• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 16,110 Views, 554 Comments

A Changeling to Remember - Blueheartpegasus

A lost and hurt changeling runs into the Mane Six.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Trixie stretched her limbs the next morning. Today was going to be a good day. She would put on another show, and during that show she would reveal the pictures Featherweight had taken. Twilight would be revealed for harboring a changeling, and everypony would see that she was a liar!

Filled with joy at the thought of her reputation back, Trixie walked over to the small counter within her trailer and picked up her bag of bits. She was going to go to a restaurant for breakfast, this wonderful day deserved a wonderful breakfast. She trotted outside and flicked the door closed behind her.

After Trixie disappeared, another blue Unicorn came from behind the trailer. Horn glowing with sapphire blue magic, she opened the door to Trixie's trailer and slipped inside.

The interior was tidy. The walls were painted the same blue as Trixie was, as was just about everything else. One end of the trailer was occupied by one big, blue bed with sparkles on the sheets. Beside it was a pretty nightstand with decorations of Trixie's cutie mark.

This nightstand interested this Unicorn. She trotted carefully over to it. She looked down at some objects laying on it. They were pictures, displaying a wingless changeling transforming into a black unicorn. The unicorn quickly surrounded the object with magic and slipped back out of the trailer, closing the door carefully.

She scanned the area, spotting two Canterlot guards down the road. Luckily the guard hadn't actually been removed from Ponyville, or her plan wouldn't work. She trotted down the road to talk with the guards.

"Grimoire, Spell Tome!" she called.

"Yes?" the two guards turned their heads.

"I have something you might want to see." she levitated the photos towards them. Their eyes widened as they took in the images.


Ditto awoke to sunlight shining on her face. She blinked her purple eyes open and stood, sleepily. As her mind woke fully, she saw Twilight standing in the middle of the room. "Morning, Twilight." Ditto mumbled.

"Good morning, Ditto." Twilight said. She trotted out of the room and downstairs, probably to get some breakfast from the kitchen.

Ditto surrounded some of the books near her with green magic and put them back on the shelves. She also picked up the novel she was writing and her Goldhoof the Magical book, setting them on the floor at the foot of her bed. She realized she hadn't gotten very far in her novel (or auto-biography, in a sense). Because of recent events, she didn't have much time for it.

Instead, she thought of the upcoming invasion. She glanced at the door Twilight had disappeared through. Should she tell Twilight? No, because if she told her, she would be betraying her own kind. But if she didn't, she would be betraying the pony who had given her a home; something she had desperately needed. Twilight, although suspicious at times, had helped Ditto through her time of need. When Ditto had been terribly hurt with barely any chance of surviving, Twilight had helped her.

How could she possibly keep this a secret from the pony who had saved her from death?

Suddenly, ditto dropped the book she was holding in shock. Oh, no. she thought frantically, Do I have Empathy Sickness so bad that I can't choose who to put first? What will Carbon, Double, and the others think of me? How can I go back to the swarm now?

Ditto's thoughts were interrupted by Twilight's hoofsteps as she re-entered the room. "Ditto, you have a pony disguise, right?"

"Yes." the changeling replied, turning around to face the unicorn.

"I don't have the time right now, so I need you to go to the market and buy some food." Twilight sighed, "We're all out."

Ditto blinked in surprise. Before, Twilight wouldn't even consider letting her outside the library. Now she was send her out to buys food? "Of course, but I don't have any bits."

"It's alright." Twilight said, trotting over to her desk and grabbing a small bag of money. "You can use my bits. You don't eat the food, anyway."

Ditto, still a bit surprised, took the bag of bits. She held it aloft with green magic as she transformed into her Moonbloom form. however, she used her unicorn form of Moonbloom, mostly because it would be easier to hold things when she was shopping.

Ditto noticed Twilight over at a chest, using her magic to dig through its contents. "What are you looking for?" the disguised changeling asked.

"You're going to need something to carry the food in." Twilight replied. She finally drew a pair of saddlebags out of the chest. they were a pretty shade of purple and had the six-pointed star of Twilight's cutie mark as the clips. The unicorn stood and walked over to Ditto, dropping the bags over her back.

"They're my bags, but I doubt anypony would care." Twilight said. Ditto nodded and walked over to the door. Just before she could swing it open and trot outside, Twilight called, "Wait!"

Ditto turned around, wondering what was wrong. Twilight pointed a hoof at Ditto's disguised face. "Ditto, your eyes are still solid purple."

Ditto mentally face-hoofed. "Oh, of course." She gathered her magic, closed her eyes, and cast her illusion spell. When she opened them again, they were the same shade purple, but at least more like a pony's. "Okay, now I'm off."

"Goodbye." Twilight said. After the door closed behind Ditto, she turned and walked upstairs to continue her study.


Ditto trotted outside, enjoying any chance to get out of the library. It was a wonderful morning. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and many ponies were out and about. In all her joy, Ditto felt like she should take her time in shopping. After all, through all the time she had been in Ponyville she had only left the library a few times. Now she was out, enjoying the morning, with Twilight's permission.

The disguised changeling skipped down the street, humming joyfully. She stopped skipping after awhile as she noticed her broken leg still hurt when she put too much weight on it, but she continued humming.

"This day has been just perfect

The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I fell

Everypony's having fun

playing out here in the sun


Ditto's singing was interrupted by a buzzing noise. Looking around, she spotted three fillies riding into town on a wagon. An orange filly was on a scooter and seemed to be pulling the wagon while the other two rode. They were all wearing helmets and talking happily.

"What was Featherweight saying, Scoots?" a white filly asked from the wagon.

"I dunno." the orange filly replied, "Something about a changeling. He was probably just making stuff up, he's always full of-" she was cut off as she spotted Ditto and screeched to halt, barely avoiding running into her. The wagon toppled and all the fillies fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Ditto asked, running over to help them onto their hooves.

"I'm fine," the orange filly said, "You guys okay?"

"Ah'm okay." a yellow earth pony stood, taking off her helmet to reveal a red mane.

"I'm fine." the white unicorn replied, standing easily and trotting over to the first filly.

"Okay then." Ditto sighed with relief and was about to trot away when she heard the orange filly call after her.

"Hey, you look familiar!"

"I do?" the disguised changeling said, worriedly. The less ponies that knew her, the better. She suddenly realized how tricky this trip had been.

"I've seen you before, but I dunno know where." the filly continued. She raced over to get a better look at Ditto. After a bit of observation, she turned to the others. "Do you remember her, Sweetie Belle?"

"Nope." the white filly shook her head. "You, Apple Bloom?"

"Nope." the yellow filly shook her head as well. "Ah don't think so. Where could ya have seen her before, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo shrugged. "I guess it's my imagination." she raced back to the wagon. "Come on, Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"Ah might as well stay here." Apple Bloom said, not moving to get in the wagon. "Applejack said ah gotta work the apple stand with her."

"Well, how about we go, too?" Sweetie Belle asked, "there are tons of way we could earn our cutie marks at the market!"

"Great idea!" Scootaloo strapped on her helmet and waited for her friends to climb in after her.

This discussion reminded Ditto of one very obvious fact that she had forgotten until that very moment; she had no idea where the market was. "Wait!" Ditto said quickly, before the fillies could take off again. "I'm new in Ponyville and I don't know how to get to the market. Can you show me the way?"

The three fillies exchanged a glance before they all said simultaneously, "Sure."

Apple Bloom reached into the wagon and pulled out an extra helmet. She hoofed it to Ditto, who took it and strapped it on. The disguised changeling carefully climbed into the wagon behind Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. In a matter of seconds, they were off.


Dizzy from the fast ride, Ditto jumped out of the wagon and took off her helmet. "Thanks." she said simply, waiting for the world to stop spinning.

"No problem!" Scootaloo said.

"Too bad we didn't get our cutie marks in being taxi-drivers." Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Maybe we need tah be drivin' a real taxi?" Apple Bloom suggested.

Ditto stopped listening and trotted away happily, now that the dizziness had passed. She was now observing the stalls set up. There was one selling cherries, one selling carrots, and so many more. It seemed you could buy every type of food here.

Ditto walked over to the first stall in sight. Behind it was a pretty, pink mare with gold hair and two cherries for a cutie mark. There were a few cherries left on the counter next to sign that said 'Two Cherries = 1 bit'.

"Hello," the mare said cheerfully. "I'm Cherry Berry. Would you like to buy something?"

Ditto nodded. "Yes, I'd like to buy a few cherries." Her horn glowed with green magic as she levitated Twilight's bag of bits out of her saddlebags. She also picked up a few cherries with her magic. She dropped the right amount of bits on the counter.

"Thank you." Cherry Berry smiled and took the bits off the counter, sweeping them into a box inside the stall.

"You too." Ditto smiled and trotted away happily, both cherries and bit back in her saddlebags. Much time passed, and about an hour later, ditto's bags were full of food and she was ready to go home.

"You!" a voice snapped from behind the changeling. She turned around to see two Canterlot guards racing towards her. Heart freezing, Ditto almost panicked. what did these guards want with her? Had they found out? did they know? Were they going to banish her? Imprison her? Kill her?

Not sure what else to do, Ditto bolted. Ignoring the pain from her half-healed leg, she ran as fast as she could. Weaving through all the ponies, she tried desperately to outrun the guards. But of course, you know how in every dramatic story or movie, there is a tree root there to trip those who are running for their lives.

The tree root for Ditto was a stray apple that had rolled out from the apple family's stand. Not paying attention in her panic, the disguised changeling accidentally placed her hoof directly on the apple, causing it to roll under her hoof and plunge her into the ground.

The guard caught up to her, standing on either side. There was no escape now. "Show yourself, changeling!" the first guard spat.

"I'm not a changeling, leave me alone!" Ditto cried back, trying hopelessly to get herself out of this situation.

"We have proof, monster!" the second guard said. His horn glowed with magic as he levitated a few pictures in front of Ditto's face. She gasped- they were pictures of her! One was her in her changeling form in the dark backstage room of Trixie's stage. Another was her, halfway through transforming into her Moonbloom form. The last was her sneaking into Twilight's library. They were solid proof. She had no way out.

"Please, I'm not a monster, just let me go!" she shouted, fearfully.

"You're coming with us, changeling!" the first guard said, levitating a dangerous-looking spear.

All was lost. Everything. Now Ditto would be taken away, banished or killed. All she had done was for nothing. It was all for naught now, because it was all over. There we no possible way for her to escape now. What she wouldn't give to have wings.

Ditto closed her eyes in an effort to calm herself. Well, if she was going out, she was going out as a changeling. She quickly undid the ties of magic around her illusion spell. Ready to accept her fate, Ditto turned her head towards the guards and opened her solid purple eyes.

“Wait! Don’t hurt her!” someone called.