• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,011 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

  • ...

A Friend Like Me

Team seven stood at attention in the Hokage's office, being stared down by Sarutobi. Understandably he was rather put out that they had waited this long to debrief him on the events in the forest. Having your head interrogator approach him after the exams with "Sir, we've gotten as much information about Orochimaru's plans as we were able. What shall we do with the girl?" gave him a heart attack for many reasons.

When he calmed down and sorted everything out, team seven was called to meet with him immediately, with threats to put Kakashi on D rank missions for the month if he was late.

"That's when I showed up, just in time to see Sasuke get bitten. I summoned Princess Luna, who managed to drive Orochimaru off, and we got everyone to a shelter." Naruto said, trying to keep himself respectful, seeing the old man was in no mood for otherwise.

"What measures were taken regarding this... cursed seal?" The Third asked, he had the notes from Karin's report, it was obvious she didn't know as much about the seal as desired. He also had information on the one Anko possessed.

"At Luna's suggestion Twilight, directing the Elements of Harmony, created a barrier. It works as a sort of valve, letting him control how much power he draws from it." Naruto explained.

"Why not use seal it away completely?" Kakashi asked. The Hokage had a good idea why, but left it to Naruto to explain.

"It's useless to assume Sasuke is never going to use the seal. Despite its negative effects, it is a power boost, and if the alternatives are 'use it or die' any ninja would make the same decision. This way he can not only work at building up a resistance to the mental effects, he can choose to use only as much as he needs to get by. Its... It's the same way my seal works." Naruto said, surprising everyone present.

"I figure it's about time everyone knew, I trust you two like family, Sasuke, Sakura. The Kyuubi attacked on my birthday right? It wasn't destroyed, it was sealed, inside of me. It has no influence on me mentally, but it's how I recover so quick, and have so much chakra. My seal works in similar ways to Sasuke's, only instead of taking in my chakra to charge, it constantly leaks chakra into my system. I can open the valve and let more in, theoretically, but that can have negative mental effects." He looked down, a part of him dreading their response.

"Wow, that... I guess that explains the villagers... sort of. They do know there's no mental effects right? I mean the Kyuubi wouldn't cause your special brand of insanity." Sakura joked.

"Heh, I guess we're in this together then huh?" Sasuke said, giving a slight smile.

"On that subject, I'd like you to meet someone while he's in town for the month. He should be able to help you start drawing out the Kyuubi's power. Before you object, it's the same thing you said about Sasuke, it's better to be able to use it if the situation calls for it, and you need to start building up a tolerance for it if you are going to eventually master it." Sarutobi said, leaning forward and handing Naruto a slip of paper. " He should be at this address tomorrow, you'll know him when you see him. "Kakashi, I expect that your other two students will both receive adequate training in the coming month."

"Of course, Lord Hokage, I had planned on alternating days spent supervising them, but I expect them to work on their own on the days I'm not there. I'll admit though, if Naruto is being trained by this other man, it makes things easier on everyone." He said.

"Also, the girl who turned herself in, Karin Uzumaki she's calling herself. She has applied for asylum here. Ordinarily we don't take in ninja from other villages, for political reasons, however as she is technically not a ninja of Kusa, and actually trained by a wanted criminal of Konoha, we have accepted on several conditions. For the next few months she'll be treated as a civilian, and be under constant supervision by one of the interrogation department. If she passes inspection we'll begin slowly giving her duties as a ninja." The Hokage said, making it quite clear he was being generous.

"I'll keep a close eye on her, Lord Hokage. She's my family after all." Naruto said, bowing in respect.

"I expect we will be discussing your family in greater detail soon enough. Now if that is all, I believe you have some celebrating to be doing." The Third said, dismissing team seven.


The next day Naruto arrived at the address given to him, confused to find it was a bath house. Entering the men's side he noticed there was only one other person present. He was tall with wild white hair that ran down his back in spikes, and wearing an outfit that reminded Naruto of kabuki performers. He would have been impressed, if not for the fact that the man was peeping through a hole into the women's side, giggling away while writing in a notebook.

"Hey!" Naruto said, walking up to the man. Getting no response he tried again. "Excuse me!" He called.

"Beat it kid, I'm busy." The man stopped giggling to grumble.

"Busy being a pervert." Naruto said.

"I'm not a Pervert, I'm Jiraiya, the Super-pervert." The man responded, shooing the boy away.

"Jiraiya, as in the one who wrote my favorite book?" Naruto asked, this got an actual response.

"Aha! A fan! Here, it's a copy of my latest work, go read it somewhere else and stop bothering me." The man said, handing Naruto a book from his pouch. Naruto figured it was another book on sealing, and decided to look it over.

"Hey! Wait a minute this isn't a sealing book, it's just a clopfic!" Naruto complained.

"What?" Jiraiya turned to look at the boy.

"A really bad clopfic as well." He complained, tossing the book back to the man.

"What the hell is a clopfic, and what do you mean mine is bad?"

"You know... That! That's a clopfic, and I know it's bad because..." Naruto trailed off, swearing he heard a distant voice cry out 'Forever!'.

"I am not at liberty to discuss what may or may not be present in a small decorative box on the second lowest shelf in my friend's bedroom closet." Naruto finished, warily looking over his shoulder.

"Right, it's called smut kid, and someone your age wouldn't appreciate good quality if it bit him. Now why are you bothering me?" Jiraiya was getting irritated.

"Eh, the Third said you would help me learn to draw out the Kyuubi's chakra." Naruto replied as if it was common knowledge.

Jiraiya flinched, the boy was a spitting image of his father, he should have recognized him sooner. "Never mind that, you're in the chuunin exams right? You said you read one of my books, which one?" The man said, turning away from the wall.

"Sneaky uses for everyday seals. The old man gave it to me, Pinkie loves it as well." Naruto said.

"Really? Pinkie? Anyways, yeah I wrote that at a fairly young age, was fairly popular among a few genin but never really made it onto the academy curriculum. How's your chakra control? With the fox in you it must be pretty wonky." Jiraiya said, trying to come up with something to teach the boy, anything to make up for the feelings of failure welling up inside him.

"It's not that bad actually, it was brutal until I mastered leaf floating and tree walking." Naruto shrugged.

"Mastered meaning?" Jiraiya asked, expecting the typical genin response.

"I can float a leaf exactly one inch from every chakra point on my body without conscious thought, and I can fight on a vertical surface as well as a horizontal one. I can also do the same with water walking, and I can stand on clouds." Naruto summarized, which floored the Sanin.

"Run that last one by me again?" He asked.

"I can stand on clouds, look." He demonstrated, using the vapor from the hot spring. Soon enough he was sitting over the water on a soft poofie cloud.

"Can you hide in those?" Jiraiya asked, positively drooling at the applications of such a technique. "You can if your control is good enough, it's like being able lay down on water without getting wet. I still haven't gotten it down to where I can sleep on one though." Naruto shrugged and leapt down.

"Seriously, where'd you even learn that technique?" The hermit said.

"I invented it myself, took me years!" Naruto called down to him, the hot air from the springs was pushing him higher.

"But you're just out of the academy!" Jiraiya called up at him.

"I know! It took me the full four years of the academy to master this. What can I say, I got bored." Naruto shrugged.

"Honest question for you kid, how'd you like to be the apprentice of a Sanin?" He said, as the boy floated back down.

"Sure, but I'm sticking with my original team, you'll have to bug Kakashi for joint custody or something." Naruto said, landing next to the Sanin.

"Alright, I'll call up the contract for you." Jiraiya said.


"The Toad summoning contract. You can't be an apprentice to the Toad Sage and not have a summoning contract."

"But I already have a summoning contract, I got it for trading the cloud technique to the monkeys." Naruto complained.

"You have the monkey contract?"

"No, I have a pony summoning contract." Naruto said, kicking off a very long-winded explanation about his life so far.

Several minutes later, he snapped a very dazed Jiraya out of his dazed stupor. "So you found these ponies by accident, and they took you in and raised you?" He asked.

"Yep, that's the gist of it. They're really not combat oriented, but I wouldn't trade them for the world." Naruto said, they had taken to actually using the hot springs as they talked. Jiraiya was wishing more and more he'd been involved with the kid's life earlier, such an interesting tale that it was.

"I don't blame you, good friends aside, you have a flying boat, and two Princesses that can move the heavenly bodies." Jiraiya joked.

"It's a 'ship'. So yeah, if you're the Toad Sage, I guess I'm the Pony Sage." He joked right back.

"Nah, you can't be a Sage till you've learned sage techniques. And before you ask, each group of summons has different ways of doing it, and gets different things out of it. I don't know where you'd begin becoming a pony sage. Still, there's things I can teach you, and I insist on teaching you them. No kid as cool as you gets to go without learning from a role model like me." Jiraiya said. "For now let's start with tapping that furry keg of energy in your gut. You need him to call in the big guns from your pony friends right?"

"Sort of, the Princesses are rather compact as far as heavy firepower goes, they drain me a lot, but I can manage. I've pulled a whole village of ponies out for a day, so I'd say my reserves are pretty deep. The Ixion, the airship, takes too much for me at the moment, but like the old man said, it's better that I have the ability to tap into this when I need it." Naruto shrugged.

With direction the blonde was soon in meditation, and he felt his mind drift into his 'mindscape'. It was time to go talk to his prisoner.


Whatever Naruto was expecting upon entering his mind, the vault of the Elements of Harmony was not it. It was exactly as he remembered, complete with stained glass windows depicting the triumph of the Elements against various foes.

The door to the vault was marked with the same seal as appeared on his stomach, and seeing no other alternative, Naruto approached the door, and touched it. It swung open at his touch, and Naruto found himself in the royal gardens. Before him was a maze of hedges, which seemed to call to him, and within them was a very impressive sight.

The central clearing of the maze was massive, far bigger than it had any right to be, but considering this was all in his mind, he was willing to overlook that fact. What could not be overlooked, was the colossal marble statue of a nine tailed fox that sneered down at him.

"Impressive isn't it? Took me quite a while to get that look on him. Can you believe the big lug has been sleeping this entire time? Not enough anger in your life to wake him up." Came a voice from all around. With a flash a creature popped into existence upon the Kyuubi's head. "I hope you don't mind I redecorated, it's not much but it's been the view for the past 1000 years, so it's kind of like home to me. That and your mind before was a sewer, talk about having your mind in the gutter."

"Discord!" Naruto shouted, recognizing the creature from the Royal Gardens, where he was supposed to occupy a spot as a decoration, much like the Kyuubi was now. "How are you possibly here?"

"Oh 'here' is a finicky term. This is just a copy of me, with a small fraction of my ordinary power. Like I said in my letter, I'm here to watch you, that's all." The Draconequus replied. "Now now, no long faces, I'm here to help!"

"Help me? What help could you possibly offer me, and why?" Naruto asked, warily.

"Would you rather deal with the furball here? You are the very essence of change Naruto Uzumaki. And change, is an element of Discord. It's my duty as your patron to look out for you. Just as harmony has its elements, discord has its own set as well."

"Elements of Discord? You can't be serious." Naruto said.

"Often I'm not, but in this case... Think about it this way, every world goes through periods of Harmony and Discord, Order and Chaos. When a regime is just, when things are stable and peaceful, all I do is pop up once in a while to shake things up, cause a little fun. I'm a necessary evil in a utopian society, discord is necessary for growth. Do you think anything would ever be accomplished if there was no struggle to it? But! When the status quo isn't working, that's when the elements of Discord really shine.

Your world is currently in harmony believe it or not. War and strife, murder and mayhem. It seems like chaos, but over all nothing changes! You want to bring peace to your world? A lasting peace like the world has never seen before? You need Discord!

Think about it, you change the rules every time it suits you, and you know it. I know about that changeling friend of yours, you think just anyone can turn an enemy into an ally like you do? You have a destiny kid, you are going to bring discord to this world, and it is going to be one hell of a ride."

"So that's it then, you come into my mind, turn the Kyuubi into a statue, and tell me you're just here to watch?" Naruto asked, skeptically.

"You've got some power in your corner now, some heavy ammunition up your camp. Just say the word and I'll juice you full of the Kyuubi's mojo. Of course it will still mess you up something fierce, I doubt you'll like looking in the mirror much." The Draconequus replied. "This big old fox isn't going to wake up while I'm here, 'believe it'. That leaves us to have a little fun with his toys, now get out there and give them a show to write in the history books."


Naruto woke from his meditative trance

"Everything alright kid? Soon as you have tapping into that power source down, we can work on your taijutsu, a ringer like you won't leave even the council any out on promoting you. Not to mention the money I'll be making on betting on you." Jiraiya joked before noting the look on his face.

"Kid, you alright? Talking with the fox wasn't so bad was it, I mean he's behind bars! He was behind bars wasn't he?"

"Yeah, the fox is there, but there's more than him in that prison. We need to talk to the Hokage immediately, and Celestia and Luna too." Naruto said, leaping to his feat, he immediately made a cloud and flew towards the Hokage's tower, Toad Sage in hot pursuit.

"Naruto!" Sarutobi shouted as the orange boy hopped in through an open window, followed shortly by his former student.

"Sorry old man, but this is an emergency." Naruto said, performing several hand seals.

"Naruto? What's the matter?" Came the confused voice of Celestia, as she and Luna joined them in the office. Jiraiya was suitably impressed by their presence, having heard stories of them already that day.

"On the Thirds advice I went into my mind today to visit the Kyuubi, so that I could learn to access its power, only I found a small problem waiting for me." Naruto said, seeing the curious looks from everyone in the room he mentally asked for a little bit of power, and allowed it to take over his vocal cords.

"Celly, Lulu! It's been a while hasn't it? Not nearly as long as last time of course, but then again the vast majority of me is still serving as a bird perch in your gardens." Came discord's voice from Naruto's mouth.

"I hope this is some kind of cruel joke Naruto." Celestia asked with a stern face, Luna as well seemed angry.

"Now now, don't take it out on the child, it's not his fault really, he was born an agent of change. This is just like how things were in Equestria, don't you think? I helped you take apart the old regime, burning away the underbrush so you could grow a stable controlled world for you subjects." Discord said.

"And then you turned around and tried to destroy that too. The question remains, what are you doing in that human?"

"The Kyuubi is taking an extended nap, I'm house sitting for him while he does so. As I've told the boy, bringing peace to this world will take such a drastic change that I'm on board just to see him do it. It's not like I have any better ways to spend the next 1000 years. And before you think of blasting me out of here with your little Elements of Harmony, remember I'm safely behind his little seal, opening this door will kill him."

"Is he going to gain your powers when he taps into the Kyuubi? Is it going to be you influencing him?" Sarutobi asked, having heard stories of the draconequus from Celestia.

"The power still belongs to the fox, I'm just acting as one half of a two part valve. The boy still has to ask for it, and I still have to give it. The most he'll get from me is a little bit of advice from time to time."

"Then I advise you do not listen to him." Luna stated, as the power cut off and Naruto was left in control of his voice box once more.

"I suppose this solves the 'getting power when you need it' issue, now it's just a matter of learning to control it." Jiraiya said, looking over the long faces of everyone in the room. "I suggest you take the rest of the day off, meet me tomorrow in the same place as today and we'll get started on your training."

Naruto nodded absently and hopped out the window, sailing away on a cloud in quiet contemplation.

With him gone, Jiraiya turned to the pony princesses. "While you're here, I have some questions. What do you know about sage arts?"


The month went quickly for Naruto. He met with his friends every three days, getting dinner and keeping up with what was going on in their lives, but none of them revealing the extent of their training. They would, of course, be competing against each other in the finals of course.

His visits with Karin were always pleasant surprises, she often commented that she felt welcome within the village, but received some distain when she mentioned her last name. He felt guilty for keeping the reason from her, but she didn't seem to mind terribly willing to pass it off as her formerly being a foreign ninja. She also revealed that she was sharing an apartment with Anko for the duration of her 'probationary period', and commented idly that the two had plenty in common.

Jiraiya had Naruto begin working on water techniques, after Naruto managed to finally suppress his wind chakra enough to use his secondary element. So far he had only learned a water variation of the 'air bullet', but he had managed to alter it to where he could effectively spit clouds. At Jiraiya's urging he put off even attempting mastering his water element until the exams were over with.

With taijutsu he focused mainly on improving his speed and strength, after Jiraiya noted he had more than enough endurance. He stuck with his 'Pony Style' after Jiraiya tried to get him learning 'Toad Style' insisting anything the toads could do, his ponies could do just as well.

He tried getting Jiraiya to teach advanced sealing to Pinkie Pie, but he refused within an hour of attempting it. Instead Naruto was left as a courier for questions and answers between them, a frustrating experience, but one that would likely yield tremendous results.

Finally work with the Kyuubi's chakra was progressing slowly. So far he could handle small amounts with only minor violent tendencies, and a few odd conversations with Discord. Mostly he found it useful to tap into it for a quick surge to power high cost abilities, but he put off using it for sustained periods until he had more time to get used to it.

The strangest sight he saw all month was on one of his days off. The CMC and the Konohamaru corps had taken to one of the playgrounds near the academy to play. He sat in a nearby tree, planning the best moment to appear on the scene, when something unusual happened.

"Gaara!" Cried Sweetie Belle, running over to the redhead as he came walking down the streets, gazing out at the crowds. Upon hearing his name he glanced over at the little white unicorn. "Gaara, we're playing Sky pirates! You should come join us!"

"Sky pirates?" He asked, seeing the little pony beckoning towards her friends.

"Yeah! Me and Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are going to raid an enemy fortress for treasure, and Konohamaru an Udon and Moegi are the evil ninja that are trying to stop us!"

"I told you, Pirates are the evil ones, you're trying to steal our treasure!" Konohamaru corrected her, prompting a round of 'nuh uh/yeah huh' between him and Scootaloo.

"You can make a really cool sand castle for us to play in right?" Sweetie looked up at him with her best puppy dog eyes. Scootaloo dropped her argument and ran over with Apple Bloom to join him.

Soon enough the playground was dominated by a massive fortress of sand, built with the filly's constant requests of 'bigger' and 'spookier'. Konohamaru and his friends leapt across its walls tossing blunted kunai and shuriken at a Gaara as he rode on a 'ship shaped' cloud of sand along with the little ponies.

"Hard to port Mr. Gaara! Raise the shields, those land lubbers won't bring us down!" Sweetie Belle cried, as sand batted away the training weapons, the sand ship swooped down low towards the walls of the fortress. "Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, prepare to disembark, it's time we take the fight to them, the treasure shall be ours!"

With a group hurrah the fillies all leapt the 3 foot drop in dramatic fashion and went to wrestle the ninja-in-training. All six of them quickly falling into a giggling heap. Naruto took that moment to approach Gaara. "It's amazing isn't, how easily they'll accept someone as a friend. It's like they just decide they're going to like you, and there's nothing anyone can do."

"I don't understand why they like me." Gaara said quietly, still watching the group roll about on the floor.

"They don't really need a reason do they?" Naruto said.

"They wouldn't like me if they knew what I really was."

"And what's that?" Naruto asked, with genuine curiostiy.

"A monster."

"You seem to be trying pretty hard not to be, around your friends at least."

"I am, but it's hard."

"The fact that you are trying means you don't have to be a monster."

"Even so, a monster is all I am on the inside." Gaara said, shaking his head and disappearing in a swirl of sand.

Naruto stood in place a few moments longer, until the excited cries of the children dragged him into their game.


At long last the day of the exam had arrived, the stadium was packed with excited Konoha civilians and travelers from all over. Foreign dignitaries arrived en mass to witness the best of the best genin duke it out for their entertainment and the benefit if the villages they represented. Odds were given at 15 to 1 for Naruto winning his first round, with 100 to 1 on him winning the whole tournament. As well as his stats spoke for him, he was competing against opponents like the Hyuuga's prodigy, the last Uchiha, and Gaara, a boy spoken of only in hushed whispers in Suna. Jiraiya giggled to himself as he placed the biggest bet of his life, if only Tsunade could see him now.

Grabbing a bite to eat from a vendor he went to sit in his reserved spot. He'd be needed elsewhere no doubt, but after hearing a lot about this Neji kid, he wouldn't miss the first round for the world.

"Welcome to this year's Chuunin Selection Exam! Would the first competitors please enter the arena! I repeat, would Neji Hyuuga and Naruto Uzumaki please enter the arena!"

Jiraiya leaned back in his seat and sipped a cup of sake. "Show time!"