• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 6,504 Views, 808 Comments

Leap of Faith - A bag of plums

After the defeat of the Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer finds herself at the center of an ancient struggle for power. With the net closing around them, can Sunset and her friends find out the truth before it finds them?

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Through Eagle's Eyes

The first person Sunset Shimmer saw when she shuffled out of her room was Morning Blade, seated on a couch with her legs pulled up to her chest, watching something on the television.

“Didn’t sleep, Morning?” Sunset tidied some of her hair up.

“Too much on my mind,” the white haired Assassin shook her head, rubbing at her temple.

“What’re you watching?” Sunset went over and sat down beside her. “Oh, the news. Umm… Anything interesting?”

Morning Blade shrugged and leaned against her knees. “Some building in Baltimare caught on fire and some rich fella was shot in Las Pegasus. Umm… no, that’s not interesting, is it?”

“How terrible…” Sunset tried to block out the forming images in her head. “No, that’s not interesting at all…”

The news then switched to a tall glassy building, with police cars all around. “Just yesterday, disaster struck in Manehattan as Match Mansions was raided by a pair of uninvited guests during a masked party gone wrong. Mirror Match, the owner of the establishment, was found dead at the bottom of her home.

“Police have investigated the scene and concluded that she had been pushed off her balcony on the thirty-third floor, killed by the fall.

“Fall?” Sunset looked at the screen as officers pointed at the cracks on a glass panel overlooking the balcony. “Did Velvet push her out?”

“Who knows…” Morning Blade continued to watch blankly.

One of the suspects was found dead at the scene, while the other is said to have escaped. Wolfgang, a business associate of Mirror Match, had this to say…

Wolfgang’s face appeared on the television screen. His face was arranged in an expression of solemn mourning.

“It’s a dreadful thing, when killers roam the streets like this. My thoughts are with the deceased’s friends and family during this time, and I hope the police manage to apprehend the other suspect.”

“And what do you have to say about the dead suspect?” the camera panned to a news reporter with a golden goatee. “Did she fail to escape and sought to fight her way out?”

Wolfgang shrugged. “By the time I got to the penthouse, Mirror Match was already gone. I tried to stop the killer, but the suspect decided to kill herself rather than be caught. People these days...”

“Yeah right…” Sunset clenched her fists, remembering the time Wolfgang had tried to kidnap her. “He’s probably the one who did it.”

A picture of Dewdrop appeared on the screen, against a white backdrop. “The perpetrator was identified as Dewdrop, a gang member from Trottingham. With the gang wipeouts in the recent years, we believed her to have died, but we don’t know why she emerged now only to kill a respected member of the Board of Education..

The screen switched back to the news anchor. “Police have indeed identified the broken body as Mirror Match, but further investigations on her death had been halted when her body disappeared from the morgue. Police are still looking into-”

Morning Blade turned off the TV and sunk her head into her arms.

“Morning, are you okay?” Sunset patted the Assassin’s back comfortingly.

“Why does she get all the condolences and Dewdrop doesn’t?” Morning sniffled, shuddering slightly. “Why has everything turned upside down, Sunset?”

“I guess it’s just the way things are,” Sunset rubbed Morning’s back. “Things don’t always go as planned, but… but it’s our job to get back up.”

“I know, I know… It’s just not easy to get over, how hard everything’s become.”

“Being an Assassin can’t be easy, Morning,” Sunset said. “But you do it anyway. Why? Because you know the world needs you. It still does. Mentor Steel Shine trusted me to help you. You better believe that’s exactly what I’m going to do, whether I’m able to or not.”

“Thanks, Sunset,” Morning lifted her head and wiped her eye. “Thanks for remaining optimistic.”

“Hey, I’ve learnt a thing or two about friendship since coming here,” Sunset smiled. “If you need convincing and cheering up, I’m here for you.”

Morning pulled Sunset into a hug. “Friends… Yeah, I like that. Thank you, Sunset.”

“Mhm. So Morning, I was thinking of stepping outside for a bit. There’s something I want to try out.”

“What do you have in mind?” the Assassin pulled away and leaned back.

“Did Keila or Frigid Night tell you about my… uh, apparent swordsmanship?”

Morning nodded once. “Frigid mentioned something along those lines. You had a dream and now you can sword fight with the best of us?”

“Yeah, something like that. I had a dream about Emerald Edge using her sword, and I think somehow her skill got transferred to me. And last night, I had another dream about her and the archer woman called Posey go free running. I wanted to see-”

“...If you picked up on any of their skills?” Morning finished, an eyebrow raised thoughtfully. “Well, I don’t see any harm in trying out your theory.”

Excitement shone in Sunset’s eyes. “Let’s go, let’s go!”

“Alright, alright,” Morning got up and buttoned up her brown coat. “Let’s see if you can outdo me in a run.”

The two girls were heading for the door when Morning bumped right into Frigid as he came out of the hallway, his attention elsewhere.

“Oh, sorry, Morning,” Frigid continued to look around. “Have you seen Keila?”

“No, why?”

“She’s gone.”

From a plan to go run around for fun, Sunset Shimmer and Morning Blade decided to go looking for the Saddle Arabian Assassin instead.

None of the Assassins had heard Keila leave, and Morning was awake all night. She hadn’t left any messages or notes, so no one had any idea where she was, though Morning Blade did seem to have an idea.

“She left us, I just know it,” she grumbled to Sunset. “How could she? She betrayed the Creed. She betrayed us.”

“You don’t know that, Morning,” Sunset tried to think of another reason. “Umm… I’m sure she has her reasons for disappearing like that.”

“Yeah. She wanted to have nothing to do with us anymore.”

“Let’s just… Let’s focus on finding her for now.” Sunset noticed that when it came to rules, Morning Blade wasn’t someone you should mess with.

“Fair enough,” Morning conceded and led Sunset up to a wall with a railing at the top. “So, Sunset. Think you can make this?”

“I believe I can,” she nodded her head. It looked way too high for her to reach, but she remembered Emerald’s words. “You know, strange or not, she told me I could do this, Morning. The First Assassin did.”

“She spoke to you?” Morning looked at her. “In your dream?”

“Yeah. She even said my name.”

“Okay, surely she’s trying to show you something. Her life, perhaps? Or maybe just to grant you the skills you need to help us.”

“Maybe…” Sunset shrugged at eyed the wall.

Taking a step back, she ran at it, remembering Emerald’s run through the desert city in her dream. Almost like she knew what to do, the fiery haired girl kicked off the lower segment of the wall like she was running up it. Then as her momentum slowed, she pushed off the wall and reached high, feeling her fingers grapple the ledge at the top.

Sunset hauled herself up as Morning watched with much fascination. “Amazing, Sunset. It really worked!”

“Yeah,” the girl almost couldn’t believe it herself. “I can’t deny this is really cool.”

“Sure is, Sunset,” Morning said before running up the wall, joining her on the length of the wall.

Both girls scaled the next wall, using pipes and indents to get to the roof, where they found a ladder, leading them higher.

Sunset felt the muscles in her arms burn as she pulled her weight around, but whatever it was that Emerald Edge had given her, it sure helped with distributing her strength to all the necessary areas.

“This looks like a good vantage point,” Morning Blade surveyed the landscape. “Alright, Sunset. If Keila’s still out here, we’ll be able to see her.”

Sunset Shimmer helped out, looking as far out as she could, looking for any signs of her bandaged Assassin friend.

It wasn’t easy.

From where she stood, Sunset tried to observe each person walking along down roads, the ones in cars, and even those in shops she could see. She tried her best, spying from human to human, trying to located the Saddle Arabian Assassin.

Then something strange happened. Everything around her phased into a dark blue hue, startling the girl for an instant. Then she noticed the people walking around below had all turned into grey shapes, still doing what they were doing before her vision changed. Sound was muffled, as if she were holding her hands over her ears.

“What’s going on?” Sunset looked at her hands. She too, was highlighted in blue.

“Hmm?” Morning Blade heard her question. “Something wrong, Sunset? Are you feeling alright?”

“Yeah, everything’s… I can’t see very well. It’s all dark, at the same time, people are glowing.”

“That sounds an awful lot like eagle vision, Sunset,” Morning stepped closer. She appeared blue in Sunset’s eyes. “It takes months to even start seeing the world like that. A single dream did this for you? That’s really something.”

“Eagle vision, huh…” Sunset murmured, thinking back to her dream. Emerald had struggled to master it, but it seemed that the cumulative effect had carried onto Sunset. She saw the world in grey and blue, but there was something she needed clarification on.

“Morning,” Sunset said, turning her head to survey the street better. “What do all the colors mean?”

“Well…” Morning surveyed the area, activating her eagle vision too. “Blue means friends, like me. Grey means civilian, just your average joe. They don’t mean any harm nor are they your friends, particularly. Red means enemy, like the Templars. White is hiding places, and gold is for targets or people of importance.”

“So Keila is going to be… golden?”

“If we’re looking for her, she should be.”

“Hmm…” Sunset looked closer, searching the dark world for any signs of gold. Even with this enhanced vision, she saw only blue and grey.

“She’s not here…” Morning Blade sighed after four more minutes. “Why should she be? She might’ve already left town. That traitor… Come on, Sunset. Let’s get back and report in.”

“Alright…” Sunset followed Morning, first, spinning off the railing and grabbing the ledge below it, the slowly dropping down the brickwork, grabbing ahold of different things on the way down to shorten the drop. Only when Sunset had reached the bottom did she realize an interesting problem. Everything around her was still dark.

“Umm… Morning?”

“Yes, Sunset?” the Assassin turned around and pulled her hood low.

“How do you get it to stop?”

“Ah, Morning Blade, there you are,” Frigid Night said as Morning and Sunset Shimmer returned from their walk. “Any sign of Keila?”

The female Assassin shook her head and pulled at her braid. “No. She’s gone. I have no idea where she could’ve possibly gone.”

The acting Mentor sighed and sat back down on his chair. “Great. I should’ve planned to talk to her sooner… Well, I have more news. I intercepted a Templar message. Mahogany Wood’s coming to Canterlot.”

“The chairman himself?” Morning sat down beside her old teacher and looked at his laptop screen. “To oversee the auditorium. This is perfect! They don’t know we’re here. This could be the best time to take him out of this war.”

“Exactly what I thought myself,” Frigid agreed. “I would go alone, but… I think I’ve been looking at life wrong all these years, Morning.”

“Hmm?” She looked confused.

“I have no reason not to trust you,” Frigid looked at her and seemed to force a smile. “Let’s do this together. Properly, as a team should.”

The white haired Assassin grinned happily and gave a mock salute. “Yes sir!”

“Wait, what about me?” Sunset asked. “If you two are going, I want to be there. To help.”

“I know you’ve got skills now, Sunset Shimmer,” Frigid eyed her. “But you have never killed anyone before. Do you think you can do it when the time comes?”

“Just stay here, Sunset,” Morning placed a hand on her shoulder. “We don’t want you becoming like us.”

“But by myself?”

“You’re hardly defenseless anymore, remember?” Morning patted her back and got up, straightening her attire. “But… maybe you should go over to a friend’s? Just in case?”

“I agree,” Frigid added. “We’ll contact you when we’re finished, then you can come back.”

“If-if you insist…” Sunset rubbed her arms.

“Hey, don’t worry about us,” Morning looked at her confidently. “We’re Assassins. Mirror Match isn’t around anymore.”

“Yeah, she isn’t…” Frigid leaned back and looked at the ceiling.

“You miss her?” Sunset asked him, curious as to what he still felt for the Templar agent.

“All the time,” he admitted. “I still wish things hadn’t turned out this way. I wish she never betrayed us.”

Frigid dug into his pocket and came back with a small folded photo. Sunset bent over to see it, noticing it was a picture of the Assassin himself, along with another with orange and green hair.

Mirror Match.

They both hand their arms around each other’s shoulders and large smiles on their faces. They looked nothing like what they were like now, at least it was the case for Frigid.

“Things don’t always turn out the way we want them. But we can’t let them eat at us like that. We move on,” Sunset explained, taking a seat beside him. “When I first discovered the magic of friendship, I was afraid. Afraid that people would still remember me for what I did to them, afraid that a part of me was still hungry for power, but I let it go. My past doesn’t determine who I am. What I do today will determine that.”

“You’re right,” the grey haired Assassin nodded his head. “I let it all get to me. Because of me, we’ve lost so many good Assassins… Mirror’s gone, but there’s no use dwelling on it. I’m done isolating myself. I think it’s finally time to look ahead, to do what we can for the Brotherhood.”

“That’s right, sir,” Morning Blade joined in. “We’ve always been here for you. High Noon, Dewdrop, me, even Keila. We’re your friends, Frigid. Friends help each other, isn’t that right, Sunset?”

“Hey, if you need a lesson a friendship sometime, I can probably arrange something like that for you,” Sunset joked. Then again, it wasn’t exactly a joke if she could actually do it.

“If I ever need something like that, kid, I’ll make sure to let you know. You know… I haven’t said this in a long time, but… thank you, Sunset Shimmer. Mentor Steel Shine was right about you.”

“I’m glad to be of help, Frigid,” Sunset gave his arm a pat. “It’s a start.”

“Yeah. So what are we going to do, Frigid?” Morning asked him. “What’s the plan?”

The acting Mentor straightened himself and got back to the laptop, scrolling through different files. “We find the best way to get to the school without being seen, plan out Mahogany Wood’s path, and we kill ourselves a Templar. For all our brothers and sisters we’ve lost, this is for them all.”

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