• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 1,272 Views, 10 Comments

It Started With A Look - zyr1987

While Fluttershy and Rarity are shopping in Canterlot, the former shares a look with a beatiful snow-white mare passing through. A look that ends up leading to more.

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Chapter 1, Fleur's Perspective

On a warm evening in Canterlot, Fleur was making her way through the market on her way back to her agent's office, thinking to herself, did Velvet really need to put her new office at the far edge of the market? Oh well, It's good exercise, at least.

She checked a nearby clock and saw she had a bit more time than she thought, so she slowed down a bit. Letting her mind wander, she found herself thinking about love and life.

She had known she was a lesbimare from the time she was thirteen, and fell in love with another filly in her math class, though she denied it for a time. A few years later, after she admitted it to herself and came out to her family, who were rather accepting to her surprise, she ended up in a relationship with a pegasus named Misty Fly. The relationship ended amicably when Fleur, then still known by her birth name of Lily Flower, started modeling and Misty went to the Wonderbolts academy.

She had dated several mares since then, though the relationships never lasted long, partly because either Fleur or her lover feared what would happen to her career if her lesbianism was discovered. A few weeks before, she tired of worrying, and decided to come out, against the advice of her agent, saying “I'm tired of hiding who I am, and if they can't accept that their favorite model is a fillyfooler, then it's better I know that and move on than keep living a lie.”

Her thoughts then turned to her next gig, which would be for a perfume company she knew well and would be done in Canterlot proper the next day.

As she crossed a street she knew would be filled with ponies selling fabrics and the like, she saw a yellow pegasus start staring at her and turned to look. The mare, she noticed, turned away and blushed, but Fleur couldn't help but offer a smile to the pony.

She kept up the smile for a few seconds, as she continued walking and debating whether or not to stop and chat with the mare, before hesitantly deciding being late because she was talking to a cute pegasus would be more trouble than it was worth.

After a minute, she turned back to look where she was going, and turned her focus to her upcoming meeting. All Velvet Sash had said was that there were a number of job offers that had come in and required review before the day ended. She was also offering dinner to make up for calling her in at the last minute so she couldn't complain too much.

Somehow, though the memory of the mare staring at her didn't quite fade from her mind and she began wondering if she could perhaps find her after her meeting with her agent. She admitted it was unlikely, since she didn't recognize the pony, though she did look familiar somehow, and she wasn't sure if the mare was even from Canterlot.

Eventually, she pushed the memory of the mare out of her head, just in time to walk into Velvet Sash's office. Velvet said, “Fleur! Come, in come in! Sorry about calling you in so late, but the mailmare was sick or something and I had to go down to the post office to pick up my mail, among other setbacks.”

Velvet Sash was a mare of thirty eight, and a longtime friend of Fleur's family. She had a pink coat and blue mane as well as a similar build to Fleur, if aged up about 17 years. This last was not surprising since, until about 13 years before when she retired to become an agent, she was Equestria's top model. Fleur still remembered Velvet telling her, after her cutie mark appeared, that she would teach her everything she needed to become a top model when she was older.

“That's okay Velvy. I understand. So you said you wanted to schedule some appearances for me?” Fleur loved working with her not only because she was why she got into modeling and how she hit it big and she was a very friendly mare, but also because she had numerous connections in the industry and an impeccable ability to pick the wheat from the chaff when it came to contracts, even if these last minute calls came up at least once a month.

“Yes. I have three contracts for you to look over, the rest weren't worth bothering with unless you felt like traveling to the edges of Equestria to model for half your usual rate. Also, the Canterlot animal shelter asked if you would make an appearance for their yearly fundraiser in a few days.”

“How much are they offering?” Fleur asked automatically, looking over the first contract.

“They actually asked if you would do it for free. It would be good PR for both you and the shelter, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up.”

“Tell them I'll be happy to. Also, could you ask them if I can also adopt a cat after my appearance?”

“Of course. I'll tell them tomorrow,” Velvet said. “By the way, I have some of your favorite soup here, if you'd like.”

“Please,” Fleur said, taking the offered tulip-marigold-onion soup. After filling out the necessary parts of the contract, she handed it back and asked, “by the way, what's been the reaction been to my coming out in your circles?”

“I haven't heard much since the initial hubbub faded, and most of what I have heard has been on the positive side. In hindsight, maybe I was wrong to advise you to stay in the closet.”

“Well, we all make mistakes.”

“I know. Anyway, why are you asking?” Velvet asked.

“Because I was curious about whether or not I should try dating somepony after seeing a cute mare in the market. Tell Photo Finish I have a prior engagement that day, but I'm free the day after,” Fleur said, passing the second contract back to her manager.

“Of course. Anyway, after how wrong I was about you coming out, I'm probably not the best pony to ask about that.”

Fleur simply nodded and ate another spoonful of soup as she looked over the last contract. Finding no issues, she filled it out and handed it back to Velvet, asking “So, anything else?”

“No, that's it for today. I'll get these to the post office in the morning. And feel free to take the soup home with you. Just bring back the bowl next time you come by.”

“Okay, thanks,” Fleur said with a smile and wave goodbye.

On the way out, she remembered Fancypants was going to come by her place early the next day for something and made a mental note to get up early to be ready for him.

She quickly headed home, eating her soup on the way and reminding herself to add her two new scheduled appearances to her calendar.

Fleur woke up at six the next morning, and quickly went about getting ready for her day, showering, brushing out her mane and tail, and putting on her makeup. Afterwards, she made her way to the living room and picked up the book she had been reading, a tale about two mares in love yet kept apart by a very unaccepting society, as she waited for Fancypants to arrive.

A while later, there was a knock on the door. Fleur closed her book and went to open the it, finding Fancypants on the other side.

“Hello, Fancy.”

“Hello, Fleur. Nice to see you up so early.”

“Likewise. So then, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I have a business proposition for you,” Fancypants said.

“I'm listening.”

“Well, the saddlebag company my company acquired last year, Lippizanner, is set to release a new line later this year, and I was hoping that you, with your eye for fashion, could advise the designers.”

“Hmm...did they agree to this arrangement?” Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No. I was going to propose it to them after I knew whether or not you were on board.”

“I see. Well, if they don't have a problem working with me, I'll do it, though I would rather not work in an environment where others resent my presence.”

“Says the world-famous fashion model,” Fancypants said with a wry grin.

Fleur rolled her eyes but said nothing.

“On, and while I'm here, I was hoping you would chat with one of Rarity's friends, by the name of Fluttershy. She's really taken a liking to you after apparently seeing you in the market yesterday. I told her that I would let her know where and when you wanted to meet her later today.”

“In the market you said?”

“Yes, why?”

“What does she look like?”

“She's a yellow pegasus, with a long, pink mane and light blue eyes. Also has three butterflies for a cutie mark. Why?”

“Because I saw a cute pegasus by that description staring at me in the market yesterday. By the way, do you know where she's staying?”

“I believe Rarity said they're staying at the castle again. Why?”

She's important enough to stay at the castle? This keeps getting better and better! Fleur thought, as she said “Because I think I want to meet her... right now,” as she stepped out of her house, and shut the door.

“I don't think they're going to let you into the castle.”

“I can wait outside the gate. I don't have any engagements until noon, anyway.”

Fancypants sighed, but said nothing as he moved to let his sister pass.

Ten minutes later, thanks to some unladylike galloping when she was sure no one was looking, Fleur arrived at the castle gate, just in time to see the mare from yesterday leaving the castle with a white unicorn she recognized as Rarity. She continued her calm approach, smiling widely and thinking How lucky am I?

When she reached the mare and her companion, she said, “Bonjour. Fluttershy and Rarity I presume?”

“Yes, and you're Fleur de Lis?” Rarity asked.

“At your service,” she said, striking a pose.

Fluttershy, obviously averting her gaze, asked, “but I thought Fancypants would tell us where to meet you later?”

“Maybe that's what he planned, but when I heard you wanted to meet me and were staying in the castle, I decided I would see if I could catch you out here.”

“Oh, I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long.”

“I actually just got here,” Fleur said. “So, where are you off to?”

“We were just going to get breakfast, actually,” Rarity said.

“Oh! Can I join you?” Fleur asked, as she thought Please? I missed breakfast!

“Sure. I mean, if Rarity doesn't mind,” Fluttershy said, turning to look at Rarity.

“Not at all. I'd love to talk with you more,” Rarity said.

“Wonderful. I know a little place nearby, if you would like to go. My treat.” Fleur said, her smile still firmly plastered on her face.

“Sounds lovely. Wouldn't you agree, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, yes. Absolutely,” Fluttershy said, still obviously trying not to stare.

As the three ponies headed to the restaurant, Fleur said, “If you don't mind me asking, how did you two get a suite at the castle?”

“Just one of the many perks of being good friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Rarity said.

“Lucky you,” Fleur said, realizing a second too late how bitter she must have sounded. Fortunately, the restaurant came into view a second later, allowing her to distract them with an “Oh! Here we are!” gesturing towards the restaurant.

The Cafe Vert was a small restaurant that Fleur had to admit was a bit underwhelming from the outside, though she couldn't help but be a bit miffed by the slightly disappointed looks that Rarity and Fluttershy gave upon seeing it. Still, she kept the smile on her face as she said, “I know it doesn't look like much, but trust me, they make amazing food.”

She led them to a booth inside, and took the seat closest to the window. Almost immediately after, a waiter approached, and said, “Welcome to the Cafe Vert. Can I offer you ladies something to drink?” as he passed out three menus.

“Water will be fine,” Fleur said.

“A cup of green tea for me, please,” Rarity said.

“I'll have some apple juice, please,” Fluttershy said.

“Very good. I will return with your drinks shortly.”

As he left, Fleur said, “The portions are on the small side, so feel free to order more than one serving.”

“Is there any dish you would recommend?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I can safely say that the Prench toast is always good, and the pancakes are wonderful with maple syrup, though I do admit I usually just order two eggs sunny side up, since I have to watch my carbs.”

“I understand,” Rarity said.

They spent a few minutes looking over our menus before the waiter returned, passed out their drinks, and asked, “have you made your decisions?”

“Yes, I will have two eggs, sunny side up, please,” Fleur said.

“I'll take two orders of pancakes,” Rarity said.

“I'd like two orders of Prench toast, please,” Fluttershy said.

“Very good. I will return with your orders shortly,” the waiter said.

Fleur looked at Fluttershy, currently watching the waiter, as an idea struck her. She thought now would be a good time to ask her, actually.

After waiting a second for Fluttershy to turn back to face her, she said, “So, Fluttershy, I was wondering...”


“Do you like mares? In a romantic sense, I mean?” Fleur asked, unnecessarily clarifying at the last second.

She watched as Fluttershy started blushing and stuttering, while silently that she hadn't mad a big mistake. Rarity said, “Don't be shy, Fluttershy. We're all friends here.”

Fleur, thinking more reassurance couldn't hurt, said, “If it helps, I'm attracted to other mares, myself.”

A few seconds later, Fluttershy said, “s-so am I.”

Resisting the urge to let out a relieved sigh but letting her smile grow, Fleur asked, “in that case, would you like to go on a date with me?”

A few seconds and one apparently barely averted spit-take later, a wide-eyed Fluttershy asked, “you really want to go on a date with me?”

Slightly confused, Fleur asked, “Is there some reason I shouldn't? After all, I can tell by your efforts not to stare that you are attracted to me, and I do like you, and, as far as I know we're both single and interested in dating mares.”

“...Was my staring that obvious?” Fluttershy asked, blushing again.

“It was, yes. Anyway, would you like to go on that date with me?” Fleur asked.

“Um...Sure. When?”

“I was thinking I could meet you at the castle gates around six tonight, if you're still in town.”

Rarity said, “we were going to leave for Ponyville around three, but we could stay a while longer so you two can go on your date.”

“Okay, I'll meet you outside the castle tonight at six, if Rarity doesn't mind.”

“Wonderful!” Fleur said.

Author's Note:

Let me know in the comments if there's any inconsistencies between the chapters. I tried to make them as consistent as possible, but I'm only human, and I make mistakes.

I admit, though I didn't expand the opening, simply because I couldn't figure out how to. Still, I did eliminate a few wall-bangers (like a lesbimare dating Prince Blueblood, how that snuck in there, I have no idea).

And yes, Fleur does have a thing for pegasi.