• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 659 Views, 2 Comments

Watermelody & Golden Hazel's Medium Sized Adventure - OneOverTwo

A few Background human characters of the drama kid persuasion try to clear up their magically fogged up memories.

  • ...

Just One Chunk.

Two teenaged girls sat down for lunch. One had curly orange hair and wore a white scarf while the other had striped green hair and a red beret.

“Hey Watermelody,” said the one with orange hair.

“What, Golden Hazel?” said the one with green hair.

“This has been bothering me for a while, but…” said Golden Hazel.

“What?” said Watermelody, slightly annoyed.

“Do you actually play any instruments?” said Golden Hazel.

“What? Of course I do, who doesn’t at THIS school?” said Watermelody.

“I don’t,” said Golden Hazel.

“Ha! Once again it’s been proven that I am the superior of the two of us,” said Watermelody.

Golden Hazel put her forearms down on the table and leaned forward.

“Oh as if,” said Golden Hazel, “I happen to be trained for musical theatre.”

Watermelody turned her head ever so slightly and raised her eyebrow at that.

“Really?” said Watermelody.

“I come from a long line of thespians,” said Golden Hazel, “They have hammered in all of the most useful knowledge into my mind.”

“It doesn’t seem like they hammered all that much to me,” said Watermelody.

“Darn it, Watermelody,” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody leaned in to get a closer look at her friend. Also to put her burger in her mouth.

“Anyway, why’re you asking me about my UNPARALELED MUSICAL ABILITY!?” said Watermelody, dramatically raising her hands in the air at that last part.

“I’m starting a band,” said Golden Hazel.

“You? You’re starting a band, you?” said Watermelody.

“It’s for the musical showcase,” said Golden Hazel.

“Well duh, what else would it be for, Hazel?” said Watermelody.

“I was kind of hoping it would stay together afterwards…” said Golden Hazel, twiddling her fingers.

“Really? So who you got so far?” said Watermelody.

“... I only have one person so far,” said Golden Hazel.

“Wow, more than I expected, who?” said Watermelody.

Golden Hazel looked down at the table, “...Golden Hazel.”

“Nevermind,” said Watermelody, “that’s the exact amount I was expecting.”

“So… you want in?” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody slapped her on the back, which was awkward since she was sitting across from her, “Hey, I got your back. I’ll play the trumpet.”

“Can’t you play something else?” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody responded, “Sure, but I have a limited amount on the list of instruments that I can play,” said Watermelody, “I can play one of the ones I don’t know but that-”

“-That wouldn’t result in anything pretty,” said Golden Hazel.

“Heh, finishing my sentences for me, it’s like we’re married or something,” said Watermelody, “except we’re like both girls.”

“Right…” said Golden Hazel, “though they do say some stuff about us drama types.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true,” said Watermelody, “So, you said you’ve got some singing chops, eh?”

“I’ve been trained heavily in musical theatre,” said Golden Hazel, “I’m even a triple threat.”

“That,” said Watermelody, “I refuse to believe, no matter what evidence I receive to the contrary.”

“Humph,” said Golden Hazel.

“Now all we need to is come up with a na-”

Watermelody was interrupted by a sudden seductive singing.
Then everything got cloudy.

When Watermelody and Golden Hazel came to, their vision beheld something truly awesome. Awesome like a hotdog.

“Is that some sort of rainbow energy horse?” said Golden Hazel.

“Yup,” said Watermelody.

“Do you remember what happened this week?” said Golden Hazel.

“Only vaguely,” said Watermelody, “Dang, those three girls are awful singers.”

“This is awful,” said Golden Hazel.

“Yeah, I’m gonna see if anybody has some produce I can throw at them,” said Watermelody.

“That’s not what I’m talking about, Watermelody,” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody was handed some fruit by another student to toss at the badly singing trio.

“I’ll have to catch you later, Golden Hazel, my throwing arm isn’t nearly good enough to throw anything at them from here!” said Watermelody as she got progressively farther from Golden Hazel.

“Gerg,” said Golden Hazel as she lost sight of her.

Golden Hazel stewed in her annoyance for a while before her friend came back.

“Move it!” said a curly orange haired girl who wasn’t Golden Hazel as she pushed Golden Hazel out of her way.

“Hey!” said Golden Hazel.

“Watch it!” said a purple girl with twin tails who also pushed Golden Hazel aside.

“You watch it!” said Golden Hazel.

A third girl also pushed Golden Hazel, but she didn’t say anything as they all ran away.

“Nuh~!” said Golden Hazel.

“Did you know that Sunset Shimmer can play a mean guitar? ‘Cause I sure didn’t!” said Watermelody.

“GACK!” said Golden Hazel, “Word of warning, please?”

“It’s not my fault you’re jumpier than a… basketball player,” said Watermelody.

“Oh, real ‘good’ one,” said Golden Hazel.

“Shut up,” said Watermelody.

“My head sort of hurts,” said Golden Hazel, “I need to go home.”

“See ya later!” said Watermelody.

Watermelody was having a great day. She felt great and she didn’t really know why. She just felt like forgetting all about last week and moving forward. A smile was spread wide across her face.

“Watermelody, we have to find out what happened last week,” said Golden Hazel, suddenly appearing behind her.

“DANG IT!” said Watermelody, “Do we have to?”

“Watermelody, we forgot most of last week. Doesn’t that bother you at all?” said Golden Hazel.

“Not really,” said Watermelody.

“Well it bothers me and if it bothers me, it bothers you,” said Golden Hazel, “Come on.”

Golden Hazel grabbed Watermelody’s arm and forced her to hustle off along with her.

“Don’t we have classes today?” said Watermelody, feet dragging on the ground, “Those are pretty important.

“Not as important as the truth!” said Golden Hazel.

“Aww man~,” Watermelody followed her, but she was going to be sure that she wasn’t going to use her own legs to do it.

Luckily for the two drama enthusiasts, the Battle of the Bands hadn’t yet been completely cleaned up after. The board showing the tournament brackets was still there, at the very least.

“This is awful!” said Watermelody.

“Oh shush, Watermelody, you’re helping me whether you like it or not,” said Golden Hazel.

“No, stupid, there’s something else that’s wrong,” said Watermelody, “Take a look at this!”

Watermelody was pointing at the board that displayed the logos for all of the bands.

“What about it?” said Golden Hazel.

“Look closer, Golden Hazel!” said Watermelody, ”We were eliminated in the first round!”

“Huh, you’re right,” said Golden Hazel.

“This is cause for alarm, Hazel, we should’ve kicked butt out there!” said Watermelody, “Otherwise what the duck am I wearing this dang G-clef for?”

“Looks like Octavia lost in the first round to,” said Golden Hazel.

“What are we music for then?!” said Watermelody, who mainly knew Octavia from a conversation she had with her about why a cellist would wear a treble clef instead of a bass clef.

“Oh shut up, you baby,” said Golden Hazel, “If it makes you feel better, the band that beat us used a G-clef in their logo.”

“They’ve got to be freakin’ wizards or something to best us musically,” said Watermelody.

“Or they simply were better at singing their songs or somesuch,” said Golden Hazel.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Golden Hazel, they had to have been using freaky magic to beat the two of us,” said Watermelody.

“Last I checked, your band had three members,” said an ominous voice behind them.

“Cheese it!” said Watermelody as she moved to get away, “It’s Vice Principal Luna!”

Vice Principal gave her a disapproving glance. Watermelody stopped in her tracks.

“Can either of you tell me why you’re not in class right now?” said Vice Principal Luna.

Watermelody knew she had to act fast, good for her that she was really good at coming up with excuses while under pressure.

“We’re, like, um, we’re sick,” said Watermelody.

Golden Hazel applied her palm to her forehead.

“Is that truly what your excuse is?” said Vice Principal Luna.

Watermelody remembered wise words that she had heard a long time ago: Always stick to your lies.

“Yup. Distract her, Hazel!” said Watermelody.

“What?” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody looked like she had already ran a mile away by the time they noticed what she was doing.

“Hm, slippery one that one,” said Vice Principal Luna.

“Watermelody! Wait for me you f-”

Vice Principal Luna grabbed her arm, preventing her from being easily able to get away.

“You’re coming with me to my office, Ms. Golden Hazel” said Vice Principal Luna.

“Watermelody! You traitor!” said Golden Hazel.

Vice Principal Luna’s office had sparse lighting. Golden Hazel found this a bit unnerving.

“Um, do you think that maybe we could get a bit more light in here?” said Golden Hazel, shifting in her seat.

“What? Oh more light, sure,” said Vice Principal Luna.

She opened the window blinds ever so slightly. The resulting increase in light did little to ease Golden Hazel’s nerves. The vice principal leaned forward behind her desk, chin on her crossed hands and elbows on desk.

“Why are you skipping class, Ms. Golden Hazel?” said Vice Principal Luna, “And do not tell me that you’re sick.”

Golden Hazel once again made her gesture of frustration.

“It was Watermelody that came up with that excuse, not me,” said Golden Hazel, “I wouldn’t come up with something quite that obviously false.”

“Let us hope so,” said Vice Principal Luna, “At the very least I want you to come up with a more convincing excuse to tell me.”

Golden Hazel felt that she had to tell the truth right then. It might not be quite as logical as a good lie, but it would be the truth.

“We were trying to figure out what happened,” said Golden Hazel.

Luna raised an eyebrow.

“Do you remember last week?” said Golden Hazel.

Vice Principal Luna leaned back and considered the question for a bit.

“Now that you mention it,” Luna leaned in again, but with one arm on the desk and one hand on her waist, “I do remember it for the most part, but those memories are indeed pretty foggy.”

Luna smirked, “How exactly did you expect to find out what happened within the missing time?”

“Merely general detective nosiness, you know?” said Golden Hazel.

“Tell you what, I’m going to do you a favor and tell you who the missing member of your band is, but you must go back to your remaining classes,” said Vice Principal Luna, “That’s probably what your friend did, actually.”

Golden Hazel had something new to go off of, but she had to wait to capitalize on it.

It was lunch time by the time Golden Hazel met up with Watermelody again that day. She slapped Watermelody the moment she saw her.

“Watermelody, what the heck was that?” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody rubbed her struck cheek.

“Ow,” said Watermelody, “What’re you talking about?”

“Remember when you abandoned me?” said Golden Hazel.

“That was a really long time ago!” said Watermelody.

“It was earlier today!” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody blinked as he paused.

“Oh,” said Watermelody, “I thought you were talking about something else.”

“NUH~!” said Golden Hazel, eloquent as ever.

“Say, I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” said Watermelody.

“Hm?” said Golden Hazel.

“Why did our bands logo just use your logo?!” said Watermelody.

“I don’t remember,” said Golden Hazel, “but it must have been for noble reasons indeed.”

“Oh shove it,” said Watermelody.

Golden Hazel shook her head as she remembered what she had to say.

“Remember how Vice Principal Luna said that our band had three members?” said Golden Hazel.

“I was more focused on cheesin’ it,” said Watermelody.

Golden Hazel gave Watermelody a half-lidded glance and frowned.

“I certainly noticed that,” said Golden Hazel.

“... So we had a third member in our band?” said Watermelody, “Was it North? He’s attractive.”

“I wouldn’t know about that…” said Golden Hazel, “but no, it was Indigo.”

“Indiwho?” said Watermelody.

“You know,” said Golden Hazel, “that grey guy who really likes dogs.”

“I can think of like four of those,” said Watermelody.

“The one that does drama with us,” said Golden Hazel.

“Oh, the ‘good looking’ one,” said Watermelody.

“Why are you doing finger quotes,” Golden Hazel demonstrated what she was talking about, “when you say that?”

“Well, I mean, he’s not ugly or anything,” said Watermelody, “but he’s mainly the good looking one by comparison.”

“Gee thanks...” said Indigo, who for some strange reason was pouting.

“Hi Indigo!” said Watermelody.

“When did you get here?!” said Golden Hazel.

Indigo lifted his head to look straight at the two girls in front of him.

“I thought you were talking about dogs,” said Indigo, “but instead you’re talking about how ugly I am.”

“You’re not ugly, Indigo,” said Golden Hazel.

“I’m glad somebody thinks that,” said Indigo.

“Who said that you’re ugly?” said Watermelody, socially conscious as ever.

“Oh, you know…” said Indigo.

Golden Hazel smacked Watermelody in the back of the head.

“Ow! What’s with you and hitting today?” said Watermelody.

“Apologize to Indigo, Watermelody,” said Golden Hazel.

“For what?” said Watermelody.

“You implied that I was ugly,” said Indigo.

“I did?” said Watermelody.

“You said that he was only good looking by comparison to the other three dog people,” said Golden Hazel.

“Really? That’s what’s bothering you?” said Watermelody, “I wasn’t trying to call you ugly, I was just saying that you weren’t handsome.”

Golden Hazel whacked Watermelody in the head once again. Indigo looked even more down than he did before for some mysterious reason.

“Gah! What was that for?!” said Watermelody.

“Dang you’re dumb,” said Golden Hazel.

“Why do you insist on hurting my feelings so much?” said Indigo.

“Geez, this is worse than the time asked that girl what it felt like to have a boyfriend who was prettier than her,” said Watermelody.

Golden Hazel covered her eyes and let out a frustrated groan.

“What is wrong with you?” said Indigo.

“Why does everyone keep asking me that question?!” said Watermelody.

“Remind me to get you some manner classes,” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody’s eyes widened at that. She took a closer look at Indigo’s teary face. She knit her eyebrows and felt, like, super bad as she saw his face.

“Oh jeez,” said Watermelody, “I am so sorry, Indiguy. Grah! I keep making these mistakes.”

Indigo looked up at her, still looking down.

“Seriously, I am really bad at this sort of this sort of thing,” said Watermelody, she pointed her head downwards, but her eyes moved up to look at Indigo’s face, “I feel dumber than that time I didn’t know you were supposed to eat gingerbread houses and by the time I found out my family was all like, ‘We can’t eat it now, Melly, it’s too STALE.’ Long story short, I tricked my cousin into eating it.”

“Uh what?” said Indigo, who mostly felt bemusement at that moment.

“Melly?” said Golden Hazel.

“The point is, I’m really sorry,” said Watermelody.

“It’s- it’s fine…” said Indigo, who wasn’t quite over it, “So, what are you guys doing anyway?”

Watermelody wrapped an arm around Indigo.

“Glad that you asked, Indiguy,” said Watermelody.

“Indigo,” said Indigo.

“Whatever,” said Watermelody, “Remember how we forgot last week?”

“No?” said Indigo.

“Exactly,” said Watermelody.

“Wait, does that you mean remember?” said Golden Hazel, who then closed her eyes and shook her head slightly, “I mean, does that mean you remember? Last week, that is.”

“Um… kinda?” said Indigo, “It’s really foggy though. I remember playing a keyboard while you sang and Watermelon girl there played a… um, an instrument.”

“Aw swear word, now I need to find out what the heck instrument I played in THAT ONE ROUND WE DID!” said Watermelody.

“Why are you yelling?” said Indigo.

“I’m still not quite over the fact that we were eliminated in the first round…” said Watermelody.

“In any case,” said Golden Hazel, “We’re trying to uncloud our memories, or at least fill in the missing gaps.”

Indigo put his hand up to his chin and pondered.

“Hey, if you’re doing that, why don’t you investigate who won the competition?” said Indigo.

“That’s a great idea, Watermelody!” said Golden Hazel.

“It wasn’t my-”

Golden Hazel had already gone too far away to hear her when Watermelody started her sentence.

“Er, sorry again I guess,” said Watermelody.

“It wasn’t, um, directly your fault this time…” said Indigo, rubbing the back of his head.

The bell for the next class rang. Watermelody took her arm off from around Indigo and started to walk off towards her next class.

“Erm, sorry for being such a jerk to you, Indigo,” said Watermelody right before she fled off.

“Bye…” said Indigo.

“Let go of me!” said Golden Hazel, “Finding the truth is important!”

“The truth can wait for school to be over,” said Watermelody as she dragged Golden Hazel to her class by the scarf.

School ended for the day soon enough.

“Ugh, school didn’t end nearly soon enough,” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody and Golden Hazel were near the horse statue at the front of the school.

“Oh quit your whining,” said Watermelody who smacked Golden Hazel in the back of the head.

“Ow!” said Golden Hazel.

“That’s payback for twice earlier,” said Watermelody with a smile, she then pulled her hand away from her friend’s head.

“OW!” said Golden Hazel, “Get you hand out my hair!”

Well she tried to pull her hand away.

“Hrrrrg!” said Watermelody, “Don’t you ever comb your hair?!”

“Everyday!” said Golden Hazel, “I go thru practically three combs daily!”

“Grrrrr, you should not need to go thru combs nearly that quickly!” said Watermelody as she struggled to remove her hand.

“A- are you alright?” whispered a yellow girl with long pink hair.

“No, but I have a solution!” said Watermelody who proceeded to take advantage of the way she dressed almost every day. Watermelody removed her hand from the glove still stuck in Golden Hazel’s hair.

“I’m going to need that back,” said Watermelody, who felt really weird with one of her hands outside of her glove.

“Sh- shut up,” said Golden Hazel, “Let’s go to the elimination chart to find out who won the Battle of the Bands on that FATEFUL DAY!”

“Um, I could tell you,” whispered the pink haired girl.

“Yeah! It should still be where it was!” said Watermelody.

“I could tell you,” the pink haired girl whispered slightly louder.

“Hm?” simultaneously said Watermelody and Golden Hazel.

“Who won,” said the pink haired girl, “I can tell you won, I mean.”

“Who won then?” said Watermelody after raising an eyebrow.

“Well, um, I guess technically Trixie would have won…” said the pink haired yellow girl, “but the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms were really what the audience seemed to go, um, crazy over…”

“Thanks mysterious girl,” said Watermelody as she gave the pink haired yellow girl a friendly slap on the back. She nearly fell over, not that the other two seemed to notice.”

“Let’s go find the Dazzlings, the Rainbooms, and whatever Trixie’s band was called!” said Golden Hazel.

The two drama enthusiasts left to go find the top three bands.

“Wait I’m- “ said the pink haired yellow girl as they were leaving, “...part of the Rainbooms.”

She wasn't quite loud enough to stop them.

Watermelody and Golden Hazel circled back to the school’s entrance where there was still a large crowd of students.

“So how do we go about finding the three bands that, er, pink haired girl told us were the top amongst the competitors?” said Golden Hazel.

“They’re not so hot,” mumbled Watermelody.

“I know two ways to find one of them,” said Watermelody.

“How?” said Golden Hazel.

“Like this,” said Watermelody, “Boy! Trixie really is the best ever!”

“Truer words have never been spoken!” said Trixie, who popped out of nowhere.

“Gah!” said Golden Hazel in surprise.

“The other way to get her attention is to offhandedly mention that she sucks,” said Watermelody.

“What?!” said Trixie.

“But you don’t, you’re awesome,” said Watermelody, smile upon her face.

Trixie smirked and looked off slightly to the side while brushing her shoulder as smugly as was possible. Golden Hazel looked at her with a face that just felt like it was sighing.

“I prefer the term ‘great’,” said Trixie.

“We heard that y-”

“And ‘powerful’,” said Trixie.

Watermelody blinked.

“We heard that you won the Battle of the Bands,” said Watermelody.

“Was there ever any doubt?” said Trixie.

“We won by default,” said one of her two henchmen.

“Woah,” said Golden Hazel, “Where the heck did you guys come from?”

“We follow Trixie wherever she goes,” said the other henchman (henchwoman?).

“A great idea if ever I heard one,” said Trixie.

“Wait, you won by default?” said Watermelody, “Doesn't that mean you were just really lucky?”

Trixie’s mood visibly soured. Her brow furrowed while her mouth dove into a frown.

“The GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE was not merely LUCKY to achieve her win!” said Trixie, “I’m the one who deserved to win that competition! The Raingoons were no match compared to ME!”

Trixie huffed and puffed with her arms slightly spread behind her.

“So we made them fall th-” said one of Trixie’s hench… people.

“SHH!” said Trixie, “The Rainbrooms were mysteriously unable to show up in time for the competition.”

“Mysteriously? We pulled a le-”

“SHH!” said Trixie.

“Wait,” said Watermelody, “So you faced the Dazzlings and not the Rainbooms.”

“Naturally,” said Trixie.

“Naturally,” echoed one of her henches.

“Technically we faced them the previous round,” said the other one, with an index finger held up in the air.

“Another mystery solved!” said Watermelody.

“We already knew that, Watermelody,” said Golden Hazel.

“...We did?” said Watermelody.

“I remember the band logo for the Rainbooms pretty well,” said Golden Hazel, “I have the same art class as Rainbow Dash and she insisted on showing off her ‘Band’s awesome new logo’ to pretty much everyone. So I recognized it on the tournament bracket. They were listed as one of the two teams slated to go to the final round.”

“Captain Sports-teams has an art class?” said Watermelody.

“She had to take either that or a foreign language class,” said Golden Hazel, “We all do.”

“Huh,” said Watermelody, who suddenly realized why she had a French class.

“What do you take for it?” said Golden Hazel.

“Trixie takes pottery,” said Trixie.

“Not you, Wa- they have pottery here?” said Golden Hazel, “Nevermind, the point is-”

“Is?” said Watermelody.

“Trixie,” said Golden Hazel.

“An admirable point indeed,” said Trixie.

“Yes,” agreed one of her hench teens.

“Great and powerful,” agreed the other one.

Golden Hazel barfed out a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a sigh.

“Trixie,” said Golden Hazel, “What do you remember about last week?”

Trixie sneered. She then got closer to Watermelody and Golden Hazel and menacingly pointed her left index finger at them.

“All you need to know is that Trixie and the Illusions suitably TROUNCED those accursed Dazzlings during the final round!” said Trixie, “And the LAMEbooms don’t even hold a candle to our greatness.”

“And powerfulness!” said one of her hench female humans.

And with that, Trixie and her hench homo sapiens sapiens… es turned away and walked off.

“Well,” said Watermelody, “that was ‘helpful’.”

Golden Hazel wasn’t looking at Watermelody. She seemed to be thinking hard about something.

“Watermelody?” said Golden Hazel.

“What?” said Watermelody.

“What do you know about the Dazzlings?” said Golden Hazel.

“Hmm, my memory is still really foggy,” said Watermelody, “but I remember one of them kinda reminded me of you, except...”

“Except?” said Golden Hazel.

“Um, please don’t take this personally,” said Watermelody.

“What?” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody looked to the side and winced.

“I don’t want to make another mistake after Indigo,” said Watermelody.

“You were going to say she was prettier than me,” said Golden Hazel.

“Well, I mean, she was,” said Watermelody.

Golden Hazel’s eye twitched and she gave Watermelody a slight glare. Watermelody put her hands in front of her chest in a blocking manner.

“This is why I wasn't completely sure that I should tell you,” said Watermelody.

“... It’s fine,” said Golden Hazel, who was holding her hand to her face in order to calm herself down.

“Sorry, really I just remember that one of them had curly orange hair and skin sorta close to yours,” said Watermelody.

“Hey, um, you’re kind of blocking the halls,” said a gray skinned boy wearing a green jacket with rolled up sleeves.

Golden Hazel’s head snapped towards the noise so fast that it scared the boy.

“What- what?” said the boy.

“Hi Indigo!” said Watermelody.

“Hey, um, W… Watermelody,” said Indigo, who was having a bit of trouble remembering her name.

“Do you remember what instrument I was playing?” said Watermelody.

“Forget that,” said Golden Hazel, “What do you remember about the Dazzlings?”

“Er, no, and, um, the Dazzlings were somehow really good singers at first and were really bad at the very end of the Battle of the Bands,” said Indigo.

“Hey!” said Watermelody, “I threw produce at them, didn't I?”

“Well, they did get produce thrown at them,” said Indigo.

“Did you throw any?” said Golden Hazel.

“...Um, nah,” said Indigo.

“Hmmm,” said Golden Hazel, “Why would a group have good singing at first, but have bad singing later?”

“Maybe it’s like Milli Vanilli,” said Watermelody.

“I don’t know,” said Indigo, “they didn't really have any electronic equipment when they sang in the cafeteria.”

Golden Hazel’s eyes widened in realization.

“They are almost definitely the reason our memory is so foggy,” said Golden Hazel.

“Wait, who?” said Watermelody.

“The Dazzlings!” said Golden Hazel.

“The Dazzlings messed with our memories…” said Indigo, “That makes sense, I guess.”

Watermelody, Golden Hazel, and Indigo all looked up to think and stroked their respective chins.

“Now what?” said Watermelody.

“I guess we try to find the Dazzlings,” said Golden Hazel.

“How?” said Watermelody.

“We just have to look out for someone who fits the description of one of them,” said Indigo.

“I found one!” said Watermelody as she pointed in Golden Hazel’s direction.

“Oh ha ha,” said Golden Hazel.

“No, stupid,” said Watermelody, still pointing, “the girl behind you.”

Golden Hazel turned her gaze behind her, she found another girl with curly orange hair. She did have to admit that she was pretty in appearance.

“HEY! She’s one of the three girls who shoved me at the end of the Battle of the Bands!” said Golden Hazel.

The girl noticed that she had been spotted and decided to hoof it.

“She’s running! That means she’s guilty of something!” said Watermelody right before she fled after the speeding off girl.

“Wait!” said Indigo, “That’s faulty logic!”

Golden Hazel and Indigo ran off to follow the running girls.

The orange haired Dazzling was running as fast as she could out of the school.

‘I suddenly regret not putting on sensible footwear today,’ thought the girl.

“Adagio!” said a purple girl with twin tails.

“Hi Adagio!” said the other one.

The purple girl scowled at the other girl. Adagio made it to the other two and huffed and puffed while bent with her hands on her knees and sweating.

“Did you retrieve the stuff we left at the school?” said the twin tailed girl.

“No, Aria, there are people after me,” said Adagio.

“And? You said that people were going to be after us all the time now,” said the other girl.

Adagio looked up.

“That’s not quite what I meant when I was trying to explain our current situation, Sonata,” said Adagio, a look of annoyance on her face, “and right now I was talking about how there are people activ-”

She found herself tackled by a red, green, black, white, and pinkish blur that was yelling, “Got you now, evil Golden Hazel!”

Adagio and Watermelody fell to the grassy ground below them. Golden Hazel and Indigo came up from behind the green haired girl they associated with.

“Get off me you buffoon!” said Adagio.

“But I’m not on you right now, Adagio,” said Sonata.

“She’s not talking about you, idiot,” said Aria as she flicked Sonata’s bangs to annoy her.

Sonata’s only reaction this time was to fix her hair afterwards.

“You all shoved me!” said Golden Hazel, “You guys are jerks!”

“Also, we, um, suspect that you brainwashed us or something said Indigo.

Watermelody and Adagio were still wrestling on the grass. Aria got a better look at Watermelody as she basked in the sight of Adagio getting beat up. Then she realized something.

“Hey! I remember you!” said Aria, “You’re that girl circled to the side of the stage as we were escaping and threw a tomato at my face!”

“It landed dead center too!” said Sonata, “Snrk.”

“Yeah, that was pretty great,” said Watermelody, who was beneath Adagio at the moment.

“High five!” Watermelody struggled to lift one of her hands as Adagio hit her while trying to remove her legs from Watermelody’s leg based hold.


Sonata complied with the request.

“She threw stuff at you too…” mumbled Aria with her arms crossed.

“Is your one glove look a reference to something?” said Sonata.

“Nah,” said Watermelody, barely dodging the palm Adagio aimed at her face. She gestured towards Golden Hazel with her head, “I just lost one of my gloves to Golden Hazel’s hair over there.”

“Hey!” said Golden Hazel.

Indigo attempted to get a good look at all of Golden Hazel’s hair, trying to see if he could spot a black glove in there.

“Oh my gosh, I totally relate,” said Sonata, “I lose stuff in Adagio’s hair all the time!”

“Wait, what?!” Adagio stopped and became still, eyes wide. She reached into her hair and started to rummage.

A bottle fell out, it had a partially made model ship in it. Adagio’s eyes widened more. She clawed around in her hair again. Out came a deflated basketball.

“What?!” said Adagio, the force of her voice causing a tiny box of pencils to fall out of her hair.

Aria picked up the box, “Huh, I thought I lost this.”

Watermelody took advantage of her enemy’s distraction and got out from under her while dodging tiny objects.

“My toothbrush!” said Sonata, picking up a dirty hair filled toothbrush.

Watermelody made her way over to Golden Hazel and Indigo.

“Did you really lose a glove in there?” said Indigo.

“It’s Hazel’s natural defense against head slaps,” said Watermelody, “So she can’t be hit to remind her that she’s stupid.”

“You’re stupid,” said Golden Hazel.

“Nuh-uh!” said Watermelody.

The two started butting their heads while playing a dramatic looking version of mercy. Indigo went between them and held them apart.

“Sheesh, calm down you two!” said Indigo.

“She started i-”

Indigo gave Watermelody a look that just screamed, ‘Seriously?’.

“So,” said Watermelody, “What do we do now?”

“They look they’re going to be held up for a while,” said Golden Hazel as she looked at an Adagio who was knee deep in random junk, face getting paler as she realized what was in her hair.

“Ah cool, I always wanted one of these!” said Sonata as she held up a Nerf gun.

“Hey! that’s mine!” said Aria, “I distinctly remember stealing it off some kid in order to make him angry and absorb his negativity!”

“Finders keepers!” said Sonata.

Then Aria pounced on Sonata and tried to grab the toy gun. Sonata, in turn, did her best to keep it out of her reach.

“Though we do have to interrogate one of them at some point,” said Golden Hazel, who then pointed at Adagio, “and judging by how that one ran away, we’ll probably have difficulty finding them again.

“I think maybe we should snap her out of her catatonic state,” said Indigo.

“But she’s still pulling things out of her hair!” said Watermelody, “Can’t we at least wait for her to finish first?”

Indigo looked at the pile at Adagio’s feet, it was up to her waist. To be fair though, she was kneeling.

“I think the pile might be bigger than her now,” said Indigo, “I’m not sure she’ll ever finish.”

“Fine,” said Watermelody, “Hey orange curlies!”

“What?” said Golden Hazel.

“Not you,” said Watermelody, “the other one.”

Adagio snapped out of her blank faced state, in her hand was a male’s formal wear shoe.

“Why would this have even been in there?!” said Adagio.

“Hey!” Watermelody clapped to prevent her from going back into the state.

“What do you want?” said Adagio, dropping the shoe while trying to look annoyed and failing due to how visibly concerned she still was about the recent revelations of her hair.

“Did you brainwash us?” said Watermelody.

“Yes…?” said Adagio.

“Ha! Likely story,” said Watermelody.

“Watermelody, she said yes,” said Golden Hazel.

“Whoa, like, seriously?” said Watermelody.

Adagio got up. Several things fell from her lap as she did so.

“We were going to rule the world with our magic,” said Adagio as she brushed off her thighs, “and that’s all you need to know. Sonata! Aria! Let’s move!”

Sonata started putting everything back in Adagio’s hair.

“Stop that!” said Adagio.

“But I don’t want to leave all this stuff here,” said Sonata.

“Ugh!” said Adagio, who decided to just run.

“Wait! I’m not finished yet!” said Sonata as she picked up some of the prettier items and fled after Adagio.

Aria took a look at the pile, a look at the three drama kids, and looked towards her groupmates. Then she ran away too.

“After them!” said Watermelody.

Watermelody, Golden Hazel, and Indigo all ran after the Dazzlings.
Unfortunately, they all tripped over the pile that Adagio had left behind.

“Mmmph,” said Watermelody, face flat to the ground.

Golden Hazel looked up in search of their targets.

“Drat, lost sight of them,” said Golden Hazel.

“So, are you guys out of leads or whatever?” said Indigo.

“No,” said Golden Hazel, “we still haven’t talked with any of the Rainbooms.”

“I thought you guys talked with Fluttershy,” said Indigo.

“Who?” simultaneously said Watermelody and Golden Hazel.

“You know, yellow, pink hair?” said Indigo, “member of the Rainbooms?”

“She was a member of the Rainbooms?!” said Golden Hazel, “Dang it, why did tomorrow have to be a federal holiday?!”

“Er, she volunteers at the animal shelter if you’re going to go looking for her,” said Indigo.

“How do you know that?” said Watermelody, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“I like dogs,” said Indigo.

“Oh,” said Watermelody, “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

“Alright, regroup at the animal shelter tomorrow, team,” said Golden Hazel as she started walking home for the day.

Indigo paused.

“We’re a team now?” said Indigo.

Indigo wasn’t sure if Watermelody and Golden Hazel would actually show up at the animal shelter. Especially Watermelody, he wasn't entirely sure if those two were actually friends. He felt that he might as well show up at the animal shelter anyways.

Indigo reached for the door handle at the entrance.
Then the door slammed open because of a certain teen girl!

“Butter Rye!” screamed Watermelody.

“Eep,” said Butter Rye.

“It’s Fluttershy,” said Indigo.

I mean, “Eep,” said Fluttershy. (Pretend I wrote that earlier.)

Fluttershy appeared to be cleaning a window in the establishment. At her sides were Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy had dropped the cleaning supplies she was holding in reaction to Watermelody.

“Tell us what you know!” said Watermelody, getting uncomfortably close to Fluttershy.

“Um, uh, okay…” said Fluttershy.

“Watch it, buddy!” said Rainbow Dash, who got up to pry Watermelody away from her friend.

“Watermelody! Stop being an insensitive butt head,” said Golden Hazel, prying Watermelody off before Rainbow could.

“Dang-AMMIT!” said Watermelody, “And thought I was doing so well…”

“Hi Golden Hazel, Indigo Wreath, and Watermelody!” said Pinkie Pie, “What are you guys doing here?”

“We demand answers!” said Watermelody.

“Watermelody!” said Golden Hazel.

“Answers for what?!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Um, the whole memory loss thing,” said Indigo.

“What memory loss thing?” said Rainbow Dash.

“Do you think that, maybe, since we were the only students unaffected there might be some side effects to the Dazzlings’ magic that we don’t know about,” whispered Fluttershy.

“We didn’t really lose the memories, but everything is really foggy,” said Golden Hazel.

“Foggy?” whispered Fluttershy.

“What happened to your glove, Melly?” said Pinkie Pie.

“What?” said Watermelody, “Oh, I lost it in Golden Hazel’s awful hair.”

“Sh- shut up,” said Golden Hazel.

“It’s stuck there,” said Watermelody.

Pinkie Pie reached into Golden Hazel’s hair.

“Hey!” said Golden Hazel, “Get out of my hair!”

“It doesn't seem stuck to me,” said Pinkie Pie, who held Watermelody’s glove and also a couple of broken combs.

“Wow thanks, Pinkie!” said Watermelody, who then put her glove back on.

“You’re welcome~,” said Pinkie Pie, who did a twirl and moved back to her previous position near Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Indigo felt that he would have been more surprised if it hadn't been for the earlier incident with Adagio. Golden Hazel felt weird in her hair area, but remembered that she needed to focus.

“Guys! You’re forgetting about what we’re here to discuss,” said Golden Hazel, “Forgetting.”

“Forgetting what?” said Pinkie Pie.

“Forgetting!” said Golden Hazel.

“Yeah, forgetting what?” said Pinkie Pie.

Golden Hazel was about to respond until she noticed that Rainbow’s body language was telling her, ‘Not worth it.’ Golden Hazel sighed.

“We can’t quite remember what happened last week, everything we do seems kind of foggy,” said Golden Hazel.

“Hey, I caught one of you say something about immunity,” said Watermelody, “What the heck instrument was I playing when our band was on?!”

“Which one are you guys again?” said Rainbow Dash with her eyebrow raised.

“They were the first band to go up against the Dazzlings!” said Pinkie Pie.

“We- we weren’t actually there to see that part…” said Fluttershy.

Watermelody paused, looked up to the sky, and raised her hands to the air.

“Oh COME ON!” said Watermelody.

“If you have something all brain stuff related as your problem, like foggy memories, you should probably see Sunset Shimmer,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Especially since your problem is so magical in Nature!” said Pinkie Pie.

“SUNSET SHIMMER?!” said Watermelody, Golden Hazel, and Indigo at the same time.

The three Drama inclined teenagers were unsure and uneasy to meet up with Sunset Shimmer. She hadn't been nearly as malicious recently as she had once been, but they still very much felt the need to be wary.

“Dang it, Pinkie! This is your house!” said Rainbow Dash, “I thought we were going to Sunset Shimmer!”

“And she’s at my house!” said Pinkie Pie, smile wide.

“Oh,” said Rainbow Dash.

Watermelody, Golden Hazel, Indigo, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie entered Pinkie’s house. The drama kids thought that the house was far greyer and more drab than they had been expecting. Indigo especially had trouble seeing in the lighting. There wasn't much decoration, or at least not in the entrance hallway. Watermelody tripped on something.

“Yow, what the heck did I trip on?” said Watermelody.

“My foot.” said a grey girl.

“GYAH!” said everyone but Pinkie.

“Hi Maud!” said Pinkie Pie, “What'cha up to?”

“I’m on my way,” said Maud, “to check on the rock garden.”

“That sounds fun!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Yes.” said Maud, who then walked away.

Everyone was quiet for a moment.

“What the heck was that eerie mystery being?!” said Watermelody.

“Watermelody!” said Golden Hazel, “Don’t be rude.”

“Yeah,” said Indigo.

“It might kill you if it hears you disapprove of it,” said Golden Hazel.

“Yea- What?” said Indigo.

Everyone aside from the drama girls looked at them with very questioning looks. Well, also excepting Pinkie Pie.

“That’s my older sister!” said Pinkie Pie.

“She has uncanny ability to blend into all surroundings,” said Watermelody.

“That’s ‘cause everything here’s grey but Pinkie,” said Rainbow Dash, who then pointed at Indigo. “Even that guy.”

“I don’t see why you feel the need to point out my greyness,” said Indigo.

“Well, I mean, you are…” said Rainbow Dash.

“Weren't we here to find Sunset Shimmer?” said Indigo.

“Yup!” said Pinkie Pie, “Sunset Shimmer!”

The sound of a bed creaking echoed thru the house. Two feet could be heard landing on the floor. Slow steps made their subtle sound. Sunset Shimmer approached the other six people in the room. She yawned.

“Mm, Pinkie, your bed is a lot more comfortable than mine,” said Sunset Shimmer, a little groggy.

“I never thought I’d live to see such a day,” said Golden Hazel.

“It is very surreal,” said Indigo.

“Even further, my mind is broken,” said Watermelody.

“She’s just wearing pajamas…” said Fluttershy.

Sunset snapped alert when she heard three mostly unfamiliar voices.

“Ack, what are you people doing here?” said Sunset Shimmer.

“They need help ‘cause their memories are all foggy!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Hm, must be a side effect of the Dazzlings magic that we haven’t found out about yet,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“That’s what we think,” said Fluttershy.

“We might be able to uncloud their memories by playing them a song,” said Sunset Shimmer, “Come on, if it doesn't work with just the four of us we can go get Applejack and Rarity later.”

Watermelody, Golden Hazel, and Indigo didn’t quite know how to feel about being rocked out at by Sunset Shimmer and about half the Rainbooms. Though Sunset Shimmer had basically joined the Rainbooms, not that they would know that yet.

‘This needs a bassline,’ thought Watermelody.

Something very strange began to happen. The Four girls playing their instruments transformed! It was an extremely involved transformation, just some animal ears and longer hair for two of them and that plus wings for the other two. That was certainly enough to catch the drama kids off guard.

“Could they always do that?” said Indigo.

“The grew the stuff and bits at the last fall formal,” said Watermelody, “except Sunset Shimmer, she turned into a raging she demon.”

“No offense!” said Golden Hazel.

Sunset Shimmer mouthed ‘None taken’ so as to not interrupt the song they were singing.

‘This is really impressive and all but when is- OH! now, I guess,’ thought Golden Hazel as her memories started to come back to her.

Watermelody gained a wide smile. She remembered what instrument she had played during the Battle of the bands: a trombone!

Golden Hazel also remembered that. She also remembered something else.

Watermelody!” said Golden Hazel as she tackled Watermelody in revenge for being hit with the trombone’s slide during their performance and falling off stage as a result. To be fair though, that was like a major accident.

“Snrk,” snrked Indigo, who also again remembered what happened.

“So, you guys got your memories back or whatever?” said Rainbow Dash.

“I think so,” said Indigo, the only one that could answer her since the other two normal human teenagers were having a tussle on the ground, “I do, in any case. I can’t believe our band name was ‘The Rad Musicals’.”

“Cool,” said Rainbow Dash, “Think we could cure the entire school of the memory loss like this?”

“Maybe if we get the others to help too,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“Neato! I’m going to order a super elaborate stage right now!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Okay… not that we technically need one though…” said Sunset Shimmer.

“Ha! You can not get out from under my super pinning technique!” said Watermelody.

“That’s just because you’re so fat!” said Golden Hazel.

“I’m still not sure whether or not those two are friends,” mumbled Indigo.

The Rainbooms set up an elaborate show so they could clear the clouded minds at Canterlot High. Watermelody, Golden Hazel, and Indigo had decided to hang out roughly around the edge of the crowd. They all sat on a single blanket that was provided by Indigo.

“So,” said Watermelody, “Wonder what happened to the Dazzlings?”

“Eh, not until you mentioned it,” said Indigo, “Though I kind of feel really to the side of most recent events I've been a part of.”

“Personally, I’m a bit bitter that they got away,” said Golden Hazel, “This is all their fault, they need to be punished.”

Golden Hazel found out from Sunset Shimmer and the other Rainbooms that the Dazzlings were actually, at least as she understood it, evil magical sirens from another dimension that fed on negative energy and were the ones who messed with their heads.

“Yeah,” said Indigo, “I guess.”

“Watermelody! Get out the tar and feathers!” said Golden Hazel.

“What?” said Indigo.

“Relax, Indibro, we don’t actually have those,” said Watermelody, “Well, I guess we do have feathers… somewhere.”

“Sigh, it’s just- This end feels too loose,” said Golden Hazel.

“There’s a dirty joke in there somewhere,” said Watermelody.

“I’ll make a dirty joke of your face if you don’t shut up,” said Golden Hazel.

Watermelody just rolled her eyes.

“We’ll get them next time,” said Watermelody as she looked up into the air, then raised her fist, “NEXT TIME!”

“Don’t patronize me,” said Golden Hazel, the slightest of smiles brushed across her lips.

They decided to just sit and enjoy the show, at least for the moment.

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