• Published 13th Jul 2012
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Fillysburg - jt45fan

The Battle of Fillysburg during the Equestian Civil War. It was the greatest of all time. A legend.

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Day One, July 1st 1863, The Republican Perspective

Day One, July 1st 1863

The Republican Perspective

Rarity was in the camp of the Army of Northern Hayigina, gossiping with the other camp wives about the orders of the day. Most of their husbands were officers, a vast majority of them in the Third Corps of Brigadier General Trixie, a good commander, but an arrogant one, who more often than not was the butt of their gossip. Today, however it was the orders of their husbands, to attack a small imperial division in a small town to the south.

“Do you know why we're here?” asked a slight, grey coated pegasus.

“I heard it was something about a store of shoes.” responded the alabaster unicorn, who always seemed to have all the answers.

Unbeknownst to the two ponies, the commander of the Army of Northern Haygina, General Big Macintosh, had quietly stepped up behind them. The great commanded answered “Eeyup.” the rumor heard, and repeated by the wife of the junior officer. The sudden appearance of the large pony behind them, as well as the surprise of his talking caused the pair of mares to jump.

As the two army wives and the grand general had a conversation, a second white unicorn, her coat a more pure white then Rarity’s, observed the discussion in secret, from a small bush in the camp. When Big Mac left the mares to their days she stepped forward. The second unicorn was taller, slimmer, and most of the colts around camp would say, generally better looking, than her compatriots. Her Cutie Mark betrayed both her name and heritage, it being three different color Fleur de Lis, showing that she hailed from the southern province of Prance.

In a heavy Prench accent she said to Rarity “So the camp consort has much to be discussing with the General.” a touch of venom in her voice.

“Yes, darling” Rarity responded, knowing exactly what to say, “But that is because I happen to overhear thing. He asked if I knew where Major General Braeburn’s cavalry was.” Fleur’s face dropped at the lack of any interesting tidbit of gossip and the like. “Don’t worry dear.” Rarity continued. The General would talk to you if you knew anything worth talking about.”

The insult had hit home. Fleur’s horn began to glow as she advanced on Rarity, ready to duel her with magic. Before it could start, however, a couple members of the 15th Applebama, there to see the growing verbal duel between the unicorns, ran to restrain the angered unicorn. They were moments too late though, and Fleur fired a pale bolt of energy at Rarity, Hitting her and knocking her over.

The small detachment restrained the the enraged unicorn, with much effort. One soldier, a pegasus, ran over to Rarity to help her up. The soldier wore the standard issue, cotton, slate grey, republican uniform , which was wore over a cyan coat. As the soldier ran over to help Rarity, the slate grey hat blew off, revealing both a long, prismatic mane, and that the soldier in question was female.

By the time the soldier got to Rarity, she already getting up. “Are you ok ma’am?” asked the soldier, in an almost robotic voice.

“Yes, Darling. I’m fine.” Rarity responded as she was taking a second look at her ‘rescuer’. She was slightly shorter than Rarity, but far more muscularly built, but that was not all that strange, considering that she was a soldier and Rarity wasn’t. However the most outstanding feature of the soldier was her kaleidoscopic mane.

Before she could inquire on it though, another pony walked into the gap between the tents. This one was an Earth Pony, orange coat, and a straw blond mane, underneath a Stenson hat. The mare’s Cutie Mark was that of three apples. “I demand to know what happened here.” she ordered.

One of the soldiers from the Applebama regiment, another Pegasus, with a jet black coat and blue mane, stepped forward and asked “On whose orders?”

“On my own.” the mare responded. “I’m General Applejack, so I ask again, what happened here?”

The jet black Pegasus then began to explain. “The two unicorn here were ingaged in a heated verbal debate. That one,” he motioned towards Rarity “said something that angered this pony.” he continued now gesturing at Fleur de Lis.”She got mad and began to attack the other unicorn. We have restrained her. That is all ma’am”

The Brigadier General turned to Rarity and asked “Is that true?” to which Rarity responded with a nod stating it was. Applejack the turned to Fleur and asked the same thing.

“Those are false accusations!” the slender unicorn hollered, still in the heavy Prench accent. “They are trying to besmirch my name! It’s all lies and slander! Slander and Lies!” She continued to rant as the soldiers once again restrained her.

“Take her away.” ordered the General. As they dragged Fleur by Rarity a hoof lashed out and hit Rarity it the face. “Are you ok?”asked Applejack, sounding rather concerned.

Rarity shook off the hit and answered “Yes I’m fine, thank you for asking.”

The General then turned to face the rainbow maned soldier standing next to her and said “You’re dismissed.” The cyan Pegasus then walked away, most likely to brag to her friends that she met the effective second in command of the Army of Northern Haygina. Applejack then turned back to Rarity “Do I know y’all from somewhere?” she asked as she looked at the camp wife. After a few moments, a look of recognition flashed across the face of the Republican General. “You’re the wife of Captain Fancypants, right?”

Rarity was in awe. A Major General, a very important pony, who she had never met before hand, knew who she was. But now the question was why? “General, how do you know of my husband?” she asked, trying to gauge her increasing fame.

“After the battle of Foaldricksburg back in Haygina,”responded Applejack “do you remember the small dinner party held by muh brother, the General?”

“Why yes, I do remember him attending a party later that day.” Rarity responded to the inquiry.

“I met your husband there and he showed me a picture of you. Your husband is quite the officer, you know.” Applejack said to the campwife.

At that point, a messenger, a gray pegasus with a blond mane, flew down to the General, took a piece of paper out of her saddle bags, and read in a start and stop manner, “Major General, the corps lead by Major General Trixie is advancing into the town of Fillysburg, and the Imperial troops are making a fighting retreat to the south, inflicting casualties. Also, the rest on the Imperial Army is marching up from Canterlot.”

“That is good news, ‘cept for the casualties, of course.” said Applejack. “Did you inform Big Macintosh of the situation?”

“No ma'am.” the cross-eyed messenger responded.

“Then get to it.” she ordered.

“Yes ma'am.” responded the messenger as she turned to take off. She then did so, rather clumsily.

“My husband is in that corps.” said Rarity, now worried about her husband’s safety. His corps was taking casualties. She needed to know if he was safe. And Rarity knew who would know. “General!” she called to the Major General, now walking away from her.

“Yes?” responded Applejack, wondering why the campwife had called for her.

“Are you going to see General Macintosh?” Rarity, called out to her.

“Yes, I’m going to need to discuss the plan of battle for tomorrow with him. “Why?” Applejack inquired, now wondering why the mare had taken a sudden interest in her brother.

“Because, I would like to ask him if my husband is still alive.” said Rarity. She was about to say more when she was cut off by an ambulance wagon rushing through the camp. On it’s side was the divisional insignia of “Trixie’s Light Brigade”, the same brigade her husband was attached to. There was nothing her restraint could do. Rarity took off running after the wagon, in near hysterics.

It turned out the hysterics were justified, as in the back of the wagon lie Captain Lord Fancypants III, a ball from an imperial rifle smashing through his right front leg. At least that is what the surgeon, Doctor Horse, said to her. He was still wearing the blood stained smock he was wearing during the surgery on her husband. He did all he could he said. It was in the Celestia’s hooves now, he said.

Rarity sat still, sobbing well into the night. It was then, late at night when the nurse walked into the lobby of the tent. “Missus Rarity?” said the nurse, a light blue unicorn with a grey mane.

“Yes?” asked Rarity in between sobs. Why now? Her husband had fought in some of the fiercest battles of the war, but he always got through without injury. And he was a rising star officer in the army. But now, as far as she knew, he was lying on a gurney, in intense and possibly life threatening pain.

“Your husband stopped breathing fifteen minutes ago. We tried all we could, but our effort we not enough. I’m sorry.” she said, sadness lacing her voice.

She wept. All throughout the night, she wept. One of the few things she remembered from that night was the people who offered condolences. Major General Applejack and even General Macintosh and Major General Trixie Lulamoon herself, legendary for distancing herself from the death of the battlefield, all showed up to say their mind about the dead soldier. And this continued to the morning.