• Published 18th Dec 2014
  • 5,897 Views, 317 Comments

Friendship and Space Magic. What could go wrong? - Redstargazer

Species-Reaper. Ocupation-retired civilization killer. Hobbies-choreography, calligraphy, and science. Object-someone to talk to who HAS ENOUGH BRAIN CELLS TO ANSWER BACK!!

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Ch 3: Dance dance diplomacy part 2

The Princesses and the Elements stood in a semi-circle while staring warily at a figure standing a few meters in front of them. If anypony had been asked what word would have best described it? It would have been terrifying.

It stood on two legs like a diamond dog or a minotaur but that is where all semblance of familiarity ended. It had a lithe and lean body that stood as tall as Celestia. The creature’s arms ended in a hand with three digits. Its head was topped with a back sweeping crest and mandibles were placed where a mouth would have been. Most in the group seemed to think it was a mix between an insect and bird of prey. The steel plating, blackened skin, and reflective eyes didn’t help with softening the intimidating visage. Add the fact that, just a few minutes before, it had jumped from the giant’s head only to float to the ground in a blossom of blue energy that nopony’s magic sense could identify and any chances of looking peaceable seemed completely out of reach. Then again, they were just serenaded by a giant, dancing construct of death and destruction. Maybe cowering at a glowing, metal biped was a bit pointless by comparison?

“But what do we do now?!” Twilight whispered urgently. “It has just been standing there for the last ten minutes. Is it waiting for something?”

“I am unsure my faithful student,” Celestia whispered back to Twilight without taking her eyes off of the creature in front of them, “I wish I had an answer for this but I’ve never seen anything like this in all of my rule. At the very least I think its intentions are peaceful.”

“Maybe we were challenged to a dance off?” Pinkie asked innocently before yipping in a fake Prench accent, “VI VA LE DANCE DANCE!!”

“Pinkie Pie, this is not the time for your randomness!” Rainbow hissed. “We’re looking staring down an alien and a giant, laser cannon wielding robot. I doubt they came here for fruit punch and dance parties.”

“Yer just freaked out ‘cause you think it was hittin’ on our species,” Applejack said with a smirk.

“Darn straight I am!” Rainbow barked back. “There’s no way I’m going to let my guard down around this thing. I ain’t standing here and waiting for some spider thing to jump out of its chest cavity, glomp onto my muzzle, and leave me with space babies that grow up to hunt ponies for sport before selling us to talking monkey overlords! You might be willing to take that chance but not me! Nuh uh! No! Way!” She crossed her hooves and looked away, snorting in annoyance. She stayed that way for a few moments before noticing complete silence. Rainbow looked back to see that the Princesses, Elements, and even a few nearby guardsponies were staring at her. After sitting under their incredulous stares for a while, she finally had the grace to look down in embarrassment. “Okay, so maybe I jumped to a few conclusions there.”

“Ya sure there was enough, Sugarcube? ‘Cause I think there’s room for a few more in there. Maybe we could call Stallion Lee or Colt Carpenter fer some suggestions?”

Rainbow opened her mouth to retort before Twilight interrupted, “Rainbow Dash, you have been sneaking into my experimental caffeine substitute again haven’t you?” Rainbow’s mouth clapped shut and she looked sideways with a sheepish smile while scratching the back of her neck with her hoof. “Darn it, Rainbow! I told you that hasn’t been properly tested yet! You can’t just sneak into the library and grab some anytime you think need to get more practice in!!”

“She’s right, Darling. Whatever this concoction is, it clearly has some nasty side effects,” Rarity said with a worried frown. “Besides, manic paranoia is Twilight’s thing and we certainly don’t need a second pony to worry about on that score.”

“HEY!!” Twilight and Rainbow both blurted.

Celestia sighed as she prepared to play diplomat to try and head off any fights. She was interrupted by gasps that drew her and the Elements’ attention to the creature. It had taken a single step forward and reached its hand toward them with the palm facing forward. Two of its digits formed a ‘V’ shape while the third stretched at a right angle to the rest of the hand. While trying to guess the meaning of the gesture, Celestia could swear she heard a voice whispering ‘Come on don’t just stand there, use that new voice box!’ Before she could identify the source, she and all her ponies widened their eyes in surprise as the creature spoke in a gravelly, electric voice, “Clatoo. Verada. Nicto.” It lowered its hand, went to a parade rest and gazed at them expectantly.

“Umm. Twi?” Applejack asked out of the corner of her mouth as she stared at the creature, “any o’ that fancy scholarly study give ya an idea of what it said?”

“It is not like anything I have heard or studied,” Twilight said shaking her head and looking to the Princesses hopefully, “Maybe it is a dead language? Something that existed in older times?”

Celestia and Luna both gave a small shake of their own heads to indicate that they had heard nothing of it either. Everypony jumped at a sudden shout. “OH, COME ON!! ALL THAT CRAP YOU SPEWED AND THOSE REFERENCES GO OVER YOUR HEAD!?! THOSE WERE CLASSICS, MAN!!”

“We get it!”

Everypony turned to the squeaky voice to find its source slipping out from between two surprised guardsponies. “SWEETIE BELL!! GIRLS!!” Rarity screeched, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”

“Applebloom! You three shouldn’t be here,” Applejack said sternly.

“Yeah, Scoots!” Rainbow added along with a scowl of her own, “And weren’t you supposed to be with Spike?”

Said dragon burst through the line of guards and fell to his knees beside the CMC as he struggled to catch his breath. “Fillies-gasp-so much energy-wheeze-How?”

The fillies looked at Spike guiltily then to their siblings/mentors imploringly. “Come one, Rainbow!” Scoots’ scratchy voice pleaded, “How many time in our lives are we going to see real live aliens!?”

“Yeah, sis!” Applebloom said with big eyes, “And besides, we can help! We know what the critter said!”

“How could you possibly know that, girls?” Twilight asked doubtfully.

“Here,” Sweetie pulled out some comics and books with her magic, “the gesture came from Star Trot. It was a peace sign from the Vulcans that meant ‘Graze long and prosper.’ The words were special pass codes on The Day Equus Stood Still that saved the world from a super weapon that kept watch over the galaxy.”

“Not quite the same names or terms I would’ve used but…meh. Close enough for horseshoes. Heh. Horseshoes. Gotta remember that one for later.”

The crowd of ponies started at the new voice and looked back to the figure in awe as static filled the air for a moment as a ball of light with an ocular disk in its front flickered into being before them. It bounced a couple of times as it spoke. “Greetings, ponies of Equus! I come in peace! Take me to your leaders!” For some reason, the sphere vibrated and giggled at the last line.

The Princesses stepped forward warily and nodded their heads. “Greetings, visitor. I am Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria and guardian of the day.”

“And We are Princess Luna, diarch of Equestria and guardian of the night. By what title art thou known?”

“In my many travels across worlds I have most often been called,” the sphere rose a foot and looked toward the horizon as if posing, “‘Giant, scary robot oh god please don’t eat or step on us!’ But that always tended to bum me out, so I just prefer Jeff if you don’t mind. That’s what my friends call me.” Jeff looked off to the side and back. “Well, at least they would if I had any friends.”

The Celestia shared an uncertain glance with her sister before turning back to address Jeff. “Indeed. If it is well with you, could I inquire as to what manner of being you are and your purpose?”

“Oh, not a problem, Celly. Can I call you Celly?”

“…I would prefer Celestia.”

“Oh, right, sure thing Cell, er, Celestia. Anyway, I’m basically the last surviving member of a race of giant, living machines.”

“Whoa, whoa, time out,” Rainbow called and leveled a suspicious glare at him, “what do you mean ‘giant?’ That thing fits the bill,” she said, pointing out the metal form, “But you’re just a bouncing, glowy, ball thing.”

“Good question. You see, this ball of light you’re seeing is actually me projecting a portion of my will though small image made of light called a ‘holosphere.’ It’s a little trick that lets me talk with smaller creatures on a one on one level rather than speaking with an obnoxiously loud voice that could shatter their eardrums”-Luna’s eyes darted around self-consciously at this-“and I can project one anywhere at any time so long as I have a ‘representative’ present like my associate Marauder Shields here,” Jeff glanced at the being to his left and it waved its hand in acknowledgement before going back to parade rest, “or any device designed to pass on and/or enhance my signal.”

“Oh my gosh. You mean like a long-range astral projection?!” Twilight squealed.

“Uh, yeah. Atsron proj- uh, what you said.” He turned back to Rainbow. “Anyway, does that answer your question, sir?”

“I’m a mare,” Rainbow said flatly.

“Oh…really? Huh,” the holosphere said intelligently. “With the overly compensating aggression and apparent wave of testosterone, I could’ve sworn you were a dude. A recently castrated one, maybe, but still-”

“ARRRGH!” Rainbow yelled angrily as she charged…only to fly though Jeff’s image and plow into the ground behind throwing a cloud of dirt into the air.

He turned around to regard the downed pegasus. “You forgot the part about me being made of light, right? Don’t feel bad. I forget that all the time.” This got him an irritated mumble in response as the mare stubbornly refused to rise from her crash zone.

Twilight broke in before things could get heated again. “Uhmm. Yes. Anyway, could I ask you about the ‘living machines’ claim?” Twilight asked hesitantly. “That doesn’t seem possible.”

“Ah, yes. That’s an excellent question Ms. Purple Apparently Intellectual Pony.”

“Oh, sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Okay. Thank you Nightlight.”

“No, that would be my father. I’m Twilight.”


“NO!” an annoyed tone rising in her voice, “It’s Twilight!”

“Timmy T.?”

“THAT-!” Twilight sputtered, “THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE!”

“Twilight. Sparkle,” Celestia’s voice cut through the quarrel, “Her name is Twilight Sparkle and it would be appreciated if you didn’t antagonize my subjects, Jeff.”

“Who said I was trying to?” Jeff asked with a bemused tone in his voice.

Celestia’s face remained passive aside from a confused blink of her eyes as she tried to figure out if Jeff was joking or truly that scatter brained. Deciding to assume the latter, she took the liberty of introducing the other Elements herself to prevent another fight. “Now, if you would be willing to answer Twilight’s original question? As well as my own.”

“Ah, yes. Of course. Well, as to how, I’m not entirely sure myself as we were started a long, long, looong time ago. Basically there was a lot of experimentation, *mumble* mass extinctions *mumble* augments, and lots of advanced science-y stuff. I’d try to explain the advanced science-y stuff, but the knowledge itself could be dangerous. I figure it’s best to wait on that until the Princesses shift through it and decided what your culture is ready for.”

“That would be much appreciated,” Celestia muttered. Even with her alicorn hearing, she couldn’t quite catch what he mumbled. Her instincts, however, told her it was probably best nopony heard. “And how is it that you are the last?”

“Right, well let me explain,” Jeff hesitated before shaking himself, “no, there’s too much. Let me sum up. We were a race of living machines created for the purpose of keeping order. The problem is, we were jerks about it which led to many MANY millennia of conflict with other cultures. Eventually, one of those cultures learned of a way to put the metaphorical boot up our rears, and put it they did,”-Fluttershy quietly asked to the side what a boot was, only getting an uncertain shrug from Applejack in response-“which resulted in all but one of us getting wiped out. Seeing the negative results, it was reasoned that we didn’t really understand the whole ‘order along with life and harmony’ thing and needed to meet new life that we could observe and interact with to learn how to correct our past mistakes. So to make a long story short-”

“Too late,” Rainbow grumbled from her mini crater.

“-standing orders to find new life and learn from them left me exiled in a section of dark space(basically an empty, lightless, and silent section of creation) for waaay too long. Honestly, by this point I’m just happy I finally have someone besides myself and mindless dolls to talk to.” Jeff looked back to the biped and called, “No offence, buddy!” to which Shields answered with a shrug and beep.

“You speak of exile,” Luna commented tentatively, trying to hide her discomfort about the subject, “for exactly how long have you been alone?”

“Huh. Another good question. Let’s see…what is today?”

Everypony looked at each other uncertainly before Pinkie Pie hopped up answering, “Tuesday!”

“Tuesday? Right then, carry a four, minus the war, divided by remaining sanity,” Jeff’s inane ‘calculations’ continued in a mutter before he looked back up to the mares and spoke matter-of-factly, “roughly thirty thousand years.”

“THIRTY THOUSAND YEARS!?!” Luna bellowed matching the shock value of the group’s stares through sheer sound volume of her Canterlot Voice, “EGADS!! HOW DIDST THOU STAY SANE!?!”

“Oh, staying sane was easy,” Jeff scoffed, “the hard part was staying sane.” He giggled at what he seemed to think was the funniest joke in the world, apparently unaware of the pained and compassionate looks being directed at him by Luna and Fluttershy as well as Pinkie’s teary eyed stare. He seemed equally unaware of the very nervous glances shared between Celestia and the other Elements.

Before Celestia could formulate a plan to approach powerful and potentially unhinged being in front of them, another powerful and potentially unhinged being stomped forward with enough force to leave cracks in granite slags beneath her hooves. “THIS SHALL NOT STAND! WE- uhm, ahem,” Luna closed her eyes, taking a calming breath before opening and continuing in a gentler manner, “that is to say, our kingdom is founded on the principles friendship, tolerance, and harmony. It would be remiss to deny you the chance to partake in them. Further, as one who understands what it means to be,” she hesitated trying to force out what came next, “feared for their past and appearance while reaching out without knowing if I would be answered, let me be the first to offer my friendship.” Luna offered a smile and gestured her hoof forward to emphasize the offer. As the sphere of light stared from her to the hoof and back to her, she couldn’t help but feel an odd sense of Deja vu back to her own return from Nightmare Moon.

“So…really?” Jeff said desperately as if worried he was hallucinating. But then, with thirty thousand years in the equation, perhaps even a machine may have struggled with such things? “I mean, a giant crazy robot falls out of the sky and you want to be friends?” Luna nodded with her serene smile still in place. The others held their breath as they watched the two figures regard one another. “Princess, I- I would be honored to have you as a friend.”

The others sighed in relief except for Pinkie and the CMC who jumped and cheered for everything they were worth. “This…Well, I’ve got to say it feels pretty nice. Honestly, I can’t remember how long since it’s been since I’ve been this happy. In fact, the only thing keeping me crying like a baby is probably the fact that I don’t have tear ducts anymore.” Jeff turned toward Marauder and yelled, “Hey! Shields! Take a note to remind me to install tear ducts in you later so you can cry for me!” Marauder nodded briefly in acknowledgement.

Before anpony could notice and start berating, the CMC hopped over to Luna’s side where they could introduce themselves to Jeff and Shield. After getting pleasantries out of the way they fell back into their typical routine of switching between admiring his cool ‘body guard’ and bombarding him with as many questions as they could think of about what it’s like being a space alien. Although, Scootaloo still grumbled on occasion about seeing her hero eating dirt.

“Hey, maybe after al’ this, ya could hang out with us for a bit?” Applebloom put in hopefully. “We could show ya ‘round town, we could swap stories, you ‘bout space and us ‘bout life in Equus-”

“Yeah! Maybe he could even come with us for that new sy-fy convention!” Sweetie piped up.

“The…? The what now?” Jeff asked slowly.

“Oh, I guess you wouldn’t know about it yet. They’re only one of the neatest events in Equestria!” the little white filly seemed to squeak and vibrate with more excitement as she rambled on, “everypony wears costumes from their favorite stories, they play games, have authors come speak and sign autographs.”

“I still don’t like seeing Rainbow Dash take a hit like that,” Scootaloo growled only for her belligerent scowl turn to a thoughtful frown. “Although, I gotta admit it would be pretty cool to see their reactions when we show up with an actual space alien as a friend.”

“Conventions? Conventions. Hmmm”

At the sound of Jeff’s tone, Luna managed to pull her attention away from the hyperactive trio of fillies to settle on Jeff with a worried frown. “Jeff? Is something the matter?”
“Convention,” Jeff muttered. “Conventions. Con…?” All of his senses faded to white only to be replaced by a torrent of past images and sensations.


It was a hot, arid evening in Phoenix, Arizona. My hand pulled out a compact to check the state of my face before entering into the enormous civic center. As my memory self strolled through the doors and idly observed the stalls and stage areas being taken down by crews, my conscious mind roiled in confusion at the scene going on around me.

Hang on. What’s going on here? I’ve never been to Arizona, as a human or a Reaper, and I certainly don’t remember being the type to hang out in these little space groupie functions. I thought back to the compact and what I saw in its reflection. For that matter, I’m at least 99.999995 percent sure that I was never a girl from a Dungeon and Dragons club either.

One of my perks/drawbacks about being machine me? When I observe a memory I don’t just go over the events in some fuzzy incomplete imagery. I see it as crystal clear as they and can go over every piece of hard data around the event. Every piece. Whether the exact time, atmospheric conditions, element content in surrounding matter, recorded thoughts, or even my own physical condition at the time.

While the scene continued to play I pulled up the data readouts and got a shock. There was nothing human about my being in this little memory. It was a husk. More accurately, a husk that was overhauled to look and operate like a normal human. There was also something oddly familiar about the thought processes running through its cranium.

My suspicions were put on hold as the husk opened a door and strolled into some sort of loading room where merchandise was being packed in boxes to be shipped out by truck. The items included everything from sy-fy weaponry and costume pieces to plush toys and models. A scruffy guy in worn clothing looked up in annoyance from amidst the boxes he was loading.

“Hey, what are you doing here? It’s personnel only back here and the comi-con is over. You need…to?” he frowned in confusion before his face lit up. “Oh, I remember you,” he said in a friendlier tone, “quiet kid from earlier that had to leave. I recall promising to hold a little something for you here at closing. Hang, on a sec.”

The proprietor stepped over to another box, digging through until he finally found and brought up an item in both of his hands with a triumphant grunt. “Here we are little missy. Quality crafted model based on the Mass Effect game series.”

Model my colossal metal butt! I thought in shock as I recognized the thing. It only made sense I would since I’d only been talking to the owner of the thing for more millennia than I cared to count. It was the head of my current assistant, Marauder Shields.

“I have to say, you’re lucky you caught me before I left. Quality craftsmanship at the price I’m offering is quite a steal miss-”

“Inquisitor,” the husk interrupted in a surprisingly normal girl’s voice. “Also, I find it ironic you would call it a steal, considering you stole it from me. Something I intend to rectify, organic vermin.” The merchant’s confused eyes widened as the husk’s voice went from a soft girl’s soprano to the unholy bass of a Reaper. The husk raised its hand and-

Error. Data inaccessible.


That weasel was holding out on me!

“Friend, Jeff. Is everything well?” Luna’s concerned voice cut through the shock and reminding me as was still technically in the middle of a first contact.

“Huh whowaaa? Oh. Right, sorry Luna. I uh,” I stammered sheepishly, “I guess even a hyper advanced machine creature can be a little overwhelmed at finding so many friends in one day after being alone for so long.”

A little plus about being a super advanced machine? Multi-tasking became supper easy. I immediately put that little perk to work by setting up a separate process that would keep my holosphere conversing so I could focus on the turmoil brought on my this new little revelation.

I went over the time stamp on the memory and confirmed its date sometime after the war’s end and before my abduction. Questions raged over it: who was that guy and how did he get ahold of Shield’s head? Why had I not found this memory until now and why only in part? What the heck was that about something called mass effect games?!

The message found left by Inquisitor said I would have full access to all his intel and resources, but it seems that wasn’t wholly the case. Apparently, former genocidal AIs had honesty issues. Who’d a thought it? Most importantly, that husk. It had been modified to the point that it looked and sounded enough like a human to fool others. Pretty strange, considering stealth and infiltration weren’t the Reapers’ usual MO. What’s more…

I’ve been having conversations and play auditions with characters right out of ‘House of the Dead’ and I could’ve been creating my own all-star Broadway cast?! the thought raged across my mind, Damn it Inq! When I find you in my processors you are SO derezzed!! To that purpose, as well as finding any other surprises in my system, I set a scanning process to work on sifting thought my drives. It would likely take a couple of years to finish but, meh, if there’s anything I’ve got an abundance of, it’s time.

With that out of the way, I turned my attention back to my new friends. Celestia had just finished agreeing with me on a time to have an audience with them to discuss what I could do to earn my citizenship here. “Also, there might be the slight issue of, well,” she looked up nervously at the destroyer than back at my holosphere, “size compatibility. Since you can project your will through your assistant for communication, perhaps your body could be relocated to a more spacious area?”

“Heh? My what now?-!” I looked back at the destroyer to Celestia again before it clicked, “OH! Oh, yeah my body! Yes, my body. I can see where that could be a problem with my body being so huge. Don’t worry though. My scanners picked up some cave systems on the peak of one of your nearby mountains. Dragon peak I think it’s called? Yeah, I could just make some adjustments to it and move my body there. Sure yeah, no problem!” She raised an eyebrow at my lack of composure but nodded, possibly assuming it to be some eccentricity on my part. I felt bad about hiding things from them but, if they freaked out this much about a destroyer, how bad would they freak if they found out I was two kilometers tall and packing WAY more fire power? Discretion is the better part of valor and that.

“Well, that is that then. All of this will take time though so,” Princess Luna looked down into the ocular lens of my sphere with a friendly gaze, “is there anything you would like to do in the mean time?”

“PARTY!!” Pinke yelled loud enough to rival Luna’s Canterlot Voice.

“Yes, Pinkie Pie, I’m sure he would like one of your parties but that will likely require time as well,” Luna rubbed her ringing ears then looked back at me, “so does anything else come to mind? A tour of our home? The sights of our city, perhaps?”

“Well…Now that you mention it there was this little something I had prepared as sort of a peace gesture before I got here.”

“Yes?” Luna prompted encouragingly.

I looked at my new friends with the most hopeful gaze I could muster. “What do you think of…operas?”

Author's Note:

Dun dun duuuuun!

What has Inquisitor been hiding from our hero Jeff? Will this new friendship survive the test? How well will SpongeBob the Space Opera be received?
Find the answers to these questions and more on the next chapter of Friendship and Space Magic. What could go wrong?

“THAT-!” Twilight sputtered, “THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE!”

Silly Twilight, of course it does! The question is, 'who out there will point out why?':duck: To that purpose here are two hints.
Hint 1) Tara Strong
Hint 2) If you absolutely must look up Tara Strong, you get an 'F.' FOREVER!!!:flutterrage: