• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 15,730 Views, 475 Comments

Help! I'm not a changeling! - Ashardu

Well, this is new. A new body, a new life, a new beginning. It would be great if I didn't have to realize that this new beginning is going to be the end of me. Oh boy.

  • ...

2: Why is she looking at me like that?

Help! I'm not a changeling!
Chapter 2: "Why is she looking at me like that?"
Edited by Mngotsevoy. Thanks man!

..... I... I can't tell whether this is reality or not, but I'm sure it feels real. The hit, the touch, the arrival... the ponies? Was that a pony to begin with? I remember her saying pony at some point, but that doesn't make sense. Neither she nor the guys I saw earlier look like such animal. Sure, they have the silhouette and form of one-- despite the unique features-- but they are not, and I quote, they are not, AND I REPEAT, ponies.

My own comprehension of logic to myself has suddenly being shifted into something unknown. Illogic, to be precise. Then again, I have seen a lot of illogical things today, so it must be natural to them.

However, I'm stuck right now in a place where everything feels real, yet it doesn't add up. My small, human mind can't process so much stuff that quickly, otherwise it might overheat. Being from a completely different species probably doesn't help either. What does that mean? Well, let me say this the most brief and comprehensible way possible.

Ever since the creation of man, the universe has been torn apart several times by natural incidents, causing by either mistake or intention a natural and beautiful thing. Man, was one of those things. At least for the moment. This special being has been created by God in order to enjoy life, reciprocating and duplicating the whole species into a new form of life. Sure, we were cousins of the apes in the beginning, but that doesn't mean we are salvages or that we act on instinct only. We think, we feel, we develop and create new technology thanks to the help of at least 2 billion years of development. Hard, hard development.

But despite all of that, we found ourselves in a swinging rope, trying to find out which direction should we head to. Some people discover their purpose, but most of them live without a true meaning. Perhaps we are living our true meaning without knowing it, but it's not the same.

Man is complicated; more than it should be. And it's obvious that we cannot live with our self-ruling. People of the world may or not be aware of this, but Earth has been shaped into the true nature of man without a guide to lead him or her.


Ugh... why do I get the feeling someone in this world-- or the afterlife, if I had to guess-- would love to meet our certain chaos....

Anyways, that is what I think of my species and how it was developed. Hey, I didn't go to middle school for nothing. My teachers, mis guias y amigos (my friends and mentors,), they are the ones who helped me, in some way along the path, to be who I am today. I'm ever grateful to them and I hope they have a happy and luxurious life.

But let's admit it, the luxurious adjective is just for plain mocking.

What was I talking about again? Oh right. The gut feeling of what is real and what is not.

From what I can recall, I saw a bunch of.... changelings? That was their name, right? Anyways, a group of them approached us when Ivy was taking me to the infirmary. Then... I can't remember anything. Seriously, my mind went blank after that. Nothing else comes to mind. Have I woke up from the dream? Was it all in my mind? Did those creature have something to do with me? What happened? All these questions and more crossed my mind, trying to process the most explained conclusion to this situation. Let's just hope it was all a dream...

I wonder where I am right now....



... Oh right. I can open my eyes. Silly me~



..... Out of all times, why does this song come to mind!?

"Ugh..." I groaned, bursting my eyes open. Adjusting to the mild-dark environment the room was giving me, I found myself still inside the cave. Processing things, I acknowledged that this place was my reality for now, whether it was all a dream or not. Could it be a coma? Something that was inside my head this whole time? Who knows, but I know someone with a similar issue. My brother, he is a perfect example, seeing how he was talking to a Luna thingy. I don't remember quite well, due to the amount of things that has happened to me recently, but I think he called that Luna a princess.

I knew I shouldn't let him watch so many disney movies.

But still, he is my brother and he has the right to do whatever he pleases to.

Urk! I really have to stop straying off the main topic!

Relating his mental issues with mine, I guess this must be my mental curse. Heh, who knew? The Bonofire brothers have mental problems. One is in a coma or something related-- that's me by the way-- and the other has a small, non-existent voice in his head dictating him things like if it was a real living thing.

Yup, we are a perfectly, happy and normal family.

And I often wonder why is it that no girl stays with us far longer than 3 months.

That shouldn't be a problem now. I'm living in a new place, whether it is real or not. Perhaps I could start over. Yeah! I could do that. A brand new start! That could solve a lot of things. Sighing, I closed my eyes once more and let this new situation get the best of me. It's so soft and warm to have new beginning...

.... Hold on a second. Soft and Warm!?

"Please don't be there, please don't be there, please don't be there!" I whispered, opening my right eye and watching my side. Well, this is one of the times where I wish I was wrong. I'm not.

I spotted Ivy crawling up to my side, shifting a little as she began to adjust herself during the spooning. It would be great if I hadn't problems with intimate problems. Which I do. Watch in awe, this only happens every few times.

"OH MY GOD! What are you doing!?" I yelled, escaping the spooning and dragging myself across the room. Ivy, as calm and recollected as she appeared to, wasn't fazed by my outburst. What's more, she woke up like nothing had happened. Stretching her legs, she looked at me as I stared at her with a burning blush on my cheeks. Well, that is another thing that we both share.

"I'm warming you up," she replied.

"By cuddling with me!?"

"Well, as a medic myself, it's my job to keep my patients comfortable and warm," she replied, shaking her head to the her left side , "No matter the way,"

Staring dumbfounded at her, I immediately understood why she was doing that, despite the awkwardness. However, I didn't want any cuddlings for the moment, so thank you very much! "Well, I do matter and I don't like it,"

".... would you rather have a fire roasting down your back all day?"

"Of course I want cuddlings!"

She smiled at my goofiness and shook her head, "Males, I swear they are dumber than a mule,"


"Nevermind that," she interrupted me, approaching my spot without me noticing before, "Do you feel any kind of illness? Anything out of place?"

'Aparte de ser atrapado en un mundo completamente ajeno al mío sin ninguna chingada idea de cómo quede aquí? No, para nada,' ('Besides the fact that I'm trapped in a world completely different from mine without a single clue of how I got here? Nah, not at all,') I thought, trying to hold back the urge to chuckle. My eyes were trying their hardest not to squint in laughter to my insight joke as well. Which reminds me, these new eyes, despite the lack of pupils, are capable of perceiving things I couldn't see before. Such things are traces of smell, foot- I mean, hoofprints? Is that what they are called? Hoofs?

Not getting stray from topic, I can also see blood, even when it is not there. Almost similar to a hoofprint. It works as a scanner of some sort. There is one here in the infirmary, after all. A glowing spot with some small traces coming out of it. How do I know it's blood? Well, blood is definitively red, and THAT, is red blood. Also, the scent gives it away. I mean, I can smell like 10 times better! And it smells like metal or iron!

.... Or maybe blood in this place isn't red after all. Or maybe I'm wrong, again.


..... I'm starting to get freaked out by all the coincidences this world has.

Let's forget about all this. I have something more important to take care of.

"No," I replied, shaking my head, "I don't feel strange at all,"

"Are you sure?"

"Well, maybe not. Is seeing traces of blood, smelling a hundred times better and perceiving hoofprints normal?"

"Um, yes. Yes, it is,"

"Then I'm just fine," I said. Pushing myself back to a standing position, I barely held my pose as I tried to avoid falling to my face or my back one more time. Needless to say, I was doing one hell of a job. Don't get me started about walking.

"This may sound a bit repetitive, but, are you okay?" she asked, leaning on to me. When did she got so close before? I don't know, but let me tell you, it's freaky.

"I'm A-Okay,"


Hmmm.... Reminder: Colloquium is different in this world or alternate place. Well, now there is one thing this world doesn't share in cultures. "Nevermind, it's an old saying from my hometown,".

Meanwhile, I was perfectly holding my balance with four legs after a few small practice sessions. Also, Ivy backed away, giving me my well-deserved personal space.

"Hometown? Don't you mean hive?" she corrected me, lifting an eyebrow. Caught off guard, I began babbling incoherent words as I tried to think of a comeback for that. I couldn't.

"Well, yes," I replied, giving up on any kind of excuse, "I actually meant hive,"

"Oh. Well then, if you don't mind, the queen of our hive, Chrysalis, requests a word with you,"

Well.... crud.

"T-t-the q-queen!?" I said, steadily walking back, "A word!? With me!? W-why!?"

"Because she said so," Ivy affirmed. "Now, if you could please follow me-"

"AYAYAYAYAY! Mi tummy hurts! Me no poder ir! Mucho duele!" I said, grabbing my stomach and falling to my back-- unintentionally, of course,-- leaning to my sides. Well, so much for my dignity. I can't believe I fell so low.

"Wha- Huh? Your... tummy?" she repeated.

"Aja, si! Mi tummy! It hurts!" I confirmed, holding my stomach with great style. Somebody, take to me to Broadway cuz' this is pure gold!

"I see.... well then," she closed her eyes and sighed, "If you are feeling sick of your tummy, then allow me to get some treatment for that. Don't you dare to do anything outrageous in the meanwhile, got it?"


"Weird..." I managed to hear as she began to leave the room. Closing the door behind her-- that is one big hell of a door-- I got back to my legs, or hooves as I recall from a biology class about horses. Ponies are the same kind of species, so it must be the same, right?

Anyhow, taking one step at a time, I headed to the nearest open window that I didn't notice before. I knew that this world was different, but dealing with royalty? Sorry, but I can't handle that much pressure, even if this is a dream. If I plan on leaving this place, going through the same door as she came through would be reckless. Not because I can't walk like she can or fright. It's because I might get lost in a place that probably is all in my mind and never find my way out. Even if it's safer that way, I can't take the risk. The window sounds more reasonaaaa- ahhhhhhh. Nope, the window is OUT OF THE QUESTION!

Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! AND. SO. MUCH. NOPE! Why is this place so high!?

Taking a good look outside, I managed to see a whole kingdom in a decaying state. Dying, to be more precise. There were houses of the sort located in rather unethical locations. A few of them were popping smoke out of their chimneys. Fabrics of some item if I had to guess.The whole land wasn't bad itself, but the lack of crops was my concern. Where were they? And, if they didn't have, how do they survive? Do they hunt? Are they autosynthetic? Do they feed on love?

.... Nah, that last one would be completely impossible. There is no way that would be their feeding. Just look at all this place! Does this look like the kind of place where love blossoms?

So.... how do they feed? .... Could it be that.... they... they eat themsel- Nope! Not gonna finish that thought. If that is their way of eating or supplying themselves, then more the reason to leave this place. However, I'm not that desperate. Jumping out of a window is a bad idea, especially since I have no win-

".... Wait, I DO have wings!" I thought to myself, looking behind and staring at my bug looking wings, "Maybe I can use them to leave this place?". Thinking of any other possibility besides flying, I knew that this could be my ticket out of here. Not wasting any time, I assumed that practice would be helpful up to this point. Propelling myself to a comfortable position, I started to look for a way to move my wings, since I had no idea how to use them in the first place. After a good minute of searching, I figured out the trick in using them.

"Let's see... Up, down. Up, down. Yup, I got this in the bag." I said to no one in particular. After a few training flicks, I started to swing my transparent wings into a more steady pace, speeding up with each vertical swing.

"Okay.... easy does it, eeeeeaaaasy does it," I mumbled, feeling that I was getting the hang of it. As my new body began to float all on its own at the pace of a snail, encouraging thoughts crossed my mind. "I'm doing it! I'm actually learning how to fly! On my own! Who knew!?" After keeping a certain speed, I saw the floor becoming smaller and smaller with each passing second. The smaller it got, the more excited I became.

"Hey, this isn't actually that haaaaaaAAAAARRRRDDDDD!" *THUD*. Well, I take that back. Flying is hard. So is the wall, "Ooowwww...." Well, scratch flying. I can't do it. For now.

Snapping out of my thoughts, my options of leaving this place were slowly diminishing as I stood once again for the dozen time today. I may want to leave this place, but killing myself won't do it. There has to be a way.....

.... should I take the risk and go through the main door? After all, I can't think of anything else that might help out on this one. Perhaps I should. Well then, I guess I have no other choice but to-

"Here is your medicine for your tummy, Maurice," Ivy said as she walked into the room, holding a cup with a gooey liquid inside of it with her magic. The door flung open after her entrance and closed right behind in a mystical aura, which I assumed was her magic doing miracles on it as well. With the closed door and her approaching, I knew I had no way out of this situation. Bracing myself for whatever this place had for me, I sighed and grabbed the medicine Ivy so kindly brought to me. And when I said grabbing, I mean dropping it on the floor since I had no fingers. Ivy looked at me with shock and hung her mouth wide open at my carelessness.

"Wha.... why did you drop it!?" she said, detecting a hint of anger and confusion behind her tone. I shrugged at her question, thinking of it as a trick question. She is aware that my legs have holes on it, right? How does she expect me to grab it with nothing than a plain, semi-flat extension?

"Ugh... nevermind that, I'll.... I'll just get another cup for you, okay?" She said, moving back to the door. I could sense her annoyance rising like a young children's emotions after knowing they would go to Disneyland. Dragging herself to the door, I felt bad for lying to her, after treating me with such attention. This is no way to treat a girl after she gave me help, despite being a complete stranger. I mean, yeah, I look just like her, but we don't know each other, and yet....

"Ugh.... I'm so gonna regret this," I whispered to myself, rolling my eyes all-the-while. Taking a deep breath, I called out for her, which it certainly attracted her attention. Turning her stare back at me, I looked away in embarrassment. This... is gonna be harder than I thought.

"Well, it turns out that my... tummy no longer hurts," I said, trying to hold back the urge to look at her, "I don't know how, but I'm feeling better so... you can take me to your queen, okay?"

"Oh really?" she replied, which I gave her an approval nod in return, "Then why didn't you say so? Let's get going then!"

*Sigh* The things I do for others....

Should I be concerned about this place and why I'm in it?

... Meh, I don't care any more. This walking is more interesting anyways. Anyhow, the walk through the hive was.... unique, to say the least. With chambers full of mystery at every turn, I wondered what was lurking behind them, hoping one day the secrets of the chambers of doom would be revealed to mortals!

Or.... maybe they are just guest rooms. Or not.

I eventually came to a halt as Ivy stopped in front of a pair of gigantic doors. Have I mentioned these doors are at least 10 times my height? No? Well they are. It's both intriguing and intimidating. Anyhow, before I could say something, Ivy raised a... hoof to silence me. I gotta make a choice between hoof and leg. It's getting a little annoying for me.

Just when she silenced me, Ivy looked at the doors and used her magic on something. What she did, I didn't know, but it must have done something. Well, she can use magic for being a medic as she told me before. As for me... well, maybe I can't-- as far as I know--, but this horn better be used to impale something, otherwise I might go crazy.

"We are here," she said, looking back at me with a serious tone. She lowered her hoof and gave a warning stare, "So here is the deal. Our leader, Queen Chrysalis, has requested your presence. You will not talk back to her unless she allows you to. You will only speak when she asks you to. You must answer every question she asks you and expect to satisfy her curiosity with each answer. Your voice belongs to her as long as she stands in the same room as you. Not literally, but she has control over you when you are near her, specially since she called out for you. Also, don't forget to bow in front of royalty. Understood?"

"Uh.... yeah,"

"Yeah is not an answer," she replied. I flinched at her remark and got into a more military stance. That, I never expected. This new attitude of hers... It felt like a machine, like if it was meant for one reason and one only. Guess I have no other option.

"Yes ma'am!"

"Good. Any questions?"

"Um.... no ma'am," It felt weird to suddenly go from Ivy to ma'am. Feels different and odd, yet it's adequate. I just have to stick to whatever I got.

"Perfect. Now, go right through please," she instructed me, guiding me in to the dual door entrance in front of us. Once the doors were open, I managed to see a royal throne in its own way. Walls stained with black banners, adorning the room with a more grim ambient. The floor was shining, almost as if it was washed every hour. Candles were placed in every location of the room where lacked light, allowing the whole throne room to be visible. A parallel row of windows in the walls could be easily seen from here and outside. These windows were strategically created in position where the banners didn't either interrupt the view or block it. And finally, the most iconic objects in the room were the thrones itself. Their weren't made of your typical reflective material adorned with gold or silver. It was.... corrupted, compared to other thrones I have seen before. The edges of the thrones were springing out like a puppet inside a box, leaving a sensation of twisted freedom. And the leather-looking seat was empty.

Hold on, empty?

"Um, Ivy?" I called, gaining myself the attention of the girl, "You said I had to talk with the queen, right?"

"Precisely," she answered. I looked straight to the empty seat of the throne and lifted an eyebrow, making sure she didn't see me.

"Then.... why is the throne room empty?"

"Because I like making entrances," I stopped whatever I was doing and froze. That voice was definitively NOT Ivy. I didn't the enough courage to look back, for my fear got the best out of me. So, instead of fighting my fear to look back, I called Ivy once more. No answer. I tried again and asked her if she was the one who did that. Still the same answer. This is going nowhere.

"I would like to see your face, young changeling," she asked. Whoever she was, it was pretty obvious by now that the very queen of this hive was behind me, asking me to face her. It would have been easier if her voice didn't sound like a machine having a speech with a mic, or using I-Zune for instance. "I said, look at me,"

Fighting whatever urge I had to ignore her request, I knew disobeying her from the very beginning would bring nothing but trouble. So, I did as she said and saw her. Holy cow, She. Is. TALL.

Inspecting her appearing, Chrysalis , as Ivy called her before, was mouth-gaping. Her most notable feature was her height. She was easily twice my height and slightly wider than me. Since I didn't know my own height, I assumed she was about 6' feet tall. Which probably was her actual height. Or not.

Ivy was bowing, stepping aside as the queen entered the room.

Chrysalis was just like me and Ivy, as obvious as that was, but she was also different. Her eyes aren't blue like Ivy's or the others, there were green, just like mine, but she actually had pupils. Dragon looking pupils? They look like the ones from Skyrim's dragons.... Anyways, her hair flew in such grace that anyone who saw her for the first time would have assumed it was someone important. And boy was she important. The crown on her head also did the trick. Her body and horn, however, were just like ours. The only difference was the size. But size doesn't matter.... does it?

The queen walked up to me and stared with curiosity, going in circles from my spot almost as if I was an exotic creature. Which I was, but they didn't have to know that. However, during her inspection over me, I could notice something odd in her emerald-colored eyes, something neither Ivy nor me had. I spotted a small glimpse of.... depression? Sad? Defeated? I couldn't put my finge- I mean, hoof on it, but she looked sad. Like if she was depressed about something. Did something happen to her?

"You... aren't around these parts, are you?" she asked still holding her slightly sad expression. I nodded in response, with my mind drifting in what I saw in her, "I see... you must be from another hive... one of my sisters' hive I suppose..."

"Sisters' hive?" I whispered to myself, "You mean there are more creatures like me and her?"

"But that can't be possible..." she added, with a mysterious face, ".... my sisters' hive disappeared long ago, leaving no trace or information about them. So, where do you come from?"

"My queen, sorry to interrupt, but this young changeling had a head concussion earlier this day. After all, hitting the ground from a very high drop, at least in a fireball, is very dangerous, not forgetting to mention traumatizing. Therefore, he might have lost a lot of his memory. Just a warning,"

"Fireball? What is she talking about?" I thought, giving her a curiosity stare unconsciously, "I don't remember coming from a fire ball, much less losing my memory. I need to know what she meant for this,"

Chrysalis didn't say anything back, for all she needed to say was given with a faint smile. Accommodating herself on the throne, she looked at me once again. So, one more time, I found myself being interrogated.

"Thanks for the warning, Ivy. I'll take it into account," she replied, earning a smile form Ivy. I solemnly looked between the two of them and noticed a sort of relation. How strong was it wasn't my concern. I had bigger things to deal with. The queen sighed and took a deep breath afterwards, "As you may already know, I am the queen of this hive. My duty is to protect my race from any kind of harm or possibility of extinction. Which brings me to another topic. Where do YOU come from?"


"I said, where do you come from? It's obvious to this point that you aren't from my hive. I know all of my subjects, and you, aren't one of them. So, from which hive or place are you from?"

Aw crud. What do I do now!? Lie seems to be the best option, but what do I lie about?! I know nothing from this world!

"Uhh... well, you see.... I'm from..." my eyes lurked everywhere trying to find any kind of answer for her. Anything would have helped, but nothing came to mind. Perfect, "I, uh... I'm...."

"Remember my queen," interjected Ivy, much to my salvation, "He suffers from memory loss. I witnessed him how he couldn't even grab a cup of medicine correctly. Although that may be more clumsiness than anything, he is unstable, if much,"

"May the bless of Ra, Obsidian and every freaking mythical god be with you, Ivy," I thought, "But did you seriously expected me to grab the cup with THESE!?"

"Hmph. Indeed, that might be the case. Let me redo this again," she cleared her throat and stared me with might once again, "Then, young... what was your name again?"

Now that I could answer, "Maurice, your majesty,"

"Maurice? What kind of name is Maurice?" I cringed at her remark. My parents gave me that name and I'm very proud of it, you heartless queen! "Well, whoever gave you that name surely must have run out of names for her children. And maybe her short imagination must have been similar to her attention,"

Oh, she did not say that. IT'S ON!

"You dare to insult my mother's choices!? Como te atreves, mujer infeliz! '-How dare you, you ungrateful woman!-' My mother is very proud of that name! She gave it to me with all her heart and I won't stand here and watch you talking bad stuff about that incredible woman! Don't you dare talk dirt about her!" I shouted, letting my anger get the best of me. I didn't know what I just did until I remembered who I was talking to. Holding my hooves to my mouth, I opened my eyes far longer than I thought I could. 'I messed up, didn't I?'

Ivy's jaw dropped to the floor-- literally-- and stayed like that, on its way of processing my actions. Her look could easily tell she was thinking which was going to be my punishment for that action. Chrysalis, on the other hand, was surprised by my outrage, only to be replaced by a smug. I wasn't liking this queen, and I just met her. Hurray for me.

".... What's a mujer?" she mumbled, followed by the smug, "Spaneigsh, it has been a while since I last heard that language... Well well, looks like someone has either a very brave or stupid personality to talk back to me like that," she replied, licking her own lips all-the-while, "I like it,"

The situation could easily end up in two ways. One, she is pretending that in order to confuse me and kill me without noticing, or two, she is using her seductive charms on me. In either case, both endings are bad.

"But enough about this. I want to know about you,"

Or she could simply ignore the fact that I yelled at her and move on with our lives. Which I'm perfectly fine with.

Using my head for this event, I let my anger dissolve and focus on her, "Very well. What do you wish to know?"

"Ah, excellent! Cooperation! Let's see.... let's start over with this, and make sure you answer this time," she said, holding a serious stare towards me, "Where are you from?"

Up to this point, I didn't care about anything else. I decided to answer completely honest at every question, despite how illogical it seemed to them, "I'm from a country named Mexico,"

"Mexico? Don't you mean Mexicolt?"


"Um.... yes, I meant that,"

"Good, we are finally making progress. Next question," holding a hoof to her chin, she hummed something, "What is the name of your queen?"


"Yes, queen. What else?" This is starting to tick me off. Again.

"Her name is Rose," I replied. Chrysalis didn't look, in the slightest, amused by my comment, "She is my birth mother, the one who took care of me as a baby and held me in her arms ever since I came to life. She never left my side, making sure I grew into a fine male. Rose is the only one in my entire life that I will never allow some other being insult her. I'm proud to have her as my mom and I'm planning on living my life like she would have wanted me to,"

Chrysalis was speechless at my talk of my mother. Almost as she never had witnessed something like I just did. Or maybe it's the fact that she is staring at me as if I was a huge, delicious hotdog; a sign hanging over my neck saying 'Eat me'.

No, really. She won't stop staring at me. Do I have something on my nose? Is my hair standing? More importantly, why is she looking at me like that?

Apparently, the queen herself noticed as well her unnecessary and unexplained stare at me and shook it off. Giving Chrysalis a confused stare, I looked back and found out Ivy was doing the same thing as me. Staring at her with confusion. Only difference was that she lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head sideways. It looked cute, almost like a puppy wondering what was the plushy thingy that squeezes every time it gets crushed.

Ivy's queen suddenly stopped and composed herself, letting out a rested sigh in the end. And so, the interrogation proceeds once more.

"Hmm.... looks like the hit was heavier than it looks like," she answered, chuckling a little, "I've never met a changeling named Rose. Much less a sister especially as good intentioned as her. You clearly can't remember the name of queen, or her personality either, so I'll let this one pass," Although I'm happy to have that part done, I couldn't help it, but feel as my mother was just insulted.

No one, dares to insult her, not on my watch. But that revenge moment will have to wait. Right now, I'm powerless against her.

"Anything else?" I asked, hoping to end this for the better.

"Did I asked you a question?"

"What? ... Uh, no, but-"

"Then keep quiet,"

..... Hija de tu fregada madre, te juro que un dia de estos vas a ver mi pinche pierna atascada dentro de tu grande, y asqueroso- ('Daughter of a freaking mother, I swear one of these days you will see my goddamn leg stucked up inside your fat and disgusting-')

"Why are you here?" I let that thought slide up. Interrogation time is still up.

"Honestly, I don't know. All I remember was waking up in one of your hive's rooms and nothing else,"

Chrysalis didn't seem convinced of my answer, despite how much truth-- and a bit of lies-- it had. She raised an eyebrow and blinked twice.

"You don't?"


"Huh. Interesting. Well, it probably must have been from the hit, so I'll have some guards to check up on you every now and then, just to make sure you are telling the truth," she replied, holding a regal pose after that. That, looks more like a queen. But there is one thing still bothering me.

"Guards checking up on me?"

"Yes. I don't need to repeat myself again,"

'Y tu puedes irte a la quinta patagonia de tu pinche bosque que compraste para perderte!' ('And you can go to the fifth last location of your goddamned forest you bought specifically to get lost in it!')

... I need to stop doing that.

"What does that mean?" I asked out of curiosity. The queen gave me a puzzled look, almost as she was expecting something else.

"It means you'll be staying in our hive until you fully recover," WELL, THAT JUST HAPPENED!

"Uh, I appreciate the offer, but I must decline," Chrysalis's unamused mode was just activated.

"It wasn't an offer,"


"No 'buts'. You'll stay in the hive as long it’s needed," she said, folding her legs in front of me, "You may not be one of my subjects, but you are changeling in the end. We have to stay together in this time of crisis, after all,"

"Time of crisis?" I asked, hoping to get some answers during the interrogation. Just before I could do something else, some... pony happened.

Ivy stood in front of me, holding a hoof in top of my nose, "I'll explain that later. For now, just stick to anything she tells you." I barely nodded, becoming aware of a crisis that is happening as we speak. Turning my attention to the queen, I noticed the same sad stare from before just for a brief second. Something happened here, especially to her, and I'm going to find out what was that. Even if I don't want to be here.

The curiosity, you know?


"Good! Now back to our queen," Ivy said, returning to her original position. Chrysalis dozed off from whatever thoughts she had recently and gave an adorable look, almost as if she realized something embarrassing. Also, a squee sound came out of nowhere. Is that normal here?

"Sorry, I was.... thinking about something," Chrysalis said, rubbing the back of neck with her swiss-cheese legs.

"I see..."

"Anyhow, you'll be staying with us for the meantime. During your stay, you'll be treated just like one of us, no exceptions. I can't go out and tell my subjects I have favorites, not that I have. My subjects deserve my equally attention, despite who they are and where they come from,"

"I understand. Don't worry," I said, holding my most chivalrous tone, "I'm not the kind of gu- changeling that goes around telling everything,"

Chrysalis nodded and, possibly, gained her confidence again, "Perfect. Now move along, Ivy will show you the way to your room. I have some unfinished business to take care of. Ivy?"

"Yes, my queen?"

"Show Maurice the way to his room,"

"Right away," she accepted, approaching me with a bit of haste. Standing in my sight of view, she nodded and silently ordered me to follow her. I didn't have any right to refuse, nor I needed to. So, I obeyed.

Just before I left the room with my tour guide, a familiar I-Zune voice called me out again, "Wait, I forgot something,". Teleporting ahead our path, Chrysalis was holding with her magic a weird kind of badge that resembled a shield. A green shield with a changeling inscribed on the cover, to be precise, "You'll need this. We might be aware of your location and who you are, but my subjects won't. This will help them recognize that you are part of our hive, even if it's temporary,"

Using her magic once again, she held it out in front of my nose, "Take it, this might save you." Dispelling her green aura around the badge, the same metal object fell to the ground faster than I could have anticipated. Grumbling a little, I crouched and attempted to grab the shield with my hooves. I couldn't have failed more miserably.

Both mares gave a really strange look as I attempted to take hold of the object. Ivy was the one who broke the awkward silence first, "What are you doing?"

"Trying... ugh, to grab... come on.... this.... thing!" I replied, still rubbing my hooves on the ground, on top of the shield. With little avail, I had enough of this freaking piece of metal and its difficult edges. Hanging my head up high, I raised my voice, "OK! Eso es todo! Ya me tienes hasta la fregada! (Okay, that's it! That is the last freaking straw!)" and shoved my face on the object. I laid down there for mere seconds until I finally grabbed the shield with my fangs. Shaking off the dirt off my face, I internally cheered myself for accomplishing this brand new goal.

Grabbing something.

"Ofh yepmaamph! Thaphke thaft shifimpheld!" I couldn't understand myself either. All I heard was baffled noises. Even if I knew what I said, it was incomprehensible. I wonder if they got that.

Turning my attention at the girls, I raised an eyebrow as both changelings were giving me the most confused peers I have ever seen. Their looks were almost as confusing as if a grown man was beginning to understand what was puberty. I did see that once. It was very awkward.

"Why?" said Chrysalis, keeping the same gaze as before.

"Whfat wphy?" I responded, still holding the badge on my mouth.


"Ah saifphd," I spitted the badge out of my mouth and moved it a little, "Why did you say.... 'why'...."

.... Oh god, what have I done?

"Ugh..." I groaned, crouching once again in order to recover the badge that I worked so hard to grab. Needless to say, I grabbed the badge once more-- after a couple of minutes of rubbing my mouth on the itchy ground-- and looked at the mares in front of me. Still the same look.

"Why are you grabbing the shield with your mouth?" one of them said, earning a mere shrug from me, "Can't you use your magic?"

"Mhaphic?" I responded. I didn't care if my speech was foreign to them, but getting this thing on your mouth isn't such an easy task, you know?

"Yes, magic. Why don't you use it?" the question got the same answer as before. A shrug. "It's easier, you know? Or could it be......you do know, that you possess magic, right?"


Ivy tried to hold her logic as she began to process the current situation, "Hold on, you didn't know?". Shaking my head, Ivy gasped meanwhile Chrysalis leaned her head sideways, "You don't how to use magic!?"

"Nho," I can use magic just like them? Magic is not my cup of tea, but I can use it? So my horn is not a death-stabbing tool of doom only?

Receiving a unamused gawk from both, the queen turned her attention to Ivy, "He really hit his head extremely hard, didn't he?"

Ivy changed her expression to lifeless and gazed upon Chrysalis, "It seems so. My queen?"

"Yes, Ivy?"

"Can I request something?"

"Yes, you may."

"Please take this changeling to the training school, make him focus on magic the most," WHAT!?, "He needs to know how to control magic,"

"I believe that would be the best," Chrysalis responded, much to my liking. Oh, by the way, I didn't like it. I just don't like school. Having the idea of going through school year another one time just for the sake of learning something that I have no idea how it works-- besides the ways I have seen--, I think I rather stay off that path. Even if it helps me, I just don't want to school again. My school years at the human world were awful, so what would make this world any different?

"Well, it's settled then, Maurice shall go to training school," said Chrysalis, looking at me with a bit of mock. Was she enjoying this? I can't tell, but there is something odd about her. What is that feeling? She backed a little as Ivy approached me.

"Great!" she said, holding a cheerful tone, "things are scheduled then,"

'Don't I get a saying in this? I mean, it is my education so I have a right to- aaaand I can't talk. I still have this badge on my mouth.' I thought, facepal- er, hoofpalming myself mentally for that. The two mares continued their talking and I stood there like an idiot, watching how my life was being controlled by a pair of beings I barely knew.

"Well then, I shall tell the instructor of Maurice. Of course, he is gonna need an identity for this,"


"Yes, that," she replied, looking at me with a great determination behind that stare, "Now, what should we call you..."

Oh man, THIS can't be good....

Author's Note:

New chapter, how about that? I really focused on this one more than anything. Everytime I went to work, I thought of the story.
Call it obsessive, but I find it reallly exciting to go home and continue the story so many people like!

Well, in other news, I made a drawing of Maurice as a changeling (and injured). Here is the DA link. It's not the exact way I planned to see him (AND IT'S CRAPPY IN BOTH IN QUALITY AND STYLE), but it will do.

Anyways, next chapter will feature someone you all know. Take a guess.

See ya soon!