• Published 18th Dec 2014
  • 413 Views, 7 Comments

Passing the Torch - Firemind

A new group of Cutie Mark Crusaders take up the cape, while the originals deal with the stresses of coming of age.

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Applebloom watched the bathroom clock tick away the seconds, not daring to look at the device sitting on the side of the sink until the sixty seconds were up. Even though she knew in her heart of hearts what results it would display, to look would make things all too real. Besides, she'd been taught too well about watched pots. Or in this case, watched pregnancy tests.

At last, the infernal clock announced that the moment of truth had arrived. Applebloom forced herself to look, and sure enough, there was a pink plus sign. Even though she'd expected this, she collapsed onto the floor in tears. Sobbing, she mumbled “Mah life is over! I'm barely sixteen and I'm … I'm pregnant”

After a few minutes alone with her thoughts, Applebloom heard a knock on the door, accompanied by her sister's worried voice. “You alright in there? I heard you crying.”

Knowing her sister could smell a lie from a mile away, she thought desperately for a way to deflect suspicion without falsehood. Alas, she wasn't quick enough, and the door opened. Now, if only she could keep Applejack's eyes on her and not on the incriminating piece of plastic long enough for her to inconspicuously knock it into the wastebasket. “I'd rather not talk about it right yet” she managed “Still a mite fresh”

“Does it involve Featherweight? Ah swear, if he hurt you, Ah'm gonna buck him into next year!” Applejack's eyes were orbs of green flame, her legendary protectiveness only growing fiercer every year – doubly so after the birth of her foals, Apple Cinnamon and Candy Apple.

“Yes, but not the way you think … “ just another inch or two to the right, and she could brush away the evidence unseen with her tail. Gotcha! A simple sweep sent it sailing gently in, landing silently in the trash can. “Like Ah said, I'll talk about it when I'm good and ready.” There, evidence is hid well enough for now.

Before the sisters could go another round with each other, a knock on the door interrupted them, followed by a filly's voice. “Excuse me, but I have to powder my muzzle.”

“We'll be right out, Cinnamon.” Applejack replied, turning to open the door.

“We? There's only one commode in there!” Applebloom could hear the exasperation in her niece's voice. As the mares departed, the burnt orange filly slipped in, quickly muttering “Thank you kindly” before slamming the door.

“We'll talk about this later” Applebloom reiterated, before beating a hasty retreat to her bedroom. Upon reaching it, she flopped bonelessly onto her bed, letting the down-filled softness cradle her as she sobbed. After crying for what seemed like an eternity, she began to collect herself using some breathing exercises Princess Twilight taught her as a filly; after all, she needed to approach this rationally at some point, the sooner the better. Breathe in peace, breathe out love … breathe in peace, breathe out love. After a few more minutes, she found herself reasonably calm and steady, if not completely out of the woods. Now, to look at her situation with a clear mind and heart; to form the beginnings of a plan.

First off, she needed to tell the adults in her family … the foals could wait, but AJ and Big Mac needed to know, as well as Caramel, Cheerilee, and Fluttershy. Telling AJ was inevitable – her big sister would certainly be looking in on her soon, and was a good listener, provided she kept her temper in check. The others would be fairly easy to approach. Fluttershy knew that she might be, but would keep mum, especially without confirmation. Also, she needed to tell Featherweight … as soon as possible. Her wonderful coltfriend knew something was off, had asked, and respected her desire to tell him when she was ready. Her friends also needed to know – she'd need their support in the coming days, weeks, and months.

Now to think longer term … how did she wish to proceed? She'd wanted foals of her very own ever since she could remember, had loved babysitting the Cake twins – even if they drove her up the wall – as well as her nieces and nephews, who she absolutely adored, and loved her right back. Was she ready to be a Mom, though? She was only 16, and still in school … she had a lot of growing up to do still. Some quick mental math relieved her fears about school – if she carried the foal to term, it'd be born a week or so after the Summer Sun Celebration, and Princess Twilight would make sure she could take a light load in the fall term, especially if she took what extras she could this year to compensate. Note to self: add Princess Twilight to the list of ponies I need to talk to. The fact that she'd grown up without her mother in her life also complicated things, but not as badly as it could've been, what with AJ being her surrogate mom ever since her … mother … died … in … childbirth! Must talk to a doctor A.S.A.P! Need to find out if this foal will put my life in danger! Oh sweet Celestia, I don't want to die, I'm too young to die … I'm too young! Tears overtook rational thought again, until a knock mercifully sounded on the door some aeons later. “Come in,” she managed.

She already knew her sister was the one knocking, even before the door opened. What surprised her was Applejack carrying the dreaded pregnancy test in a baggie. “Cinnamon noticed this in the bathroom garbage, and came and asked me about it. Care to explain?”

That brought Applebloom out of her crying jag. “Yes, it's mine,” she began as she climbed off of her bed to easier look her sister in the eye. “Yes, it's positive, and before ya ask, I got it from Fluttershy.” Drawing to her full height, she looked down at her older sibling, briefly relishing in the novelty of her height before continuing. “And don't you buckin' dare preach to me, 'cause that won't do you any damn good!”

Momentarily taken aback by her sister's vehemence, Applejack took a deep breath before she opened her mouth to speak. “OK, I won't. I Pinkie Promise.” The elder mare went through the motions before continuing, “Jes' please tell me that it's Featherweight's, and that you've been using protection.”

“Yes to both … I haven't slept with anypony else, and we've used condoms every time … it's jes' … one broke a couple weeks back. And no, you don't want know anything more than that.”

“I see … I'm glad you were smart about it, even if your precautions did fail.. It wasn't your first time, now was it?” Applejack's voice held no accusation, only sympathy.

“Nope … that was back on Hearts And Hooves Day … “ Applebloom sat back down on her bed, motioning for her sister to join her.

“I see … yer luckier than I was … “ Applejack mused quietly as she climbed onto the bed.

“AJ? Really? You never told me.”

“It stung to admit … still does, somewhat … I hadn't felt that vulnerable since Ma died an' left me an' Mac to raise you. Hay, I was younger than you are now, and you didn't turn out too bad.”

“Speakin' of Ma … I'm scared … Ah really don't want to die … like she did.”

“Yer gonna want to talk to a doctor, but there shouldn't be anything to be scared of … Ma was an older mare who chose to continue a risky pregnancy, knowing the odds full well. And I know you've only really seen pictures, but it didn't help that she was skinny as a rail and pushing out a very large foal. Not to mention that this was hot on the heels of Pa's death.” Her sister's words soothed Applebloom's worries greatly. She began to open her mouth to ask more about her mother, but was interrupted. “It sounds like you're already planning on keeping this foal?”

“I'm leaning towards it, but Ah still need to talk to Featherweight and a doctor, at very least, before I'm committed. I think I can do this, but not alone. I'll need your help, among others.”

“Of course … what's family for, after all. You can count on all of us.” Applejack smiled broadly, “Maybe not Candy, but Cinnamon was off begging Cheerilee and Fluttershy for a new cousin the day before yesterday. She'll help out at least as much as you helped me with her.”

At that point, a knock on the door interrupted the sisters, followed shortly by Cinnamon not-quite-shouting “Auntie Bloom, Miss Scootaloo is here to see you, and she has a present!”

“Speak of Tirek and see his horns!” Applejack laughed “Not that I feel like fighting him again, mind you. Still, you need your friends just as much as you need your sister right about now.” With that, both sisters rose from the bed. As Applebloom headed downstairs, she heard AJ inquire about the filly's homework, and nostagia rose up in her heart, remembering the same questions asked of her.

A part of her deeply missed that past, despite all of the good things in her life now. Some constants remained, however – like her best friends, one of whom was casually sitting ON the dining room table, despite having been warned not to do that far too many times to count. “Scootaloo, I'm really glad to see you, and you're my best friend, but could you please, please, please get your plot off the dang table! We eat offa that, you airhead!”

“OK, Mom.” Scootaloo replied, her voice lilting with good-natured sarcasm.

Applebloom immediately made the wrong conclusion in the heat of the moment. “How the hay did you know!?”

“Know what?” The Pegasus's face scrunched up in puzzlement, before realization hit her in the face like a brick covered in tree sap. “Oh BUCK A DUCK!” After four voices shouted at her to watch her language, she timidly asked to move the conversation out to the barn. Applebloom agreed enthusiastically, letting Caramel know on her way out the door that the table needed to be washed before anypony ate off of it.

“Before we talk, I want you to have the present I got you … it's just a little thing, but … yeah. Go on … open it … it's not like the can of 'mixed nuts' we gave Professor Shimmer on April Foal's Day.”

Applebloom took the box and opened it at Scootaloo's urging, briefly wincing at the word “foal”. In it were four of Sugarcube Corner's maple icing rolls, massive cinnamon rolls practically smothered in … well … maple icing. She took one before closing the box, intending to save the rest for later. She bit into it, savoring the textures and flavors. It's amazing, really, how much such a simple thing can do for my spirit.

“Once you're done eating that, you can tell me what's been eating you.” Scootaloo's cheesy play on words made her smile.

After finishing the treat somewhat more quickly than she would've liked, Applebloom met bluntness with bluntness. “As you might've figured out from my reaction earlier, I'm pregnant. Just confirmed it today. Yes, it's Featherweight's; yes, we've been using condoms, but one broke; and no, I haven't told him yet … only ponies I've told so far are you and my sister.”

“Damn … “ Scootaloo pulled her into a hug. “I'm here for you, no matter what … Crusaders stick together, no matter what; even after we get our cutie marks and hang up our capes.”

“Thanks … I am really relieved to hear that. I knew it in my heart of hearts, but it's still good to be reminded, especially in times like this.”

“With that said, a part of me isn't surprised … you and Featherweight have been humping like bunnies just about every chance you get. Especially since there has to be something in the water these days … Rarity's pregnant; so are Professor Shimmer and Trixie, I mean 'Professor Lulamoon', not to mention a bunch of other mares in town … and now you. Hay, rumor has it that Pinkie and Rainbow Dash are looking into having a foal, though nopony knows if they're going the donor route or the 'Ask Princess Twilight' route.”

“Scoots, I love you like a sister, but put a sock in it!”

“Kinky …” Scootaloo's remark only prompted a raised eyebrow from Applebloom. “Sorry, you're in a real pickle, my dirty mind is the last thing you need right now.”

“Yeah, although maybe I could do with laughing a bit more.” The Earth Pony smiled in spite of herself. “Oh, how about I ask AJ and Caramel if you can stay for dinner?”

“Sure, it beats another dinner at the bar.”

“Dang straight!”

“I only really eat there so much because Mom works there, and it's free. Oh, and speaking of my mom, you should totally talk to her at some point.”

“Yeah, she was younger than me when she had you, after all.” Applebloom smiled, knowing for the first time in at least a week that deep down that everything would turn out OK. It might get rough for a while for her, but she'd make it through. “I'm going to tell Sweetie, Silver, and the rest of the crew tomorrow at lunch.” A short laugh punctuated her train of thought. “I don't know which is odder, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara being part of our circle of friends, or remembering how bad they used to be compared to how they are now. Mostly, I'm just glad that things are different with them now, though … especially at times like these.”

Author's Note:

First off, I've deliberately kept Applebloom's and Applejack's "Funetik Aksent" mostly off the page, with only a few hints of it here and there. This is because I don't want it distracting from the story, especially in scenes like this. I can change that if it's lack is more jarring. Also, there is a fair bit of backstory I've hinted at, which I will clarify down the line, but for now, I'm going to confirm that yes, Big Mac is in a herd with both Fluttershy and Cheerilee, and in this timeline and my headcanon, that is something that happens infrequently in Equestria, and is treated as mildly quaint.