• Published 23rd Dec 2014
  • 403 Views, 31 Comments

Law, Order, and Life. - Danthebronyman

LawWing is a smart, cunning, justice seeking pony who has almost everything a pony could want! But is sadly, deturbed by this.

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The Trial

"All rise for the honorable Judge Harmonic Brush!" boomed the black and white bailiff.

"You may be seated as I read the charges against the defendant, Mr. Govi." announced the judge. "We have: 1 count murder in the 1st degree, and 1 count attempting to avoid arrest."

"How does the defendant plea?" she asked.

"Not guilty your honor." replied the devilish faced defendant's lawyer.

"And in the nation's opinion Mr. Wing, and Ms. Lure?" questioned Harmonic.

"Guilty on all counts." answered the two ponies in unison.

"I see." she remarked. "In that case, court is now in session!" she commanded as she banged her gavel.

"May I start?" questioned the defense attorney.

"Go ahead councilor." the judge replied.

"Yes your honor. To state my point, I call a Mrs. Hound to stand!" commanded the lawyer as the witness was brought to the stand and given the oath. "On the night of the incident, what did you see?"

"Well, I saw Mr. Govi, and he was, err." she shuddered.

"He was what? Spit it the buck out woman!" ordered the lawyer.

"Objection, witness badgering." LawWing stated.

"Sustained" concluded Judge Brush. "Please answer the question though, ma'am."

"He was having fun with a lady friend and well, his roommate just walked in!" she answered shyly. "He was screaming and shouting that she was his girlfriend"

"So, my client merely shot in self defense, not knowing what he would do, and afraid that he may hurt the girl." stated the lawyer with a smirk.

"Well, according to evidence, the bullets were found in the living room. And, the victim was in a corner, next to the shells." replied GentleLure. "He was clearly drug out of the room, beaten, and then shot!"

"I've heard enough!" shouted the judge. "I wish all cases could be this short. But anyways, I find Mr. Govi guilty on all counts. What does the nation request as punishment?"

"The nation recommends life in prison without parole." quoted Gentle from a parchment while LawWing nodded in agreement.

"Buck that!" screamed Mr. Govi as he pulled out a izi automatic weapon.

"Everyone get down, he's got a gun!" ordered LawWing. Pulling out his own Flock 17 pistol from his white suit.
Then, another pony ran threw the court doors, holding a small N1 Grond Rifle. Opening fire in the audience while Mr. Govi opened fire on the court officers. Shooting at judge Harmonic first. Shooting her in the foreleg. But as he did that, LawWing shot his accomplice in the back of the head, making him drop dead instantly. But then, he saw it. He saw who the defendant was pointing at next. It was GentleLure. He quickly jumped in the way of the bullet-causing him to get shot. His eyes narrowed. All he could feel was metal in his left rib cage. It was then, he blacked out.

10 minuets later

"Aw, my chest" whispered LawWing. All he could see was Gentle pointing and shouting something. Then he realized it was a body, bleeding out. It was D.A. Octavia. LawWing jumped up. Adrenalin filling him. He rushed over to her lifeless body. What he didn't know was that she had come to see how LawWing trains. She was intending to retire and give him the job. He then blacked out again.

LawWing woke up in a hospital. Heavily breathing as he awoke from his bullet induced sleep. He then saw Gentle sitting in a chair by his bedside. He knew exactly what he wanted to do first.

"Is Octavia ok?!" asked a frantic LawWing.

"She's, gone." announced Gentle; starting to flood her eyes with tears.

"And the judge?" said LawWing in a quite voice.

"Alive." she replied.

It was two days later that the funeral was held. Every DoJ official came. Even Princess Celestia came! It was a quite, and private ceremony. LawWing barley spoke for three weeks. He was given her job since she originally intended to give it to him. But now, court was back in session. With the defendant in handcuffs.

"Court is back in session!" boomed Harmonic Brush. "Also, congratulations D.A. LawWing."

"I believe we were at punishment?" questioned LawWing. "The nation recommends the Death Penalty."

"On what grounds?!" screamed the pestered judge.

"203 counts of attempted murder(3 being court officers), 1st degree murder in 2 counts(1 being a High Ranking court officer), and owning illegal weaponry." retorted Gentle.

"Granted." replied Harmonic. "Court is now adjourned!"

LawWing Walked into his new office. And GentleLure walked into her new office-or his ex one. They both had paper work to do involving the case. LawWing also had all flags in the nation put at half-mass to remember the tragedy of that week. LawWing even made a press statement about it. He really never knew Octavia that well. But she was a great woman, and a amazing prosecutor. What happens next, LawWing can't tell. But for now, he has a "interesting" new view on some pony.

Author's Note:

Pardon my weapon name puns. I just had to XD Here's a small spoiler I may be adding a romance tag soon ;D