• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 4,611 Views, 53 Comments

My little Fairy Tail - brandsca123

Natsu and Happy land in Equestria. Will they find a way home?

  • ...

Break Into The Dons Mansion

Back at Rockwell's house....

"I can't believe it's gone." Rockwell was furious, the moondrip staff was stolen from the shrine in the Gulmore Jungle. Though Natsu, Lyra and Happy completed the mission they were now stuck with an even bigger problem.

"Calm down Rockwell, I'm sure it's not that big a deal. All that stuff about a demon being sealed inside it is just a foals tale, right." Lyra said.

"No you don't understand, it's not just a foals tale, that staff really is dangerous." Rockwell said, "And now the Don has it."

"Look could you please calm down and start from the beginning." Lyra said, starting to get annoyed.

"Fine," Rockwell sighed, "Two hundred years ago, a group of eight of the strongest magic users were called forth to battle a demon that was terrorizing Equestria. Celestia had a staff made and gave it to them to seal the monster away. All but one of the magic users survived, the task of hiding the staff was up to him, my great great grandfather."

"That's terrible." Happy said. Natsu just listened.

"But how are you sure that it was the Don that took the staff?" Lyra asked.

"The Don has a craving for power, and he would stop at nothing to get it. If he uses that staff the demon would be set free, and that would mean doom for us all." Rockwell put his head down. Just then Natsu banged his fist through the wall.

"Old man, where does this Don live, if what you say is true then we have to stop him before others get hurt." Everyone looked at the big dent in the wall that Natsu had caused.

"Natsu, why did you do that!?" Lyra said felling a bit surprised.

"Nevermind that miss, the boy does have a point there. If you're looking for the Don, his mansion is said to be found at the edge of Manehaten." Rockwell said.

"Right, Happy lets go." Natsu said while leaving the room.

"Aye!" Happy said.

"Lyra are you coming?" Natsu asked. Lyra thought for a moment and said,

"Fine, I'll go." She got up and trotted next to Natsu.

"Old man, you stay here. We'll get that staff back, I promise." Natsu said.

"Thank you boy, I will be rooting for you in here." Rockwell smiled.

And with that they left.


At the Dons mansion, a portly black earth pony stallion was holding a crooked looking wooden staff. His cutie mark was a doller sign. The staff had a three eyed skull at the tip of it and the shaft was riddled with holes.

"So this is the moondrip." The Don said, admiring the staff. "It's been said that whomever holds it is granted unimaginable power."

The Don laughed, "With this I'll be able to overpower Celestia herself."

He raised the staff in the air and he started to glow with a black flame.


The Dons mansion was easy to find, as it was surrounded by black clouds that seemed to funnel inside the house.

"That isn't normal." Lyra said looking worried.

"So this is the power of the moondrip," Natsu said, "Happy lets barge our way in."

"Aye!" Happy said, but Lyra stopped them.

"We can't just barge in, the Don must have some bodyguards so doing that would be suicide." She said, but Natsu wasn't listening, he was too busy burning a hole through the front door. It exploded off its hinges with a bang, and the door was sent flying inwards. A few bodyguards that happened to be nearby were crushed by the flying door and now lay unconscious on the other side of the mansion.

"Don't you ever listen to what I say!?" Lyra shouted.

"Huh, you say something?" Natsu said. Lyra growled and stormed inside, some guards who came downstairs to investigate the noise were quickly knocked out by Lyra, who blasted them with magic in a fit of rage.

Natsu and Lyra quickly ran upstairs to the second floor, only to be stopped by the paradox brothers.

"You shall not pass!" Trip said. Natsu then jumped up and shouted,

"FIRE DRAGON'S WING ATTACK" The resulting blast chared the brothers and knocked them out.
"Man, I thought they'd put up more of a fight." Natsu said.

"Sorry guys, world needs saving so goodbye." Lyra said as the three of them left the brothers behind.

Hetaro and Trip regained consciousness shortly after.

"Brother," Hetaro said.

"Yeah." Trip responded.

"I quit." Hetaro said.

"Me too brother." Trip said.


The Don was in the attic, a black shadow covered him like a blanket, as the dark energy was absorbed into him.

"The power....." He said. Just then the door to the attic burst open and Natsu, Lyra and Happy barged in.

"Don John, put the staff down." Lyra said glaring at him.

"Never, this power is so great. With it I can rule this world." The Don laughed as the energy swirled around him.

"Natsu, Lyra we have to get the staff awy from him." Happy said. Natsu didn't need to be told twice. Almost immediately after Happy spoke he lunged at the Don and tackled him, causing him to drop the staff.

"Nooooo, my power." The Don screamed, but Natsu delivered a punch to his face knocking him out. As the dark energy disappeared back into the staff, the clouds surrounding the mansion vanished.

"That was almost too easy." Lyra said. Just then the staff glowed and a laugh was heard.

"Silly little mortals, I have already sucked enough energy out of the one you call the Don, and now I can be reborn." Everyone stared at the staff as it started to change shape. Two legs sprouted from the bottom of the shaft, and two arms sprouted from the top. The head grew in size as the staff transformed into a wooden skeleton. The fingers it had on it's hands resembled blades. It had three purple glowing eyes. The moondrip has been reborn and was now staring at them with bloodlust.

"This can't be good." Lyra said as she backed away from the monster. It lunged at her and she screamed, but Natsu acted quickly and lunged at it.

"FIRE DRAGONS IRON FIST" Natsu's hand went ablaze as he punched the demon in the face.

"If you want a fight, then you fight with me." Natsu glared at the demon.

"Foolish mortal, do you really think you can......" But Natsu delivered another punch to it before it could finish. The demon roared and lunged at Natsu who grabbed its arms and snapped them off using his strength. The demon roared in pain but quickly sprouted two more arms.

"You annoying little pest! SHADOW BLAST!!" A dark ball of energy shot out from its mouth and hit Natsu square in the chest. He was sent flying back but flipped himself back up.

"FIRE DRAGONS ROAR!!" Natsu cast his spell, a long string of flame hit the demon sending it through a wall and out into the streets, but Natsu wasn't done. He jumped out of the hole and said,

"In my right hand I hold the flames of the sun." His right hand ignited.

"In my left I hold a dragons ever burning flame." His left ignited.

"Put them together and you get, FIRE DRAGONS BRILLIANT FLAME!!!" He put his hands together and a huge ball of fire appeared in his hands. Natsu threw the flame at the demon.

"Nooooo, impossible...." The demon screamed. A bright light and an explosion was seen and heard as the spell left a huge crater in the street. A few homes that were caught in the blast were destroyed in the front. The moondrip staff lay in the middle of the crater.

Happy flew outside and grabbed the staff. Lyra stared in shock at the damage Natsu done.

"Natsu we did it!" Happy said.

"I'll say, look what you've done to Manehaten!" Lyra shouted.

"Then lets get out of here to deliver this staff back to the old man." Natsu said. Lyra shook her head, but did as she was told.


Back in ponyville, Natsu, Lyra and Happy came back on the train. As they got off though Natsu was tackled by Twilight Sparkle.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!" She shoved a newspaper in his face. The article read, "Local Alien Destroys Town By Saving It". Twilight was fuming mad now.


Natsu coward in front of her. He was immediately reminded of Ezraa from back in his world, and he didn't like it.

Until Next Time.....