• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 5,787 Views, 138 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls 4: Sunset Shimmer Returns - Hopeful Soul

Sunset Shimmer finally returns home to Equestria to right her old wrongs, unfortunately the sins of the Human World follow her back and put everypony in Equestria in danger.

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As the Sun Sets...

Chapter 13

After waiting a bit and fixing up the cuts and bruises they had all received from the battle, everypony quickly got to work on fixing up Sunset’s alternate self, who was still unconscious. Equestria Sunset admired her new wings and was still having trouble believing that she had finally achieved her old dream, but something still bothered her deep down. Eventually they all gathered around Sunset’s counterpart as she began to wake up again. Rainbow was the first to notice.

“Hey! She’s waking up!” she announced while everypony turned to her.

“How ya feeling?” Applejack inquired.

“Terrible…” Alternate Sunset groaned.

“That’s understandable…” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight and Rarity scolded.

“What?” she defended.

“Oh… my head…” The other Sunset groaned.

“You ok?” Equestria Sunset asked, concerned.

“I-I… think so… what happened?” Alternate Sunset inquired.

“The darkness is no longer controlling you, it turned you into a monster… like it did me.” Alicorn Sunset told her.

Her other self sighed and looked down, feeling guilty. “What have I done?”

“What you did you did under the influence of hatred, it’s not your fault.” Sunset stated.

“Maybe… maybe not.” The other Sunset muttered. “I still feel bad about it though…”

“Well don’t, and be glad that their ok and that you have a second chance.” Equestria Sunset comforted her, which seemed to work.

“Sunset!” Somepony called out.

Sunset turned and noticed three ponies coming up over a far off hill, when they finally came into view she was overjoyed when she saw that it was her parents and her sister too.

“Mom! Dad! Sunkiss!” Equestria Sunset smiled, as she ran over to them and embraced them.

“Oh! We were so worried about you!” Sunny Day cried.

“Good to see you again, sweetie!” Her father added. “We’re so proud of you!”

“You were awesome, Sunset!” Sunkiss said, happily.

“Mom… Dad… Sunkiss… Solar Flare… thank you.” Sunset stated, very gratefully while her brother joined in the group hug.

Everypony else watched this happy scene from a far with pleased smiles of their own, while Sunset’s human counterpart looked at them sadly and lowered her head before turning and beginning to leave without saying a word. Sunset noticed her counterpart leaving and stepped out of the group hug she was in.

“Hey me, wait up.” Equestria Sunset said.

“What?” Sunset’s counterpart asked as she turned to her.

“Look, I really am sorry for what I did you to… I know part of you still hates me… you have every right… but I assure you that I’ve changed and if I could take back what I did I would, but unfortunately we all must face the consequences of our actions…” Sunset told her other half, who looked down sadly. She put a hand on her shoulder. “Cheer up, after all… we’re not all that bad off.”

The other Sunset looked at her counterpart, surprised.

“At least you and I have found good friends to help us through these dark time.” Sunset Shimmer said. Her counterpart looked at her surprised and gazed at the smiling faces of the Mane Six. “Again, I’m really sorry with how I acted towards you Sunset. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure that our name is never tainted again and I hope we can be friends if there’s no hard feelings.”

Sunset Shimmer held her hoof out to her other self who still looked surprised but eventually smiled and the two Sunset Shimmer’s both bumped hoofs.

“Yeah… friends.” Alternate Sunset smiled.

“Cool.” Equestria Sunset smiled back while the rest of her friends approached her from behind.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Twilight called out.

“What?” The two Sunset’s asked. They both looked at each other and then at Twilight. “Her or me?”

“Both! Either! Uh… doesn’t matter! Anyway, I just want to say that I’m so proud of you.” Twilight beamed.

“Thanks Twilight.” Alicorn Sunset nodded. “I’m proud of me too…”

“I’ll bet you are, I mean it’s not every day you can say you saved the world.” Rainbow smirked.

We can.” Applejack pointed out, returning the smirk.

Rainbow chuckled. “Yeah, I guess we can.”

The other Sunset stepped forward, sadly. “Hey listen… all of you… I am so sorry about what I did to all of you… I did so many horrible things but… I hope that one day… you can find it in your hearts to forgive me…”

The Mane Six all exchange glances and smiled at her.

“You don’t need to apologize to us.” Twilight assured her.

“Yeah, we forgive you!” Pinkie beamed.

“But if you want our friendship…” Rainbow began.

“We’d be more than happy to give it to you.” Applejack finished, nodding.

“Absolutely.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Thank you… all of you… I don’t really deserve your forgiveness… but I’ll try not to let you down, any of you.” The other Sunset promised.

“See? I knew their was good in you.” Equestria Sunset smiled. She then turned to Princess, who had just cleared her throat.

“So my former student, have you made your decision?” Princess Celestia asked her.

Equestria Sunset looked the Princess, her friends, family and other self and smiled.

“Yes, now I have faced my past and mended the bonds that I’ve broken in Equestria I can safely say that my job is done and now… I must go back to the other world.” Equestria Sunset declared.

“What!?” Most of them exclaimed.

“You can’t!” Solar Flare protested.

“What happens if they decide to never open the portal again?” Her mother questioned, distressed.

“She’s right! You can’t do it!” Her father added.

“Please, Sunset…” Sunkiss begged.

“I have to go! After all, whose gonna protect that world if something like the Dazzlings happens again?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“You got to admit, she has a good point!” Pinkie told the others.

Rainbow folded her forearms. “Yeah… doesn’t mean we have to like it though.”

“Now don’t tell me your actually upset she’s leaving, are ya Rainbow?” Applejack questioned with a teasing smile.

“Well I…” Rainbow stuttered.

“It’s ok Rainbow, I understand.” Sunset assured her. “But still, I have to go, the other world needs me.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yeah… but we’re still gonna miss you…” she told her, sadly.

“I’ll miss you all too… but this is something I have to do.” Sunset said.

“We understand, sugarcube.” Applejack nodded.

“Yeah, you go Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight smiled. “You go back and keep the peace.”

Alicorn Sunset nodded, smiling back at her. “I will.”

Twilight thought for a bit, then got an idea. “Although… I’d like to make a request before you go.”

“What is it?” The now Princess Sunset Shimmer inquired.

“Well… I’m thinking that before you leave we should make you becoming a Princess official; with your own coronation and the title of co-ruler of my kingdom.” Twilight explained to her.

Equestria Sunset couldn’t believe her ears. “Really?” she asked, tears threatening to flow.

“You deserve it.” Applejack told her.

“Got that right!” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“Absolutely!” Rarity nodded.

“Yeah, and after this I think that officially makes you one of us!” Pinkie cheered.

“She’s right.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Yeah, welcome to the party!” Rainbow beamed.

“Ooh! Speaking of parties…” Pinkie began before she zipped off and came back with her party cannon. “Let’s get started on one!”

Sunset chuckled a bit. “Yeah, let’s.”

Everypony cheered and whooped as they began to leave the rocky wasteland and return to Canterlot, which was still currently being repaired, and celebrate Sunset Shimmer’s coronation.

Later on, news quickly got out that another Princess was being crowned and that the crisis was over, which the ponies of Equestria were very joyous over and flocked to the mostly repaired Canterlot Castle, where the coronation would begin, just like how it was when Twilight was crowned.

At the moment, the new Princess, Sunset Shimmer, now wearing the teal green dress she had previously worn for Rarity earlier on, was looking at her own reflection in the mirror thoughtfully, barely noticing Princess Twilight entering and approaching her.

“You look good.” Twilight complimented.

Sunset turned to her while flexing her wings. “Really? Because I feel like a fraud,” she admitted.

“Well don’t, you’ve wanted this for so long… and now you have it.” Twilight told her. “But this time… you got it through believing in friendship. You should be proud.”

“It’s only thanks to you.” Sunset smiled.

Twilight just shrugged. “I may have had helped out a little… but you did the rest by yourself.”

“Still… I owe you… and the girls… a debt I can never repay.” Sunset Shimmer expression. “And for that… I thank you.”

Twilight smiled, tearfully. “You’re welcome.”

The fiery maned alicorn turned away and looked up, thoughtfully. “It’s funny… so long ago I tried to dispose of you and now…” Sunset began.

“We’re friends?” Twilight finished.

Sunset turned to her and nodded, also tearfully. “Yeah… we’re friends,” she confirmed before they both hugged each other tightly. After finishing their embrace they looked at each other fondly.

“Well? Are you ready?” Twilight asked.

Sunset sighed, deeply. “Ready!”

“Then let’s go!” Twilight said, focused as she and Sunset walked side by side as they exited the room together.

A few moments later, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna along with Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, each wearing their own elaborate dresses and crowns stood before the crowd along with the rest of the Mane Six and Spike standing close by and at that moment, the ceremony began.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, we are gathered here for the coronation of yet another new Princess, last time, it was my faithful student; Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Celestia began as she smiled at the Princess of Friendship who returned the smile. “And now, it is yet another student of mine. While she may have lost her way in the beginning, she has been on a long path towards redemption and has now proven herself worthy of her Element of Harmony and wings by conquering the demons inside of her and saving all of Equestria. And now, let me introduce to you for the very first time… Princess Sunset Shimer!”

The doors opened and Sunset Shimmer entered the hall and walked down the aisle. A smile of happiness was donned on all of their faces as she walked toward them and behind her, servants bearing the flags with her cutie marks on them, several members of the Canterlot royal guard, began to sing as a way of announcing her presence. She saw her teary yet smiling family in the crowd and smiled at them all sweetly.

Sunset soon approached the altar and Spike, wearing the same black tuxedo he wore during Twilight’s coronation, walked over bearing Sunset’s Element of Harmony resting a purple pillow and Celestia took the Element with her magic and placed it on her head.. Upon being crowned, they turned to face her new friends and Rainbow Dash responded with a wink and Pinkie jumped up and did the same thing. Twilight gave her a nod while Sunset smiled. Meanwhile, the chorus continued their announcement of her ascension.

Soon after Sunset was crowned and everypony threw a party in her honor, Princess Sunset, her friends, counterpart and the Princess’ of the Day and Night walked outside into the castle garden, knowing that it was almost time for Sunset to take her leave for now.

“That was wonderful.” Princess Twilight expressed.

“Yeah, it was…” Princess Sunset sighed. “Thank you for the coronation, everypony, it meant a lot.”

“It was our pleasure.” Rarity nodded.

“Not to mention a total blast!” Pinkie added, excitedly.

“Got that right.” Rainbow agreed.

“Darn tootin!” Applejack nodded. Sunset smiled at this, then noticed Fluttershy clearing her throat to get her attention.

“So… what now?” Fluttershy inquired. “I mean… are you gonna stay here or… are you still going to…”

Sunset Shimer nodded with a sad smile. “Yes, I’m still gonna go back, like I said; someone has to take care of that place.”

“I thought you would make that choice.”

They all turned and noticed Princess’ Celestia, Luna and Cadance approaching.

“Celestia! I… uh…” Sunset began.

“It is alright, as long as you are sure that this is your choice.” Celestia said.

Sunset nodded again. “Yes. It is.”

“Then it is settled, the Sunset Shimmer from the other world shall remain here and begin her studies on the magic of friendship under my wing, while the Sunset Shimmer from Equestria returns to the other world to start her new life there among her friends.” Celestia declared.

Equestria Sunset smiled. “Thank you, Princess.”

She then turned to the depressed faces of her family, sad that she was leaving them again. They knew it was for a good reason, but it still hurt. She sighed as she approached them.

“Listen… guys I…” Sunset began before her mother suddenly hugged her, much to her surprise. Followed by her sister, father and brother as well. “Wha… what is…”

“Just our way of saying goodbye.” Her mother said, sadly. Sunset was at a loss for words. They soon released her from their embrace

“We know you have to do this, and while we miss you terribly… we must encourage that you do what you think is right and do what you want to do, you’re a Princess after all…” Her father added, sounding both sad and proud of her.

“We’ll miss you Sunset…” Sunkiss cried.

Sunset cried also. “I’ll miss you guys too…” she said, as she hugged them again. She then turned to her brother.

“Don’t worry, I’ll look after them, make sure their safe.” Solar Flare assured his sister.

“Cool, and here Sunset…” Equestria’s Sunset Shimmer said as she levitated her Element onto her other self’s head. “Take my Element of Forgiveness, it belongs to both of us after all.”

The other Sunset looked touched. “You’re really giving this to me? After everything I did to you?”

“I’ll admit I was hurt, but you had every right to be angry, even if you did go about the wrong way.” Sunset said, making the other her turn away sadly till Equestria Sunset put a hoof on her shoulder. “But listen, your past doesn’t have to define you, it’s not today, it is the rest of your story… who you choose to be. So… who are you?”

Sunset’s counterpart looked down for a bit, closed her eyes and sighed before opening her eyes again with a determined smile. “I am Sunset Shimmer! And this is my home.”

The other Sunset nodded. “Yes, it is,” she said. She looked to her family. “Take care of them for me?”

Alternate Sunset nodded as well. “I will.”


“No problem, we counterparts need to stick together, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Well, see you, Sunset.” Equestria Sunset Shimmer said.

“You too, Sunset.” The other world’s Sunset nodded before they both hugged. After that was done, Sunset turned to Twilight.

“You ready?” she asked.

The new Princess nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Then this is goodbye.” Twilight said, sadly.

Sunset shook her head. “No… just goodbye until next time,” she stated, smiling. “And if you do need me don’t hesitate to contact me, after all… we’re co-Princess’.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, we are and I hope to you again soon.”

“With our luck… it’ll be sooner.” Sunset smirked, which made Twilight giggle. Princess Sunset then turned to the Princess. “Princess Celestia? You mind?”

“Of course.” Princess Celestia nodded. She then charged up her magic and used a spell to transport the mirror portal from Twilight’s castle to right in front of them all.

“Now that’s a teleporting spell.” Twilight nodded, pleased.

“Which we’ve mastered… kinda.” Sunset noted.

“Well, we learned from the best.” Twilight said, smiling at their mentor, who smiled back sweetly.

Princess Sunset Shimmer sighed, as she looked toward the portal. “Well… here goes.”

“Take care.” Twilight said as she hugged her.

“You too.” Sunset added before they finally separated with sad looks.

Twilight then took a few steps back to join the rest of the pony crew, the last thing Sunset saw as she moved into the gateway. It closed behind her once she walked through, effectively turning it off for the time being.

Elsewhere, in the alternate world, everything was exactly the way Sunset had left it, except for the fact that the Humane Five were no longer present, that is until Applejack came walking up to the horse statue near the front of the school. She stared at thoughtfully and almost didn’t hear the voice behind her.

“You came back here too, huh?”

She turned and saw Rainbow Dash approaching from behind.

“Yeah, I don’t know why but… I just feel drawn to this place, you know?” Applejack shrugged.

“Your not the only one, and I’m not just talking about little old me.” Rainbow admitted as she glanced up. “Isn’t that right, Pinkie?”

Applejack turned and looked up and to her surprise she saw Pinkie pop her head out from behind the tall stone horse’s head and grin sheepishly.

“Ok… you got me,” she shrugged before she began to climb down. Just then, Rarity came out of the shadows near them also.

“And me as well,” she added.

Twilight’s Human counterpart showed up too. “Same here,” she voiced.

“Guess we all had this place on our mind.” Applejack remarked.

“Yeah… but we’re I think we’re missing someone.” Rainbow pointed out. They paused before Rainbow finally called out. “Ok Fluttershy, where are you?”

The aforementioned pink haired girl then popped out of a bush nearby. “Aw, how did you know I was here?”

“Well, everyone else is so…” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh yeah…” Fluttershy muttered, seeing her point. “I don’t know why I came, I just…”

“Miss Sunset?” Applejack guessed.

Fluttershy nodded in confirmation. “Yeah…”

“We understand how you feel darling, we miss her too.” Rarity told her.

“Yeah, we super, duper miss her!” Pinkie added, very close to crying.

“I… would not put it quite like that… but things do seem empty here without her.” Human Twilight agreed. “She may be from another world… but she was still a part of ours.”

“That’s for sure.” Applejack nodded.

“Yes.” Rarity added, while Pinkie Pie nodded.

“I wish she was here…” Fluttershy admitted, somewhat quietly.

“Well, she’s not and fact is; we may never see her again!” Rainbow told them, bluntly though it was clear that she was as upset as they were. “The sooner we can accept that, the better!”

“But… but…” Fluttershy muttered, close to crying. After seeing the glares she was getting from everyone, Rainbow quickly changed her tune.

She then put a comforting hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I know, I get it, but seriously Fluttershy, you need get used to life without Sunset Shimmer in it,” she told her, she gestured to the gate. “She’s not gonna come walking through that portal any time soon.”

Right after she said this a glowing noise was heard and all turned to the statue where what seemed to be the portal opening up. They all stared in shock at the light shining out of the portal and then before long someone began to step out.

“Is that…” Applejack began, stunned.

“It can’t be…” Human Twilight added, adjusting her glasses.

“Hey you guys, miss me?” she asked, smiling.

The Humane Five and Twilight’s human self couldn’t help but chuckle and smile big grins as tears began to fall down their faces, then before long they began to race towards Sunset cheering, whooping and yelling out her name while also jumping into the air, enthusiastically. And so, both worlds were safe once again and both versions of Sunset Shimmer stayed in their new homes to make sure that they stay that way as well as protect their new family/friends forever.


Comments ( 20 )

An excellent job as always

it was beautifull ending ^^

It's finally here - and I LOVE IT!!!! :pinkiehappy:

This was an incredible story. I loved it. Couldn't put it down. I definitely see a future for you in screenplay.

That was so great. Such a happy ending.

MY head hurts.

6499193 The only pet peeve I have is that Black Sunset doesn't have a nickname. Twilight in the Mirror universe was at least called Sci-Twi.

sigh i wish there was another part to this story but all good fics must end sometime :pinkiesad2:but i loved the story the fact Evil Sunset Shimmer actually was purified like equestrian sunset great story:twilightsmile:

you gonna do another story?

Overall a good story, but I didn't like the ending. I mean I loved the idea of Sunsets family and I feel Equestria Sunset should have stayed behind, and alternate Sunset go back to the human world. That's just my silly opinion though, great story.

Comment posted by CanadianFluttershy deleted Jul 24th, 2016

hey hopeful soul you planning a sequel? to this story I mean?

Your story kind of reminds me of He Man and She Ra and how She Ra embraced her world in the same way Sunset embraces the Earth as Earth is her home and Equestria is Twilight's home, but once in a while, Twilight and Sunset always cross over. Thank you for sending Sunset back to her BFFs. I like stories like this.

This is, in my opinion, one of the best posts that you have made. Your work is quite outstanding in both quality and quantity pizza tower. I am grateful to you for it.

Well, I kinda feel the same way :ajsmug:

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