• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 7,094 Views, 266 Comments

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover - LightStriker

A filly Earth Pony has a cutie mark related to magic. Is pony society ready for her?

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Light in the Night

Luna was walking to her bedroom, angry at her sister.

How can she be so inconsiderate? She didn't even listen to what Twilight Sparkle had to say before shutting her down.

She was wondering if Celestia changed in that thousand years she passed sealed in the Moon. She always been the eldest sister, but now that Luna skipped a thousand years sealed, it was as if she lived a thousand more years than her. From her point of view, her banishment was instantaneous. One moment there was war and the castle of the two sisters and the next the world was different; the castle laid in ruins in the middle of the Everfree forest and Canterlot was a shining beacon of light high on a mountain. One moment they were seen as Goddesses that freed the ponykind from the God of Chaos, the next they were only princesses which every decision had to be accepted by a high council elected by the people.

She didn't mind most of the changes, they did their share of mistakes over a thousand years ago. Luna would be the first to admit that, Nightmare never being far in her memories. But now Celestia was less patient, more prone to take a decision quickly without listening to all sides. It was as if she had saw and experienced everything. The same thing happened a month ago when Twilight warned them all about the false Cadance and nopony listened. When she heard that story, she was quite disappointed her sister didn't even apologized for not trusting her own student. She didn't even investigate her claim.

Sure what happened a few months ago could explain how Celestia had a short temper, but that alone was no excuse. After what she did to him... She pushed the thought away, it wasn't productive.

Luna arrived at her apartment, locking her door behind her. Celestia might come to ask her questions, but right now talking to her was the last thing she wanted. Twilight was her friend and she wouldn't let the situation stall like that. She quickly focused and casted a simple detection spell. Almost right away she sensed Twilight in the middle of the market square with the young filly. Just as she was about to teleport herself toward the square, the presence of Twilight vanished.

Wondering if her spell failed, she casted it once more. However, this time she didn't sense Twilight at all. Surprised, she increased the power of her spell and casted it a third time. This time she got a feedback from far away, coming from Ponyville.

Luna was quite surprised. Sure Twilight was talented, after all she defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord, but long range teleportation tends to be tiring and even the princesses would prefer traveling the old normal way instead of teleporting. She once heard one of Twilight specialties was teleportation. Thinking about it, Twilight was at the castle quite early in the morning, and the only way she could have been there was if she took a train for Canterlot in the middle of the night.

Or if she teleported here. Two long range teleportation spells with another pony in the same morning? No wonder my sister took her as personal student.

She focused her magic and aimed it at the faint presence of Twilight. When she opened her eyes, she was in front of Ponyville library. She took a small moment for her head to stop spinning. She never liked long range teleportation as it tended to give her headache. Her change of sleep timetable sure didn't help. When she was sure her brain was once more stable, she lean forward and knocked on the door.

Twilight opened the door and was surprised by Luna's presence. At first she tried to gave an angry look at the princess, but failed, too tired to keep her anger up. Luna noticed her cheeks were red as she obviously continued to cry after she left the castle. "I... I'm sorry princess. I... Good morning." She managed to say.

"Good morning Twilight Sparkle." Luna greeted her with a sincere smile. "I would truly like to apologize on behalf of my sister, but I can't. Only she can do that. But trust me, she didn't mean to hurt you." She explained. "However, I think I can help you."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "How?"

"Do you mind if I come in?"

Twilight shook her head. "Sorry, sure. Would you like some tea?" It was still early in the morning, but Twilight felt as she didn't sleep for a few days in a row.

"I would love to." Luna said as she stepped in. "Where's the filly... Azure I think?"

Walking toward the kitchen, Twilight turned her head toward the princess. "She's upstairs sleeping on my bed. Poor thing probably cried all the tears of her body."

Luna put a hoof on her shoulder. "You too?"

Twilight stopped and stared at her hooves. "Yeah." After a moment she resumed walking and started preparing the tea while Luna sat at the table.

While working, Twilight's magic flickered and dropped a cup on the floor. "Oh. Sorry, I'm a bit tired after doing that teleportation."

Luna smiled. "No need to apologize. You sure became powerful. Two long range teleportation in the same day with a passenger is no easy task."

Twilight let a smile laugh. "No, only the one to come back to Ponyville. I wasn't sure Azure could focus enough in her state to cast it."

Lune frowned. "Twilight, are you implying Azure teleported you both from Ponyville to Canterlot?"

She didn't answer, instead she levitated a cup of tea in front of Luna and let her grab it with her magic. After a moment, she sat in front of Luna with her own cup. "I'm not implying anything." She said softly before taking a sip of her tea.

Luna's eyes widen in surprise. "I think you should tell me the whole story Twilight."

After a few moments, Twilight had the whole morning summed up, from the moment she found the filly to the moment she ran off Canterlot. Both teas were slowly getting cold.

"So, she used your own horn?" Luna asked, surprised at the idea.

"That teleportation spell she did... I could cast it a dozen times without getting tired, it doesn't consume a lot of magic. That is... If I could replicate it." She shifted her weight on her chair. "You should have seen it. You know when you watch a painting of a known artist and you wonder how they could manage to do it, to add all those small details? Or listen to a one of those music compositions that use dozen of different instruments in perfect harmony? It was like that." She sighed loudly. Remembering what Luna said when she came in. "So, what did you mean when you said you could help?"

Luna finished her tea before answering. "I want to take her as student. Celestia isn't the only one who can take a student. I've been thinking about that for quite some time now. I don't know if I would be a good teacher, but I want to try. I came here to offer her that, your words about her was enough. But now that you explained me how talented she is... I think she must accept! Such talent must not go to waste."

And perhaps proving my sister wrong could help her see her errors.

Twilight nodded. "Sounds like a good idea. However, I'm starting to think you will face a lot of hard time to have an earth pony as student in magic."

Luna laughed. "You mean like being an outcast? Wouldn't be the first time for me, would it? But I think this time it would truly worth it."

"Lot of ponies won’t be looking forward things changing." Twilight said.

Luna smiled. "I did a thousand years jump in the future. For me, the world changed a lot in an instant and will keep changing. See? I think I managed to learn the way ponies speak today quite well."

A small smile crept on Twilight's face. "You sure did. You actually learned pretty fast." She sighed. "Luna... I never got to apologize for what we..." She was interrupted as Luna put a hoof on her mouth.

"Don't. You did what you had to do. We all did." She stood up. "Now, I think I need to properly introduce myself to a young pony."

Twilight took the lead and walked upstairs. Luna stayed in the doorframe as she came beside her bed and gently nudged the filly. "Azure, please wake up."

Azure turned around, slowly waking up. Her cheeks were still red from her crying to sleep. "I'm sorry Twilight, I shouldn't have dragged you into this. I..."

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder and waited until the filly was calm once more. "You didn't do anything. I'm a big pony and I make my own decision. As for my relation with Celestia... I will hope for the best, but it's in her hooves right now to do the next steps. Again, it wasn't your fault." She smiled at the filly. "Now, I got a surprise for you." She said pointing at the door of her room.

Azure's eyes widen in surprised and she jumped behind Twilight seeking protection behind the mare. Luna had a wide smile at the sight of the filly's reaction. Twilight stepped aside, but this time Azure followed her and managed to stay behind her. "Don't be shy Azure! This is Princess Luna. She came here for you."

Azure lowered her head. "For me? What I did wrong?"

"Nothing young one." Luna explained while keeping herself from laughing. "I want you to be my student."

"Re... really?"

With a smile, Twilight levitated the filly down the stairs. Azure appeared to shrink in front of the princess, obviously impressed by her presence. "Twilight told me you’re quite talented."

"But... but... I'm no unicorn. I..." Luna motioned her to stop.

"And I don't care that you don't have a horn. However, I don't think you will find my teaching easy. It won't be easy! If you think you are not up to the challenge to learn the knowledge I have to teach you..." She said with a smile, letting a small wink in Twilight's direction.

"I... I am!" Azure said, finding strength in the remaining of her pride.

"Twilight told me you created an impressive teleportation spell... Care to show me?" Luna asked while lowering her head at the level of the filly.