• Published 13th Dec 2014
  • 13,902 Views, 294 Comments

Snuggles and Cuddles - The Abyss

Twilight Sparkle is lonely. So lonely, in fact, that she spends many months devising a plan to get Rainbow Dash to snuggle with her in the hopes that doing something so intimate would let Rainbow see just how much she cares about her.

  • ...


Twilight watched as Rainbow made it to the top step. Leaving the blanket behind on the couch, she turned off the lights with a flash from her horn and followed in Rainbow’s hoofsteps. She rounded the corner and found Rainbow already on her bed, making herself comfortable. The sheets were already thrown back, just barely covering Rainbow’s cutie mark. Twilight’s jaw dropped, hanging loosely as she stared at Rainbow.

Never before had she thought she would be able to get Rainbow Dash in her bed so easily.

Rainbow shook her mane out of her face and fluffed her wings. “So... you gonna stare at me all night or are we gonna keep going? I’m getting kinda cold without you,” she said with a small giggle. “I’ve got the book right here.” She patted the book and laid on her stomach, lifting her wing up for Twilight to lay next to her.

Throwing a hesitant smile on her face, Twilight stepped forward. With a flap of her wings, she landed on top of her bed and settled down, pressing her side up against Rainbow. What coldness she had felt moments ago slipped away as Rainbow’s warmth seeped back into her. She watched in silence as Rainbow placed the book between them, using her magic to flip it open to the right page.

Once again, the urge to lay her head against Rainbow’s neck slid into her mind. Twilight wiggled her hips, flicked her tail to lay around Rainbow’s flank, and bit her lip. Her ears lay flat on her head and she snuck a look at Rainbow’s neck out of the corner of her eye. Other than being in a relationship with Rainbow, there was nothing more that she wanted in the world right now than to lay her head on Rainbow’s neck.

Twilight closed her eyes, imagining what it would be like. In her mind’s eye, she saw herself doing what she so craved. She had a content smile on her face, humming softly in content as Rainbow nuzzled her. Twilight sighed deeply and opened her eyes, letting her fantasy slip away, for she had made up her mind.

She was going to make her fantasy a reality.

Her breath caught in her throat, Twilight slowly laid her head against Rainbow’s neck. She unintentionally nuzzled Rainbow as she tried to find the most comfortable place. Twilight felt Rainbow’s neck tense up ever so slightly, but when she finally found the perfect position, she felt Rainbow’s tension slip away.

Twilight took another deep breath and relaxed, letting herself go slack. She closed her eyes moments before Rainbow laid a wing over her back, pulling her closer. I... I think she likes this... Twilight thought, her heart beating just a bit faster at her realization.

“Huh... looks like this chapter’s all about spooning, Twilight!” Rainbow said with a chuckle.

Twilight’s heart stopped for a moment. Her eyes shot open wide and she looked down at the page. The words ‘Spooning: The Basics’ lay centered in bold text at the top of the page, followed shortly after with several pictures of different positions. She gulped as her eyes lingered on some of the more intimate ones.

“You want to read it or you want me to?” Rainbow asked softly.

“I’ll read this time.” Twilight blushed as she leaned down, trying to get a better view of the book. As she opened her mouth to read, she felt Rainbow lay her head on top of hers, laying the side of her cheek right up against her horn. Twilight’s blush deepened, and she fought to not simply give in and enjoy herself.

“A-alright, let’s see what we have here...” Twilight felt Rainbow ever so gently nuzzle her head. Her ears flicked against Rainbow’s cheek over and over and her right hind leg started to tremble. She had to force herself to remain calm if she wanted to keep doing this, though, so she concentrated on the matter at hoof. “Unlike the previous positions, spooning is a position that can be very relaxing if done right. In addition to the sensation of feeling close both physically and emotionally, this position is great to show intimate...” She paused and cleared her throat, staring at the words.

“Affection,” Rainbow finished her sentence for her. “Pillows are needed for this position, but blankets aren’t. Typically, the little spoon feels safe and loved, while the big spoon feels protective of their, eh... hehe...” Rainbow blushed furiously at the next word, but forced it out as calmly as she could. “l-lover...” She lifted her head from Twilight’s and after analyzing the included photos, she closed the book and placed it on the nightstand. “So... you wanna be the big spoon or the little spoon, Twi?”

“Um... is it okay if I be the little spoon? I know I’ve been asking to do all of the fun parts, and I, well...”

“Pfft, don’t worry about it! I’m having a ton of fun just hangin’ out with ya!” Rainbow booped Twilight’s snout with her own. She rolled over and folded her wing back to her side, then laid her head on the closest pillow. “C’mere, you...” With a comforting smile, Rainbow lifted her right legs and unfurled a wing for her.

With bated breath, Twilight turned away from Rainbow and laid on her side, then scooted into Rainbow’s waiting embrace. She tucked her rump against Rainbow’s lower belly, and she was just about to lay the rest of the way down when Rainbow laid her hind leg over her flank. Twilight tensed up and froze yet again, her breath coming in short and soft pants. She felt Rainbow rub her side with a hoof, silently telling her to relax and enjoy the moment.

Twilight took a deep breath and let it out slowly. After fluffing her wings once, she laid her head on Rainbow’s pillow and scooted backwards, pushing herself the rest of the way into Rainbow’s grasp. Twilight couldn’t help but smile when Rainbow laid her foreleg around her shoulders, gently pinning her folded forelegs to her chest. For added measure, Twilight tucked her head into the crook of Rainbow’s neck, taking care to not poke her with her horn. After several moments of silence, she heard a faint rustle a second before Rainbow wrapped a wing around her belly, just under her forelegs.

Rainbow smiled and relaxed, momentarily tightening her hold on Twilight. She thought it felt a little strange to feel somepony’s tail flick between the inner part of her upper thighs, but everything else felt truly wonderful. “Wow... this sure does feel great,” Rainbow murmured. She felt Twilight’s warmth seep into her, her soft wings caressing her belly in ways that nothing else could ever come close to replicating.

Twilight giggled softly. “You have no idea, Dash...” If you could see inside my heart, you would understand just how much this means to me... how much you mean to me... “You know, we can stay like this for a while if you want to. It’s only just a little after ten.”

“Ain’t gonna argue with that, Twi... Ain’t gonna argue with that...” Rainbow murmured.

Twilight smiled and snuggled in closer. She felt sleep tug at her once more, but she was enjoying herself way too much to simply fall into the world of dreams. Twilight toyed with the idea, but she wanted to try at least one or two more positions before she called it a night. Wondering if Rainbow would actually want to snuggle and fall asleep together, she felt a small tendril of worry worm its way into her mind.

“Hey...” she started, her heart rate increasing with each passing second.


“Is there, um...” Twilight bit her lip. She couldn’t believe she was about to ask this, but her heart demanded that she do so. “Any chance of us snuggling together as we fall asleep?”

Rainbow giggled and nuzzled her right below her right ear. “You’ve already done that, silly...”

Twilight blushed. “Oh... right.”

Rainbow thought that Twilight was going to keep going, but when she didn’t, she decided to speak up. “So... you wanna sleep together, huh?” She felt Twilight tense up in her grasp. “Hey, it’s alright, Twi... What’s got you so worked up?” Rainbow chuckled softly and rubbed Twilight’s wing with a hoof, gently running it up and down her biggest feathers. “Don’t worry, Twilight... if you want to snuggle and fall asleep with me, I... I think I’d like that...”

Rainbow had never felt herself blush harder in her life.

“Re-really?” Twilight asked. She felt Rainbow nod against her head. “That means a lot to me, Rainbow...”


“Yeah...” A warm blush tinted her cheeks a soft pink. Twilight let their conversation die out at that. Several minutes passed, then another half hour passed before she knew it. Wondering if Rainbow would let her switch positions, she cleared her throat and stirred. “Um, you mind if I try being the big spoon? Pretty please?” Twilight slipped from Rainbow’s grasp and rolled onto her stomach, a hopeful look on her face.

Rainbow shrugged. “Sure, I don’t see why not. I think it'd be a good change of pace.” She rolled over onto her other side, then shot a glance over her shoulder. “Just... can you hold me the same way that I did with you? I... I think that would be, er... you know, really awesome,” she trailed off, her voice growing softer with each word. Feeling herself blush again, Rainbow looked away and laid her head back on the pillow, silently praying that Twilight didn’t see it.

Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes. Did she just... blush? She smiled warmly as she felt the ever so familiar butterflies start to flit about in her stomach for what felt like the hundredth time this night. Her hips wiggling out of sheer excitement, Twilight slid forward and tried to remember exactly how Rainbow held her. Her memory was rather hazy, but the one thing that she remembered clearly was that her hind leg was supposed to go over Rainbow’s flank, right over her cutie mark.

With that thought in mind, Twilight lifted her left hind leg and pushed her rump forward until she felt Rainbow’s lower back snugly press up against her belly. She let her leg fall around Rainbow’s flank, coming to rest between her two hooves. Instead of waiting for Rainbow to push herself into her grasp, Twilight took the initiative and used her magic to gently tuck her into her grasp. She’d simply waited too long for this to waste any more time. Just like Rainbow had done with her, Twilight pinned Rainbow’s legs to her chest, then to switch things up, she wrapped a wing around them instead of around Rainbow’s belly.

Knowing there was only a little bit left, Twilight couldn’t help but let an excited smile slip onto her face as Dash tucked her head into the crook of her neck, just like she had done with her. Once she had a pretty good grasp on her, Twilight smiled in content and this time, she didn’t have to force herself to relax. If there was one thing she knew, it was that snuggling with Rainbow felt natural, like this was her place, next to her best friend. Twilight nuzzled Rainbow right between the ears and breathed in through her nose, taking in her wondrous scent. She nuzzled the base of her left ear, then without thinking, she whispered, “Oh... you smell so good, Dash...”

Twilight’s heart stopped and her eyes shot open wide. Oh no no no no no... I did not just say that! She tensed up as she felt Rainbow do the same, biting her lip so hard it felt like it was going to bleed.

“Uh... what?”