• Published 7th Dec 2014
  • 1,217 Views, 22 Comments

Five Nights at Pinkies Party Parlor - Saro0fdemonz

Discord and Button Mash are at war to decide who is the ultimate king of games. But how far will they each go to win?

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Prologue: The Challenge

"Whoo! 10-nothin! Come on Rumble, you really need to step up your game." Button chuckled. Rumble groaned, smacking his head against the arcade console.

"Not all of us are good at games dude. You're like a freakin' god in this place!" Rumble argued.

"Yea, I am kinda good I guess."

"You guess?! Dude, you own the high score on every game!" Rumble continued. Button shrugged.

"Eh, these games are easy Rumble, I could beat em in my sleep." Button sighed, sipping his soda. The two colts froze as Sweetie Belle walked into the arcade, a bag full of bits hung in her magic as she perused the games.

"Dude, babe alert." Rumble chuckled. The two watched as she glanced at Dance King and skipped over it for Zombie Outbreak III.

"Dude, she's gonna get creamed. You should totally jump on that and show her the ropes." Rumble teased. It was no secret among his inner circle of friends that he had a bit of a thing for Sweetie Belle. She was nice, she had an awesome voice, and all the right curves. It helped that she was as big a fan of games as he was. But what no one knew was that Sweetie Belle was his one true rival, the only pony to ever defeat him in Virtual Combat.

"Dude, you cannot call yourself a stallion if you do not go over there." Rumble continued to press. Button sighed, shoving his drink aside.

"Fine! If you'll get off my back about it, I'll go shoot up some zombies. But thats it." Button conceded. Rumble grinned, watching his friend march over to Sweetie Belle.

"Hey Belle! Lookin' to pwn some zombies?" Button asked.

"Mhm! I just raked in some bits and needed to update my score." Sweetie Belle winked, picking up the right gun in her magic while Button slid his hoof into the left gun. He normally played with both, but he preferred the left.

It just felt smoother. Bits entered the machine and the game began, ponies crowding around as the two let loose in a rampage of bullets and bloodshed, reloading so fast it almost seemed like they were going on an infinite clip.

Cheering filled the arcade hall as they jumped past the high score. "SECRET BOSS" Flashed across the screen, the two of them glancing at one another.

"A secret boss? I didn't know there was a secret boss!" Sweetie Belle gasped excitedly. Button chuckled, quickly reloading his clip.

"Well duh, it was a secret." he joked, readying his weapon. The boss was massive! Puss leaked from several wounds and goop dripped from one of its many mouths. It roared and charged them, knocking up barrels in its wake.

Sweetie Belle was quick to launch them close to its heads while Button Mash shot them dead center, making them blow up and send it staggering. The two reloaded in sync, swapping between kicking up explosive materials and nuking the heads.

All the while their scores raced to the top until both aimed for the last head and fired, the final score flashing brightly on the screen. It was a tie. Murmurs filled the arcade hall.

Someone had TIED with Button Mash? With smiles the two keyed in their game-tags. B-Mash and SweetBomb, letting their high score flash on the screen as they left the game stage. Ponies quickly crowded the game, hoping to unlock the secret boss after seeing how it was done.

"That was pretty quick thinking with the barrels Belle."

"Hey, you were pretty good making sure they hit." she smiled. Sweet Celestia that smile could turn a Windigo into a puddle.

"I gotta get going or Rarity is gonna freak. It was nice playing with you again Button!" she gave him one last smile before leaving the arcade. He sighed as he watched her go.

"Dude! what happened?!" Rumble asked.

"I think I'm in love Rumble...Oh gods..."

Discord felt his ear twitch and quickly glanced around.

"Strange...I sense a disturbance." he murmured. He had been relaxing, curled around and within his personal cotton candy cloud of chaos. He peered into the arcade, watching a young colt as he rushed through one of the games at an amazing pace.

"Hah! 10-nothin!" the colt cheered. Discord slunk his way into the arcade, clinging to the ceiling and fading from view as he watched.

"You're like a god in this place!" the defeated colt cheered.

Like a god? I am a god! Discord though to himself. Maybe it was the boredom or lack of chaos, but he felt...jealous. Years ago his name was held in high regard, sure it was from fear or manipulation or just his dashing good looks, but ponies knew to worship the name Discord! Where had he gone wrong? He continued to watch, seeing the colt join a young filly on another game, the two blasting through it with ease.

"Lets see this god handle something a bit more difficult." Discord chuckled to himself with a snap of his claws, adding a fun little boss for him to fight. To his dismay he quite easily defeated the added boss, with the aid of the filly of course.

"Surely if he had been alone he never would've won."

"I think I'm in love Rumble...oh gods..." the colt sighed.

"I'd give anything just to have a chance with her."

"Anything?" Discord asked, appearing beside the colt.

"Gah!" Button gasped, falling over in surprise.

"Whoops! My bad." Discord chuckled, with a snap of his claw he shifted from Draconequus to pony, standing just a bit higher than the colts before him. His eyes remained unchanged and he had a tooth poking out over his lip, a few jagged lines of darker brown mixed in with his light brown coat and a single mishapen horn atop his head.

"Better?" he asked.

"A little bit." Button mumbled as he dusted himself off. It wasn't the first time any of them had bumped into Discord. He and Pinkie Pie were the king and queen of pranks around Ponyville after all.

"Good, I couldn't help but overhear somepony in need of a real god." Discord grinned as he paced around them.

"Discord, I'm not up for any of your pranks." Button deadpanned.

"Oh but this is no prank! You see, before you came along I was the king of anything that could be considered a game, and I rather miss the title. So I'm issuing a challenge!" Discord grinned, the hall falling silent save for the murmurs of ponies.

"Button Mash just got challenged"

"Someone is looking for B-Mash's spot!"

"Oh man that new kid is gonna get creamed."

"So what do ya say B-Mash? Up for a little game?" Discord asked. Button looked around the arcade. For one thing, he had his reputation to uphold. With Sweetie Belle managing to tie with him, he needed to pull out a win. But this was Discord, he was a conniving, cheating, centuries old god of chaos. It was the ultimate challenge. How could he say no?

"Alright, you're on."

"WHOO!" the arcade cheered.

"Dude! what are you doing?" Rumble argued.

"Relax, I got this." Button assured his friend.

"We gotta lay down some ground rules first. No magic, no changing the rules. Just pure skill." Button demanded.

"Is that all? Hah! It wouldn't count as winning if I cheated, just who do you think I am?!"

"Discord, god of chaos, liar, cheater, manipulator, former king of games." Button listed off.

"Soon to be king of games." Discord corrected.

"Yea yea whatever. Pick your game old man."

"I pick..." he stomped his hoof twice, a board appearing before them.

"Chess!" he laughed. Button raised an eyebrow.

"Chess? All the games you coulda picked in here and you pick chess? You really are an old man." Button scoffed.

"Laugh it up pony-boy. Chess is a true game of skill and strategy. Something I have long since mastered. Just to be fair, I'll allow you the first move." Discord spun the board, grinning at his opponent. Button shrugged, shoving a pawn forward.

"Pawn to B3" he called out, Discord had to do a double take. He had expected the colt to know nothing about chess, but to call out a move by number and placement. Well, it wouldn't matter. Discord had played this game for centuries.

"Pawn to G5" Discord countered.

"Pawn...to F3." Button decided, shoving another pawn forward. Just what was the colt up to? Was it to bait Discord in? Perhaps it was just a novice pawn move and he was looking too deeply into it. It didn't matter, he had the perfect counter in mind. But it would take another turn to play out properly.

"Pawn to E5" Discord shoved his pawn forward, opening the board a bit more. Button raised an eyebrow before looking at his pieces and then glancing over at Discords. A crowd had gathered around them, watching with bated breath. Who knew a chess game could be so entertaining?

"Pawn to G4" Button said with a smug grin. Discord glanced at the pawns, seeing a pattern building. Just what was this colt up to? It didn't matter, Discord was about to tear down his wall and march on the king.

"Knight to H6!" Discord grinned. He was now in the perfect spot to take out the trapped pawn. With his own standing in its way it had nowhere to go. Button yawned and made his next move.

"Pawn to H3" he hummed. Discord would have to be an idiot to attack at this point. But he had an idea.

"Whats the matter old man? Relying on your little pony to win the game for you? Heh, I thought you were a master of this game." Button taunted.

"I'll show you who the master is! Knight take out the pawn at G4!" Discord snarled.

"Pawn, take out the knight at G4" Button retaliated. Discord stared for a moment, wondering how he had played into such an obvious trap.

"The wall of defense, of course..." Discord realized. A simple maneuver in which the pawns defended one another down to their very last. It was a good move, but once broken it was easy to avoid. Discord shoved a pawn forward as bait.

"Pawn to H5!"

"Pawn, take out the pawn at H5" Button shoved his pawn forward. Discord gritted his teeth, having expected the rook. But he could still recover, he just needed to focus.

"Rook! take out his pawn!"

"Rook, take down his rook." Button countered. Discord was close to tearing out his beard at this point, if he still had it in this form. He was letting the kid get into his head and ruining his game. Was he really so rusty? It had been a millennia since he had last played the game...No! He would win this!

"Bishop to B4" Discord slid his Black Bishop across the board, stopping just before the Pawn at B3. All he had to do was wait for Button to take the bait. The colt stared at the board for a moment.

"Tick Tock Button." Discord sang. Button rubbed his chin for a moment. Moving a pawn would be an idiot move, probably the expected move, though if done right could get him the bishop and move him forward. But at a glance he saw a better move, one that would cause Discord to retreat.

"Knight to C3" he smirked, slamming the Knight in the Bishops path. Sure, Discord could take the Knight, but his pawn at D2 would take it out. Discord could dodge to A3, but then his Bishop at C1 would take it out. Discord gritted his teeth, he needed an out, a way to bait the knight.

"Pawn to D5" Discord declared, freeing up the space before his Queen. Button nodded, shifting a pawn of his own.

"Pawn to A3." Button continued to smirk. Now Discord really would have to move, or risk losing his Bishop.

"Bishop, take out the pawn at A3." Discord shifted his Bishop. Button hadn't expected that, but he was prepared for it. He had two attacks he could dish out, the rook, or the Bishop. He had already moved his Right Rook, so castling was useless at this point. His Bishop could slide through, but couldn't claim the king where it was.

But he could force the king into position and it would keep his Queen from going on the offensive. If all worked out well, he could sacrifice the Bishop to claim the Queen.

"Bishop take out his Bishop at A3." Button finally decided, taking out the black Bishop.

"Pawn to D4." Discord grinned. Button would have to sacrifice a turn if he wanted to save his precious Knight. But despite Discords brilliant move the colt only laughed.

"Whats so funny?! Do you not even care for your Knight?"

"Oh I do, but you obviously don't care about your king!" Button slammed his hoof onto his rook, sliding it across the board.

"Check." He declared, gasps of shock and awe filling the Arcade hall.

"King to E7!" Discord ordered, Button shaking his head and pointing to his Bishop.

"Sorry old man, that spot is occupied." Button grinned.

"No..." Discord realized what he would have to do. It was humiliating, but it would have to be done. Or would it. Discord hid a smile under his defeated facade.

"King to D7..." he sighed, leaving his Queen wide open for attack. But doing so would cost the Rook that Button needed to win. So in a surprise move he shifted his Bishop in the way.

"Bishop to F8" he called, causing everyone who knew how to play to simply stare in confusion. Why not kill the queen? Discord grinned, seeing his opening.

"Queen to F6!"

"Bishop to G7!" Button countered once more, the god of chaos gritting his teeth. He could take the bishop but then the rook would escape and probably claim his other Bishop, but then his King could take it out. But the colt was clever, far more clever than he had first thought. It was time for Discord to become unpredictable.

"Queen to F4!" Discord grinned. Button blinked, wondering why Discord had chosen to move there. It wasn't a good move, not really a bad move. It wasn't anything but a move. But now the Queen was in his territory and he was in trouble.

Move after Move flashed in his minds eye, ways of trying to halt the queen or to go after the King. But they all ended in a counter that Discord could easily pull off. He needed something witty, something to throw Discord off. His Title was on the line!

And that was when he saw it. His white Bishop had a perfect line of fire to the king. Discord would have to move either his queen or shift his king a space across, then it would just be a game of cat and mouse until the king was his.

"Bishop to H3! Check!" Button claimed, another gasp filling the hall. Discord had completely forgotton the other Bishop. Now it was his turn to panic. He could move the king back! No, the Rook still sat there. Shifting down would bring him out into the open, but backing up would surely mean Death. Out in the open it was.

"King to D6!"

"Knight to E4! Check!" Button grinned. It was infuriating! No matter where he ran the colt was two steps ahead.

"Queen! Take out the knight at E4!"

"Pawn! Take the Queen!" Button whooped as he took out the Queen. Discord could only stare in shock. How had he fallen for such a trap? Had he been too fearful of losing? It was too late to do anything about it now. he had to go back on the offensive somehow. He would start with revenge.

"Bishop, claim the Bishop at H3!" Discord slid the Bishop across, taking out the White Bishop.

"Rook to H6, Check." Button grinned. Discord rested his hoof on the king. He couldn't move forward, the pawns were in the way, his own and the wretched pawn that had claimed his queen.

He could dodge to C5, but the other bishop thrived on the black tiles and would make a meal of his king. A backstep was the only smart move. Onto the safety of the white tiles.

"King to D7" Discord shifted the king back a space. Button smirked, tapping his knight.

"Claim the Bishop. Knight to H3!" Down went Discords last Bishop. He was left with but a handful of pawns, his last Rook and his last Knight to defend his wandering King. He saw one chance in survival. He needed to revive his Queen.

"Pawn to G4" Discord said softly, shifting the pawn forward, it rested in attack position upon the knight with no way to take out the pawn. Button shrugged.

"Knight to G1." he shifted the Knight back into its rightful place, halting Discords advance. The god of chaos searched his board. He was fighting a losing battle, he needed to get lucky.

"Knight to C6." Discord hopped the knight over his unmoved pawns, leaving Button to carefully think out his next move. Sure he had more pieces, but that wasn't what mattered in chess. No, what mattered was how you used those pieces. His very first chess game had ended in him taking the king with nothing but his king and a pawn. His mother had been so proud.

"Pawn to C3"

"Pawn to C3!" Discord mimicked, taking the pawn. Button smiled.

"Pawn to C3." he mocked, taking Discords pawn.

"Oh, Check by the way." he whispered, tapping his Queen. Discord glared at him. He needed to get that queen out of the way. A perfect opportunity showed itself with his Knight. It would be risky, but he could get her out of the way with his pawn.

"Knight to D4!"

"Pawn, take the Knight." Button moved his pawn over the Knight, silencing it for good.

"Pawn, take out his Pawn!"

"Queen, take the Pawn at D4. Check."

"King to E7!

"Bishop to F6, Check. And its protected by both my Rook and my Queen. So feel free to back off." Button taunted.

"King to E6!" Discord dodged away.

"Queen to E5, Check. Protected by Bishop." Button chased. Discord gritted his teeth. Button was in the homestretch, he just needed Discord to slip up one more time. Discord glared at the board, with the Queen being there, his only safe move was...

"King to D7."

"Queen to D5, Check. Zugzwang." Button declared. Discord glanced at the board. The colt was right. If he backed up to C8, the rook would attack at H8 and it would be checkmate. In a similar move, if he shifted to E8, the rook would do the same and he would be trapped. It was over. He had lost. But he would go down fighting!

"King to C8."

"Rook to H8, Checkmate old man." Button grinned, the room filling with cheers

"Well played Button, well played. Best two out of three?" Discord asked.

"Hey, he beat you fair an square!" Rumble argued.

"Its cool Rumble. You're pretty good Discord. Most of my games only last a couple minutes. I'd be happy to play you again."

"Well, how about we shift gears and move to something more interesting." Discord flashed a smug grin and pointed to the arcade.

"We run a gauntlet of the hardest games to decide who is the true king of games." Discord offered.

"If I win, you fork over your title and admit to everyone that you're a loser."

"Alright, and if I win?" Button asked.

"I will grant you One Wish. Anything you want, or anyone." Discord grinned. Button paused for a moment.

"Don't do it Button! You know he's gonna cheat!"

"Rumble, this is my chance. And if I lose, I get humiliated, fine, sure whatever. I can earn all of that back. But if I win...I can't pass this up." Button whispered. Rumble sighed.

"I think its a bad idea, but go with your gut man." He held up his hoof, grinning as Button smacked his against it.

"I accept!"

The gauntlet was merciless, from shooters, fighters, puzzles and platformers. Discord was close, but Button was better. He knew this arcade like the back of his hoof and Discord just couldn't keep up. Even when it came to Laser Tag, the colt was quicker on his hooves, dodging around the walls in the darkened hall.

Even with Discord using Magic to help him see in the darkness, Button rolled out of the way of his laser fire and tagged him three times before vanishing behind another wall. The buzzer sounded as the game ended. 25-5. Button had won, with Discord claiming only five victories throughout the entire gauntlet. Button wore a smug grin as he marched towards Discord.

"Just tell me one thing, how could you see me so easily?" Discord asked. Button rested his hoof against the vest Discord was wearing.

"This glows like a beacon. In broad daylight its impossible to see. But in the darkness where the fair players lurk, its a sign saying 'SHOOT ME'. You stood out in the open thinking I couldn't see you. But I could see your magic glowing in your eyes and knew you wouldn't be able to pin down my vest." Button chuckled.

"Thats what cheating gets ya. Now, about my wish."

"Hold up! Yes, I cheated. So how about we play a fair game where I can't cheat?" Discord argued.

"I won at everything already!" Button argued back. Discord clenched his teeth.

"A solo game, we both go at it and highest score wins."

"Fine." Button sighed. Discord stomped his hoof twice, dropping them both in front of a new console.

"Slender Pony?" Button asked.

"The arcade needed a good horror game." Discord shrugged. "And this one is to die for." he grinned, taking up the controls. The game was a first person view, ponies watching as arms reached out of the console and attempted to reach for Discord, only for him to dodge around them and make his character run further into the dense forest.

Sweat covered his brow as he snatched up a page and kept running. The arms would fade for a moment before coming back in greater numbers, Discord managing to avoid them by ducking into a tunnel.

"Are you nuts!?" Button yelled.

"Shut up! I'm almost there!" Discord growled. He had to win! He screamed as a hand gripped his ankle just as he grabbed the last page. The hands faded with Discord panting heavily and chuckling to himself.

"B-Beat that!" Discord grinned, his time of 8 minutes 23 seconds flashing at the top of the leader-board.

"Button, this is nuts man, you already beat him!" Rumble argued.

"I got this." Button stepped onto the platform, flipping his hat backwards he took the controls in his hooves. Discord clacked his hoof against the ground, the arms appearing instantly.

Button kicked the platform, leaping over them and dancing about the platform like he was on Prance Prance Revolution, reeling back like he was dodging lasers in laser tag and leaning to the side like he was in a Mareo Cart 7 car.

All the while he ran through the forest, having memorized the page locations and snatching them up as quickly as possible. Wait? Had he missed one? In game he spun around, catching sight of the slender pony, his vision going blurry as he stared. He tore his eyes away and spun, forcing his character to run away.

"Only one minute left! C'mon B!" Rumble cheered. He couldn't lose, not now.

"You can do it Button!" Sweetie Belle cheered next to Rumble. His ears stood upright, hearing her. With as much strength as he could muster he stomped on one of the hands and roared, shoving the joystick forward and slamming his hoof on the button as he reached the final page. Buttons time flashed on the screen, the arms vanishing.

8 minutes, 21 seconds. Button had won. He stared at the screen, panting heavily, his heart racing and his eyes throbbing.

"BOOYA! Eat that!" he cheered, leaping off the platform. He looked around, wondering where Sweetie Belle was. Had he just imagined her voice? It didn't matter, he had won and Discord owed him a wish. Discord held up his hoof as Button marched towards him.

"I know, I know. You won. But Lets go Double or Nothing."

"Why the buck should I?!" Button yelled.

"You win, you get another wish. I win, you never play a game ever again." Discord grinned.

"Hey, pony up the wish!" Rumble demanded, being shoved aside by Discord.

"Well? Are you tough enough to handle my final challenge?" Discord asked.

"You know what, bring it on. I'll take down whatever you can toss at me old man." Button snorted. Discord hid a smile, his hoof stomping against the ground twice and the arcade shifting. The games moved aside, fitting into an arcade hall beside them while the rest of the place turned into a fast food parlor.

"Hey hey hey everypony! Welcome to pinkies Party Plaza!" an animatronic Pinkie Pie cheered from the stage. The fillies and colts stared in awe as robotic versions of Ponyvilles' heroes joined Pinkie onstage in song.

"What is this Discord?" Button demanded.

"This, is the start of our final game Button.You see, the only other ponies to ever beat me, were the Elements of harmony. That and the Princess'..."he grumbled as he paced around Button.

"So, they are going to be my last challenge to you. If you can succeed where I failed, then you are truly the King of Games and I will bow my head to you."

"Okay, so how do I play?" Button asked, looking around.

"Oh, you don't play now. You wait until Nighttime when the store closes. You see, you are going to be the new Night Guard. And the robots are going to be your opponents." Discord chuckled quietly. Button gulped, what was he getting himself into?