• Published 18th Dec 2014
  • 823 Views, 11 Comments

Deus-ex-Lyra - Cool writer

Hearts and hooves day is a time to spend with your very special some pony, But pony guys just aren't good enough for Lyra. So she's gonna do better.

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4 Conversations Over Pancakes and Chocolate

The sun was setting, and we were walking home. The plan was to set something up in the living room for Deus. The sun was almost completely down, making the sky a deep shade of purple. I leaned on Deus, and he tightened his grip around my shoulder a bit. It was a warm, sleepy hug. We reached my house, and I opened the door.

"Hi Lyra! Where have you been all..." Bonbon stuck her head in from the kitchen, she was working on some sort of recipe. It smelled like chocolate. "Hey, I thought you said you were gonna get rid of it." She said. I saw Deus shook his head.

"I would be offended, but I'm too sleepy to really much," Deus said.

"I was thinking he could spend the night," I said, sounding as excited as I could, I am really sleepy. "We do have blankets and stuff for a pallet, right?"

"No we don't." Bonbon said.

"Oh..." I blushed a bit.

"Thant's ok..." Deus responded. I could tell he was as sleepy as I was. Also, he was begging to slouch.

"Well... you might as well try out my new recipe." Bonbon said, shaking her head, walking into the kitchen. I didn't understand why we were so tired when we just sat and talked, she was working on chocolate. I really didn't care. She wasn't sleepy and she made a new sweet. So, we went into the kitchen to try my room mate's confection.

"Mmmm..." I hummed, tasting the amazing piece of candy in my mouth, twirling the rest in my hand. "This is SOOO delicious. The cocoa is added over the whole cooking period, good choice, by the way, and the sugar is the perfect amount!" I said, waving the brown piece of heaven more vigorous. The two female ponies in the room looked at me, confused. "I'm a part-time critic." They were still confused, but not as much.

"Well, I'm glad to finally have someone appreciate my work." Bonbon said smugly. Lyra was stuffing the chocolate into her face. When she finished, she laughed to herself. It was the most adorable laugh. I took another bite of the chocolate. It was just as good as the last bite. The dark haven melted in my mouth, covering my mouth in the stuff. I swallowed the liquid chocolate, and it was bliss (What does that remind me of?). "But, I think we should focus on the sleeping arrangements." I nodded as well as Lyra.

"I was thinking he could sleep with me." Lyra said. She looked awake but was definitely, not entirely awake. But it was kinda... cute. I grinned. Bonbon shrugged.

"Well, I don't have any better ideas..." Bonbon said. She definitely had some reservations.

"I think we're gonna go to bed." Lyra said, getting up and walking down the hall to her room. I, on the other hand (er... hoof) went over the couch and lied down. Bonbon looked at me and sighed.

"At least he won't be in bed with Lyra..." Bonbon got up from the counter and walked back to her bed. I was out like a light.

"Where's Deus!" I heard my mother shout. I was in a dark place. I took a few steps into the dark. The dark suddenly dispersed and I was on my front porch. My mom was sitting there, crying.

"Mom?" I asked. She didn't even look up. I walked over to her and sat next to her. My arm suddenly flew through her, along with the rest of me.

"What?" I was surprised beyond belief. "Am I... dead?" My first thought was: I'm a ghost. I couldn't be seen or heard, could pass through objects, yeah! I was a ghost! "Mom! Mom! I'm right here!" I called to her. No response.

MFF! GEEEEH! I heard grunts from behind. I turned to see a cream colored blur with a purple-blue glow. There was a red triangle, with white inside it at the back. The glow began to flicker, along with my house. Then it vanished, and I was in the dark.

I sat up a bit, in the couch-bed. I looked around the living room. It wouldn't have been to special... if I didn't remember that it was in a house inhabited and owned by magical candy colored ponies. I swiveled my legs off the bed-couch. I stood up and walked into the hall and into the kitchen. Once I was there, I looked around for something for breakfast. The kitchen was mostly bare. But, they did have some flour and Syrup as well as other ingredients. And once I found the frying pan: I was ready to go!

BANG! The sound of a plastic tray clattering on the floor could be heard from within Lyra's room. Lyra sat up and groaned.

"Not again!" She said, letting her head fall back onto her pillow. She got up and walked out of her bedroom, so she could stop Bonbon from freaking out about "the thing from her dream being real... again." In the hall, for the first time in the history of ever: shocked Lyra. Bonbon wasn't gaping, screaming, holding her hoof in front of her muzzle or anything of the sort: she was grinning. Lyra walked down the hall. As she did, she began to hear the sounds and smells of cooking. She could hear humming: male humming. Lyra grinned and raced to the doorway to the kitchen. She looked in and had to shove her hoof down her muzzle to stop from laughing out loud. In the kitchen, cooking and humming, was Deus. He was wearing a pink apron that was incredably too small for his large human torso. He was humming as he bounced to the tune. He was cooking...

"PANCAKES!" Lyra said excitedly. She raced into the room and sat at the table and pounded her hooves in it, like a human would do with forks and knives. Deus continued on cooking despite the noise.

"aaaaaaaand... Done!" He said, flipping a couple pancakes onto a plate and putting it in front of Lyra, with 3 blueberries added it. He also gave her a cup of milk. Lyra gasped.

"How did you know I don't like orange juice!" She said. Deus looked at her.

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