• Member Since 13th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


There really is not much to say, except I am here for the same reason I write on Fanfiction. I want to entertain you with my writing, not just detail it but make you feel that you are in the story.

Comments ( 256 )

This story looks interesting. I'll fav it and hope the next chapter comes soon.

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

it has potential keep up the good work

I swear I've heard an idea about celestia taking in a child like this before...was it a blog or thread?

Love it, now just put a description of what he looks so we get a clear picture, if you don't mind:yay:

I'm still going to read this, but the main character of a story is called the protagonist, antagonists are opponents that create conflict.

Note: Starts off with antagonist as a child. Rated M but is actually starting off somewhere on E or T, but will become M when antagonist becomes a teenager.

Protagonist. Of course if you don't want made fox evil.


Oh, did I mess up?

:twilightblush: Sorry.

Hmm...I don't think this is cute
*nose grows*
Okay its some-what cute
*nose continues to grow*
FINE! It's cuter than a puppy and tiny kitten wrestling in a small shoe!

Hmm, I'll be following this one.

i like this one

(suggestion) will you be making Leo get a marefriend when hes older??

if he was older in the story like right now id love it to see leo ask Twilight out on a date <3

(Generic Australian accent) Well done, mate. Well done.

Where is the next chapter? Potential is not to go in the waste basket


I'm working on the next chapter of Seasons of Darkness right now. Gotta keep all these going.

Tails and ears!?? Nope getting the hell out of here.

How many tails dose Leo have? I don't remember it being said.


Has not been said yet, but it will come out soon.

So, I am going to keep readin' until I'm not anymore.

"Luna Selene." Faust exclaimed, regarding the princess by her full name. "Do not use that language. There are little ears within this room right now."


Aaaaaanyway, good chapter. I hope to see more soon.

ok...now that I've read the whole thing I have to ask...

Why is there a Human Tag?

That furry little bastard is not human.


It will be revealed soon. I promise you.

ya little fox boy with the ability to make alicorns fight over him the power he welds is quite dangerous indeed :moustache:


There will be more very soon.

nice keeping it rollin =)

Yay new chapter and Leo will be a cutie to be reckoned with.

5495249 Ok...let seee...Leo is a human or...Half human half....???? oh god my head is gonna kill me.
Some kind a furry!? IT HAVA A TINY CLAW? oh my god. HE WAS A FOX? MISTER FOX!?

5628369 Holy shit...that a darkness secret...i fear something happen.



Not when Leo is sniffing it out. :rainbowlaugh:

I love this story

half human, half fox, half...half whatever.


Cant tell you yet. I'm saving that for when Discord comes in. Which is soon.

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