• Published 22nd May 2012
  • 15,643 Views, 817 Comments

A Troll Through the Park - Spanner

Twilight and Celestia unwillingly change places for a number of days.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Chocolate, Confessions & Armatures

Chapter 4: Chocolate, Confessions & Armatures



A purple body collapsed under a fruitless tree. “Too... tired... for... vengeance,” the unicorn said.

“What was that Twi?” Applejack asked, as she was bucking the last tree. She looked back and spied a tuckered out Twilight, snoring loudly.

“Hey BP, ain’t that the cutest sight?” Applejack struggled to keep herself from bursting with laughter.

“I don't know Applejack; it seems a bit undigified the way she’s all spread out like that,” replied Berry Punch, who looked at Twilight’s body in slight revulsion.

“Well Berry, are you gonna help me with this, or would that be fraternizing with the enemy?”

Berry Punch waved her hooves defensively. “Oh no, the last thing I want is to pick sides. I was just here to make sure Twilight didn’t use her magic.”

“So why is this up to you all of the sudden?" Asked the farm pony with skepticism.

"I get fruits and veggies from both your families for my business, so I can be seen as a neutral party. You and the Carrots must understand, I literally can't afford to choose sides here."

Applejack straightened her hat. "Right, right, just help me out here.”

Berry assisted in hoisting the unicorn onto Applejack's back. "I bet it was a lot easier to buck all those trees when you weren't causing a stampede of bouncing bunnies, poisoning pitiful ponies, or sending Rainbow Dash ricocheting across town," Berry teased as she helped.

“Ha ha. As true as that is, I couldn't have done it without Twilight. I can’t believe she nearly bucked half east field. It's like she was possessed or something. Maybe she read some books on hard work.” Applejack gave an exaggerated wink to the pink mare.

Berry Punch smiled slightly. “You know what I can’t believe? After all this time I’ve worked with your two families through my juice and wine business, ya'll still don’t get along better. I mean you’re both hard working farmers, have large close families, run successful businesses selling your crops in Ponyville—”

“You do make a good—” Applejack started to say.

“—and don’t forget, you also practice overly complicated traditions and are stubborn as boulders.”

“Hardy har, I’d love to stick around for more of your witty insults, but I need to get Twi here back to the library and hit the hay.” Applejack yawned deeply, before wearily trotting off towards town, the limp unicorn slung over her back.

“Would you quit calling me BP, and just call me my full name? Berry, by itself sounds like a colt’s name, and BP sounds like it’s short-hoof for some corporate thingy.”

“Sure thing BP, maybe later,” Applejack said, over her shoulder. She wasn’t really paying attention.

Shrugging slightly, Berry Punch muttered to herself, “Dealing with these two families is going to make an alcoholic out of me." She took a deep breath, as she gazed at the shadows being cast by the trees. "I can't believe I missed my morning shot for this!"


Spike crept closer to his caretaker’s bed with an anxious look on his face. He stood a few feet away debating on whether he should wake her. Spike always enjoyed the sight of the peaceful bundle of fur that was Twilight slumbering, especially because it meant she wouldn’t yell at, scold, or order him around to clean up after her.

Twilight’s disheveled form rolled over, sending the star and moon patterned bed sheets to the wooden floor.

“Luna, scoot over, you’re hogging all the covers.” Celestia opened her eyes and shook her head, quickly remembering who and where she was. She noticed the purple dragon staring in her direction and asked, “Spike, were you just watching me sleep? That's really creepy.”

“Were you just dreaming about being in bed with the former terror of the night? Because that could be considered creepy too.”

Twilight’s form straightened to match Celestia's regality. The effect was lessened by the fact that she was still lying down and her mane was matted and filthy. “You should refer to her as Luna or Princess Luna since she is... forget it, it was just a dream.” Now is definitely not the time to speak in my sister's name.

“A dream or a fantasy?” Spike asked, a teasing look on his face. The baby dragon stopped chuckling as soon as he received Celestia's scorching glare. One that bore through his soul and through the wall behind him.

After the existential shake down of a minor, Celestia rolled away from Spike and pretended to sleep again.

“Okay okay, it was a bad joke. I’m sorry, just please get up.” Spike nudged at Twilight’s body. "I know you’re faking; we're going to be late.”

The fake snoring noises ceased. “Late for what? It’s only 1:30 in the afternoon and nothing on the list has a set time, except my experiment”

The young dragon began twiddling his fingers. “Well, there’s no reason to keep Rarity waiting, and you have to leave time to get back to your experiment, which you still haven't told me anything about.”

“Fine, fine. I'm getting up. Why do you want to go to Rarity’s so badly? ...ohh ...ouch.” Celestia hissed in pain as she was roughly forced onto her haunches. Thanks to all the hard work at the farm, her back legs failed to support her. The jolt of pain through her lower back, was a painful reminder. That’s right. Spike has a crush on Rarity.

“I can’t imagine there being much you can do to help with Rarity’s shipping order, but you may come along if you wish... lover boy.” Celestia said, shakily getting to her hooves and wobbling a few steps towards the stairs. Twilight's definitely going to be feeling this later. I don’t know if I can even walk to the boutique.

Spike turned away to hide his blush. “How much help can you be with your rear end out of commission?” Spike laughed.

“Hey, I still have my magic. I can teleport most of the way.” As the words left her mouth, the unicorn stumbled painfully down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom. ”Make that, all the way.”

“Hi there!” A pink pony’s face filled her vision.

Celestia looked around the room. “How did you get in? The door was closed the whole time.” She's like a child of Discord... wait! Could Pinkie be a product of that time I— I better take Twilight’s advice and ignore it.

Pinkie Pie circled around Celestia in her usual bouncy gait. “Are you trying new ways to get around? You should try hopping. It hurts less than using your face, and it’s super fun!” In a blur of pink, all the window curtains were pulled closed and the door locked.

“No Pinkie Pie, I’m on my way to—”

“Help Rarity, I get it, but could you help me first?! You’re the only one who can solve my problem. Well, maybe not the only one. I mean, I could get ‘him’ to help, but then we would have to do ‘all that stuff’ over again...mmh ph uhn...”

Pinkie pie continued desperately to speak through Twilight's hoof jammed over her mouth.

“I’m going to remove my hoof, and when I do, I want you to tell me exactly what your dilemma is, okay?”

Pinkie gave a nod of understanding, starting to speak the second Celestia let go. “First we need to be alone.”

“Aww man, this was gonna be good," Spike complained. "I’ll be upstairs. Just let me know when you’re done.” Spike sauntered up to the study. As soon as he was out of earshot, the pink mare dropped to the floor, grasped the violet mare’s shoulders, and her eyes became bloodshot.

“I AM ADDICTED TO CHOCOLATE RAIN! I’m not talking about the song here. Before Discord became a statue again, I hid one of those succulent clouds in the Everfree forest, and now it’s all dried up.”

“So you want me to cast a new one?” Discord did teach me that spell when we were dating, but feeding somepony’s addiction might be a bad idea. “Why don’t you just throw some chocolate milk in a strainer or something, and why does this need to be a secret exactly?”

“It's just not the same, I need the real thing. Everypony might think that I’m in cahoots with Discord, which I thought about doing, until I learned he was a big meanie pants.”

“When you say it like that, I guess I understand. If everypony thought you were in league with a mastermind of chaotic mayhem and hoped to bring on a new world order of disharmony, all in the name of chocolate rain clouds, you would be concerning me."

“Isn’t that what I just said? That’s what I meant when I said big meanie pants. Duh!

“Fair enough, but wouldn't I be risking my reputation as well?” Celestia asked.

“That would be a problem, if everypony wasn’t still mad about yesterday anyway. Reputations aren't the worst part. Ever since that little precious cloud fizzled, I can’t concentrate on planning parties, and I NEED TO PLAN PARTIES or I might go insane!”

And she isn’t already? “Fine.” I just hope I don’t completely ruin Twilight’s delicate reputation by enabling the Element of Insanity. I’ll have to make it up to my student somehow.

Pinkie Pie finally let go of her shoulders and looked at the floor. “Thank you so much. I just need you to make one teensy tiny cotton candy chocolate cloud to quench my needs, until I finish planning this next really big party. After that, I Pinkie Promise to figure a way to get over this.” When the party pony looked up, her eyes were as bright and cheery as usual, and Celestia was surrounded in an awkwardly long hug.

Pinkie became serious for a moment and whispered in Celestia’s ear. “Oh, one more thing, my nose has been itching since I got here, and you know what that means.”

Celestia shook her head. “Actually Pinkie, I don’t.”

“It’s written inside that notebook, in that pocket dimension under your bed.”

“Do you mean my diary?” Something tells me asking Twilight to move it won't do any good.

“If you call all that technical whotsawhatsit a diary, then yeah. We better get going if you want to be just on time!” Pinkie hopped out the door towards the forest, followed by the telltale flash of unicorn teleportation.

On the way Pinkie finally told her what an itchy nose meant. ‘It’s so obvious that it meant somepony was following her.’ Celestia huffed.

"Girls? Are you done with secret girl time?" Spike asked as he walked to the upper landing of the staircase. His eyes fell upon the empty library below.

"Aww common!"


Celestia took one last look at the cloud she had just conjured. Scenes of the crazy pink mare reveling in the chocolate precipitation, replayed in her head. It is possible Pinkie is a ‘product’ of Discord. Celestia sighed. Will my involvement with Him ever cease to haunt me?

“Okay Celestia, let’s put that oddity you just witnessed behind us and get going to Rarity’s.”

There was definitely a sense of tension from everypony as Celestia teleported across Ponyville in short jumps. Especially since every time she popped into existence she gasped in pain from her hind legs. She headed across town to the Boutique, away from the Everfree Forest. The looks from Mayor Mare and Bon Bon seemed especially unpleasant. Judging by the glares and whispers of the townsfolk, Celestia realized Twilight's reputation had plummeted a bit more than she had thought. The constant teleporting probably isn’t improving their opinion, but it just might lose whoever is following me.

When she arrived at Rarity’s storefront, a delivery trailer was parked out front. A couple pegasi and a gruff colt were busy loading it with cargo. A round-chinned colt and a white unicorn were scolding a grey pegasus for directing the trailer into the side of Rarity’s shop. Celestia thought her job would be simply organizing and loading the boxes, but Rarity had a “more personal affair,” arranged for the librarian.


"I knew it! This is the sort of dirt I was waiting for!" A feminine whisper emanated from a tree outside the Carousel Boutique.

Spike and a grey mare were perched on a branch next to each other. The foliage of the tree concealed them while they spied into the second story window. The mare held a pair of opera glasses, while the dragon clutched a camera.

“When you asked me where Twilight went, I wasn't expecting you to use that information to stalk her every move,” Spike folded his arms in frustration. He had to speak carefully, while keeping balance on a tree limb. “I just came to see why Twilight didn’t tell me when she was going to Rarity’s. I don't want to jump to conclusions until I have all the facts. Maybe it’s not what it looks like.”

“Oh Spike, don’t be so naïve. A spa trip together, the nudges and embraces she gave to Twilight’s sides all the way to said spa trip, the outrageous outfit changes? I mean, look how Rarity is all over her. Just think, if I threaten to expose this relationship, then you can have a chance with Rarity again.”

Spike crossed his arms and stuck his tungue out. "Gross, I'm not looking. Also, that doesn't make any sense. How does exposing Twilight's relationship help me get with Rarity?"

"Well, she'll have to give in to my demands or risk a scandal. I know plenty of nobles who would love some leverage over Celestia's student."

Spike waved his arms, nearly falling from the tree. "Wait, wait, wait. What do nobles care about ruining Twilight's reputation?" The little dragon clutched his head in confusion.

"The Sparkles are a noble family Spike. They just never act like it. Night Light and Twilight Velvet have never been caught in any bribes, black market crime, conspiracy, or anything." But love between a noble descendant like Twilight and a commoner like Rarity? That could ruin her!" The spy clasped a grey hoof over her mouth for her outburst.

Spike's eyes lit up with realization. "You think if Twilight's reputation is ruined, then Celestia would drop her as her personal student, then other noble brats could take her place?"

"No, I don't think that Spike."

Spike sighed in relief.

"That's what the nobles think and that's all that matters. Twilight will have to avoid being seen with Rarity. Less time with Rarity, means more opportunities for you." The mare said, as if spying on young couples was a pedestrian affair. Considering her Canterlot background, it may have been true.

Spike looked crushed and disturbed. “You do realize Rarity is an Element of Harmony? Twilight needs to spend time with Rarity to literally save the world? Besides, Twilight's like family to me, and I’m not into invading her privacy."

"You make it sound like I'm the villain here. Ruining one relationship isn't Apocalyptic. Celestia isn't so petty to dump her most promising, perfect little protégé." The mare reached over to the purple dragon. “Just pass me the camera.”

Spike pulled the camera further away. "You are the villain. The elements rely on friendship to... hey the strap is still around my... choking!”

“Sorry, I’ll just undo... that.” The spy nestled further into the leaves as the camera strap came loose from the purple dragon’s neck and he plummeted into the bushes below the tree.

After a groan of pain, Spike brushed himself off and gaze upwards.

“I won’t say anything to Twilight for now. But that’s only because I could never explain what I was up to without letting her know I was spying on her. I’m tired of getting choked by everypony today.” The heartbroken dragon sulked away, kicking a pebble. Maybe I should go check on that experiment. Twilight was really specific about checking on it at exactly 3:22. It isn't like her to miss her own deadlines. It's definitely time to write the Princess a letter.


Celestia removed some prop reading glasses, shifting her position amongst the lacy bed sheets and books strewn about.

Rarity paced around the bed anxiously. “There is just something wrong with this whole thing. Your back leg is just not sitting right. I have to make sure this all comes together seamlessly!”

“I’m sorry Rarity, my leg fell asleep because you’re taking forever!” It also really hurts. “Why are you doing this again? Wouldn't it be faster if you used magic?” Celestia asked impatiently. It became increasingly awkward, as the mare attended to her with hooves and mouth.

Rarity, still laying on the bed beside the unicorn, drew a white hoof through the air as if pontificating to a crowd. “With all successful businesses one must appeal to all audiences and all demographics. A disheveled look is popular in Manehatten and other big cities. The librarian, intellectual ponysona are also in. Purple is the color of royalty you know? Thus you, are the picture perfect subject for modeling this new line. As for the lack of magic, it is difficult to get the wrinkles in the cloth right with magic. You must think of the earth pony audience my dear.”

Celestia sighed. “If you say so, but why did you choose me? I thought Fluttershy was your top model? Also, isn’t the color of royalty white and midnight blue?”

Rarity stopped her ministrations. "Twilight dear. Gold and navy blue have been out of royal style for over a century."

"But, but, how can that be? I'm still ruler... er Celestia and Luna are still rulers of the nation. How can their colors not be, 'The Color of Royalty?'"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Twilight. This is exactly the reason why ponies in Canterlot don't respect you. You have no sense of fashion and you know nothing about Canterlot culture." Rarity gasped and covered her muzzle with both hooves.

Celestia silently stared daggers at the fashionista.

"I'm soo sorry Twilight. That was incredibly mean spirited of me. That sort of talk is exactly what caused Fluttershy to quit her modeling career."

Well, that at least explains why my subscription to Play Pony magazine was cancelled. “Fine, I forgive you. Just try to finish this up quickly.”

After Rarity was finished, Celestia shed the designer garments and both of them headed out to check on the trailer.

The pair of ponies admired the fully packed trailer of boxes for a moment, before Celestia spoke, “Wow, your fashion business seems to be picking up quite nicely.”

“I would never have had time to complete all my work lately, if you hadn’t helped me improve my skills in magic. We certainly had some splendid times. I am oh so looking forward to our lesson tomorrow.” Rarity had a sweet, eager look in her eyes.

“Yes, I can’t wait to show you some new techniques.” A purple hoof was brought up to massage her temple.

Rarity looked introspective. “It’s a mixed blessing dear; being famous. I am most pleased with the desire for my designs, but I have less time for personal endeavors. This being so, I try to stitch work and pleasure together.”

“Seems logical to me.” Is she trying to hint at something here?

“You would put it that way Twilight, always so logical and orderly.” Rarity gave a sly smile to the violet unicorn.

Are Twilight and Rarity... involved? Celestia pondered with growing discomfort. This is getting weird. I am not pretending to be attracted to the Element of Generosity.

“Well it was nice helping you out, but I have an experiment to attend to. I’m already late, so...” Celestia was gone in a flash.

“She seemed a little odd,” Rarity remarked towards Opal, as the shipping trailer took off toward the sky.


“Spike. Are you okay?”

The baby dragon lay in a hospital bed, with a cast on his tail and bandages around an arm and head. Outside the window, the sky was darkening with the sun's final retreat below the horizon.

“...Aghh... if I was okay, would I still be lying here? Why... why did you do this to me, then leave?” Spike's voice was quiet and full of pain, but it was obvious he was pouring on the drama a bit.

“There is no way I could have done this; I was at Rarity’s.” I mean there was that one fiasco when I was sleepwalking and woke up on top of that casino in Los Pegasus, but this time I was definitely with Rarity. “I’m glad you’re well enough to make sarcastic remarks.”

Spike cringed at the mention of his crush. “If you weren't at the library, then why did a manic purple unicorn, with your cutie mark, bust down the laboratory door and trample me? You’re telling me you came in after this look alike, found me, and had nothing to do with this?”

“Those are both logical questions. I’ll get back to you on those, but I’m going back to the lab first.” This day has been getting more ridiculous by the minute. Why do the Elements of Harmony always attract so much... disarray?

Celestia sauntered towards the door and spoke in a whisper, “What are you up to, my faithful student?”

“What was that Twi...”

Spike cringed as a scroll forced him to painfully belch. After settling himself, Twilight’s assistant began reading out loud.

Dear Twilight Sparkle.

Where politics are concerned, everything seems more complicated than it needs to be. Remember that I am doing what I feel is best for everypony. My actions recently may have brushed a few coats the wrong way, and I feel something is brewing on the horizon. In positions of power, it is hard to know who to trust. Sometimes I wish there was somepony to make these tough decisions for me.

Just some digressions I wished to share with my favorite pupil. I hope all is well in Ponyville.

Princess Celestia.

PS: Speaking of those you can trust, I hope your number one assistant is doing well.”

“Well that was an interesting letter. Do you think she expects a response?” Spike had a look of puzzlement on his face. Something... no, a lot of things, just don’t add up. Twilight knows I like Rarity and she rarely neglects experiments, and now she is getting a weird letter from the Princess. Plus, how in the hay did she buck all those trees?

“I’ll take care of that from here. You just get some rest, my number one assistant. I'll come back when I need the response sent.” Spike seemed to relax at this, and handed over the letter.

“Yeah... you go take care of that, but I have questions when you get back.” I have my own investigations to attend to.

Celestia hobbled into the hallway, meeting a strong scent of antiseptic. The scent one always gets overwhelmed by in a hospital. She rounded the corner and met the eyes of a concerned yellow pegasus. Fluttershy squeaked in surprise. She was carrying some flowers and a huge bunch of balloons. The bundle of balloons tied around her waist was nearly lifting her off the ground.

“H... how is he?” Fluttershy stuttered.

“He’s awake now. He looks like he will be just fine.”

“You... you must be relieved.” The words seemed to release all the muscles in the shy pegasus, who had clearly been more stressed than Celestia.

“I am. You can go in and see him if you want.” No wonder Photo Finish picked her. She's so adorable when she's all meek and worried.

“Th... thanks.” Fluttershy half floated half scuffled through the door with her hooves barely contacting the white tile. When she was out of sight, Celestia noticed a small white bunny staring at her. As the small rabbit’s gaze bore down on her, they both had a realization.

Pink magic sprouted from Twilight’s horn, allowing the two beings to understand one and other. After a few minutes, Angel and Celestia shook hooves and paws. Celestia quietly opened the door to allow Angel Bunny to slip in after his caretaker.

Well, that takes care of the Carrots. I would call it even now. Who knew rabbits could be such good negotiators.


Celestia found herself passing through the heart of Ponyville once again, reading a small scroll of paper.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Where politics are concerned, everything seems more complicated than it needs to be. I sense some politicians are purely driven by bits. Were you aware of this? Of course you are! You always have a plan. I am doing what I feel is best for everypony, but I fear I am making some enemies. I feel I’m almost at the bottom of whatever is brewing on the horizon. I’m not sure I am qualified for this and I don’t know who to trust. I wish you were here, but you’re needed in Ponyville.

I finally figured out how to send you coded letters, but I may have upset a few random dragons along the way. Keep a lookout in Ponyville for a while. Dragons may not be the only threat.

Perhaps you could point me in the right direction. That is, if you wouldn’t mind.

Twilight Sparkle.

PS: Speaking of those you can trust, how is my number one assistant? I would tell him our secret soon. I trust him completely. Also, please take care of ‘her’ for me. Oh, and see if you can close the portal I made in the Everfree Forest.

Celestia finished the magically altered letter on her way back to the library, setting it on fire afterword. This version of the letter sent her mind swimming with questions. Celestia smiled a little. Welcome to politics, my faithful student. I made the same mistakes my first time with the instant message spell too, but what do you mean, take care of “her?” I don’t even know who she is.

Celestia stopped for a moment. Does she mean take care of Rarity?


Back at the library, the door to Twilight’s underground lab lay in pieces. This is where her assistant had been found. There were deep hoof marks visible in the wood. Somepony or something had obviously burst out of the basement in a hurry. There were no signs of horse shoes on whatever had made the hoof marks.

What in Tartarus could have done this? Even an earth pony would likely be in pain from leaving this kind of damage.

Celestia's little unicorn heart skipped a beat. "Speaking of Tartarus..." A ring of purple magic formed around the scene. This was no simple detection spell. This was an entire compendium of detection spells cast together. Detection of evil, detection of other worldly horrors, every known hoofed beast of Tartarus, chaos, daemon, ghosts, and ghouls.

Celestia moved through the gaping entry with caution. The rippling edge of the spell matrix crept forward with her every hoof step and expanded to cover the walls and ceiling as she passed the doorway. She made her way down the steps, her legs shook from the earlier strain on the farm.

The scene at the base of the steps set the princess on edge. Natural light was replaced by overhead lighting. The furniture of the every day pony was replaced by metal lab tables and complicated equipment. Scattered everywhere were gears, armatures, glowing stones, assortments of liquids in beakers and test tubes, along with other intricate parts and components. Scribbled notes and books spilled over the edges of any available flat spaces, while diagrams and equations lined the walls.

Celestia let out a sigh of relief, finding no signs of mal intent or evil abominations that had been birthed within the depths of her student's home. She did however, find traces of many restricted magics that would have most of the Mages Arcanum of her School For Gifted Unicorns throwing a fit.

As the Princess scanned the room, a sense of unease was building in her gut. This mess wasn’t merely left by some sloppy researcher. Somepony was searching for something. Some of the sketches on the wall had been torn down, many drawers lay open. Some shelves were unhooked from the wall and thrown to the floor with enough force to splinter the wood.

What had caused the entity such distress to wreak such a havoc? Anger? Despair?

An open notebook on a desk caught her eye and she quickly moved towards it. Celestia jumped in surprise. In her haste, she had accidently kicked some broken glass that was strewn around the base of the desk. She dropped her scanning magic and deposited the shards into a box nearby, before finally taking a look at the date and title in the notebook.

Oct 28th Project 352: TSR

Based on my calculations, she should have enough magic charge to power on by 3:20 tomorrow. I must be there to supervise!

It's going to be so fun to “teach” her.

Celestia wasn’t sure what to make of this and flipped to a few earlier dates.

Oct 20th Project 352: TSR

Unfortunately, not all the data and protocols could be transferred to her memory in the inactive state. For now, I was only able to give her my basic Identity.

Oct 12 Project 352: TSR

Finally, a sufficient energy source. Yes, the sample I obtained from the place called "The Crystal Scar" should do nicely. As long as it... no, as long as she. The pronoun seems appropriate now that I’m so close. As long as she doesn't completely drain her magic, everything should be fine. If not, there's only a 13 percent chance of violent explosion and a twenty-three percent chance of implosion.

Celestia flipped to what seemed to be the first entry. The rest of the title was globbed with ink.

July 4th Experiment 352 Twilight Sparkle...

After the many close calls, and all the dangers I have faced with the Elements of Harmony, I have realized how fragile this existence is. It would be a shame to lose all I have worked for and studied. Who would wield the Element of Magic in my stead?

Books, like flesh, don’t last. Except maybe the tomb of everlasting charms or the royal family. So maybe that isn't the best quote—

“Whatcha doin’?”

Celestia jumped around in surprise. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stood staring at her expectantly.

Are these ninja fillies? After the initial surprise, Celestia returned to the notebook. Next to it, lay a stack of scrolls and books, including all her student's friendship reports.

“I’m studying an experiment on the—”

“It took forever for us to find you,” Sweetie Belle interrupted.

“Uh huh.” Celestia continued to pursue any information in and around the desk, only picking up phrases and words from the fillies. The mysteries of Twilight Sparkle's experiments a much higher priority than indulging children.

Scootaloo timidly spoke up, growing nervous at the surroundings. “So... we heard that you know a time travel spell and we were wondering if you could teach Sweetie Belle.”

“Sure, whatever you say little one.” Who are these fillies? I only recognize Applejack’s sister.

“Do you Pinkie Promise?”

“Yes, I saw Pinkie Pie earlier today, now would you please leave me to my studies,” Celestia replied, misinterpreting the question.

“YAY! Cutie Mark Crusader Time Turners are a go!” The shrill scream caused Celestia’s purple ears to perk up.

Cutie Mark Crusaders... CMC! ‘Time Turners?’ Uh oh.

Twilight’s figure turned to the three excited girls. “I actually can’t—”

“EVER break a Pinkie Promise!” Pinkie Pie poked up from the desk behind her. Considering the desk was against a wall, it should have been impossible.

“But I can’t give—”

“Never!” Pinkie Pie bore down again.

“Fine!” It’s not like this filly can cast that kind of spell anyway. Pinkie could do well in pony special forces, Celestia thought.

After reviewing the highly dangerous magic with the children, Celestia waved off the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Now don't forget to get that letter delivered to Canterlot as per our agreement for me teaching you!"

Finally, after the fillies had gone, Celestia could finally get down to business. The bath that followed was the most fulfilling bath she had in countless years, which was followed by an early bed rest. Celestia didn’t go to sleep too early. After all, she had to reserve time to read the diary. The diary of a certain student Pinkie Pie revealed the location of.

As she ran a hoof over the cover of her Dearest Student's confessions, Celestia could clearly picture the basement door. Now fully repaired and warded well enough to stop a dragon. I have to get to know My Little Star better, if I want to survive the next few days.


To be continued.

Author's Note:

Chapter summary:
Celestia bucks half of the east field and passses out. She finds out that Pinkie is addicted to chocolate rain and makes a chocolate rain cloud near the Everfree Forest.
A stranger and Spike, spy on Celestia while she poses for a photoshoot for Rarity’s new fashion line. Celestia forgets to check on Twilight’s experiment on time. Spike claims he was trampled by somepony that looks like Twilight, which burst from the library basement earlier. Celestia makes a deal with Angle Bunny at the hospital after visiting Spike. Celestia receives a letter from Twilight, warning about dragons and other potential threats. Celestia discovers the library lab destroyed and the notes on experiment 352. There she accidently promises to teach teach Sweetie Belle a time travel spell for the CMC. Celestia sends a letter back to canterlot and starts reading Twilight’s diary.

Thanks for reading!