• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 1,546 Views, 7 Comments

A Sithmess Carol - Dash Attack

Emporer Palpatine (sort of) learns the true meaning of Heaths Warmth with the help of two pony spirits, and a ghost from his past.

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Force Bless Us, Everyone of Us!

“Please your excellency.” begged the middle-aged stallion. “Imperial system, you must grant us the aid to Equis.”

Emperor Palpatine looked down at the pony from atop his podium inside the former senate chamber. Before it’s disbandment, this room had once been filled with voices of hundreds of delegates from all across the Empire. Now, all it was good for was hearing squeals of the unhappy systems beg.

He sneered at the pony. “As I told you many a time already Mr. Good Will, all medical supplies are to distributed to support the war effort ”

“But the Equine flu is spreading.” The pony protested, doing his best to restrain his anger. “Right now Hundreds of families are spending Hearth's Warming Eve with sickness. The disease has already claimed several lives and unless you grant us access to Imperial medicine…” He began to shiver. “Millions may be dead before next Hearths Warth.

“Bah!” the Sith Lord snarled. “You can thank the rebel alliance and it’s supporters for your plight Ambassador Good Will. I suggest you go back to your world and partake in our your frivolous celebration.”

Good Will slammed his hooves against the side of the saucer like chair. “This isn’t fair your excellency. My daughter has been infected and has already lost the ability to move one of her legs. If the senate were still active this injustice would…

“I AM The Senate Now!” Palpatine Shouted. “You best to remember that, less your planet suffer the same fate as Alderaan.”

The Ambassador gulped. “What happened to you to make you this cruel. How could the man who guided the Republic out of the Clone Wars have turned into such…”

Palpatine raise his hands and smiled wickedly at the four legged fool before him “Are you sure, you want to continue that sentence Ambassador Good Will? Your words are treading on treasonous. If you value your life, I suggest you go home, before you anger me further.”

“Good Will Nodded.” yes your grace.

as his platform began to move back in place, the downtrodden pony turned back to the Emperor and smiled. “Happy Hearths Warmths Mr. Palpatine.”

“Bahumumbug” he sneered.


Later in his office, Palpatine stood besides his window and watched the hundreds of speeders passing by. All the while, he thought about the miserable insignificant scum that inhabited the city. Even if he had more control over the city than he did as chancellor, scum still riddled the streets. Sure, the lower city had become a lot cleaner since Order 66, but not as clean as he would have prefered. Wicked as he was, he took pride in maintaining order.

Just then, he heard his Hollo Communications network turn on, and the sound of heavy mechanical breathing.

The Emperor turned turned back to his desk and was delighted to see the imagine of his most obedient puppet. “Greeting Lord Vader!” He cackled. “How goes your search for the Rebel hideouts.”

“I’m afraid I’m taking a short break my Master.” His apprentice replied. “Me and the rest of the crew aboard the Executioner are currently celebrating Hearths Warming Eve with our friends from ponyville.”

Palpatine was shocked. Sure he he had heard about the… incident last year, and how a young philly had somehow managed to unearth some hints of humanity left in him. He was sure that the death of Mis.Amadola had all but secured his allegiance and destroyed his humanity.

He snarled at his apprentice. “You are a disgrace to the Bane line. The Sith do not have friends, lord Vader. Surely, you remembered what happened to the last person you showed affection for, and how it made you and her suffer.

There was a long silent pause between them before Vader spoke again. “I am aware of the folly of Skywalker my Master. But, what I feel when I’m around these ponies, and feeling the warmth of their friendship. It’s like a distant memory, almost like…

He shook his head.

“Master, I would be honored if you would join us for a Hearth Warming Breakfast Tomorrow. There will be sugar plum flavoured cupcakes, and candy canes…

“Get back to war this instant, or I will show you the true meaning of suffering.”

Enraged, Palpatine lifted his fingers and zapped his holocommunicator with enough force lighting to make it explode, and destroy his desk in the process.

“Dammit.” he thought. “That’s the fifth one this year.”

With his desk in flames, he figured that it was probably best that he go home early. However, as he made his way out of his office, he felt a child on his right shoulder.

Sideouuuss” uttered a gastly muffled voice behind him.

Startled, he spun around and drew his lightsaber from the cuffs of his robes, only to find no one. However, for a brief moment, he thought he could see the image of a ghost in the windows reflection before it quickly vanished.

“Plagueis?” He called curiously.


“Driver!” The Emperor barked as he hastily entered the back seat of his personal speeder. “Disregard traffic laws and get me to my estate as quickly and as possible. I fear someone may be plotting to assassinate me.”

“At once my lord.” replied his driver,

Even after his speeder had taken off, Palpatine couldn’t help but feel like he was being followed by some ghastly presence. Worse, every time he tried to look out the window of his speeder, an imagine of Plagueis would become etched into his mind, only to vanish seconds later.

“What is the meaning of this.” he thought silently. “Did Plagueis somehow find a way to cheat death, or has all this business with the ponies and Vader has got me seeing things.” He let out deep sigh of relief, when the driver finally arrived outside his penthouse.

“We have arrived my Lord.” the driver called. “Happy Hearth's Warming Eve! Your Grace!”

“Buhhaa.” Palpatine snarled as he exited the vehicle and glared at the driver “Don’t tell those ponies costumes have spread all the way to the Corasant. I’m just about ready to make that cursed holiday illegal outside of Equis.”

“But your grace, the Fire of Friendship burns bright for....”

Without warning Palpatine lifted the drivers vehicle up with the force and hurled it towards a nearby building. The Vehicle exploded on impact.

“You should have celebrated Life Day like the rest of Galaxy.” He shouted after breaking into a fit of evil laughter. That was, until he felt another chill run past his body, this time much stronger than before. Too nervous to reveal in his wicked deed, Palpatine rushed inside to the safety of his estate and activated a full lockdown.

“By Revan why is this happening to me?” he shouted.

Because… my apprentice. You have failed to realise just how important Friendship really is.”

The Emperor looked to see a ghastly image of his former Master, covered in chains.

“So you have found a way past the vale!” Sidious sneered. “But I am far more powerful than I was when you were alive.”

You failed to understand Sidious.” Plagueis moaned. “I was sent here by the will of the force to help save your soul. If you do not learn to let friendship into your heart, you will be bound by chains the same as me.”

“But it goes against the ways of the Sith.” Sidious protested. “Why have faith in friends when you can have loyal puppets willing to serve you.”

Light or Dark,” Plagueis said. “It’s no excuse for being a asshole. But both the force and the magic of friendship are willing to help you see the error of your ways. You will be visited by three spirits, two ponies and one demon. If you do not change, then your soul shall be damned.”

With that Plagueis vanished, and in his place stood a strange pony with starry robes and a funny hat.

“Greetings to you,” the pony said, smiling, I’m Star Swirled, the ghost of Hearths Warming’s Past.

“Let me guess.” Palpatine huffed. “You're going to take me back in time to when I wasn’t so sinister. Just get it over with.”

“No. Where we are going, you’re still an evil bastard. It's the first and only Hearths Warming Eve party you ever attended, seven years before the Clone Wars.”

Suddenly, the room changed from a large luxurious penthouse to a large room from the senate building, where ponies, humans, and other life forms were dancing, drinking, and mingling with one another.

“Ah, I remember about this!” Palpatine said, a sense of nostalgia came over. “The Equis Senator hosted a party here, and I decided to go so I could convince him to pass that one bill. Oh, I did so many things that I secretly hated, but I remember this party actually being… fun.”He looked over to see some of the familiar faces. On left, Yoda was showing some foals some force tricks by levitating a few small objects. To the right, a young teenage Anakin tried to place an ornament on Kit Fisto's tendril like hair, only to get caught and scolded by young Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Eventually his eyes came to a sight he had tried deeply to forget ever happened. He turned to look at Star Swirl.

“End this memory now!”

Star Swirl shook his head.

“Go forward, your majesty. This is why we are here.”

He silently approached the balcony where the a cursed memory was taking place, watching as a younger and less hideous version of himself conversed with a tall winged unicorn with twinkling hair.

“It was lovely to meet you tonight Princess Luna.” the middle aged Palpatine said.

“It was a pleasure meeting you too Chancellor Palpatine.” Luna replied humbly. My sister and I know that Equis is still new to the Republic, but we hope we can extend and share our friendship with the rest of the galaxy.”

“There is nothing I seek more than unity.” Chancellor Palpatine said with a smirk. “You could say it’s what my whole candidacy stands for.”

Palpatine laughed. “I have no doubt I will.”

As soon as he finished, the room froze and Emperor Palpatine watched as the room around him and Star Swirl changed to various different moments in his life, all of which involved him and Luna either eating dinner, conversing, or laughing together.

“It’s funny that someone who covets power above all else would spend so much time with a women. Tell me, did any of this fit into your grand plan.”

Palpatine scowled. “You ask silly questions my four-legged specter. You should know that no one in the whole galaxy is as precise and calculating as me.”

“If that were true, how do you explain this scene just after you declared yourself Emperor”

The room then shifted to his office under the Senate rotunda.

“It is done, the self proclaimed Emperor snicked. At last the Sith have their revenge.”

Just then, the holo com on his desk displayed a real angry image of Princess Luna. “How could you do this Palpa. I don’t believe for one second the Jedi would stage a cue unless they were forced to do so.”

The Emperor’s smile faded as he took a few steps back. “Now my dear. I’m so sorry, but they were all traitors and had to be dealt with….
I hear there were children in that temple,” Luna roared. “some of them were even from Equestria. This wasn’t justice, this was slaughter.”

“Luna I…

“I’ve already spoken to Celestia, but unfortunately we have to decided to remain a part of the Republic or... Empire I guess now. This war has already caused enough strain for our little ponies.”

“But Luna…”

“Falling in love has become my second major regret I’ve made in my immortal life, only now do I see that my love was not mutual. “

As the hologram faded so too did the room, as present Palpatine found himself back in his Penthouse, his hands cuffed.

“Luna,” He shouted to the ceiling with tears streaming down his burnt rickly face. “I loved you, but even I couldn’t halt what had already been set into motion. It was my destiny to carry out the plan Darth Bane had set in motion. I couldn’t stop it, not even for...love.”

“Uhhh… excuse me sir.” a woman's voice called out in a montonton. “Mr.Starswirl said it’s me and Boulders turn.”

The distraught Sith turned to look a purple maned pony with an expressionless face as dry of emotion as Mace Windu if he ever took up poker.

“My name is Maud.” the pony said taking a rock out of her pocket. “And this is boulder. I’m, the ghost of Hearth's Warming Present… though I’m technically still alive….. I don’t get it either.”

“You can tell Plagueis I’m done.” cried the Sith. “Once was enough.”

“Just let me show you what Ponyville looks like right now ok. Then you go back to crying or whatever.”

Sidious was about to zap Maud, when the room around him vanished, leaving a snowy Ponyville in it’s wake. Palpatine looked around with curiosity as Ponies made their way, singing songs, throwing snow balls, and playing with their new toys. His smile vanished once he saw that dozens of storm troopers and imperial officers were also in the court.

“Vader you imbecile.” he sneered, and pointed a finger to Maud. “Where is he.”

“At Sugarcube Corner.” she mumbled. “It’s the only building in town thats a gingerbread house. I’ve always wondered why there aren’t any rock homes? You don’t know how many bits I would pay for a rock house.”

Palpatine slipped his hand against his face, “Just take me there so we can leave.”


As Palpatine entered sugar cube corner, he could see his apprentice handing out cupcakes to young children. The sight made him boil with anger, but he knew that this was only but a vision. Still, what he wouldn’t have to punished Vader for his weakness.

“Here you go little ones.” Vader said he handed out his last cupcake. “Rest assured, and remember not too share your cupcakes once you bite them, unless you want to spread the Equine flew any further.”

“Uhh… Mr. Vader.” Scootalloo asked. “Is the Empire going to be sending any medicine soon. My friend Applebloom is using crutches now, and I want her to get better soon.”

“I wish I could help little one? Were it a year ago I would have ignored your friends plight, but my hands are tied. It shall be up to the Emperor whether or not we can provide aid.”

Just then, the door to sugar cube corner opened, and in hobbled a yellow philly with a single crutch resting on her leg.

“Applebloom!” Scootaloo cried. “Applejack said you weren’t suppose to leave the farm. Aren’t you contagious?”

“I… am” she mumbled weakly, her eyes looking dreary as she spoke. “But, I had to wish you a Happy Hearths Warmth. It wouldn’t have been right.”

Vader walked over and stretched out his hands.

“Good!” Palpatine smirked. “Good! Put the little tike out of her misery. Punish her for her carelessness.” However, instead of killing her, Vader merely lifted her up off the ground and into his arms.”

“We must go young Apple!” he spoke calmly. “Your Brother and Sister will be wondering where you have gone off too.”

“But… aren’t ya worried about gettin sick Mr. Vader.” she asked?

“The virus does not affect humans, and my suit protects my body from harmful bacteria. Right now, my only concern is to get you home safely.”

Maud tapped Palpatine on with her hoof. “Now do you see what being so heartless is doing to you. If medicine doesn’t come soon, I think Appleboom might not live to see another Hearth’s Warmth. Doesn’t that bother you in the slightest?”

Palpatine chuckled. Of course not. “A true sith thinks only of himself.”

Maud stared blankly at him, her expression unchanged as usual. “You must not have many friends then. I can only hope the ghost of Hearth Warming Future will make you see the error of your waves. After all, you knew him once.

Palpatine watched as Maud faded away, along with the rest of sugar cube corner, Once they were gone, he found himself in much darker and dustier version of what once had been the bakery. As he gazed up at the cobwebs and the dust, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a robed covered figure, it’s face concealed by the shadows of his hood, a trick that he himself had used many a time.

“Let me guess.” Palpatine snarled. “This is Ponyville if I don’t give them the medicine. How utterly predictable. I am willing to destroy whole planets if it benefits my needs. A few sick children and a depressing ghost town are not going to change that.”

The figure snapped his hands and the two were teleported to outside Canterlot Castle. The whole town of ponies were cheering and shouting, and fireworks went off in the sky. Ponies Held posters that said, the Emperor is dead, long live the skywalker. Another pony held a sign that said, “Remember Lord Vader, There Was Good In Him!

Palpatine drew back. “No… This can’t be how it ends.”

“But it is… replied the specter.”

“Watch this.”

He lifted his hands and a video of the entire galaxy came into view, everywhere from Coruscant, to Naboo, and even Endore, the masses danced and cheered at his supposed death.

“The Rebellion can’t win!” he protested. “This is not what I have foreseen.”

“CITIZENS OF EQUESTRIA!” boomed a loud voice.

“Wait!” Palpatine thought… “It can’t be.”

He looked up to see the pony who had once loved him look flying stoically in the sky.

“Luna!” he shouted.

“This Hearths Warming eve, the Emperor has been slain at the hands of our friend Darth Vader. Now that the tyrant has been taken care of, our kind shall suffer no longer. As of right now, the rebellion is shipping us supplies to fight off the infection that has plagued both this country and the planet. The cure will be distributed nationwide, but until then, we must do what we can to fight the infection, and honor the hundreds of ponies it has taken. Applebloom, Derpy, Miss. Harshwiny, and all the other ponies this virus has claimed, our hearts go out to you and your families who have also suffered greatly.”

Palpatine frantically grabbed the shoulder of the specter. “Please answer me this Specter, is all this a vision of what will be, or is all of this set in stone. I can’t let my life’s work fail.”

As he shook, the hood of his robes came off. Palpatine jumped back with fear. “No!” he screamed in disbelief and terror. It can’t be you… I …. I killed you myself.

The figure chuckled. “Oh but its is”

Palpatine fell to his knees and pleaded to the true phantom menace before hi,. “Please… have mercy on me.”

The demon merely chuckled, savoring the Sith Lords misery. “Meica all out of mercy Palply. Not after what yousa did to Meica and friends.” The harbinger know only as Binks drew out two lightsabers, one red, the other green and pointed them at the pleading Emperor. “No, Meica think yousa getting what yousa deserve. Bwahahahaha!”

Palpatine let out a blood curdling scream as the gungan lunged at him and hacked him to pieces with his festive colored lightsabers, all the while laughing like a maniac.


“I’m sorry!” The Emperor shouted as he woke up on the living room floor before trying to catch his breath. “Had all that really happened?”

He decided he dare not risk it. Even if he had to force himself, he decided right then and there to make amends by giving the ponies their damn medicine and partaking in their frivolous celebration. He looked at his clock, and sighed to see that it was still Morning on Equis, which means Hearth Warming Day had only just begun. Without wasting anytime, he order a medical supply freighter and a Star Destroyer to send him and the supplies to Equis.

By the time he arrived and landed in Ponyville, Morning had just given way to the afternoon. Only twelve hours to make things right.

“Citizens of Equis!” He shouted merrilly “Happy Hearth Warming Eve to all. I know I haven’t been the kindest leader of late, but today, I’m making it all up by providing your planet with the most advanced medicine the Empire can afford. Even as we speak, supplies are being sent all across the planet.”

The crowd of ponies started to cheer and praise Palpatine for his surprising generosity. Though not all in the crowd were pleased.

“What is the meaning of this!” cried the voice of an angry voice of Princess Luna and she flew over and landed in front of the dark emperor. “After all the rumors we’ve heard across the galaxy, you expect us to belive that someone like you has changed.”

The crowd gasped at Luna’s surprising statement, and stared at the two of them.

“How very brave of you to say such things my dear Luna.” he whispered. “But you should always be careful with what you say to your Emperor. My charitable heart can pass just as swiftly as it came. I suggest you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Luna opened her mouth to speak out, but she knew she wasn’t in any position to do so. Equis needed those supplies, and even with Darth Vader’s protection and her own history with Palpatine, no good could come of provoking him.

“Forgive me your Grace.” she said.

“All is forgiven Princess, though I do hope to one day earn your forgiveness as well.” He leaned forward and whispered into her ear. “You may never approve of the atrocities I have committed, or the evil I’ve done, but I realise now that I do in fact love you. I sense a part of you still loves me as well.

Luna grunted and whispered. “Any feelings I have for you do not take away my anger for all the harm you have caused.

“Nor should it” he muttered back. “Feed it, let it grown, and one day that anger will turn into powerful hatred, from which you may use to acquire great power.”

“I tried a dark path once before.” she whispered angrily. “Never again! I’ll play along with your charade for now, but once the festivities are over, I want you to leave.”

She withdrew from him and flew off towards Twilight's Castle. It was then Palpatine spotted his apprentice carrying young Applebloom towards the Apple Farm.

“Lord Vader!” he called, walking towards him.

“Master?” he said with surprised. “I thought you weren’t coming.”

“I’m afraid I’ve let the dark side of the force carry me too far my apprentice.” he said. “I’m going to cool down the evil a bit for a while, at least until Plagueis and that accursed Jar-Jar are happy?”

Vader tilted his head. “Jar-Jar sir?

“Don’t even ask.” Palpatine moaned. “Last night was like a bad death stick trip for me, one I dare not repeat.”

And so, after returning Applebloom to her family, Granny Smith invited the two sith Lords for Dinner, much to Applejacks dismay. After saying a few prayers - (with Palpatine being the only one faking) - they had Hearth Warming dinner that consisted mostly of assorted apple foods. And once they were done, Appelboom, who no longer needed to worry about dying shouted “Force Bless Us, Everyone of Us!”

The End

Author's Note:

A huge thank you to Follow Focus for writing Darth's Warming Eve and for let me make this fan made sequel. Paplaptine may not have leaned as much as Scrooge, but hopefully he won't get too carried away with the whole "master of evil" thing in the future.

Thank you for reading!
And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you awesome people on FiM. Remember, don't be Scrooge Don't be a scudge, or the ghost of Jar-Jar Binks will be vising you in your dreams and reap your soul.

Comments ( 5 )

Merry Christmas from all the Sith Lords!

Saw the title and couldn't help but look at this. I'll read it when I have time.

That last picture scared the shit out of me.

6693612 Since this story last Christmas, technically I can say I was on board with the theory before it was cool.


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