• Published 11th Dec 2014
  • 299 Views, 8 Comments

Lovely Life - BioQuillFiction

A Largely OC based Stardew Valley crossover fic I hope you all enjoy.

  • ...

Days to Come.

I awoke to the roosters again, yawning as I began to get out of bed. I stretched and felt several pops that gave me a sigh of satisfaction as I awoke. I rapidly ate the last of my carrots for breakfast and opened up the book. Hmm… let's see here… five out of… two hundred and six ponies met? I don't think I can even meet that many…

What else… Hmmm… huh?

I flipped to a page I don't think was there before… Connections? The page was blank, save the image of Brick's and Copper Pot, who were next to one another and the column they were apparently in was "Married" with a status of Healthy.

“Well...never thought I’d probably be a matchmaker here…” I muttered to myself, thinking I’d have to help create connections between people to have a better town overall.

I put the book away for now and simply began heading out. As I did I thought I heard… something. Looking outside and around the various trees. I saw something fly past from tree to tree. Something rather large, and very fast.

“That’s concerning.” I started worriedly. “It better not be a monster…”

I watched as it rapidly jumped from tree to tree and eventually seemed to fly off into the forest. With concern hitting me I trotted quickly to the farm for my work.

I was helping Hopper today, picking Strawberries from a fair sized crop of them.

“Hopefully Hopper knows what that was...and that the Strawberry picking will calm me down…” I muttered to myself, concern of that big flying thing still making me nervous.

As I filled basket after basket I heard a flapping noise. I yelped, looking up only to see Hopper. "Heh, sorry ta spook ya." He said as he landed next to me. "Didn't take ya fer the type ta spook easy."

“Sorry.” I said nervously. “I’m just a little jumpy after seeing something fly around the tree’s this morning.” I told Hopper. “I sadly couldn’t get a good look at it but it was big, fast, and it flew from tree to tree.”

"Hmm." Hopper put a hoof to his chin in thought. "Did it rush into the forest before ya left?"

“Yes it did.” I nodded. “And I’ve been concerned about it all day.”

"Oh that's probably o'l Guff." Hopper shrugged. "Old pap of Melody, or so my pa tells me. Probably wanted ta check out the new owner of her farm."

“Huh…” I started. “Are they friendly?”

"Hm, mostly. Guff is a Griffon and while he keeps his distance from most everyone in town he does have a few regular friends. Still an odd feller though. Prefers to forage and hunt in the wild rather than working and living in a house."

“Well then.” I said. “Didn’t expect a griffon to be in the area...and if that’s how he wants...well I can’t really judge him when I barely know him.”

"Pa knows more I think, but all a'h really know about him is that he comes into town few times a month ta talk with his old pals."

“Well...maybe I can see him one of those days.” I shrugged. “Hopefully make a good first impression at least.”

With my work for the day finished I headed into town. I need more food, or at least, something to cook my potatoes with. I noticed there were two stores here. A Barnyard Bargains, and a smaller General Store we're the two main shopping areas here.

I headed into the general store, finding lots of veggies, fruits, and other utilities. I figured I'd buy some cheap noodles, a pot, and some canned goods. After paying for that I headed back home. Okay, got lots of wood, some rocks…

I opened up the book, finding an option for making a fireplace. With a smile I tapped it and before me on the ground was a ready to go fire pit. I bought a small lighter at the general stone and now… hm. No salt… no water… maybe-


I jumped to my hooves. I spotted the black blue, possibly Guff, in the trees again jumping between them fast.

“Hello?” I called out to the fast griffon.

The trees rustled as there was a heavy thud behind me. Spinning around I spotted Guff the Griffon. He. Was. Massive. Almost Brick's height and size. His body was almost decorated in scarred over wounds and long since healed gashes. His beak was cracked on the left side and his wings while unkempt were twice his size.

“Uh...hi there.” I said sheepishly to the massive griffon.

He seemed to look at me for a while before looking over at the house. "You… have the book too?" He asked. His voice was old, but deep and authoritative.

“Y-yes sir.” I said quickly, not expecting him to sound so authoritative. “I...I just moved here...the book came with my new house and...well I’m learning a whole lot…”

He looked back down at me. "I see." He said, holding out his... sharp, sharp talons. "May I see it?"

“Uh...sure but...please don’t rip it apart…” I said nervously, carefully handing it to the griffon. “I don’t think the nature spirits would be happy...I’m still surprised they picked me for...whatever they want me to do.”

"Hm. Couldn't if I wanted to." He said, flipping it open and with his free talons, tried to pull a page. To my surprise, green and blue magic covered the page as he pulled and it did not tear. "See? Protection magic so old and powerful Princess Star Butt up in Canterlot could spend a thousand moons studying it and never understand it's secrets." He stated, flipping through the pages some more. "Hmm. It's similar, but different from hers too."

“Are you talking about Melody Star?” I inquired.

"Yes. Hers was similar in looks, but inside, while some things are the same, others are different. Hmm…" He shut the book, and gently gave it back to me. "I am Guff. Sorry for the startle, but Melody was a good friend. I come here to keep the weeds and trees from getting too close to her shrine."

“That’s fair.” I nodded. “I’m Lovely Days, and it’s alright...was just a little scared thinking that, with all the nature spirits around, one of them wasn’t as...kind as the normal adorable ones.” I said sheepishly.

"Oh believe me, there are, but I picked up tricks to keep them at bay. So, Days, tell me, what do you know about earth pony magic?"

I frowned. Finding that question kinda silly. I mean, I am an earth pony after all.

“Unless you're about to tell me some earth shattering thing’s, I’d say I know a lot cause I’m an Earth Pony.” I answered carefully.

He laughed. A short, small laugh. "True, but it's not the whole truth." He stated. "Now, answer this one. Where do you think Magic comes from?"

“No idea, cause there’s so many explanations on it that it just boils down to ‘it exists’.” I said, having heard many a thing about where magic came from, either from the planet itself, the spark of life, or just some outside beings wanted to screw around on a random planet and find out what would happen.

He laughed again. "Alright then, tell me, where do you think the Junimoes come from?"

“Uh...nature?” I asked. “Their ancient nature spirits so...they would have come from Nature.”

"Yes, and no." He said with a smile. "It is this plane, but also another." He said, reaching under his wings. A set of small saddle bags rested there. He reached into one and pulled out a jar filled with some kind of powder. He took out a claw ful and threw it at me. I yelped, coughing a bit as I inhaled the powder that kinda smells like… corn? When I wiped my sunglasses clean and looked up at the Griffon I yelped. Floating behind him was… it looked like a Junimo, but it's body was shaped like… well, a Griffon.

“Uh...what in the world?” I asked in confusion.

"You see, this world is actually made up of countless others all placed in the same location and divided by invisible walls that hide us from viewing, and interacting with one another. Junimos come from one of these other worlds, as does magic. We just can't see it. Unless, you know how to break open a crack in the walls." He said, giving a pat to his mini Griffon Junimo. "And Junimoes come in all forms, shapes and sizes. Everyone on this planet has one. Be it a good spirit, or evil."

“Huh...also your Juminoe is absolutely adorable.” I said with a warm smile.

"Heh, it's one of the good ones. Your's, however, is quite unique."

Looking around me, I spotted the pink, heart shaped Junimo floating above my head.

“Well…” I started. “Sweet Luna, is everything in my life going to be shaped like a heart now that I learned what ‘True Sight’ is?”

"Heh, how do you think you got it?" Guff said, giving my Junimoe a pat. "The little one is older than Celestia, maybe even Discord. Funny, you'd think she'd have chosen the Princess of Love, but no, she chose you."

“Well, Cadence is special in her own way when it comes to love.” I started. “But...yeah it is a little strange why I’d be picked instead of an alicorn literally powered by it.”

"In all my years living amongst them, studying them, I still have no idea how they think. It's almost like a foal's level of curiosity, and wisdom all in one." He chuckled again. "Even your Junimoe is different from hers. Such wonders."

“Good lord…” I sighed out. “And here I was hoping to get away from a lot of complicated crap…” I grumbled. “But looks like I’ve stumbled into something even more complicated…”

"Perhaps. Only time will tell." He said, leaping back into a nearby tree and then zipping between them until he was back into the forest.

I gave a sigh, looking at the floating heart shaped Junimoe above me.

“I can’t help it, you're too cute.” I said as I tried to hug my heart shaped junimo like a cute plushie cause my inner filly screamed ‘hug the cute creature!’.

It gave an adorable chirp, almost like a bird or squirrel. I managed to draw water from a small pond on this farm. It was fairly clean but I boiled it for a while before testing it. Tasted fine so I began boiling my potatoes for dinner.

I was walking through the farm. It was like it was before again, but looking around, I didn't find Melody anywhere.

“Well...might as well take a look around this place if Melody isn’t here.” I muttered as I trotted around, wondering what this weird dream world had in store for me.

As I walked, I noticed my little Heart Junimo jumping up and down by the entrance of the farm.

“Oh? What did you find little buddy?” I asked, trotting after my Junimo to see what they found at the Farm.

As I got closer, it started to bounce off. I followed, figuring they wanted me to follow them. As I did, it took sudden right just before the Copper and Brick's farm and My Farm met, and went into some bushes. Raising an eyebrow, I followed. Picking the foliage aside, I discovered a hidden pathway, the little Junimo still hopping along it.

“Where are you taking me little guy?” I inquired, wondering what fantastical area my little Jumino is taking me.

As I followed them I noticed a lot of the bushes here were filled with berries of varying types. Trees full of fruits and lush leaves. Soon, they brought me to an enormous tree, taller and wider than some buildings in Baltimare. The little thing bounced Merrily into an opening near the roots. The hole there was large enough for me to follow. After a bit, I was inside the tree. It was hollow, but alive and light from up above illuminated the almost cavernous tree. In the center back of this tree, rested a small hut. It seemed to be made from leaves, sticks, mud, and some rocks.

“Well...this is neat.” I said honestly. “Is this your home little buddy?”

It made a bobbing movement. I think that was a nod? It then walked inside the small hut. It then walked out with a gold slab, dropping it onto the floor in front of the Hut. I looked at the slab, seeing some strange language written on it.

“What does this say?” I inquired, looking over it again as I had absolutely no idea what it said.

They just chirped their little noises. I just sighed, but smiled at the adorable little thing.

I woke up with a yawn as I somehow beat the roosters this morning. I got up and rapidly munched away at my last two apples, I kept thinking about that dream… I wonder...

“Hmm…” I hummed, wondering if Guff knew the Jumino language. “Hopefully Guff knows…”

I finished off my breakfast and headed out. As I walked along the path to Copper and Brick's farm I stopped, turning and looking at the trees lining the path… there is a large bush right there…

“Hmm…” I hummed as I walked over to the bush, lightly moving it to the side to see if there was a trail behind it.

The bush here was larger than in my dream. I had to break off and push aside a lot of the branches, but once I managed to push through, I spotted it. The pathway was a bit overgrown, weeds and moss growing on it, but it was still there.

“Huh…” I started, walking through the overgrown path to see if it was one to one in my dream.

As I walked the foliage became… less. Soon dead grass and bushes were all around me… no… I galloped down the road, the trees, bushes, all lifeless. As I reached the main tree… it was… burned. Charred black and grey.

“What...what the hell…” I muttered sadly. “This...how the hell did this happen?”

I walked through the small hole.in the tree. Inside was… bad. It was… strange. Like claw marks actually burned into the wood. The small hut was just ashes. As I walked towards it, my hoof hit something under the ashes. Sweeping the ashes off… it was the gold slab.

“Oh…” I muttered as I gently picking the gold slab up and made sure it wasn’t covered in ash to make sure it was the exact same as my dream.

Everything about it seemed the same. Down to the strange language… with a sigh I placed the plate into my saddle bags. Maybe Guff or the Wizard knows how to read it?

“Alright...time to go see the wizard or Guff, whoever comes first.” I muttered to myself.

As I left, I gave one last look back to the once lush and beautiful place before heading back and starting work. It was simple. Harvest eggs, help sort them and then buck some orange trees. There was such variety on this farm.

When work ended, I trotted back to the tower. Knocking, I was greeted by Flurs. "Oh, you're back." She said, sounding rather bored.

“So I have several questions.” I started. “Mind if I come in?”

"Sure." She said. I entered, not seeing the old stallion around. "So, what brings you here this time?"

“Both this.” I put down the gold artifact on the table. “And also what happened to the area I found it in.”

She raised an eyebrow, looking it over. "Junimo language? Where did you find this?"

“I found it in a tree that’s been...it looked like something cut the place apart with fire.” I started. “My jumino found it in my dreams.”

"Wait, how do you know about bonded Junimos?"


"Ah. Wondered if that old bird was gonna talk to you. Anyways…" She looked back at the slab. "Hmm…"

“He told me...a whole lot of things.” I said nervously. “Damn near scared me when I saw him flying around the forest.”

"Yeah, all big and battle hardened but he's harmless. Unless you're a monster or evil spirit." Flurs stated. "He's an old friend of Gramps... Well, that's depressing."

“A little yeah.” I sighed out. “So what does it say?”

"You want the long version or the short version?"

“Either or is fine.” I answered.

"Alright, well the short of it is, they messed up." She explained. "The plane the Junimos come from is home to more than just them. Spirits of all kinds reside there. Their little hits they make here act like… anchored portals between their world and ours. Now, normally they open it from both sides in safe places, but sometimes… nasty spirits crawl through."

“So that’s why it looked like claw marks were burned into the place…” I said nervously.

"Yup. According to this, one day about fifteen years ago, five very nasty and rather dangerous spirits broke through that portal and destroyed the place. They've scattered throughout Equestria, but one seems to have remained here in the valley. They need help to rebuild their original portal location as well as help dealing with these five spirits."

“Alright.” I nodded. “Looks like I’m gonna need to do a lot of magical stuff and rebuild an...entire grotto…”

"Actually, the Junimos can do all that work, but In order to make their magic work in this world, they require offerings."

“What kind of offerings?” I inquired.

"Well, let's see." She looked back at the slab. "First we gotta put this thing back where you found it. Once we do, we can complete their offering requirements. Oh, and you'll need to drink this." She quickly levitated over a bottle. A bottle covered in moss, wrapped in twigs, and when she popped the cork it smelled like a swamp.

“I’d rather get smacked with corn dust again.” I coughed at the swamp smell.

"Oh don't worry, this is much, much worse, and permanent." Before I could argue she popped the bottle into my mouth. The fowl liquid tasted worse than it smelled and she made me drink the whole bottle. I felt… nauseous…

I think I blacked out for a while, cause the next thing I knew we were at the grotto. Flurs was placing the slab back down where it went… eww, I still have the aftertaste…

“I hate this…” I groaned.

"Oh good, you came down from it. Get over here then." I rolled my eyes, walking up next to her. I looked at the slab and… woah… it looked… different. Now, there was the engraving of a large Tree on it, and several flower buds.

“What happened to the slab?” I inquired. “I don’t remember the tree or the buds on it before.”

"That bottle didn't just have nasty swamp water in it. It's a potion of pure Nature Magic. And yes, technically earth pony magic is a form of nature magic but it's also diluted. After all, you pour too much water in lemonade it will just taste like water right? Same basic idea. Their language is written by and is itself a form of magic. So only those who know how to imbue nature magic into themselves can read it. Believe it or not, this tree was always here. Until now, you lacked the magic to actually see it."

“Uh...huh.” I started. “Right then that’s...a lot to take in.”

"In any case, here." She tapped on one of the buds. Suddenly a list showing items and empty slots under them. Ten logs. Ten rocks. Ten bundles of grass… seems simple.

“Looks simple enough.” I commented.

"Yeah. Says this will fix up the pathway here and clear up the bush blocking it. Sure you're little lot of has everything for this. So, good luck." And with that, she began walking off.

“Well...hopefully things will work out…” I muttered to myself.

I went back to my farm and got to work. The rocks and grass was easy enough. The trees…


I dropped after the second tree. Ouch… earth pony strength, why have you failed me!

“Why must you fail me at a time like this?” I whined as I got back up shakily.

Another THUD knocked me back on my gut. Looking back up, I spotted Guff next to me. "You are not very physical are you?" He asked as he helped me back to my hooves.

“I am, I have absolutely no idea why earth pony strength is failing me though…” I grumbled. “So uh...I learned a lot of things.”

"Oh? What did you learn?"

“That there’s evil spirits roaming around, I need to help the Jumino’s even more in their special grotto...and there’s an evil spirit still here.” I explained. “Also I can...see thing’s better...still would have preferred the corn dust rather than swamp juice.” I said in disgust.

"Heh, yeah. I took one whiff of those potions and went for the Powdered Nature Magic. So, you require wood for this task?"

“Yes I do...and I have no idea why gathering wood is suddenly so difficult for me.” I sighed out.

"Well, have you ever cut a tree before?"

“Not really no…” I sighed out.

"There's why. Like all things, wood cutting is a skill, and it takes more than just strength to cut a tree down."

“That sounds right…” I sighed out. “Gonna take a while to get all these skills done…”

"Heh, til then how's about I help." He said, picking up my axe. He raised it with one arm, and swung. I swear… the trunk exploded… and the rest fell over effortlessly. "How many do you need?"

“I...needed ten…” I started. “The fuck…”

"Heh, I used to be in the town Guard." He said, slicing another tree in one go. "Back when the town was founded, there were monsters everywhere. It was me, Sun Spot, Fish Hook, Titan, and Sunflower. We kept the town safe while it was being built and for years after."

“Wow…” I said. “And...I’m so sorry…” I said, immediately thinking the worst given how old the griffon was and being a town guard for all these years. “Sorry for jumping to conclusions but...well…”

"Heh, well, you aren't wrong. Of all of us from back then, Sunflower met a tragic fate… it is why we disbanded really." He said, hacking another tree. "She just had her foal, was so happy…" He sighed, another swing, another whole tree fell over.

“I'm sorry to hear that…” I said sadly.

"She was the youngest of us, joined late and despite that, was one of us as if she had always been." He smiled, cutting another tree. "She had a fire the likes I've never seen in a mare before. And for a Pegasus, she could swing a bastard sword with ease and accuracy. Even despite her small size."

“Wow.” She said in surprise. “Must have had an earth pony relative cause she sounds really strong.”

"Probably." He laughed. "She'd never tell us." Soon all the trees, and therefore wood, I needed were cut and Guff lifted the logs up. "So, where to? Melody did something similar. Helped her carry them too sometimes."

“It’s gonna be a walk.” I said while helping out by lifting the rocks and grass bushes up.

"That's fine. Gives us time to talk." He said as we started moving on. "So, where are we going exactly?"

“Towards a hidden grotto in between my house and the farm.” I said honestly.

"Ah, the Junimo Tree then." He nodded. "I remember it back in it's prime. Never knew what it was or how it was possible until Melody came to town. Spotted her playing with the Junimos."

“Yeah, it was actually my Jumino that showed me it and a weird slab in my dreams...it was really beautiful in there but...here it looks so sad…”

He sighed. "I remember. Fifteen years ago, there was a fire. Nearly hit Copper and Brick's farm but everyone in town helped but I was at the heart and.. saw the cause. For sixty years I've been killing monsters, but those five things are the only ones to ever decorate my flesh with scars."

I gulped, looking back at the heavily scared Griffon...

“Uh...okay...that’s…” I stuttered lightly. “That’s a...thing.”

"Yes. If it wasn't for the Junimos I'd have died that day. They kept me alive long enough to collapse outside the hospital. Ever Since I've been working with Sun Spot to keep these things at bay. Four of these monsters already left the valley long ago but one I know for a fact remains."

“I was also told the same thing, one of them remains here and...I might have to help fight the blasted thing.” I frowned. “And here I wanted to get out of stupid fighting…” I muttered bitterly to myself.

"To fight such a thing would take magic only the Junimos possess. Though, hopefully with this we can somehow get the damned spirit out of this plane."

“That would at least help to some degree.” I nodded. “The sooner we get it out of here the better.”

"Truer words." Guff nodded. He followed me to the Grotto, sighing as he looked around. "I'll wait out here. I don't think I can fit through the door." He chuckled.

“Fair enough.” I nodded while starting to put all the things I needed down on the ground. “Alright little buddy...how to I offer this stuff?” I asked, making sure all the bundles were together in the hut.

After dragging the logs through the entrance I looked at the slab. I tapped on the flower bud and shrugged as I put the ten grass on it. To my surprise the slab seemed to absorb them, and the grass slot here was filled. Huh. Alright then. I did the same to the rocks and logs. Once all of them were absorbed, it flashed back to the tree. The flower bud bloomed into a small yellow flower. I yelped as a poof of steam happened in front of me, and sitting atop the slab was… a present? It was in a pink box with a darker pink ribbon tied around it and Into a bow at the top.

“Uh...neat.” I started as I carefully opened up the cutely wrapped box.

Inside I pulled the ribbon open and the box fell apart, revealing… a… metal thing… and seeds. Oh, Carrot seeds. Cool. I put the seeds, ten packets, away in my saddle bags and pulled the thing along with me.

"Where'd you get the furnace?" Asked Guff as I exited with this thing dragging behind me.

“It was from a present I got from a flower after I finished my offering.” I answered.

"Ah… so that explains where she got most of those things…" He said. "Well, that aside, loom back at the road.

I walked aside from the Griffon I spotted the road we walked earlier. No longer was the pathway dirt covered in weeds and moss, but now a cobblestone laid pathway with a small wood boarder between it and the dead bushes. Guff carried the Furnace and when we got to the entrance point, the bush blocking it was gone entirely, replaced by a heavy duty and well carved archway made from wood. The wood above held the engraved images of three dancing Junimos.

“Wow, Junimo’s work fast.” I said in surprise.

"Well, they are ancient magical beings." Guff said with some awe. "I never got to see how they work before. It's incredible."

“It is most certainly incredible work.” I nodded in agreement.

We walked back to my place, and Guff placed my new furnace down. "Do you know how to use this?" He asked me.

“No…” I sighed out. “I’m still learning...a whole lot of things as of late.”

"Heh. Here." He said, motioning to the inside. "See these two metal sheets." He said, pulling them out and showing one was like a grill, the other, was a wire frame with a fair sized rectangle bowl in the middle. “This grill one is for food. For a predator, it cooks meat well enough. For ponies, potatoes, carrots, or whatever really you like to cook on a grill. The other is for melting raw ore into metal bars. Just add coal if you want to melt ore. Wood is fine enough for food."

“Well...certainly saves me the time and effort of making campfires all the time.” I said honestly.

"Heh, true. Oh, and also, these." He reached into his own saddle bags, pulling out what looked like some homemade granola bar. "Crushed up pine, acorns and maple seeds mixed with some sap makes a great snack."

“Huh, didn’t think Pine would work for a granola bar.” I said honestly.

"It's not bad once you crush them up. The tree sap gives them all a sweet taste."

“That sounds correct.” I nodded, not knowing much about the finer details on food making but it would make sense.

"For melting ores you need at least five pieces you'd get from mining. The little nuggets melt and turn into an ore bar. Get enough of them and the blacksmith, Titan can upgrade your tools or even make you some stuff for a good price. If he's being rude, tell him I sent you."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “And...well I suppose my next stop should be the mines...but then I have the rest of the town’s folk to meet, work...gah there’s too much to do~.” I whined.

"Heh, such is life. Hmm… hehe, nah."

“What are you snickering about now old man?” I asked, pouting at him starting to laugh at my plight.

"Psst, not your issues. Just, long ago Melody offered me to stay here. In exchange for my bed and roof, I'd help her manage the farm. Was a lot of work for her. Still don't know how she managed it alone. I refused, Griffon pride of a younger bird. I was always a wilderness type, just preferred it. I did consider it for a time after she asked me, but never brought it back up."

“Well...looks like I have a lot of expectations to fill…” I sighed out.

"Well, if you'd like… I can help clear this place out. Teach you to grow crops." Guff said. "I might be an old bird, but I can at least pass along all I've learned and all she taught me to the next."

“That would help me immensely.” I sighed out thankfully. “Thank you so much Guff.”

He smiled. "Well, I'm kinda too old to be roughing it in the forest anyway. Heh, since that night fifteen years ago, can't even fly. Those things cut a bit too deep by my wings. I can still move them and such, but I can't lift. It's why I jump from tree to tree. I'll go get my things, set up near the house here and then we can work on clearing this place out properly."

“Works for me.” I nodded. “Need any help getting set up?”

"I'll be fine. Not too many personal items. And everything I do own is basically ready to be packed and moved at all times."

“Well, when you live in the forest you better pack light I suppose.” I shrugged.

"Always." With a jump he rushed back into the tree tops and zipped between them.

I smiled, happy for the help and feeling relieved for the help.

"Another day...another earth shattering revelation…"

I put a few of my new carrots into the furnace. Grilled carrots sound good for dinner tonight.

Guff came by and brought all his things. He has several large saddle bags on him and he began to set up his tent and stuff next to my little house. “Here.” He said, putting a basket between us filled with various berries. “The wild berries all around this valley are better than most I’ve ever had from stores. Try a few, they’re good for keeping hydrated too.”

"Alright." I said while trying one of the berries just to see how it was.p

The bright pink ones tasted very sweet with a tangy aftertaste. It was delicious. The next was a dark blue one that tasted like a mix of blueberry and bananas. The last one, ws oddly spicey, yet sweet almost like… a whiskey actually.

"Wow, these are really good."

“If we manage to get a blender or some kegs, they make amazing juice and wines. Jams too. I still remember those recipes.” He said, taking a few as well and popping them into his beak. “If you ate meat, the glaze I make with them for some of my meals tastes incredible.”

“Well, the glaze could be used for other things.” I pointed out. “Like bread’s and stuff.”

“Hm, maybe. Or…” He quickly rushed into his tent, taking out a stone bowl and mortar and a few of the pink berries and crushed them up well, then added some honey from a jar and salt before opening the furnace and basting them over my carrots. “It’s better than just plain cooked root.”

“That also works.” I said honestly. “Nothing like a home cooked meal…” I trailed off, cause even though I hated home all this talk made me kind of miss some of the chef’s cooking back home.

“True.” Guff said.

We shared of meal of cooked carrots with amazing glaze, berries, and some boiled water from my pot. It felt… nice. It felt right.

I was in the grotto again. It was… dead, like it is now. I didn’t see Junimos anywhere.

“Oh no…” I muttered in panic, running around the place to find anyone or anything that wasn’t this dead husk of a grotto.


I looked around, hearing a low, whisper like growl from around the air.

“Who’s there?” I asked worriedly.

”Another… Pesky little nature spirits…” The voice spoke.

“Who are you?” I asked, following after the voice carefully.

”Junimos… call us Invaders… we… are called… Carnage.”

“Yeah that’s...not a really good name.” I said nervously.

”We bring… Fire. Rain. Winds. Tremors… and…” THe earth below me broke open, a snake made from shadows and thorns rose up from the ground before me. It was bigger than me, and way larger than a normal snake. ”Terror…” The snake said as it’s massive eyes looked at me directly.

“Hi.” I said carefully. “So uh...you just...destroy what you want because you can?”

”Destruction, must come first… to rebuild… rebirth.” It said, starting to slither around me like I was prey.

“I just got here, I’d rather not die in my...what? Barely the first week here?” I groaned, knowing I should be absolutely terrified of this creature, and I rightly was...but honestly, having been so isolated my entire life, as well as whatever glimpses of my dad’s ‘work’, I couldn’t help but feel right at home with this thing circling around me. “Stars, it feels like I’m back home…” I grumbled.

”Strange… Little… to no fear…” It said. ”Why is that… I wonder…” It said, it’s body phasing through me. I felt a shiver as an icy chill hit me. ”I see… Such… terror… such… violence… and from family. A little, helpless pony, raised by wolves in pony skins.”

“Can you not do that please?” I asked. “That was really creepy...at least take me on a date first before you go ahead and send shivers down my spine.” I frowned. “Also...how do you know about my family?”

”It is not hard… to see your memories.” It said. ”Such an interesting… lonely life. Yet such a fire, burning in that fragile heart of yours. The Junimos choose their champions… exotically.”

“Well, when the chips are down, you better fight fire with fire.” I said as I tipped my glasses down a bit, truly seeing the snake for what bonds it would have or what emotions it was feeling.

Pure. Unfiltered. Hatred.

”It does not matter to us. My siblings are spreading our work from that far corners of this land. Soon, the age of peace, and harmony, frozen over by our masters as they did in the past.”

“You know that you’ll lose right?” I asked carefully. “I...still barely know jackshit about what’s going on, but Juminoes would bring life, you bring destruction right?” I inquired. “So no matter what happens, you’ll always lose.” I said, thinking about one time my dad talked to be about a deal with one of the residents.

They seemed to laugh. ”Junimos do not create life. Restore, preserve life, yes. Create? No. Only our masters can create life. Mine, bring it’s end, theirs, rebirth life into new forms. The age of Ponies, Griffons, Dragons, this land has existed long enough. It is time, for us to erase it, and end what they attempt to preserve and prolong…”

“Right…” I started carefully. “So...I’m gonna need to put a massive pin in that and tell you ‘no’.” I started.

”And… pray tell, what power do you have. Little Pony?” They asked, looking back at me. ”The Junimos can’t protect you, that pesky alicorn Luna is retired and her link to the dreamscape weak, and you… are all alone.”

“I’m not alone.” I said, for some reason taking off my glasses I felt...something in me determined. “I may not be as strong as you, but if there’s one thing that I’ve always known, is that I’m not alone.” I growled, suddenly feeling a rush of what few bond’s I had, with Bricks and Guff especially, making me feel stronger than I normally would. “And if there’s one thing you don’t do asshole, is fuck with a Mobster’s family.” I growled.

”Ah, so you plan on leading you friends into the life your parents taught you? And here you wanted to escape that life.”

“I wanted to escape the isolation.” I told him bluntly. “What they taught me was about family, honor, and doing the right thing...even if I saw the wrong things…”

”Even as they hang ponies and bury them alive, you’d take the words and advice of murderers?”

“Why do you think people always look towards their elders for advice and knowledge?” I inquired. “It’s because they’ve experienced it, they understand what they’re doing, and even though it pained my father and mother to absolutely no end whenever they saw me when I knew of their work, they always told me about what good thing’s Mobsters have done...you’d be surprised how many good thing’s terrible people can do if they put their mind to it.” I said simply. “You’ve seen my memories, you know my father has helped raise good upstanding companies, my mother helping build orphanages and feeding the poor...even if they might have bad things attached to them, they have helped the community immensely.”

”And yet, despite all that good, the price on their heads, the assasination attempts. You think you’ve seen unfair? I’ll show you, just how unfair this war you’re in can be.”

“Then show me, I ran away from home so I could see it.” I growled, taking a step closer to the snake. “So I could make friends, learn life lessons that weren't in some high class hotel, come on, you want to scare me? Then prove it.” I growled. “Terrify Me!”

They laughed, their shadow maw opening wide and rushing at me.

I woke up with a jump. Pushing sheets off me and sighing as the moon was still high up in the air. I sighed, looking at my ceiling and seeing my little heart shaped Junimo looking back at me with worry.

“Don’t worry little guy.” I muttered with a smile, lightly petting my Jumino. “He won’t hurt you, I promise.”

It chirped and cuddled up next to me as I sighed. What have I gotten myself into...

“Sweet Twilight...am I really going to have to call home for some advice?” I muttered to myself bitterly. “They’d sooner drag me home if anything…”