• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 9,802 Views, 125 Comments

Nightmare At CHS - Admiral Q Ponyform

Twilight decides to take Selene to meet her other close friends. little does she know that they were heading to a powderkeg.

  • ...

Unexpected Guests

Nightmare at CHS

By Admiral Q

Twilight gave a nod to the guards at the doors to her castle as they saluted her. They were an addition she was still getting used to, but after her negligence of a peacetime guard caused her to nearly lose a friend to the horror of Nightmare Moon, she had to do something. She now had the newly formed Twilight Guard. She still shock her head at the name, but with Celestia having the Solar Guard and Luna the Lunar Guard it was the only name that fit. Her guard was made up of some of the best out of both guards and even a couple from the Crystal Empire. Shining was taking no chances with his L.S.B.F.F. She walked into her main living area of the castle when a voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Hi, Twilight. Is something wrong?” Twilight jerked to a stop and immediately looked behind her. There, on the couch she had for when Celestia visited, was Selene, who was apparently enjoying a slice of cake.

If it wasn't for Pinkie Pie, Twilight would say Selene was the strangest friend she had. Anypony in their right mind from that era who knew nothing about Selene would see her and assume her intent was to enact a coup and bring about nighttime eternal, but they would be wrong. A human named Tom physically died saving a mare from a bad fate but by some force – fate, luck, or magic, take your pick – he ended up in a new body intended for Nightmare Moon made by a group of radicals. Being definitively dead back home, he tried to make a life for himself in Equestria and took on the name Selene. Unfortunately, the radicals foalnapped her and, were it not for Twilight and her friends, would have managed to finish what they started, in the process killing many. Thankfully they manage to stop them and free Selene, but not before many ponies lost their lives.

“Selene what are you doing here? I thought you were staying in Canterlot Castle?”

“I was, but I think, for the health of the country, I should keep my distance from Celestia for the time being.” Twilight facehoofed and groaned.

“What did you do now?”

“I only hid Celestia's supply of cake.” Twilight had a look of utter horror. Celestia LOVES her cake, how will she react to them being gone?

* * * * * *


Celestia just finished her royal duties for the morning and was eagerly finishing up launch and about to have some delicious cloud cake for desert. The waiter came out with a nervous expression.

“Um, your highness, there seems to be a problem with the cake.”


'Y-yes, um it's...ah..it's gone.”

“What do you mean gone?”

“Well, the chefs made some fresh ones this morning but they just check and they were gone.”

“Well just get another cake.”

“That's the thing, Princess; they're ALL gone.” Celestia's usual demeanor dropped.

“All?” he just nodded. With a flash of golden white light Celestia teleported from the private dinning hall to the pantry. No cakes; the secondary pantry, no cakes; the siege pantry, no cakes. There was one place left that she would have cakes. In her private area. She dug a large chamber in the mountain where she did the bulk of her hobbies and "me time" stuff. It had a full fledged kitchen for when she got into the mood to bake, and the pantry was enchanted to keep anything put into it as fresh as the day it was made, even if that was 100 years prior – not that any of her baked goods lasted that long. She opened the pantry with an expectant smile, only for it to die as this pantry was empty too. She sat on her haunches and started to cry a little.

'Who? Who would steal her cakes?' Lulu might take one from her in jest. Discord? While it was within him to do this he would be bragging about it. He would have flashed in and laughed at her. no, only one being would dare touch her cakes like this. With cold determination she teleported to her balcony and to the open air in full Royal Canterlot Voice she screamed.


* * * * * *

“All the cakes?” Twilight asked. Selene grinned at her with a grin worthy of the original Nightmare Moon.

“Every. Single. One.”

“That explains the yell I heard earlier.”

“Yeah, she's got a set of pipes on her no doubt.” Selene looked at Twilight and smirked. “And you thought Luna was loud.” Twilight just shook her head then asked.

“Why must you prank Princess Celestia so often?”

“I can't help it Twilight. Your powers did not eliminate Nightmare Moon. It merge Nightmare Moon and Tom into what you see before you. The former human Tom's persona is more dominant but there is Nightmare Moon as well. While I don't have the need to bring about eternal night or take over Equestria anymore, I can't leave Celestia alone either. I love Celestia, I really do, but when the urge comes to prank I can't ignore it.”

“Wow, I never thought about that.”

“As powerful and wonderful the elements can be, they are not perfect. Though I don't have a ludicrous plan to attack Canterlot anymore, the elements left something mischievous. Unfortunately, we can't really do anything about it now, so let us get back to the present. I suppose I will be bunking here,” Selene put on a thoughtful pose, "though I remember a certain pony promising me a trip to the Crystal Empire.” Twilight shook her head.

“Sorry Selene, Shining and Cadance are too busy with the Crystal ponies getting ready to host some trade negotiations with representatives from Saddle Arabia on their crystals.”

“Wait, why aren't they in Canterlot? The Crystal Empire is a part of Equestria right?”

“True, but they are quite autonomous from our rule since distance is a factor. Cadance has the power and ability to make her own treaties as long as they don't vioalte any law, the Empire's or the country's. Since she is a very good diplomat, my presence is not needed. She wouldn't have time for me visiting, so there's no sense visiting right now.” Selene slouched, folded her fore hooves together with a put said.

“Poo.” The stance and expression was too much like Rainbow Dash that it cause Twilight to chuckle. Before either alicorn could go further there was a flash of light.

“Alright, who manage to pull that awesome trick on old Sunnybutt." Twilight sighed at Discord, something which he either didn't noticed or ignored as he lifted a couch looking for something. “I mean taking all of her cakes, even I dared not try to pull that one off. I just need to shake the hoof of the pony who did that.”

“That'd be Selene over here Discord.” Twilight said pointing a hoof at the black alicorn. Discord whipped over to her.

“Ah our recent reformed villain.” Discord put an arm around Selene. “As a reformed villain I give my seal of approval.” Discord slapped a sticker of him with a goofy expression with the words ' approved reformed villain' circling it. Selene scowled and took off the sticker before an evil smile formed on her lips. Twilight saw the glow of Selene's magic appear on Discord's back. When Discord faced away from Twilight, she saw it. Taped onto his back was a simple paper with the words 'kick me' on it. Twilight couldn't help but chuckle. Discord looked to Twilight and gestured to her. “See Teal Moonbutt, Twilight thinks it funny.” Twilight didn't say anything. Yeah sure, he's her friend, but that doesn't mean she has to be nice to him all the time. Call it karma for Discord. She would study to see how long it takes him to notice the sign. Discord made a clock appear. “As much as I would like to stay and chat, I have an appointment with Fluttershy for tea. Ta-ta!” With another flash he was gone with the two alicorns giggling knowingly.

* * * * * *

Selene was heading to the library to check out some books. Twilight was helping out Rarity with something and since was not into fro fro things she left them to it. She honest put herself between Twilight and Rainbow Dash in Tomcoltishness. And she didn't feel like being her unicorn self just yet. She opened the library doors and was surprised to see Pinkie Pie in there. The pink pony was slowly getting up like she'd been on the floor.

“Pinkie, what are you doing here? I thought you be working at Sugar Cube Corner or throwing a party somewhere in town.” Pinkie looked at Selene and gasped and raced over.

“You're like HUUUUGE! And your hair all mist and starry.”

“Pinky, what's wrong with you. You've known this since we met.”

“Silly, this is the first time we've met.” Pinkie replied. Selene heard another gasp before a familiar voice said.

“Wow, that is one heck of a doozie. It even beats Twilight's doozie.” Selene looked over to see.

Pinkie Pie.

She looked back to where she saw pinkie before and saw.

Pinkie Pie.

Head going like a person watching a tennis match between the two.

There was two Pinkie Pies.

Selene_Light.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Selene remained in this state as the two Pinkies chatted with each other until the sound of a book hitting the floor knocked her out of it. She looked over to see a jaw dropped Twilight. Any, ANY other time Selene would hoof pump at that. Twilight then glared and Selene. Selene sat down and waved her forehooves in the air.

“I swear I have nothing to do with this joke. I'll even Pinkie Promise.” Selene went through the motions. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye; I Selene Light, have absolutely nothing. I repeat NOTHING to do with this joke Twilight.” The first Pinkie gasped again before appearing over to Twilight looking her over.

“So this is what you look like as a pony, NEAT! That is so super duperific! Almost as cool and Black Snooty over there.”

'Why?' Selene thought. 'Why must that name haunt me?' Having Nightmare Moon's memeories she had to deal with the first time that name was uttered. Twilight broke Selene out of her depressing thoughts.

“As a pony?” Twilight asked before Selene saw the light bulb go off in the alicorn's head. “Wait, you're from Canterlot High?!”

“Yuperoonie! I first took my head in but it was all dizzy and crazy but I finally decided to do it and boy was it cool. I even have this in my hair.” Pinkie 1 pulled out a party cannon.


“Aaaaaaawwwwww!” Pinkie number one says and her main deflated a bit.

“Um Twilight, would you care to explain the two Pinkie disaster we have here?” Selene asked. Twilight put a hoof around Pinkie 1.

“This is the Pinkie Pie from another world. One where she is a human. I ended up there chasing a pony named Sunset Shimmer who stole my first crown.” Twilight pointed a wing over to a weird contraption in the corner. “About a month before you showed up they ran into trouble over their with a group of Sirens called the Dazzlelings that were banished to there by Starswirl the Bearded. Thankfully Sunset still had the journal she and Celestia used to keep in touch and with that machine I can travel to their world anytime I want.”

“And you just left it on for anyone to waltz through?” Selene said pointedly at Twilight. Twilight did wince and looked sheepishly.

“Well I was working on an experiment when you disappeared and kinda forgot.”

“Okay I'll buy that.” Selene relpied and then she noticed that look on Twilight;s face. Before she could ask Twilight said.

“Say Selene. The Crystal Empire might be out for now, but would you take an alternative?” Selene raised a single eyebrow and replied.

“I'm listening.”

Author's Note:

Sorry, no cover art yet. have to find the right one. but here's the mini sequel. there will be two full sequel later. enjoy.