn't look up until Rumble elbowed him in the side. “Huh? Oh. Hey Appleblossom, Scootalong, Sweetie Bloom. How’s it going…” His voice died as his gaze was drawn back into his game. Rumble rolled his eyes.

“Ignore him.” He and Pip trotted forwards, sitting next to the girls. Button dragged his hooves slowly, trying to maneuver around the seated ponies and play his game at the same time.

“Ow! Watch it!” Applebloom pulled her hoof that Button had just stepped on towards her, rubbing it.

“Sorry Scootaloot…” He absentmindedly plopped down onto the ground next to Sweetie Belle, who beamed. The orange Pegasus raised an eyebrow before turning towards Rumble.

“Ok then…”

“He’s like this every time he gets a new game...” The pale colt shook his head. “Well, anyways, what’s up?”

“Aw, not much.” Scootaloo smirked. “Except for guess who I met yesterday?!”

“Hm…” Rumble wrinkled his forehead. “Princess Celestia?”

“Psh, I've already met her loads of times! That’s no big deal!” She waved a hoof passively through the air. “Try again.”

“Uh… DJ PON3?”

“Wrong again! Somepony way cooler!” Scootaloo’s wings buzzed with excitement.

“Oh, I know! That stallion who’s in the commercial’s for the HayBurger!” Rumble grinned.

“No! Think more… Athletic. One of the best flyers in Equestria!” The orange Pegasus’s smile grew.

“Fluttershy? But I thought you already knew her.” Rumble frowned, apparently confused.

“What? No, you doofus!” Scootaloo got to her hooves and trotted past Pip and Applebloom, who were immersed in their own conversation. “I met Soarin! The Wonderbolt!”

“No way! You met a real Wonderbolt?!” Rumble got up and followed her. “That’s awesome!”

“And he bought me a milkshake!” Scootaloo beamed.

“I… am so jealous!” The colt fake-pouted, causing the filly to laugh.

“Well, maybe… Just maybe… I could introduce you to him.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Rumble began quivering with excitement. He and Scootaloo often talked about the Wonderbolts at school, so it was clear to her that he was a fan.

“Holy Hay! That would be amazing!” He glanced around, looking for his friend, but not seeing her anywhere. It was like she had disappeared into thin air. “Scoots?”

“Up here!” Her voice called from above his head. Her magenta mane was visible, poking out from the branches of a tree. Rumble shot into the air to meet her, eyes wide.

“Since when could you fly!?” He waved his hooves around as he spoke.

“Since I met Soarin. Flight lessons from a real Wonderbolt, pretty awesome, huh?” She hopped off her perch and flapped her wings, hovering shakily beside the colt. "I'm not that steady yet, but he gave me some really neat tips."

“That. Is. Beyond. Awesome!” Rumble’s jaw was dropped so far, Scootaloo was afraid it was going to fall off. “Tell me everything.” He gently dropped back to the earth and sat down eagerly. Scootaloo giggled, joining him on the ground.

“Well, it all started with Rainbow Dash…”

A few feet over, Applebloom and Pip Squeak were enthralled in their own conversation.

“So what’s Trottingham like?” Applebloom asked, resting her chin on her hoof.

“It’s nice,” Pip replied in his thick accent. “Quite different from Ponyville though. Bigger, and busier.”

“Ain't it boring here for you then? All farms and stuff?” The farmpony asked, laying down on the soft grass.

“Boring?” Pip lay down next to her, staring up at the clear blue sky. “The town may be small, but it could never be boring here. There’s something interesting everywhere I look.” Applebloom seemed to ponder that for a moment.

“I like that way of thinkin’.”

“Hey, there’s something interesting! That cloud looks like a duck!" He pointed at one of the small clouds floating by.

"Oh yeah! And that one over there looks sorta like a flower!" They continued to look for shapes in the clouds, oblivious to the third conversation going on.

"So..." Sweetie Belle gazed at the colt sitting next to her. "Whatcha playing?"

"Game." Button grunted, eyes still glued to the screen of his JoyBoy.

"What kind of game?"

"...Yup." The propeller on Button's hat twirled slowly in the breeze. He was clearly not listening at all.

"Ok..." The little unicorn looked around at her friends, all whom seemed to be having fun. She then glanced at the pony beside her, who had barely said a word since he got there. He however, was much too focused on his JoyBoy to notice the frown on Sweetie's face.

"No, no! No!" His hooves jabbed buttons furiously, the expression on his face getting more and more panicked. "Nooo!" He dropped the video game and threw his hooves over his head. "I was so close!"

"Did you lose your game?" Sweetie asked in a less than sympathetic tone of voice. Button nodded his head, pouting for a moment. His expression brightened as he glanced over at Sweetie.

"Hey!" He picked up his JoyBoy again and looked between it and the unicorn beside him. "Did you wanna try?"

"Really?" Sweetie tilted her head, feeling rather flattered. "Are you sure?"

"Yup!" He passed the game to her and showed her how the controls worked. From their spot on the grass, Applebloom and Pip watched the scene unfold.

"Well, there's another interesting thing." Pip's eyebrows raised. "He's never let me play his game before!"

"Yeah, cause you're not a cute filly!" Applebloom snickered at the colt next to her who fake pouted.

"Mm, good point." Pip rolled back onto his back and stared back up at the sky.

"Hey!" Scootaloo called over to them, causing them to look up. "Me an' Rumble are hungry! Did anypony actually bring food to this picnic?" The other four glanced around before Sweetie awkwardly cleared her throat.

"Er, no?" She smiled sheepishly as the JoyBoy in her hoof signalled she had lost her game. The two pegasi groaned.

"But we're hungry!" Rumble moaned and flopped over dramatically. "What are we gonna do?" Scootaloo joined him on the ground.

"Aw, quit your whining." Applebloom stood up, shaking out her mane. "Why don't we head down to Sugarcube Corner?" Rumble scrambled to his hooves, pulling Scootaloo with him.

"Yeah! C'mon Scoots! If we take your scooter, we can get there even faster!" The filly nodded and grabbed her scooter, which had been leaning against a tree. She stuck on her helmet and stepped on her scooter, beckoning for Rumble to join behind her.

"Race you down there!" Scootaloo waved at her friends before pushing hard off the ground and speeding into town, Rumble holding on tight.

"She just has to turn everything into a competition, doesn't she..." Applebloom shook her head at the dust trail the pegasi had left.

"Rumble's the same way." Pip rolled his eyes. "They've got a lot in common, I guess." He swiped Button's JoyBoy from the spot Sweetie had placed it before the other colt could attach himself to it again, and stuck it in his saddlebag. "Come on you two, we don't want them to be waiting for us too long."

"Aw, come on Rainbow Dash!" Rarity batted her thick eyelashes as best she could at the cyan mare next to her. "It will be ever so fun!"

"I wouldn't mind going." Fluttershy softly spoke up, but clamped her mouth shut when she saw Fleetfoot grinning at her.

"Actually Dash, that sounds pretty good right now." Spitfire smirked at the shocked expression on Rainbow's face.

"You like going there?" She scrunched her face up, looking rather confused. Spitfire shrugged.

"Well, we're here to relax, and what better place?"

"Yeah!" Fleetfoot nodded. "It'll be fun! C'mon Dash!" Pinkie bounced over to the Wonderbolt and both started giving the most ridiculous puppy dog eyes.

"I put Spike in charge of the library today, so I'm not in any rush to get back." Twilight glanced at Applejack, who nodded.

"An' Mac and me finished up all our chores early, so I've got all day."

"Ugh, fine!" Dash batted her wing at Fleet and Pinkie, who stopped making the ridiculous faces and burst into cheers. "Let's go... to the spa..."

Author's Note:

I know, I know.... It's been ages since the last chapter :twilightsheepish: Well, I know I said this last time, but I'm gonna try to get the next one out soon! Hope you all enjoy :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 30 )


Thanks for the update. This was great to read. Thank you.


I've been watching everyday for an update. :pinkiecrazy:

The spa?!?! Dis gonna be good :trollestia:

WOOoO! That was awesome!

The Spa... for some reason I get the idea Dash is in for an interrogation :rainbowderp: what!? you know how Rarity is with her :raritystarry: and her need for:

This was a great chapter can't wait for more.

*needs moaaaaaar*

*Waits patiently for more*

When are you gonna update???

I must ask, have you uploaded this on Wattpad?

6388837 No, I don't even have a wattpad account!

6391430 Weird, cause I think someone has stolen your story, here is a link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/37055082-the-name%27s-dash

I also think that this story www.fimfiction.net/story/223217/the-midnight-dance might be copied too, seeing as it is the same author there, but the stories are from different authors here.

6391494 thank you so much for letting me know! I checked it out, it's literally copied and pasted from mine. I've sent the author a private message, so hopefully they do the right thing.

6392839 I was curious for a while actually, but I shrugged it off :twilightsheepish:
Anytime :twilightsmile:

Update? :fluttercry:
Wait a minute...is this story dead?:rainbowhuh:'Cuz if it is then.....


So uhh... is this dead? :fluttercry:

IS THIS STORY DEAD?? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :raritycry: :raritycry:

7455164 Not dead! Just very very delayed... I'm really good at procrastinating, so good that I've put off working on this story for a year and a half yikes


Please find the time to make moar of this amazing masterpiece.:yay:

Is this story dead? I feel like this story has potential but I don’t really like reading an incomplete story:applejackunsure:

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