• Published 25th Sep 2016
  • 24,612 Views, 3,783 Comments

Spectacular Seven - Albi

As graduation draws near, magic begins to awaken in the human world, drawing out old rivals and opening the doors to new adventures. It's up to Sunset and her friends to keep Canterlot safe, all while dealing with their looming futures.

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12. Night of a Thousand Stars

Applejack pursed her lips again. She looked out her bedroom window to the dirt lane leading up to the house.

Still nothing.

She huffed. At this rate, they were going to be late for this dumb thing. Maybe that was the point. Rarity said that being ‘fashionably late’ was ‘in vogue.’ Whatever that meant.

Applejack just wanted this night to be over. The closer the calendar got to the Grand Gallant Gala, the more Applejack dreaded having to spend five hours dressed up around the richest people in Canterlot.

But she was going with Rara. They would manage to have fun, right? A tight squirm in Applejack’s gut told her to think again.

She looked out her window again. Finally, in the light of the orange sun, a black town car drove up to the farm. Applejack grabbed her purse and the coat bag containing her gala dress and headed downstairs.

Apple Bloom stuck her head out her bedroom door as Applejack passed by. “Is she here, is she here?”

“Just about,” Applejack grunted.

“Hot dog! Ah can’t believe Ah’m about to meet a real celebrity! Ah can’t believe you knew Coloratura before she was the countess!”

“Yep, neither can I.” Applejack needed both hands to count the number of times she had heard that in the last month.

The doorbell rang as Applejack reached the bottom step. She laid the dress over the back of the living room sofa and pulled the door open.

Rara gave an emphatic wave and a cheery smile before pulling Applejack into a hug. “Hi, A.J.! Sorry I’m a little late; traffic was awful!”

Applejack patted her back. “S’all good. Why don’t you come inside for a bit? Ah’ve got—”

“Hi, Countess!” Apple Bloom shouted as Rara stepped through the doorway. “You knew me when Ah was a baby!”

“Apple Bloom!” Rara squealed. She pulled the younger Apple into a tight hug. “Look how big you’ve gotten! How are you?”

After being released, Apple Bloom swooned and stammered out, “G-good! Great! Ah’m a sophomore! You’re amazing! Can I have your autograph?”

Applejack pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned, but Rara happily obliged. Big Mac walked into the room, and Rara made another squeal of delight as she ran over to him.

“Hey there, Rara,” Big Mac said in his baritone voice. “It’s good to see you again.”

“It’s so good to see you, too! I missed coming over to the farm!”

“Well, if ya got some time, Granny’s fixing up supper right now. We’d love to pull a seat out for ya.”

Rara pouted. “I would love to, but Applejack and I are already running behind. We have to get back to the hotel so we can change. I just wanted to come over and say hi really quick.”

“But, you’ll come back, right?” Apple Bloom stuck her lower lip out.

“Of course! I promise!” Rara turned to Applejack. “Let’s go!”

With a sigh of relief and a twinge of anxiety, Applejack grabbed her dress and followed Rara out the door. “See y’all later,” she said to her family.

“There’ll be plenty of food at the Gala; but, I know a great late-night spot we can hit if we’re still hungry,” Rara said as she settled into the car.

“Sounds like a plan,” Applejack said, roughly jamming her seatbelt into the buckle.

Rara frowned in concern. “Are you okay?”

“Ah’m fine,” Applejack said with a smile she knew failed to reach her eyes. “Just nervous.”

Rara patted her arm. “It’ll be fine. No, it’ll be better than fine! We’re going to have so much fun! The charity auction is only an hour, so we have the rest of the night to hang out.”

Applejack just nodded. Why had she agreed to this? She knew what was going to happen.

Because you’re spendin’ time with your best friend! Because you’re havin’ fun!

Applejack’s eye twitched. Thankfully, Rara didn’t notice. The ride to Rara’s hotel proved uneventful; both girls made small talk about their week. Applejack made sure to omit anything magic related, leaving her with not much else to discuss.

They pulled around front of one of Canterlot’s fanciest hotels, The Prancing Pony, and were escorted out of the car and through the spacious lobby. Applejack had been here before and had not been impressed. It was clean, sure. But like everything else rich people had, it was gaudy and wasteful.

Rara pressed the button for the top floor in the elevator. “We’ve got an hour to get ready, so we’ll have to be quick.”

“No problem,” Applejack said, her first confident words of the evening. They rode up to Rara’s suite. Thankfully, it wasn’t the penthouse, but it was still huge; large enough that they had to shout to be heard from the other side of the room.

They did their hair, applied their makeup, and stepped into their gala dresses. Applejack’s was as red as a Honeycrisp apple with rounded shoulders and a white collar. It flared out into a ballgown around her waist with the back train floating down to her ankles but left her shins exposed. She had to admit, with her hair done up in a braided ponytail with two tresses framing her face, the dress looked good on her.

Applejack stepped into the lounge at the same time as Rara. “Oooh, you look so good, A.J.!”

“Thanks,” Applejack said sheepishly, unable to hide her blush. “You look great too.”

Rara twirled in the dress Rarity had made for her. “Thank you! Rarity did such amazing work! Now come on, before we’re past fashionably late!”


Moondancer stood in the middle of the lobby of The Canterlot Castle, the city’s premier hotel and host for the Grand Gallant Gala. The chandeliers overhead were dim, but Moondancer’s smile was bright and welcoming as she waved and greeted guests upon entry.

“Hello, welcome to the Gala! Hi there, welcome! I’m so glad you could come!”

She smiled with her whole face, even though her guests could only see half. Moondancer shook the hand of everyone who stopped and formally greeted her, her evening gloves hiding her sweaty palms. Raven stood beside her, checklist in hand of all the VIP attendees. She would greet and address them by name before Moondancer took over. As Moondancer had yet to memorize all of Canterlot’s elite, it was the perfect strategy.

“You’re doing great, Miss Moondancer,” Raven said during a lull in the guests' arrival.

Moondancer let her smile drop for a moment. She pulled a handkerchief from her purse and dabbed at the exposed side of her forehead. “The night has barely started and I’m already sweating.” It hadn’t helped that just yesterday, her board of directors ‘advised’ her that the gala needed to be a success or ‘the company’ would lose faith in her abilities as a leader. To call it a veiled threat would be an understatement.

You’re doing the best you can do with the cards in your hand. That didn’t stop Moondancer’s chest from feeling constricted since she woke this morning. Despite her father’s will, the board could still hold a vote of no confidence and boot her out of the CEO position. And if she wasn’t in charge of the company…

She shook her head. The gala would go fine. Most of it had already been set up by her father anyway, she just had to follow the plan, be a good host, and ignore the media.

Speaking of…

The glass doors to the hotel slid open, and Raven didn’t need to tell Moondancer who was approaching. Countess Coloratura sashayed up the carpet, smiling and speaking politely to the mics and cameras following close behind. Moondancer stared in awe at her civilian appearance; her blue ringlets of hair far more dazzling than the silver and purple mane she wore on stage. And her dress, a deep blue sprinkled with diamonds that sparkled under the hotel lights, was hypnotic to watch. She was halfway to Moondancer when the hostess finally noticed Coloratura had not arrived alone.

Moondancer’s smile flickered for a second and she bit the tip of her tongue to stop herself from shouting. What on earth is Applejack doing here?

Applejack stared dead-on at Moondancer, face neutral but eyes filled with tense animosity. Moondancer shifted her gaze away and focused on Coloratura.

“Countess Coloratura, it’s an honor and pleasure to meet you,” Moondancer said, flooding her tone with as much genuine warmth as she could muster. She took Coloratura’s hand and gave it a polite shake before raising it to her lips and giving it a gentle kiss. “Welcome to the Grand Gallant Gala, and thank you for being our auctioneer tonight.”

Coloratura gave a pleasant giggle. “Thank you for having me! It’s truly an honor, and I’m so looking forward to doing it. I’ve never actually hosted an auction before, so I hope I don’t embarrass myself.”

“You’ll do fine, I’m sure. And it’s all for a good cause.” Out of necessity from her position and because the cameras were still on her, Moondancer tilted her head toward Applejack. “Hello, Miss Applejack,” she said cordially.

“Moondancer,” Applejack said with a stiff nod.

Coloratura looked between them. “Do you two know each other?”

“We went to the same school for a brief time and both competed in the Battle of the Bands. Isn’t that right?”

Applejack nodded again. “Didn’t get to know her as well as Ah should have.”

“I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time for that.” Moondancer stepped to one side and gestured them up the stairs to the party proper. “We’ll no doubt cross paths again upstairs.”

Coloratura clapped her hands. “I can’t wait! Come on, A.J., this is going to be so much fun!” The pop star dragged the farmer away, but not before one more quick glare was shared.

The media dispersed, thankfully, half of them heading back outside while a few hounded Coloratura upstairs. Moondancer was at least grateful they hadn’t fielded any questions at her.

The last thing I needed was for this night to have surprises, Moondancer thought, watching Applejack head upstairs. She turned around to the front entrance, and this time, she did shout at the guest approaching.


Fluttershy jumped at the loud address and froze, staring at Moondancer like a lost doe. Moondancer quickly collected herself and gently beckoned Fluttershy toward her. Fluttershy held her fingers in front of her chest and hunched her shoulders. She looked around, realized she was standing in the middle of the lobby, and hurried forward.

Moondancer took another calming breath before asking, “Dear, Fluttershy, what are you doing here?”

“Umm, well…” Fluttershy pulled on her fingers. “The animal shelter I work at was selected as one of the charities for the charity auction. But, Ms. Tenderheart got sick, so she asked me to represent it instead. I said yes because it’s the last thing I’ll be able to do for it when I go off to college.”

“How serendipitous,” Moondancer said, ignoring the single butterfly in her stomach. “I apologize for shouting. I was not expecting to see you tonight.”

“I wasn’t expecting to see you either.” Fluttershy hid her face behind her pink bangs. “Umm… about the wedding…”

“I had little to do with the Sirens’ machinations, so I will not apologize on their behalf. As for what happened between Twilight and I, well, that’s between us.”

“Oh.” Moondancer didn’t think it possible, but the poor girl deflated further into herself. She raised herself up for a brief moment like she wanted to say something else, but instead gave a tiny shake of her head. “I, um, should go set up my stand.”

Moondancer bowed. “Of course. I hope you have an excellent time.”

Fluttershy gave her a scrutinizing look, searching to see if Moondancer was being genuine. Moondancer couldn’t tell what conclusion Fluttershy came to, but she hurried up the stairs all the same.

Raven smiled and looked over at Moondancer. “A friend, Miss?”

“No… not really,” Moondancer said softly, swatting the butterfly away.


Applejack had been in the grand ballroom of The Canterlot Castle before, for Prom night. Then, the chandelier had been dimmed, and blue fire illuminated the pillars around the outskirt of the room. Now, the chandelier shone with full brightness and ivy crept down the marble columns. A massive ice sculpture of two swans in mid-flight sat in the center of the dance floor. Against the back wall, instead of a DJ table, a jazz quartet was set up, playing smooth music that made Applejack tap her foot the second she crossed through the double doors.

“Oooh, this place feels so sophisticated,” Rara said, eyes sparkling.

Applejack would have used ‘ostentatious.’ She had learned that from Twilight. Very few people were dancing to the music. Most were bunched up in small cliques, chatting and holding glasses of champagne. A maitre d’ walked over with a plate of glasses and held them out in offering.

“No thank you,” Rara said, “we’re underage.”

The maitre d’ gave a polite nod and walked away.

“How do they keep track of that?” Applejack asked.

“They don’t,” Rara said with a mischievous smirk. “Usually, anyone underage has to have a chaperone with them at all times. But, being the Countess has a few perks. Besides, we’re probably the only ‘underage’ adults at this party.”

Another waiter offered them small finger foods. Applejack had no idea what they were, but her stomach was growling. To her amazement, they appeared to be small, savory, pastries. It didn’t fill her, but it did quiet her stomach.

They took two steps deeper into the room when they were accosted by a woman with blazing red and orange hair, wearing a pretty blue cocktail dress.

“Countess Coloratura?” she said in a raspy voice. “Wow, it’s so cool to meet you! Love your music.”

Rara gasped. “Spitfire! Wow, hi! I’ve seen some of your matches; you’re amazing!”

Applejack jumped. “You’re Spitfire?”

Spitfire smiled and nodded. Applejack didn’t watch too much soccer, she was more into hockey and football. But, she had spent enough time around Rainbow to recognize the name.

“Mah friend Rainbow thinks you’re the best thing since sliced bread.”

She gave a good-natured laugh, then reached over to the nearest table and grabbed a napkin, pulled a pen from her purse, and made a quick scribble. Spitfire handed the autograph to Applejack. “Tell Rainbow I said hi.”

Applejack looked at the signed napkin. Well, no matter what, somethin’ good came out of this night.

Rara and Spitfire started a conversation that surprisingly didn’t revolve around celebrity life. Applejack was able to chime in every few sentences. That was until some fashion influencer named Hoity Toity stepped in and began dominating the chat. Not long after, a few more celebrities flocked over to their growing circle, pushing Applejack out of the way to get a word in with Rara.

Applejack made a short huff from her nose. “Ah’m gonna go look around!” she said loudly over the five people talking at once.

Rara looked through a gap in the circle and was at least kind enough to give Applejack an apologetic smile before nodding.

Applejack turned and walked off before her scowl could form. The ballroom continued to fill up with Canterlot’s rich and influential. Applejack was surprised to see she recognized some of them: the weather girl from Canterlot News, Filthy Rich, one of Sweet Apple Acres’ business partners, and Mayor Ivory Scroll, who actually smiled and waved at her.

Still, Applejack was a foreigner in a room full of strangers. What she wouldn’t have given for any of her friends to be here with her. She made to adjust her hat and frowned when she remembered her head was bare tonight. With another frustrated huff, she turned for the exit and nearly smacked into Moondancer coming the other way.

“Ah, my apologies, Applejack,” Moondancer said, adjusting her blouse so as to not make eye contact.

Applejack set her jaw. “No worries. Didn’t see ya there.”

“Of course. If you’ll excuse me.”

Moondancer tried to sidestep around her, but Applejack looped an arm through Moondancer’s and pulled her close.

“Ah don’t know what you’re schemin’,” Applejack whispered into her ear, “but we’ve already beaten you twice before. And all these little magical monsters you keep throwin’ at us are just makin’ us stronger. So if you try anythin’ tonight, know that Ah’ll be on you like gravy on biscuits.”

“First of all, ew.” Moondancer wrenched her arm away and faced Applejack properly. “Second, I have not thrown anything at you. And third, in case you haven’t noticed, I have a very important function to host, so I don’t have time to do whatever it is you think I’m up to.”

Her face and demeanor shifted back to the cordial host that had greeted Applejack in the lobby. “Now, I really hope you have an excellent time tonight.” She scooted past Applejack. “Ah, Mr. Fancy Pants, it’s so wonderful to see you!”

Applejack watched her schmooze for a few more seconds before continuing her exit out the grand ballroom. Moondancer could say whatever she wanted, Applejack’s instincts told her she was a snake and had something to hide. But what was she supposed to tell her friends? ‘Moondancer is hosting an evil party!’ She didn’t have any proof.

Applejack pulled her phone out anyway. Having her friends on standby just in case something started going wrong wouldn’t be a bad idea.


She looked up from her half-finished text. Running toward her down the opulent hallway was—

“Fluttershy!” Applejack ran to meet her halfway and pulled her into a bone-popping hug. “Girl, what are you doin’ here?”

Once Fluttershy could breathe, she said, “Representing the animal shelter at the charity auction. You’re here with Countess Coloratura, right?”

Applejack set Fluttershy down. “Yeah. But she’s chattin’ it up with a bunch of rich folks. Boy howdy, am Ah glad to see a friendly face around here.”

“Likewise. I was actually really nervous about standing at my booth alone.”

“Well, the way the night’s already goin’, Ah’ll be more than happy to stand with ya.”

Fluttershy beamed at her. “Thank you. But, I wouldn’t want to take away any quality time between you and Coloratura.”

Applejack pursed her lips. “Ah don’t know if Ah’d call it ‘quality’.”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

Before Applejack could explain, a familiar male voice shouted from behind them. “No way! Applejack? Fluttershy?”

Both girls turned to see Flash Sentry wearing a dapper gray suit hurrying toward them. “I can’t believe it!”

Applejack grinned. “Well, if this ain’t a Canterlot High reunion. What are you doin’ here?”

Flash put his hands in his pockets and gave a sheepish smile. “You know… Dad owns one of the best car dealerships in the city. He managed to get an invitation, and Mom wasn’t interested. So, I decided, eh, why not?”

“Hey, the more familiar faces, the merrier,” Applejack said.

“So how did you guys get in?”

“I’m here for the charity auction,” Fluttershy said, pointing to one of the doors further down the hall.

Applejack looked past Flash to the grand ballroom. “Ah’m Rara’s plus one.”

Flash squinted his eyes in confusion. “Who?”

“Countess Coloratura,” Applejack said with a sigh.

“For real? Applejack, you know the Countess? Can I… get an autograph?”


Flash sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “No, yeah, that’s fair.” He straightened up. “Still, it’ll be cool to hang out with you both. I saw the jazz band in the ballroom and got real scared this party was gonna be boring.”

“I like jazz,” Fluttershy whispered to herself.

Applejack chuckled. “Come on, let’s see if we can find some grub in this place.”

“I think there’s a restaurant downstairs,” Flash said.

“Applejack, there you are!”

With a suppressed groan, Applejack watched Rara hurry toward her. “I’m so sorry I left you alone. Hoity Toity just kept going on and on. Oh, hello!” Rara waved to Fluttershy and Flash.

Both of them numbly waved back.

Rara focused on Applejack again. “We have to go. Dinner is about to start in the dining hall, and we have seats next to Spitfire and Trenderhoof.”

“VIP Ah’m guessin’?” At Rara’s nod, Applejack plastered a smile over her face. “Can’t wait, sounds excitin’.”

“I’ll run ahead then.” Rara waved again to Fluttershy and Flash. “Hopefully, I’ll see you again later tonight!”

As soon as Rara turned her back, Applejack’s smile dropped like an anchor. “Great, fancy dinner with fancy people.”

“You don’t sound thrilled,” Flash said.

Applejack gave a dismissive wave. “It’s fine. We’ll find time to hang out tonight, but in the meantime…” She leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, “Keep an eye on Moondancer. She says this is just a party, but Ah trust her about as much as a used car salesman. Uh, no offense, Flash.”

Flash snapped his fingers and grinned. “Dad only sells new cars, so none taken.”

Applejack laughed and grinned back, a brief release from the weight in her chest. “Y’all try to have fun. See you soon.” She turned and followed after Rara, walking past the doors to the grand ballroom to the other end of the corridor.

Large round tables with white linens filled the dining hall. The chandeliers here were dimmed, and a candelabra sat on each table. Rara waved Applejack down to a table in the center, already occupied by seven other people. Applejack took the last free seat between Rara and a tan young man with sandy blonde hair and thick half-moon glasses.

“Ah, you must be Applejack,” he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

“Eh heh heh, yep.” Applejack tried to smile as she reclaimed her hand.

“I’m Trenderhoof. The Countess has already spoken highly of you, touting you as her best friend. Tell me, what do you do?”

His smile almost seemed genuine, but now everyone else around the table had their eyes on Applejack. She swallowed a lump in her throat. “Ah’m just a college student. Or, Ah will be in the fall. Mah family owns one of the local farms though.”

“Oh, a farmer! How quaint! How rustic!” Trenderhoof said. Applejack couldn’t tell if he was making fun of her. A few other people around the table stifled their laughs.

“I used to play on her family’s farm all the time when I was a kid,” Rara said. “And, they grow some of the best apples this side of the country.”

“My, what humble origins,” a woman from across the table said. “Did y’all play with the horses and piggies too?” she asked, a mocking accent in her voice.

“Yes, we did,” Rara said cheerfully. “We learned how to milk cows too.”

There were a few more condescending laughs. Trenderhoof leaned in toward Applejack. “I think that sounds adorably charming.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

The topic shifted, though Applejack quickly lost focus. It was all noise to her. She patted down the hairs on the back of her neck. Moondancer was one room over, and here she was eating with snobs. All she could do right now was hope Flash and Fluttershy could keep tabs on Moondancer. Or hope on the thin chance that Moondancer was telling the truth.

Another door in the dining room opened, and in came the wait staff, silver dishes with cloches in their hands. Applejack’s stomach gave a soft growl.

Ah hope the food is good at least.


Fluttershy never had any one-on-one time with Flash before. She knew half the girls in school had a crush on him, and for good reason. He was nice, played guitar, and had a cool car. Fluttershy had never had any interest—aside from a few brief instances, her sole attraction had been Rainbow.

Part of her was still coming to terms with the fact that she had finally admitted to Rainbow about her crush and that Rainbow had finally, definitively put her down. It was… freeing in a way. She remembered what she had told Moondancer when she had encountered her at the flower shop. She hadn’t been okay that day. She still wasn’t perfectly okay yet, but she was making progress. She knew someday, she could find someone like how Sunset and Twilight found each other, or Rainbow and Soarin.

In another life, maybe it could have been Flash.

The two of them stood in the corner of the grand ballroom, watching people mingle and dance to the jazz band, playing a faster, upbeat swing. Moondancer was currently talking to the Mayor and a few other important people. Fluttershy took a sip of her punch. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to be looking for. She didn’t think Moondancer was going to use magic in the middle of the ballroom.

Honestly, Fluttershy didn’t know what to think of Moondancer. She did all these bad things, but always looked sad and said she felt bad about it. But if Tempest was forcing her into this, why hadn’t she asked for help by now?

“So,” Flash said in a hushed tone, “how’s the whole superhero thing going for you girls?”

Fluttershy almost choked on her drink. “Y-you know about that?”

“Rarity gives me a few updates. I promise I won’t tell anyone. Not sure if they would believe me. Besides, who else could have taken on Adagio at the mall?”

Fluttershy supposed that was fair. “It’s going good, I think. Well… maybe. We think we know what Moondancer is planning, but if we don’t play along, people will get hurt.”

Flash nodded grimly. “Sounds like a tough spot. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I don’t think so. Unless you can help us find the keys to a magic chest,” Fluttershy said with a giggle.

Flash chuckled. “Sorry, don’t think that’s my area of expertise.” A light ring came from his pocket and he pulled out his cell phone. “Aw crap, Dad’s looking for me. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

He ran off, leaving Fluttershy to finish her punch alone. She handed the cup to a waiting maitre d’ and resumed her watch of Moondancer. She had broken away from the Mayor and was talking to her assistant. The brunette gave a short bow and walked away, leaving Moondancer alone.

She did talk to me last time and gave us a hint. Maybe I can talk to her again. Channeling Rainbow’s confidence, Fluttershy squared her shoulders and walked over. She was almost bowled over by a lady with a huge floppy hat. Before Fluttershy could apologize, the lady had vanished into the crowd.

Dusting her dress off, Fluttershy finished her trek to Moondancer. The hostess looked up from a clipboard as Fluttershy approached.

“Good evening, Fluttershy. Enjoying the party?”

“Um, yes. It’s nice. Are you having a good time?”

“As much as one can while making sure everything runs smoothly.” Moondancer sighed but smiled at Fluttershy. “Did you need something?”

Fluttershy felt her confidence draining. How did she ask what Moondancer was up to without being rude? “I, umm… I just wanted to say…”

Be assertive!

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Please don’t do anything bad tonight! But if you do, my friends and I will stop you!” The words tumbled out of her mouth in a frantic, mousy shout.

Moondancer stared at Fluttershy, and for a moment, Fluttershy was afraid Moondancer would use magic right then and there. Instead, she tucked her clipboard under her arm, clapped her hands together in front of her mouth, and took a deep breath.

“Fluttershy, please relay a message for me to Twilight and the rest of your colorful friends: I’m not doing anything at the moment, and I literally could not care less about what you’re up to. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a CEO right now. And no, that is not as fun as it sounds. I am eighteen, and I have an entire company to manage! Do you know what the Nasdaq is? I do! Let me tell you, it’s a nightmare to understand!”

Fluttershy winced. “Um—”

“Oh sure, I could be one of those CEOs that just sits on my yacht all day, maybe make a few phone calls and just pretend to actually be doing work. But noooo, my father had to be a hands-on, proactive businessman! Which, in a rare instance I can actually say, I’m proud of him. Really builds company trust.”

“I guess so—”

“Except now, the company has to put its trust in me, an eighteen-year-old with no practical business experience! But I need to keep working and pretend I know what I’m doing, otherwise, the company will lose faith in me! And if they lose faith, the Board of Directors could potentially lock me out of the company, and if I stay locked out for too long, they could hire a new CEO, and if I lose control of the company, I die!”

Moondancer took deep, gulping breaths, her cheek flushed. Fluttershy felt awful, not only for accusing Moondancer of being up to something, but for all the pressure she was under.

“I’m sorry,” was all she could whisper.

Moondancer one more shuddering breath and quickly glanced around to see if anyone had observed her outburst. “It’s… not your fault. You have every right to be suspicious of me. And I can’t claim complete innocence in everything. But, if you’re hoping to get any information from me, I’m afraid you’re mistaken.”

A maitre d’ sauntered past and Moondancer snatched a glass of red wine from the serving tray. She raised it to her lips, lifting an eyebrow at the befuddled expression Fluttershy was certain was written on her face.

“If I can drink in France, I can drink here. And my parents aren’t around to tell me otherwise.” Moondancer tipped the glass back and took a large sip.

Fluttershy tapped her fingers together and turned her eyes downward. She knew Moondancer was on the bad guy’s side, had hurt people including Twilight and Sunset… yet right now, Fluttershy wanted to give her a hug. She inched closer, wondering if she would be overstepping her bounds.

The band ended their current song and transitioned into something soft and slow. The people around them partnered up and began to waltz around the ballroom. A new idea jumped into Fluttershy’s head, one that made her face burn. She grabbed her courage and held it tight.

“Moondancer would you like to dance with me?” she blurted out.

Moondancer, glass raised to her mouth again, spluttered and spit some of the wine back. She coughed and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you properly.”

“Would you like to dance… um… with me?” Fluttershy asked again in a mousy quiver.

Moondancer looked at her, visible eye wide with surprise. “You would want to… with me?”

“I’m sorry! It was a dumb idea! I’ll go!” Fluttershy turned on her heel.

“Hold, Fluttershy,” Moondancer said sternly, stopping Fluttershy in her tracks. “I have not given an answer yet.”

Fluttershy, keeping as much of her face hidden in her hair as she could, turned back to Moondancer. She was gazing into the remainder of the red liquid in her cup.

“I can’t wait to hear what the press will say,” she whispered. “But, if I’m going to make a fool of myself, I might as well do it with a beautiful flower like you.” Moondancer finished off her wine and waived down the nearest maitre d’ to pass the glass off. She extended her hand to Fluttershy, palm up.

“Shall we?”

Trembling, Fluttershy slipped her hand into Moondancer’s and gasped when she was pulled closer until there was only a thin thread of space between them. Moondancer put her other hand on the small of Fluttershy’s back and led them into a waltz.

Fluttershy knew how to dance. She liked to dance in her room where only her animals could see her. If it wasn’t for her muscle memory and Moondancer taking the lead, she would have been a floundering mass of limbs. Her breath came out in quick puffs and her trembling extended from her hands to her shoulders.

“No need to be nervous,” Moondancer said softly as they turned about. “Just flow with the music. You’re doing great, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy nodded and tried to swallow, but her mouth was bone dry. She was confident in her dancing; that wasn’t the issue. Fluttershy didn’t know what the issue was. Sweat coated her palm and her heart hammered in her chest. She couldn’t take her eyes off Moondancer. Yes, she could only see half of the girl’s face, but she almost glowed in the chandelier light. The aroma of cherry blossoms in full bloom was dizzying. And her purple eyes captured Fluttershy in their gaze and locked her place, only to be guided by Moondancer’s gentle hands.

She giggled, drawing Fluttershy out of her trance. “You’re staring, sweet Fluttershy.”

“O-oh! Umm… it’s just…”

Moondancer giggled again, but there was a sadness mingled within. “I wonder what it is you see.” She looked away. “My beauty was marred long ago.”

“I don’t think that’s true.” Fluttershy spoke before her brain could process her words. “I think you’re still very beautiful.”

Moondancer shook her head. “I don’t mean on the outside. I’m not like you, Fluttershy.” She fixed her eyes on Fluttershy again. “You’re a beautiful soul, inside and out.”

Before Fluttershy had a chance to hyperventilate, Moondancer spun her out, twirled her around, and pulled her back in. Fluttershy gaped like a fish. Her heart drummed and electricity danced on her skin.

The girls made one more rotation as the song came to an end. Moondancer gently slid her hand from Fluttershy’s and gave a curtsy. “Thank you for the dance, Fluttershy. I enjoyed it, truly.”

“Y-You’re welcome,” Fluttershy stammered, her skin still tingling.

Moondancer bowed again. “I have matters I should probably attend to. I wish you the best of luck at the auction.” She turned and drifted away, weaving between people until she was lost in the crowd.

“Right… the auction…” Fluttershy shook her head. It didn’t clear the daze, but it did free her of the static. She turned and numbly walked out of the ballroom. She could still feel Moondancer’s hand against her own, still smell the scent of cherry blossoms.

Had that all been an act? Was Moondancer trying to distract her from whatever she was planning this evening? But wait, Fluttershy had asked her to dance. What had compelled her to do that? She had looked sad, yes, but she was still the bad guy, wasn’t she?

Fluttershy looked at the hand that had held Moondancer’s. She had never felt this way before. She didn’t know what she was feeling, but she had never felt it for anyone else. Not even Rainbow.


The meal had been just okay. More specifically, the food had been okay. It had been some fancy fish that Applejack had never heard of, but at least it had been baked and served with vegetables. The conversation she could have cared less for, and had tuned out most of it. She had been startled out of finishing her meal when Rara tapped her arm and announced she had to get to the charity auction. She had offered Applejack the option to stay and continue talking to her ‘friends’. One smolder from Trenderhoof was all Applejack needed to follow Rara out of the dining room.

“Did you enjoy dinner?”

Applejack nodded absently. “Yep. Fish was real good.”

“Oh, if you liked that, I know a really good place over on the coast! It’s got a fantastic view of the ocean, and the fish practically melts in your mouth.”

A muscle in Applejack’s jaw twitched. “Ah’ll think about it.”

Rara tilted her head toward Applejack, a slight frown on her face. “Are you okay? You’ve been pretty quiet tonight.”

“Yeah, just… taking it all in,” Applejack said, still looking ahead. She could feel Rara’s eyes on her.

“But you’re having fun, right?”

Applejack forced herself to smile. “‘Course I’m havin’ fun.”

“Are you sure—” Rara trailed off as a staff member ran down the hall and skidded to a stop in front of her.

“Oh thank goodness,” he said, out of breath. “Countess, you’re on in ten and we’d like to do a run-through of the auction items.”

Rara gasped. “I’m so sorry! I’ll be right there.” She looked back at Applejack. “The auction is gonna be super fun, you should come watch. Unless someone asks you to dance,” she said with a wink.

Applejack chuckled. “We’ll see. Go have fun.”

“Will do.” Rara rushed behind the staff member to one of the back rooms.

Applejack stared down at the weaving patterns on the carpet and chewed the inside of her cheek. Was she really having fun? Being inside this hotel was sapping her strength and patience. She had hoped coming with Rara would level things out, but somehow, it just made things worse.

She needed to find Fluttershy and Flash. Or Moondancer. That was familiar ground she could navigate. Though she wouldn’t call spying on Moondancer fun, it was at least comfortable.

She returned to the grand ballroom and stood in the threshold, scanning for familiar faces. There was no sign of her three former classmates, though it was hard to be sure with all the moving bodies. The music had an aggressive edge to it, something Applejack wasn’t aware a jazz band could produce.

In the center of the dance floor, a woman sashayed a little too hard to the left and smacked another woman in the shoulder. The first lady made to apologize, but was greeted with a hand to the face. Applejack blinked, and in the next second, both women and their partners were scratching and slapping at each other, the other dancers giving them a wide berth.

Applejack watched, mesmerized until two security guards came and broke them up. Geez, all that over a nudge. She gave a sorry shake of her head.

“Quit hogging the door,” Someone said as they shoved past her, despite Applejack taking up less than half the doorframe.

She rubbed her shoulder and glowered. “And a fine hello to you too.” With another shake of her head, she turned and left. If Fluttershy wasn’t in the ballroom, she had to be at the auction.

The auction hall looked a lot like the ballroom, only brighter and without a central dance floor. Instead, rows of chairs were set up in front of a stage, and booths advertising different charities were lined up against the wall. People milled about, either talking to the charity representatives or finding a seat in the crowd. Sure enough, Fluttershy stood in front of her booth tucked in the left corner, her back to the crowd.

“‘Shy!” Applejack called as she approached.

“Eeep!” Fluttershy jumped and spoon around. “Oh, it’s you A.J. H-how was your dinner?”

Applejack shrugged. “It was fine, Ah guess. Uh, why is your face all red?”

“No reason!” Fluttershy said in a higher pitch than normal.

“Oookaay. Well, were you able to get anything on Moondancer?”

Fluttershy’s face managed to turn redder. “No! I mean, yes! I mean, I don’t think she’s up to anything!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. She knew Fluttershy to be nervous, but this was high even for her. “What makes you say that?”

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Grand Gallant Gala Charity Auction!” The out-of-breath assistant from before stood on stage, the lights brightening and flashing in different colors. “And now, it is my pleasure to introduce our celebrity auctioneer for the evening, the one and only Countess Coloratura!”

He backed away as Rara stepped onto the stage to thunderous applause. She giggled and bowed and waved, glowing under the fluorescent lights. “Thank you, thank you! Thanks for coming out tonight and thank you for letting me host this year’s charity auction! I’ve never done this before, so I apologize in advance.”

For some reason, everyone in the audience found that hilarious and gave her another round of applause. Applejack rolled her eyes.

“We have a host of great prizes we’re auctioning off tonight, and all proceeds go to any of these wonderful charities!” Rara gestured to all of the booths lined up in the back. She paused and gave a quick wave to Applejack and Fluttershy.

“Alright, does everyone have their paddles?” Rara watched as several members of the audience raised their bidding paddles. “Guys, what are you doing? We haven’t started any bids yet!”

The audience laughed again and Applejack groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nothin’,” Applejack snapped.

“Okay, for reals this time. Our first item up for auction is a wonderful travel package to Hawaii! This includes airfare and hotel!” She cleared her throat and finished in a light melody, “Seven days in paradise, a romantic trip for two.”

Applejack smirked, thinking of Shining and Cadence and their lack of a honeymoon. If she had the money, she might have made a bid for it and handed it off to them.

“So, let’s start at two thousand! Do I have two thousand? Two thousand right there! Two thousand, do we have twenty-two hundred? Twenty-two hundred for Hawaii? Twenty-two hundred over here!”

“I wonder what it’s like to be able to spend money like that,” Fluttershy asked.

“Ah say we’re probably better off not knowing,” Applejack said, crossing her arms. “Money does things to people. Turns them into snobs.”

“Not everyone,” Fluttershy mumbled.

Flash strolled up to them with a wave. “Sorry I had to bounce for a bit. Dad wanted to have dinner with some friends. Did I miss anything?”

Applejack pointed a thumb at Fluttershy. “‘Shy here was able to talk to Moondancer. She says she’s not plottin’ nothin’.”

“Nice job! How’d you manage to get that out of her?”

Fluttershy’s face went scarlet again. “I, um, just asked her.”

Flash frowned. “And you just believed her?”

“I just know she’s telling the truth!” Fluttershy said, closing her eyes and balling her fists. “She’s not the villain everyone thinks she is!”

Eyes wide from Fluttershy’s outburst, Applejack softened her posture and sighed. “A few months ago, Ah might have believed you. But you’ve seen what she’s done. You’re an angel, Fluttershy, but you’re too nice sometimes.”

Fluttershy crossed her arms and looked away. “Sunset did bad things and we became friends with her.”

Flash laughed softly. “She’s got a point there.”

“Sold! To the gentleman in the fancy top hat for twenty-one hundred, for the Grant a Dream Foundation!” Rara cheered. The crowd gave a polite round of applause.

“Next up, an antique thirteenth-century Ming vase, still in mint condition!” The stagehand wheeled out a glass case with a blue and white vase inside. Rara spun around it and gestured. “This is one of our big prizes people, so we’ll start the bidding at seven thousand!”

“Who is gonna spend seven thousand dollars on a vase?” Applejack asked, flabbergasted.

“Seven thousand right there! Do I hear seventy-two hundred? Seventy-two hundred here! Do I hear seventy-four—seventy-six! Seven thousand, six hundred already!”

Applejack facepalmed.

Flash whistled. “So this is how the other half lives.”

“Isn’t your dad rich?”

“Not that rich.”

Applejack watched in disgusted fascination as the bidding went all the way up to eleven thousand dollars. It was alleviated by the reminder that it was all going to charity, but the fact that people had that much money to spend still blew Applejack’s mind. Along with the fact that they needed shiny trinkets to be motivated to donate to a good cause.

“You people are amazing!” Rara sang in soprano. “Let’s keep this generosity going with our next item!”

Flash slipped his hands into his pockets. “So, is there anything else to do here?”

“Not unless you wanna go have a brawl in the ballroom,” Applejack said dryly.


Applejack recounted the scene she had witnessed before heading to the auction room. Flash looked dumbfounded. Fluttershy looked concerned.

“I hope the media doesn’t hear about that,” she said.

“Yeah, they’d have a field day,” Flash said, sliding his palm through the air. “‘Pointless pummel at Grand Gallant Gala’.”

“And then they’d blame Moondancer,” Fluttershy said.

Alright, even Ah’m not this clueless. Applejack put her hands on her hips and stared Fluttershy down. “‘Shy, what happened between you and Moondancer?”

“Nothing!” Fluttershy yelped. She looked as guilty as a misbehaving puppy.

“Doesn’t sound like nothing,” Flash teased.

“We just talked!”

“And sold, for three thousand to the Canterlot Animal Shelter and Rescue Center!” Rara cheered.

The group stood frozen amidst the scattered applause. Applejack turned and saw Fluttershy’s eyes were the size of dinner plates.

“Th-three thousand?

“Congrats, ‘Shy,” Applejack said, patting her on the back.

“But-but who…?”

Moondancer stood up from the audience and shuffled out of her row. She twiddled her fingers at Fluttershy and exited the room, almost bumping into a lady with a large floppy hat covering her face.

Applejack moved her hands back to her hips and resumed her stare down, though it was more bemused than accusatory.

“We danced, okay!” Fluttershy clapped her hands over her face.

Flash whistled. Applejack wasn’t sure whether to say ‘Good job’ or ‘Are you crazy?’

“Please don’t tell the others,” Fluttershy whimpered from behind her hands.

“Um, sure thing.” Applejack wasn’t sure how she would anyway.

“Okay, folks! We’re gonna take a quick ten-minute break! But, when we come back, we’ll be auctioning off the biggest prizes we have, so don’t go too far!” Rara waved and ducked back behind the curtain.

Applejack sighed in relief. “Thank goodness. That means we’re almost done.”

Flash furrowed his brow in concern. “You seem like you haven’t been having fun all night. You okay?”

“Whaddya mean? Of course Ah’m havin’ fun!” It was like a reflex now. An automatic defense against anyone accusing her of not having fun.

Fluttershy lowered her hands. “Are you sure, Applejack? You’ve been… well… on edge a little bit. Not just tonight but for a while. Ever since you started spending time with Countess Coloratura.”

“Ah have not! Everythin’s fine! Why wouldn’t it be?” Applejack felt her cheeks strain from the smile she was trying to put on.

Flash narrowed his eyes in an uncharacteristic glare. “Because you’re acting pretty suspicious for everything to be ‘fine’. Just tell the truth.”

“Ah am tellin’ the truth!” Ah’m—” Applejack froze. No, she wasn’t. She wasn’t telling just tiny white lies to Rara, she was flat-out lying to herself. Her posture deflated and she covered her eyes with a hand.

“Ah’m not fine. Ah’m not havin’ fun. This has been one of the most unfun nights of mah life,” Applejack said, drained of emotion.


“Yes, really. Ah don’t know what Ah was thinkin’ agreein’ to this. Ah knew Ah was gonna be miserable, and here Ah am!”

“Then why did you say yes?”

“Because!” Applejack lowered her hand and spun toward the voice, freezing again.

Rara looked back at her, eyes wet. “You said you were having fun. You said you wanted to come to this with me.”

Applejack’s heart sank. “Rara, Ah… Ah’m sorry, Ah just…”

“Just what?” Rara balled her fists. “What about every other time we hung out? Have you been lying about those too?”

Applejack pressed her palms against the side of her head. “Yes,” she said with a pained groan.

“How could you?” Rara shouted. “I thought we were friends?”

“Rara Ah love hangin’ out with you!” Applejack shouted back, throwing her hands out. “But every time Ah do, Ah get shoved to the side, just like when we were kids!”

“What do you—”

“You were always popular! Ah just wanted to spend time with mah best friend, but you were pretty and talented, and so many times, you would get swarmed with admirers and Ah’d get shoved off! It was never your fault, but it happened! And it’s happening again only this time, Ah hate everythin’ we’re doin’!”

“You… hate…?”

“Ah hate this dress! Ah hate this gala! Ah hate bein’ surrounded by stuck-up, rich snobs who have never worked an honest day in their life and wouldn’t know good food if it came up and asked them to square dance! And, if you want me to be one-hundred percent honest, Ah hate your music!”

Applejack gasped and wiped the tears from her eyes. The squirming, irksome feeling in her stomach was finally gone, but staring at Rara’s heartbroken face, it was replaced by something much worse.

Rara sniffed and wiped her eyes. When she looked back at Applejack, there was a biting cold that Applejack had never seen before. “Well, you’ll never have to worry about any of that again,” she hissed. She shoved past Applejack and made for the exit.

“Rara, wait! Ah’m sorry!”

But Rara was gone. Applejack stared after her, dizzy from how fast things had spun out of control.

“Nice going, Applejack, you made a pop star cry,” Flash said with a sneer.

Applejack rounded on him. “What the heck, Flash? Ya don’t think Ah don’t feel bad already?”

“Wait, did the Countess leave?”

“I saw it! She was talking with those three, then she ran off in tears!”

“Is the auction over?”

“They ruined it!”

Applejack backed up against Fluttershy’s booth. The crowd had turned toward them and was starting to advance, glowers on their faces.

Fluttershy hugged Applejack’s arm. “What’s happening?”

Flash backed up next to them. “Applejack managed to turn the whole gala against us.”

“Seriously, what is your problem?” Applejack snapped.

“Right now, it’s you!”

Applejack saw it, quick as a blink. But there had been a faint trace of green in Flash’s eyes. She looked back at the menacing crowd and thought back to the ballroom.

“Adagio’s here!” she shouted.

“What?” Fluttershy squeaked. “Where?”

Applejack glanced around. “Ah don’t…” There, in a crowd that was moving toward them, a single figure in a floppy hat was strolling out the door.

“That has to be her!” Applejack grabbed Fluttershy and Flash by the arms and pulled them toward the door.

Flash struggled and tried to steal his arm back. “Why are you dragging me along?”

“It’s either that or get mobbed by them!” The crowd was moving faster now, trying to cut them off from the exit. Flash grumbled but accepted his fate. Applejack let go of him and leaned her shoulder forward just as an older woman jumped between them and the door. Applejack plowed straight past her, sending her off to the side. Flash kicked away a man trying to grab them from behind, and the three broke out into the corridor, Fluttershy shouting apologies at the mob running behind them.

“Alright, genius, now what?” Flash asked between breaths.

“Aside from me resisting the urge to trip you…” Applejack scanned the hallway. Adagio had already slipped away somewhere. Applejack decided to take a page from her book and turned into the ballroom. “Try to hide!”

The three ducked into the dancing crowd as the band played another fast-paced, aggressive tune. Applejack had hoped at the very least the public space would discourage the mob from pursuing them further. To her horror, many of them shoved and shunted their way onto the dance floor, only to be met with angry retaliation from the dancers.

In a matter of seconds, the room had descended into a free-for-all brawl with Applejack ducking and dodging through skirmishes to escape back to the outskirts of the room. She broke free and paled at the scene before her.

“Crap, what have Ah done?”

“Made it worse,” Flash said, ducking his head out from one of the tables lining the wall.

“Shut up!”

“Applejack!” Fluttershy jumped out of the mob, the bottom hem of her dress torn. “Are you okay?”

“Ah’m fine… mostly.”

“You three!”

The three of them turned. Moondancer marched toward them, a different anger in her eyes. “What did you do?”

“We didn’t do anythin’!” Applejack said defensively.

“I walk over to the ballroom and not five minutes later, you three run in with an angry mob behind you! What else am I supposed to think?”

Fluttershy stepped between Applejack and Moondancer. “It’s Adagio! She’s here and she’s using her magic on everyone!”

Moondancer’s anger dissolved into dread. “What?”

“Aaah aaah ah. Aaah ah.”

Everyone’s head snapped toward the ceiling as a hauntingly familiar chant played over the intercom. The music from the band fell away, and the center brawl came to an end. Flash climbed out from under the table, eyes fully green.

Moondancer marched forward with her hand outstretched. She placed her palm against Flash’s forehead and after a faint glow, his eyes returned to normal.

He swooned back and shook his head. “I’m really sick of getting brainwashed.”

The singing stopped and after a moment of static, Adagio’s voice rang out through the room. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’ve been enjoying tonight’s entertainment; I know I have! And we’re not done yet.”

“Come out here and show yourself, you coward!” Applejack bellowed.

“While I love the idea of all of you fighting one another over perceived slights, I have a much better game in mind,” Adagio continued, ignoring Applejack entirely. “So I encourage all of you, if you want to have the best gala ever, then capture the two girls Applejack and Fluttershy.”

Applejack could hear Adagio’s twisted grin. “And feel free to tear them apart in the process.”

Author's Note:

Alternate Chapter Title: Ballroom Blitz

Okay, so one: Flash was not going to be in this chapter until I was writing it and realized I have room for him in this chapter! Which changed the dynamic quite a lot. Two: Thanks to an amazing idea by Drakey, this chapter grew beyond its original scope! So don't take off your party shoes just yet, the night's not over!

... Y'all are getting spoiled with these chapter lengths.

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