• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 988 Views, 24 Comments

Fluttershy's Las Pegasus Rampage - Teyeson Bee

When Fluttershy wins a trip to Las Pegasus, her friends think it'll be a good way to get her out of her shell. But what do they do when she takes the gambling too far?

  • ...

Fluttershy's Return


The door to the hotel room flew open as the once very sensitive and innocent Fluttershy stepped in. She was once very sensitive and innocent, until she found herself in the world of Roulette. Though she did very well at the beginning, her luck changed for her, and changed HER as well. She had become a wild-eyed pegasus, obsessed with winning Roulette. When her friends took her chips and ran though, that was what sent her over the edge. No chips, no playing. No playing, no winning. The game had done something to her. She was no longer looking somewhat wild-eyed, but now looked crazy, her eye twitching, and strands of hair standing on end. As she walked casually but menacingly into the dark room, her voice and expression had changed into something psychotic.

"Heeeeeeeeere's FLUTTERS!" she said with a crazed smile. She quickly turned the light on and looked around. The room looked empty, but she saw her friends rushing into the room. She knew they were there. With her wild eyes quickly looking around, Fluttershy began to talk out loud. "I know you're here, guys! I can smell my chips! You can't hide forever!" She explored the bedroom, looking under the desk, bed, and behind the TV, but still no sign of her friends. Suddenly, Fluttershy caught sight of the end of a lavender-colored tail sticking out from behind the long curtain. Fluttershy smiled and chuckled maniacally as she inched towards the curtains, sounding innocent as she did so. "Oh don't worry, friends," she whispered as she closed the distance. "All is forgiven. Just come on out and we can talk abou-AH HA!"

Fluttershy quickly grabbed the curtain and pulled it back, just in time to see Twilight jump out and tackle her. The two landed on the ground with a thud, Twilight holding onto Fluttershy for dear life, as the pegasus struggled.

"Guys!" Twilight shouted. "A little HELP please!" At that moment, the three others ran out. Applejack was hiding in the bathtub, Rarity in the closet, and Rainbow Dash literally attached to the ceiling. The three rushed over as Applejack and Rainbow helped hold down Fluttershy's flailing hooves. "Rarity!" Twilight signaled as she struggled to hold Fluttershy's torso. "The mirror! Quick!" Rarity nodded as she rushed toward the drawer by the bed to retrieve a handheld mirror. As Fluttershy flailed her body, her eye caught sight of a bag strapped around Rarity's midsection. It was the bag with her chips. At that point, Fluttershy began to fight even harder. Applejack and Rainbow held onto her hooves with everything they had, but it didn't seem to be enough. Twilight was losing her grip, and tried casting a spell to hold Fluttershy in place. However, since spell casting required a focused mind, it wasn't enough due to Twilight focusing more on keeping her balance on the pegasus.

Then, in one furious motion, Fluttershy flung each of the restraining ponies off of her. Three friends went flying in different directions as Fluttershy got up, huffing and puffing with crazed fury. She turned her eyes to the bag around Rarity, and then to Rarity herself. Rarity looked from the bag to Fluttershy with an expression of fear. The two continued glancing for a second before Fluttershy pounced towards the prissy unicorn. Rarity shrieked in horror as Fluttershy soared towards her with her hooves stretch out and a hungry look in her eye. Hungry for chips.

"RARITY!" Applejack shouted. "OVER HERE!" Without even thinking, Rarity grabbed the bag with her magic and flung it over Fluttershy's head. Fluttershy turned quickly to see Applejack catch it in her mouth. Fluttershy stopped in midair and rapidly turned around to soar straight towards the earth pony. Applejack quickly slung the bag up in the air for Rainbow to catch. A high speed chased ensured as the two pegasi circled around the room. It was like watching a little Wonderbolts Derby on the ceiling as the yellow streak followed closely behind the cyan streak. It didn't take too long for Fluttershy to grab Rainbow's tail in her mouth and start to pull her back, muttering something nopony could understand. At that point, Rainbow dropped the bag and Twilight caught it. The unicorn then ran to the door, but was quickly cut off by the yellow pegasus. As Fluttershy lunged for her, Twilight used her magic to teleport to the other side of the room as Fluttershy crashed into the bed. She quickly recovered though and continued her pursuit of the bag.

What started out at a carefully placed trap soon became a life-or-death game of Keep Away as the ponies tossed the bag from one to another, keeping it just out of reach of Fluttershy. All that could be heard were the constant shouts of the ponies, calling out for the bag to be passed to them, and the insane grunting of Fluttershy as she tried to keep up. Pillows flew, chairs were knocked down, drawers were drawn out of whack. It was a good thing the TV was bolted to the dresser it was sitting on, or else they would have quite a massive bill on their hooves. It seemed to go on for 15 minutes before Rarity screwed up. Twilight passed the bag to her, but she wasn't ready. As the bag hit her, it fell on the floor. Within a split second, Fluttershy and Rarity were on the floor, rolling around, trying to grab the bag from one another, shouting for the whole floor to hear. Finally, in a stunning turn of events, Fluttershy had Rarity pinned to the ground. Rarity looked up in fear at the face of pure insanity with the mangled pink mane. She was looking down on her, huffing with a combination of exhaustion and insanity as her eye twitched and her mouth curled into a crazy-grinned smile.

"F-F-Fluttershy!" Rarity shrieked. "What has happened to you?"

"THERE IS NO FLUTTERSHY ANYMORE!" Fluttershy responded with pure insanity. "THERE'S ONLY FLUTTERLUCK! And I'm going for the BIG jackpot! I'm gonna blow the ROOF off this city!"

Suddenly, everything was stopped by the sound of the door opening and the hotel manager sticking his head in. "Excuse me, ladies. We've been getting complaints about the volume, so if you would be so kind as to-"

"GET OUT!" Everypony shouted. The manager didn't even hesitate as he quickly shut the door.

"Now," Fluttershy whispered sinisterly, "where were we? Ah yes! Give. Me. Back. My. Chips!" Rarity peeked toward Twilight, who was standing behind Fluttershy, holding the mirror. Twilight nodded slightly, and Rarity took that as the cue.

"Fine!" Rarity said as she let go of the bag. Fluttershy quickly opened it and started to pet the chips, like a lunatic.

"My own!" she whispered. "My precioussssss!"

"NOW, TWILIGHT!" Rarity shouted as Fluttershy felt her head being restrained by a purple aura. Fluttershy started to struggle again as the magic forced her to turn around. When she had turned completely around, Twilight held up the mirror right in front of Fluttershy's face. As she opened her eyes slightly, Fluttershy gasped at her reflection in the mirror. She didn't struggle, she didn't close her eyes again; they were glued to the mirror. Everypony stared in anticipation as Fluttershy continued to stare, not saying a single word. Suddenly, Fluttershy spoke in her old, whispering voice, "A-Auntie Ladybug?"

The four ponies sighed of everlasting relief as Twilight lifted the restraining spell. Fluttershy's head was let go, but her eyes were still glued to the mirror. The girls waited as Fluttershy finally looked away from the mirror and looked down at the bag of chips in front of her. There was a brief moment of silence as everypony looked to see if she was ok. "Fluttershy?" Twilight calmly said. "Are you alright now?"

No response as Fluttershy continued to face the floor, not saying a word. The girls inched closer as they tried to look at her face. Just then, Fluttershy lifted her head, to reveal a fresh flow of tears streaming down her cheeks. Her eye wasn't twitching, her crazy smile was gone, Fluttershy was back. The others didn't say a word as they gathered around the sobbing pegasus and wrapped her in a group hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes before everypony broke apart, leaving Fluttershy still on the floor.

"W-what happened to me?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, sugarcube," Applejack responded as she wiped her brow with her hat, "I'm no expert, but ah think ya'll just went Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs!" The others nodded slightly as Fluttershy started to sob again.

"Oh my gosh," she said through the tears. "The addiction IS hereditary! I'm...I'm a compulsive gambler!" Fluttershy put her head into her hooves as she cried.

"Fluttershy," Twilight calmly stated as she put a hoof on her shoulder. "You are NOT a compulsive gambler." Fluttershy looked up slightly from her hooves. "I mean, you don't bet on the Wonderbolts Races do you?"

"Well, no," Fluttershy responded.

"Yeah," Rainbow chimed in. "And that time when I tried to buy a lottery ticket, you told me not to waste my money!"

"That's true," Fluttershy agreed as she lifted her head more.

"I think what happened here," Twilight explained, "is that you got a little caught up in the rush of Las Pegasus, and that's natural for anypony. You've been secluded for too long, that when you tried something so new and fun, you just got a tiny carried away."

"Which involved you getting crazier than when Twilight caused the Smartypants Incident," Rainbow casually said. Twilight shot her a look which made Rainbow quickly close her mouth. Fluttershy got up from the ground and wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked at her friends.

"Thanks guys," she said with a soft smile, "and I am SO sorry for what I put you guys through. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Darling," Rarity smiled as she nuzzled up against Fluttershy. "We've already forgiven you." The others nodded which made Fluttershy smile even more.

"Well, we owe you just as much of an apology," Rainbow said with a look of guilt. "Mostly from just me. If it wasn't for all our goading, you wouldn't have done this in the first place. I-I'm sorry Fluttershy, for pressuring you to do something you obviously didn't want to do."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Twilight said to Rainbow with a proud smile. "We should've respected your wishes, Fluttershy."

"Oh it's alright," Fluttershy happily responded, "but you know what? In spite of all that has happened, I really had fun on this trip."

"You did?" The girls asked simultaneously.

"Yeah," Fluttershy responded with a nod. "Maybe you girls were right when you said I didn't have that much fun. I've done simple things, but never anything that we all could call fun. This trip has helped me come out of my shell, whether by crazy intent or not, and now, I feel more free to do more fun stuff. I don't feel so introverted anymore!"

"Well...that's great, Flutters!" Rainbow said with a smile as she playfully tapped Fluttershy's shoulder. The others nodded in happy agreement.

"And when we get home," Fluttershy proudly said, "I promise that I'm going to try more 'fun' stuff and do more outgoing events!"

"And if we ever come back to Las Pegasus," Twilight intervened, "we keep somepony with you." She then looked toward Fluttershy and playfully winked. "Just in case."

"Deal!" Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, you guys really are the best friends anypony could have!" The others "awed" as they gathered for another group hug, laughing as they hugged.

"That just leaves one problem," Applejack suddenly said as the others broke the hug. "We STILL don't have train tickets, or the money to get any." The others' expressions quickly changed to sad pouts.

"That means all five of us are stuck here till further notice!" Rainbow pouted.

"You mean six." Twilight corrected.

"No five." Rainbow responded.




"Do you need to go back to kindergarten, Twi?" Rainbow asked. "Count us. There are five of us here!" As everypony looked around, they soon realized that they WERE missing one.

"WHERE IN TARNATION IS PINKIE!?" Applejack shouted.

"Did we leave her down in the casino?" Rarity asked.

"She went off on her own, but she hadn't returned to us!" Twilight panicked. The others gasped as they headed for the door, but before they could reach it. The door swung open, and there stood the pink earth pony, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hiya, guys!" Pinkie cheerfully exclaimed as she looked at her five friends, now with mouths ajar.

"Pinkie! Where were you?" Twilight asked.

"I told you I was going to the Poker tables!" Pinkie answered.

"For over TWO HOURS?" Rainbow snapped.

"They were very intense games," Pinkie happily answered. "There was this earth pony who tried to sneak some aces under the table, but a unicorn caught him and called for the big bouncer guy, who threw him out of the casino. So what's happened with you guys?" Before any of them could answer though, a unicorn in a tuxedo came up to Pinkie carrying a tray the size of a wagon wheel with a box that looked like a treasure chest on it. "Ooh! Right on time!" Pinkie said happily as she bounced with excitement.

"Your winnings, Miss Pie," the unicorn professionally said as he used his magic to open the chest. The girls' mouths fell to the ground as they stared at the piles of shiny bits filling the chest.

"Thanks!" Pinkie said as she cleared the way for his entry into the room. The others watched, still in disbelief, as the unicorn placed the chest on the bed and left with a bow.

"Uh...Pinkie?" Applejack said, her tone expressionless. "How did you win all that?"

"Oh that's easy, silly," Pinkie chuckled. "I was the Pie Family Reunion Poker Champion five years running. Lost last year 'cause of Maud. So, what HAVE I missed?"

The others were at a loss of words as they looked from Pinkie to each other, thinking of what to say. How would they respond? How would they explain the weirdest, but funnest, but most life-threatening, but most learning trip to Las Pegasus?

How would YOU?

Comments ( 13 )

Lol that Hobbit reference.

Also, dat pile of bits...

I loved this, made me laugh. If only this was an episode.

You earned a "Read Later"


For something that you don't consider your 'best work' this was a hoot! I'm surprised the series itself hasn't covered gambling. The part at the end was a hoot! Leave it to Pinkie to save the day. I particularly liked the interaction between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, being a FlutterDash shipper. Originally, I was going to keep track of your story 'I'm Afraid I Haven't Told You Everything', but I think I'll keep an eye out for your future works as well.

Ha, she wanted the fridge. :twistnerd:

They really should have just had Fluttershy play Pokémon instead, much more up her alley. And less expensive.

Quite amusing, a well done read. 8/10, if it didn't involve gambling, I could see this as a canon episode.

I'd like to see your best work if this wasn't it, because this was hilarious.

Pinkie winning gobs of money at the end was a cute little way to explain why she wasn't around for restraining Fluttershy. :pinkiesmile:

Well thanks. You're welcome to check out any other stories I have that catch your interest. :twilightsmile:

This a very funny story, sort of predictable with the "Fluttershy becoming obssessive with money" thingy, but very funny. However there's something that bothers me, some littleness.

How does ponies have electricity and TV? If we consider the show, they're at least either XVIII century or first half of XIX century. They don't even have invented the telephone!

Would imagination be an acceptable answer? :derpytongue2:

that smeargal reference though hahaha!

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