• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 2,730 Views, 23 Comments

A "warm" Distraction - Holocron

Queen Chrysalis reads her brood a small story to ease their worries.

  • ...

-----------The Following Morning-----------

That morning was amazing. Warm and comfy, foals, fillies, and colts of all ages woke up early to get at their gifts that Santa Hooves left for them. Some had Candy for breakfast, others had waffles and pancakes. But where were the Changelings? All throughout the morning, all was happy and there was no invasion. On the outskirts of the Empire, Shining Armor and several of his guards were scouting the area. They heard of reports of supposed Changelings hiding in the local caves and hidden areas for some unknown reason. Because of the recent blizzard, they couldn't further investigate. But now that the blizzard has cleared, Armor wanted to get this search over with and quickly.

"Come on boys." Armor shouted. "Let's find these Changelings and go home, maybe we'll be back by lunch."

"Yeah, so I can hear my kids complain they didn't get what they wanted." A guard laughed.

"You could've walked out in the blizzard if you wanted, mate." Another guard laughed.

"I second that." A third laughed. "Then I could hit on your wife."

"Not before she stabs ya in the balls first." The first guard laughed.

"Makes me glad I'm married to the Princess." Laughed Armor.

"Captain Armor!" A guard shouted, his eyes staring into the dark and cold day. "You must see this."

"Changelings?" Armor inquired.

"We're not sure." The guard answered catching his breath. "Just come see this sir."

In a short amount of time, Shining Armor, accompanied by several of his guards arrived at the cave entrance.

"I had no idea there was a cave so close to the Empire." Armor commented. "Have you searched it?"

"I have." The guard sounded more nervous. "And well....y-you have to see what I found."

Armor and his guard followed the guard into the cave, their combined horns created enough light to make it feel like daylight had entered the cave. They didn't get to far into the cave until they stumbled upon a shock.

"What is thi-?!" Armor stepped back. "It's a Changeling?!"

But it was too late, the Changeling was long dead and frozen. From the looks of it, it was a young Changeling that looks to have tried to walk out of the cave but died before reaching the entrance. Swallowing their courage, the ponies continued further in the cave. In the furthest end of the cave, Armor and his guards found the biggest shock. Queen Chrysalis, covered in more young changelings, as if they were trying to keep her warm. She was frozen looking, and covered in ice.

"Armor sir?" The guard asked as Armor walked close to the fallen Queen.

"We must get Cadance." Armor ordered. "Bring her here, it is of the highest importance."

The guard's saluted and ran off.

"Poor Chrysalis." Armor mumbled to himself. "To go out like this is so sad, even for one such as her."

It was only an hour before Princess Cadance was escorted into the cave. On the way there, she wasn't informed why Armor had to have her there, but when she saw Chrysalis, she knew why.

"Oh those poor Changelings." Cadance mourned as she walked into the cave. "I expected maybe several adults and a few younglings. But there's-"

"Only younglings." Armor answered. "We found one or two adults in the back but they were frozen long before these younger ones."

"Armor?" Cadance walked forward, her tone was sorrowful and full of regret. "What happened here?"

"It seems these Changelings may not have been planning an attack as we originally thought." Armor explained from what he could gather. "It seems they were stuck here by the blizzard and with nothing to eat and nothing to keep warm."

"And what about Chrysalis?" Cadance had to ask.

"She froze to death, with the rest of her kind." Armor's tone of voice sounded like a mix of regret and mono-toned. "She was a monster, but nopony deserves to die like this."

"I know." Cadance almost started crying. "But we can't leave her like this."

"Agreed." Armor nodded. "She may have been an enemy and a monster, but she deserves a proper burial. Men, begin to dig graves!"

"Sir!" The guards saluted and began digging.

"And what should we do with Chrysalis?" Armor asked Cadance, who was still hunched over the fallen Queen in mourning.

"We should bring her-" Cadance said but then to her almost scream, she felt the cold hoof of Chrysalis grab her hoof.

"N-n-n-n-no." Chrysalis's voice sounded like a cold, rusty breeze and her very slow and subtle movements made the sounds of cracking glass and ice. Held the closest to her chest, Chrysalis handed a small bundled wrap to Cadance. "P-p-p-ple-e-e-e-eas-s-s-s-s-se s-s-s-sa-v-v-v-ve m-m-m-my------" Was the last thing Chrysalsis said as she drew her last breath and fell into the cold, endless sleep.

Unwrapping a part of the bundle, Cadance found that she was holding a clear, dark green and black egg.

"An egg?!" Cadance said. "A Changeling egg."

"What is this?" Armor asked. "A chance to save the Changeling race?"

"A hope, Armor." Cadance answered, holding the egg close as if it were her own foal. "That the Changelings can be saved."

"Let's hope." Armor nodded.

Comments ( 16 )

My my my... do go on.

I agree

So you like want some sequel or something?

Why is that, out of curiosity?

This is awesome. Can you write a sequel? I wanna see this kid grow up.

Reminds me of enders game

Those black spots are the "spoiler" so only people with accounts can read them
Heres each one:

This story is a tearjerker. The next chapter will have the fate of the Changelings, but don't get your hopes up


"We should bring her-" Cadance said but then to her almost scream, she felt the cold hoof of Chrysalis grab her hoof.
"N-n-n-n-no." Chrysalis's voice sounded like a cold, rusty breeze and her very slow and subtle movements made the sounds of cracking glass and ice. Held the closest to her chest, Chrysalis handed a small bundled wrap to Cadance. "P-p-p-ple-e-e-e-eas-s-s-s-s-se s-s-s-sa-v-v-v-ve m-m-m-my------" Was the last thing Chrysalsis said as she drew her last breath and fell into the cold, endless sleep.
Unwrapping a part of the bundle, Cadance found that she was holding a clear, dark green and black egg.
"An egg?!" Cadance said. "A Changeling egg."
"What is this?" Armor asked. "A chance to save the Changeling race?"
"A hope, Armor." Cadance answered, holding the egg close as if it were her own foal. "That the Changelings can be saved."
"Let's hope." Armor nodded.

Yeah, i just ran my mouse over them and it was fine but you're welcome

Be free to check out the sequel

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Later #63.

My review can be found here.

Well that was interesting. I will admit I did this story on a whim and rushed myself. If I gave myself more time, it might have been different. But the review was overall interesting and I thank you for taking the time to write one. :twilightsmile:

You're welcome! Good luck with your future works!

7577101 You have to copy it when you are on a mobile device and put it into the search bar.

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