• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 3,555 Views, 14 Comments

The Best Kind of Surprise - Bluegrass Brooke

Pinkie and Cheese had everything worked out. But, when a little foal drops into their lives, the pieces had to be rearanged. They don't know how it will fit together, but one thing's for certain. This surprise would change their lives for t

  • ...

Three's a Crowd

A thick blanket of snow had fallen over Ponyville. Unfortunately it kept falling and falling. Without their loyal weather team captain to direct things, the pegasi had mistakenly allowed three feet of snow to fall in a single night. Cheese could not help but imagine Rainbow Dash's irritated voice, 'I said three inches, not three feet!' Ah well, she was away at Canterlot and the pegasi had at least two more days to put everything back in order before she returned.

The snow did little to bother Cheese. After all, he and Pinkie would be spending their Hearths' Warming Day indoors. A small part of him wanted to go running around in the stuff, but that would have to wait.

"Cheese? What are you doing on the balcony?" Pinkie was leaning against the open door, wrapped in a blanket. Her eyes darted from him to the street below. "Going to join them?"

"No, no. I just thought I'd get some fresh air." It was a beautiful morning to be outdoors and undoubtedly the perfect opportunity to spread some laughter around town. Seeing Pinkie's worried expression, he walked over and nuzzled her softly on the cheek. "I'll stay with you."

Pinkie suppressed a laugh, walking back inside. Cheese followed her in, closing the door behind him. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Just thinking how silly you are." Depositing the blanket on the chest, she started to make the bed. "You're not exactly in prison you know. If you want to go outside, go! I'll be fine here."

Cheese snorted, eyeing his wife's less than believable smile. Really, dear? Just say you want me to stay. He started to help Pinkie straighten the sheets. "As if I'd want to be anywhere you're not. Especially with . . . with things."

"Things?" Pinkie really did laugh now, a loud, bubbly laugh that echoed around the room. "It's our foal, Cheesie, not a thing."

"You're right, you're right. Poor choice of words." Though Pinkie was acting as if it was no big deal, he could not help but worry. His eyes focused on the large bump taking up a portion of her midriff. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine! Cheesie, I'd tell you if I wasn't." She walked over to him, pressing her muzzle to his. "Quit being a worrywart."

"Sorry I can't help it." His hooves pranced against the floorboards. "I can't wait to meet him."

Pinkie raised an eyebrow, "Or her."

"Or her. Argh!" He rubbed a hoof through his mane. "Why didn't you have them tell you what it was?"

"Because surprises are fun, Cheesie!" Though, judging from her darkening expression, she did not wholeheartedly believe that. She stroked the bump with a hoof. "Don't forget the foal itself was a surprise. I wanted to wait a few years, remember?"

Cheese felt the heat rise in his face. "Yeah, I know it's all my fault." It's not as though I wanted to be a father at my age. Though irrational, he felt a strong surge of guilt sweep over him. Pinkie was younger than he was, and now would have to deal with being a mother when everypony already thought she was too young for marriage. It was as though he had taken away the last bit of innocence she had. His legs started to shake, and he did everything but look into her eyes.

Pinkie's hooves wrapped around him in a tight hug, pressing him to the floorboards. Her soft muzzle burrowed into his mane. The gentle quality of her voice was incredibly soothing, "Cheesie. It's not your fault. And I don't hate you for giving me this foal."

"But . . . but you're so young." It was stupid, but he felt close to crying. Why doesn't she hate me? "Ponies already look at us like we're crazy. I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Cake think we're too young to have a foal."

"So what if we're young?" Pinkie kissed him on the forehead. "I know for a fact you'll be a good dad. And I'm going to do my best to be a good mom. And we'll love this child more than life itself. I've got great parents and sisters who want to help us out and the girls. You've got a good job and so do I. The venue's already doing really well." She brushed back his forelock, giggling a little as his sour expression. "I really don't see the problem, Cheesie."

"I . . ." She's right. She always is. With a heavy sigh, he nodded. "Okay."

Pinkie did not leave him off the hook. Before he knew why, she lifted her head and spoke very slowly, "There's something else, isn't there?"

How did she know? Though he wanted to simply tell her outright, he was scared to death she might hate him for it. The words came out in a jumbled mess, "Father. I don't. . . all I've ever learned from him is how not to raise a child. What if . . . what if I can't control it? I don’t want to treat our foal like he treated me."

Pinkie drew him into a bone crushing hug. "Quit being ridiculous, Cheesie. You're not going to be like him, I won't let you." Upon releasing him, she cuffed him on the head. "If you ever start to slip, I'll be the first to drag you back. Got it?"

"Right." Cheese could not help but smile at her. In a few sentences, she blew away the worries that had been plaguing him for days. Typical, wonderful Pinkie Pie. He made to stand, only to have Pinkie hold him back. "Yes?"

Her face was beet red, and she clutched her side. "Uh, could you . . . could you help me up, dear?"

Cheese snorted a laugh, hoisting her to her hooves. "Maybe we shouldn't be rolling on the ground two weeks before the due date?"

"Well somepony needed a hug." She flicked her tail in his face, showing off that playful smirk he loved so much. "Let's get everything ready."

"Ready for what?"

Pinkie put on her best you've got to be joking face. Leaning against the door frame, she gestured pointedly to the next room. "The foal, Cheesie. I've got to go to the hospital next week, so we need to make sure everything's ready."

"Oh, horsefeathers. I forgot you were going in early." Cheese trotted over, following her out the door. The next few weeks were bound to be insanely busy. But, at least for today, they could relax and enjoy each other's company. A short time from now, that company would include somepony else. Their foal.

"Cheese, you really have to stop." Twilight's eyes tracked his progress across the waiting room floor with concern.

"Urgh! I can't help it." Cheese knew his pacing was not doing Pinkie any good, but he could not help it. It was just about the only thing he could do at the moment. He glanced over at Igneous for backup.

The older stallion coughed, looking up from his book. "Son, she's got a point." His gruff laugh broke the silence that had hung in the room ever since Pinkie went into labor. "They threw you out because you were panicking, remember?"

"Right." Cheese lowered his head, taking a seat between his in-laws. The others in the room sniggered a bit. It did not bother him in the slightest. Having all of the girls and Pinkie's family helped a lot. Though it was close to ten o'clock at night, they all came willingly to support them and he could not thank them enough for that.

Cloudy patted Cheese on the back, "She'll be fine, Cheese. And it's normal to be anxious. Celestia knows Igneous was with Maud."

Igneous shot a sour look at his wife. "I was not that bad."

Maud shrugged, rolling Boulder along the carpeted floor. "Maybe, but you were really nervous with Marble and Limestone. I remember."

"I was . . ." Apparently he could not think of a good comeback, and went back to reading.

The girls had formed a kind of circle in the center of the room, playing some kind of card came Limestone had showed them. Instead of their usual cheery banter, everypony was quiet, even Rainbow Dash. Cheese assumed that they were just as nervous as he was, but in a different way. To alleviate the urge to pace again, he took to staring at the clock. One minute, five minutes, ten minutes. Its progress was infuriatingly slow. Finally, the door opened and one of the nurses stepped out. Cheese shot up, trotting over to her. "Is everything okay?"

The mare's bright smile instantly relaxed him. "Just fine." She jerked her head to the door, "Do you want to meet him?"

Him? Cheese nodded emphatically, following her inside. Though it was a January night, the room felt incredibly warm and bright. Pinkie smiled as he walked over to her. Celestia, she looks tired. His wife's coat was drenched in sweat, the once flouncy curls of her mane were pressed against her neck, and it was easy to see she was exhausted. Despite all that, Cheese had never seen her so happy. "Hello, dear."

"Hey." Pinkie shot him a playful smirk, "Stop panicking yet?"

He grinned sheepishly, "He, he. Yeah."

"Good, cause you need to see him." Pinkie motioned him closer, stroking the small bundle of blankets beside her.

An uncontrollable shaking started in his hooves. Why am I nervous? He's my son, nothing to be nervous over. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to meet him.

To his surprise, Pinkie became rather nervous herself, holding out a hoof when he came up beside her. Her eyes bored into his. "Please, please for the love of Celestia don't panic."

"Panic? Pinkie why would I panic?" Really? And I thought I was nervous.

"You'll . . . you'll see." Pinkie moved her hoof away from the bundle, tossing off the blankets to reveal a steel grey foal. The tiny colt was curled up fast asleep, hooves tucked neatly to his chest.

Cheese could not help but stare in amazement. There, parting the foal's blue forelock was an unmistakable horn. Before he could stop himself, he began to laugh. "A unicorn? A unicorn?" Pinkie hurt expression made his heart lurch. Stupid, Cheese. "Sorry, dear. It's just so ironic."

He knelt beside the bed so he was at eye level with the foal. His hoof stoked the foal's velvety coat and he blinked awake. The same azure eyes he had grown to love blinked back at him. He let out a soft nicker, nuzzling his son. "Hey little one. You're quite a surprise, aren't you?" Carefully, he scooped him into his hooves and held the foal in a gentle hug. "I'm your Dad. Get used to hugs, 'cause you're going to get a lot."

Pinkie giggled, "Be careful, Cheesie."

Cheese kissed the foal gently, handing him back to her. "He's so small!"

"I know. The doctor said that was normal for a first foal." Pinkie stroked their son gently, smiling at Cheese.

"He's beautiful." Cheese leaned over, pressing his muzzle to hers. "Thank you, Pinkie. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, silly."

"I know. But I am." He rubbed his cheek against hers, sighing contentedly. "Now our family's complete."

Pinkie's quiet giggle was music to his ears. "It sure is." She broke away from him, nodding to the door. "Why don't you get the others? I want to show them the foal before they bring him to the nursery."

"Right." As he walked out of the room, he could not help but feel an overwhelming surge of pride. Pride in his wife and pride in the newborn foal by her side. At that moment, he felt like the luckiest stallion in Equestria.

"A unicorn?" Igneous stared at his newborn grandson in shock. He had been prepared for just about anything but this. To think that two earth ponies could have a unicorn son. "Why?"

Cheese chuckled, looking around the room at their friends and family. "My parents are unicorns."

Realization crashed over Igneous like a flood. Of course. How could he have forgotten that detail? He shrugged, stroking the little foal cautiously. "Celestia, he's small, and quiet. You sure he's all right, Pinkamena?"

"Yup a doodles, Dad." Pinkie seemed amused by this and winked at Cloudy.

"He's so cute!" Rainbow Dash spun in the air, landing smoothly beside an equally excited Fluttershy.

Applejack raised an eyebrow, "What are you two goin' to name him? Smokey?"

Pinkie and Cheese shared a snort. "WHAT?"

"Well, 'cause he's so grey an all." Her face turned red and she pawed at the ground.

She's got a point. Igneous stared back at Cheese. What were they planning on? Of course, he wanted to suggest the Pie family tradition of naming stallions after rocks. But, Cheese had his own family, even if they were rotten. Maybe he would settle for a more city name. "Well, kid?"

Cheese shrugged, looking to Pinkie for backup. "Dunno. We're both kinda stumped."

Maud walked forward with the air of a governess stopping a fight. She scooped up her nephew, eyeing him like a particularly interesting rock. Then, setting him back down beside Pinkie, she turned to Cheese. "Gabbro."

It was Cheese's turn to raise an eyebrow, "Come again?"

"Gabbro." She sighed heavily, pointing to Igneous. "It's a kind of igneous rock. Thought since he looks a bit like Dad, it makes sense."

Everypony in the room stared at her with newfound respect. Igneous marveled at Maud's ingenuity. He could not help but grin at his eldest daughter. "That's a good name." His eyes focused back on Pinkie and Cheese. "What do you say, kids?"

A wide grin formed across Cheese's face. Pinkie giggled, "It's perfect, Dad."

"Yeah," Cheese stroked his son's mane with a hoof. "We can call him Gab for short."

Igneous shared a laugh with the rest of the group. Calling the quiet little fellow Gab was too ironic. He stepped back to let the others say hello. It was heartwarming to see how much love his grandchild was getting. As he watched his daughter, he could not help but be impressed. Though she was young, she was more than capable. Between her and Cheese, he was certain the little one would never want for affection. You're a lucky colt, Gabbro. A lucky colt.

Cheese really wished Pinkie would just go. It had been nearly a month since she left the house for more than a few minutes, and he was fairly certain it was messing with her head. Now, after she finally promised to go and spend some time with her friends, she was still fighting tooth and nail. "Pinkie, we'll be fine!"

"I know, I know. But, maybe I should just wait a teensy bit longer." Pinkie's eyes darted to the crib where Gab lay fast asleep.

Cheese sighed, leaning against the door frame. "Dear, you need time to yourself. Seriously. Get out of the house!"

"Fine, fine." Dejectedly, the mare scooped up her saddlebags and walked down the hall. Cheese watched her eyeing the nursery as they went. "Don't forget to check on him, and read him stories, and—"

"Pinkie! I'm perfectly capable of watching our son on my own." What am I, an invalid?

"I know you are, Cheesie. It's just, I feel bad leaving you to watch him all day."

"I don't mind one bit." They were standing in the kitchen now, and he could tell she was prolonging this again. He scooped up a basket from the table and handed it to her. "I made you some muffins."

Her azure eyes sparkled with excitement, "Chocolate chip?"

"Yup. And lemon, and poppyseed."

"Oooh! Yeah! Thanks, Cheesie." She gave him a bear hug, then stepped towards the door. "Okay, I'm leaving for real now. Love ya!"

"Love you too." Cheese chuckled as she closed the door behind her. Honestly, she's such a worry wart.

Gabbro had to be the easiest foal in Equestria to watch. Though he had been prepared for just about any antics, he was still taken aback by his son. The foal did not cry unless absolutely necessary, and rarely made so much as a gurgle. What he did do exceptionally well was watch. Watch them, watch the sky, watch Gummy, and just about anything that drew his attention. For the life of him, Cheese could not figure out what drew the little unicorn's fascination. At least he was easy to please.

Grabbing a construction book of the shelf, he walking into the nursery and settled in the rocker. Once again, Gab was fast asleep. It was going to be a long day.

The morning wore on into the afternoon. Thanks to Gab's easy to please nature, Cheese had gotten a lot of odds and ends done around the house. Currently, he was oiling the door hinges. Gab was watching again, blue eyes wide with wonder. Cheese chuckled, looking back at the foal lying on the quilt. "You want me to explain it?" He took Gab's blink as acknowledgement. "Old doors like this, well any door really, needs to be oiled every once in a while. . ."

The explanation went on for a bit, as though Cheese were addressing a coworker instead of a foal. Despite this, Gab was still staring as intently as ever. Cheese chuckled nervously, wiping his hooves off on a rag. "Okay, kiddo. Let's read you something a little more interesting." Cheese set up another blanket on the living room rug, and grabbed a picture book from the shelf. Then, scooping up Gab, he settled down on the floor. "And there we are! How's that, buddy?"

Instead of a response, Gab nestled closer to his side, looking expectantly back at his father. Cheese cleared his throat, glancing down at the book. "'The Epic Adventures of Strongbeard the Pirate.'" His snort of laughter made Gabbro gurgle a bit, apparently enjoying the sound. "You can tell your Auntie Rainbow Dash got this for you. Anyway, here we go. 'The sea was calm and quiet . . .'"

Cheese continued the story, enjoying it just as much as Gab did. The best part for him was dramatically reading through the dialogue. "'Argh! Bested me again! Curse you Strongbeard.'" Cheese added in a feel pretend gasps of pain, much to the foal's delight. The rest of the story was a blast, going through Strongbeard's treasure hunt and their subsequent escape from the volcanic island. Admittedly, it was not typical foal book material, but Gab did not seem to mind. As he finished the last of the book, he noted that his audience had drifted off to sleep. "Tired again?" Leaning down, he kissed the foal on the forehead. "Daddy loves you, Gab."

Gabbro hating staying up late. It was not as though he did not appreciate Luna's night in all its splendor, but he, like his grandfather before him was a morning pony. Every day without fail, he would rise with the sun and go to bed shortly after dark. Normally, this routine would have worked out well, especially with how early his father got up. That was before Apricot showed up.

He supposed having a baby sister was all right, but she had a nasty tendency to refuse to go to bed just when he was fast asleep. The inevitable fits of crying always woke him up. Though he had begged and pleaded his father to sleep in the living room, it was no use. Thinking he might get a better response from his mother, he asked her. But, like always, he met with a united wall. Whatever one decided, the other always agreed on. It was infuriating, but there was no helping it.

For the first time in months, it was his his own fault he was up so late. Too thirsty to sleep, he forced himself out of bed and into the kitchen for some water. Gab winced as his hoof struck the floorboard and let out a loud squeak. From the corner of the room, an alligator the size of a large dog opened one sleepy eyelid. "Sorry, Gummy."

Noting the apology, Gummy closed his eyes and curled tighter on his pile of blankets. Gab liked Gummy. The creature was always good for a laugh, and let him bounce on his back with relative freedom though he drew the line at magic practice. Celestia, magic was frustrating. There was nothing natural about levitating things with magic when you could just as easily scoop them up with your mouth or hoof. Try as he may to explain the simple truth to his parents, they insisted he take boring lessons with Aunt Twilight every Saturday.

After grabbing a glass and getting a long sip of water, he turned back to the room. Hopefully, he could fall right back asleep. "Night Gummy." The alligator's tail twitched in response, but he continued to pretend to be asleep. Gab made a mental note to play extra with him in the morning. As he walked cautiously down the hallway, he noticed a light on in his parent's room. Though he knew he should go to bed, his curiosity got the better of him. Using all the stealth he could muster, he crept over to peer inside.

"Cheesie, it's okay. He's not here. He can't hurt you." Pinkie was lying on top of the quilt, holding Cheese. Gabbro's heart lurched at the realization that his father was sobbing into her chest. Her hooves kept rubbing his back over and over again as she whispered into his ear.

Before he could stop himself, he blurted out. "What's wrong with Dad?"

"Gabbro?" Pinkie's blue eyes grew wide with shock, which quickly morphed into her usual gentle stare. She motioned him closer, and he cantered up to them. "Cheesie had a bad dream, that's all." Though from her clouded expression, Gab was not so sure that was the whole story.

Clambering up the bed, he joined his parents. He tried to look into his Dad's eyes, but they were still closed tight. His stomach churned at the sight. It was the first time he had ever seen his father so scared, and it just felt wrong. Snuggling up beside him, Gab mimicked his mother's soft voice, "It's okay, Dad. It's okay."

He lay there, shaking for a bit. Then, finally, he looked up eyes red. "Sorry, Gab."

"Don't be sorry." Gab gave him a big hug, flashing a toothy grin. "Mom says it's okay to be scared sometimes. Right?"

"Mmmhmmm." Pinkie's slobbery kiss on his forehead made him cringe a little. "That's my Gabbro."

Gab felt his father's hoof on his back. "Thanks. I'll be fine now."

"You sure? 'Cause we can sing Mom's song if it helps."

Cheese snorted a laugh, releasing his son. "All right. But then you're going to bed."

"Kay!" Singing with his parents was always fun. He supposed anything he did with them would be fun. His parents were the best parents in all of Equestria. And, he supposed he could in time get used to Apricot. They were a family after all, and family stuck together.

"Dad. Dad! DAD!"

"What?" Cheese blinked awake, staring up at the steel grey colt leaning against the bed. "Gabbro? What time is it?"

The colt hopped up and down. "It's four already."

"Four?" It feels like I just went to bed. "Few more minutes."

"Urgh! Dad, the train to Saddlewood leaves at five." Gab started to tug on his father's legs. "We can't be late."

Pinkie's groggy voice sounded beside him. "Gab's got a point, dear."

"Right, right." Cheese climbed out of bed, and started for the dresser. From the corner of his eye, he noted Gab's intense gaze. "Did you remember everything?"

"Yeah. I checked and double checked."

Cheese raised a questioning eyebrow, "Your saw?"

Gab rolled his eyes, patting the saw tattooed on his flank. "As if I'd forget that, Dad."

"Well, you never know. I forgot my accordion one time." The dresser was a real mess, and it was proving difficult to find what he was after. He chuckled at his son's snort of frustration. The colt had been looking forward to the Equestia Carpenters Convention for months now. If there was one thing Gab loved more than anything else, it was working wood. "There it is." He drew out one of his traveling ponchos triumphantly. Then, he glanced back at Gab. "Did you remember yours?"

"It's dirty." Gab flinched as Cheese tossed a spare poncho his way. It hung suspended in his blue magic. "Dad!"

"Sorry. Thought you were paying attention." Cheese slipped on his own poncho and the heavy wooden collar hanging on the wall. "Cart all ready?"

Gab nodded, eyeing his father's collar. The colt's longing expression was extremely easy to read. "You want to pull a bit?"

His eyes sparkled with excitement, and he did a happy series of hops his mother would be proud of. "Yes!"

"Okay. Go get your collar."

Without another word, the colt dashed off to his room. Cheese rolled his eyes, walking back over to Pinkie. "Never seen anypony so excited to pull a wagon."

Pinkie turned to her husband, blowing a strand of her long forelock aside. "He takes after his Grandfather." That familiar, enrapturing smile of hers still made his heart race. "You two be careful."

"Always." He pressed his muzzle to hers, smiling back. "You have fun with Apricot today."

"Oh we will. We're making cookies with the twins." Pinkie rolled her eyes, "They want an assistant."

"Do they now?" Cheese chuckled at the thought of their two year old daughter working alongside the Cake twins. "Guess anything's possible."

Pinkie nodded, curling back under the covers. "Make sure Gab practices his magic."

Cheese grimaced a bit. Getting his son to practice magic was akin to pulling teeth. He could only hope the colt would grow out of it. "I'll try." At that moment, Gab appeared in the doorway, puffing out his chest to show off his miniature version of a driving collar. "Ready!"

"All right." Cheese jerked a nod to Pinkie. "Say goodbye to your mother."

"Right." Gab darted over to her, giving a hug.

Pinkie held him tight for a second, then released him. "Have fun, dear."

"We will! Right, Dad?"

"You bet! Come on." Cheese walked out of the door, giving one last wink to his wife. Today was about him and his son. It did not matter what they were doing, as long as they were doing it together.

Author's Note:

So there it is! I promised a foal fic and I'd hate to disappoint. It was a ton of fun to write. Hopefully I'll be writing some more CheesePie soon. In the meantime, I encourage you to check out my other shipping stories that have set sail.

Thanks for reading, and comments are ever appreciated!

Comments ( 13 )

Yes yes yes! Awesome as usual Brooke. :scootangel:

Cute! Even though I think I read it before. whatever, it's cute when being read over and over.:pinkiehappy:

That was so cute. Great job. Thanks for writing about Gabbo's early life. Thanks for this gift. I loved how Gabbo saw Cheese crying and helped him. Also I loved Maud naming Gabbo.

This is so cute! I love it as usual:pinkiehappy:

Sweet Celestia, you've done an amazing job. I really wish to see more. :pinkiehappy:

I WANT A CM FIC ABOUT GABRO!!!:flutterrage: please:fluttershysad:

5414286 He, he. I plan on writing one eventually. Just as soon as I find the time.

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee -- *falls over from heart attack*

Why didn't I read this sooner?! :pinkiegasp: I love it!
It! :heart: So cute!

This is awesome, despite i've never liked foal fics, this is calming and pleasent :twilightsmile:


Your work is always so adoreable
And touching! I love it keep it up

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