• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 2,099 Views, 28 Comments

Keys of My Destiny - RageLokiCat

A horrible event has caused me to forget everything about who I am, and has sent me to the world of Equestria. I don't have a clue what I'm doing here, or what's going to happen, but I know I'm in for one heck of a ride!

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Chapter 10: Sleep Is For The Weak

"Stop!" The voice rang out like a bell, and nearly everypony, even I as I neared unconsciousness, turned to seek out its source, save the panting zebra across from me. Standing in the road where Fluttershy and I had first entered the square was another zebra. This one, a mare, was mostly white, but still had a large number of darker stripes on her body. She wore a number of brass rings around her left fore-leg, as well as around her neck. She also had two large earrings of the same material. Slung over her back was a simple bag with a few bottles and a bunch of herbs sticking out of it. Her face was stern as she inspected the two of us. Giving me a quick inspection, she seemed satisfied, yet at the same time disappointed. Sweeping her gaze over two my attacker, who was standing shakily on all fours, leaning on his swords for support. At first, she gained a look of disdain, perhaps due to their shared race, but this expression was quickly replaced by a mixture of curiosity and disbelief. Next, shock took its turn, revealing her evident surprise seeing the figure before her, who still hadn't looked at her.

"Trahern?" She asked, her voice wavering slightly. His eyes opened wide, and for the first time he turned and looked at her. Simultaneous joy and horror showed themselves in his expression as he looked at the newcomer.

"Zecora? This can't possibly be true, but... Is it really you?" He asked, staring at her in awe. She blinked slowly a few times, mouth hanging open for a moment before replying.

"Does this world now deceive my eyes and ears? I haven't seen you for nearly 30 years!" She said, walking slowly over to him. He looked keenly at her, as if he expected her to disappear at any moment.

"No my dear, it is true that I am really here. It's been too long since I saw you last, since several decades have now past." He said, reaching out a cautious hoof to her. She hesitated in returning the gesture, looking at him with suspicion.

"What has happened to the zebra I once knew, to turn him into the monster you tell me is true? You've attacked and beaten one of the pony-folk down, even in front of the entire town!" She said, anger showing on her face. He lowered his hoof in disappointment, and then slowly and painfully walked over to his beastly pet, grabbing a scroll out of one of the many bags hanging off the saddle. Limping back over, he wordlessly handed her the scroll, which she snatched out of his hand and began to read. Her face softened slightly as she read, and Trahern smiled a tiny bit. With a snort, Zecora walked over to me and knelt down beside me. I wasn't able to do much other than tip my head to look at her as she smiled and me and grabbed two small bottles from her bag. Giving me the first one, a thick looking red mixture, she motioned for me to drink it. Using what strength I had left, I used my good leg to pop open the bottle and down its contents, which tasted like an iron-heavy protein smoothie. A sudden revelation hit me, and I gagged in disgust.

"Is this... Blood?" I asked her, looking with horror at the now empty bottle. She shook her head, placing one hoof on each side of my head and closing her eyes.

"Firstly, I'm sorry about the mental intrusion, an ancient curse has forced my kind to rhyme in any and all speech, but when writing and talking through the mind we are limited no longer. Second, that wasn't blood, although that is an admirable guess. It's a potion that's designed to boost and accelerate blood production for a short amount of time, as well as increase the body's natural ability to clot blood and stop bleeding. That being said, take it easy for the next day, or blood flow to various parts of your body will stop and you will lose control of them. The next potion will reduce your pain and give you an energy boost, and no, it doesn't taste so bad." I gasped as she removed her hooves from my head and her voice stopped echoing around in my mind. With a chuckle she handed me the next bottle, which I consumed readily. The light purple potion tasted first like mint, then it rapidly took on an iciness that spread through my entire body, nullifying the pain. As that wore off, the potion began to heat up, as though it was a tiny flame, catching alight every part of my body, filling me with energy. The heat got to an almost unbearable level before fading away, leaving me highly confused.

"Fire and ice... What was IN that thing?" I asked with a giggle as I stood up, overjoyed that I actually could. She smiled and paused a moment before responding.

"Of Frost Berries and Fire Salts it was made, which is actually just what I came to trade!" She said with a laugh. I deadpanned, then face-hoofed. It's official, the universe hates me. I started to walk over to Trahern, but Zecora stopped me and handed me the scroll she had previously been reading. I unrolled it and began to read.

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for explaining all of this in a written note instead of in person, but zebras like me... I skipped over the part about zebra speech patterns, jumping ahead to important information. I'm sure you're wondering why I'm so cruel as to take your friend and/or family member away. The answer, unfortunately, is pretty bias for my side, but it's to save the life of someone I love. I've been contacted by an unknown source saying that they have in their power a zebra known as Zecora. And, I hate to say it, but the life of this mare is more important to me then the well-being of some pony I don't know. I'm sure Blazing Star is great, but he doesn't mean enough to me that I would choose him over her. Take solace in the fact that I don't think Blazing Star will die, unlike Zecora if I don't save her, and you may even see him again soon. That's all I have to say, and may you be blessed by his expedient return. I rolled the scroll back up, thinking about what I had just read.

"Zecora, could you please give him something for the pain as well? I wasn't the only one who got hurt badly in that battle." I asked, motioning towards Trahern. She nodded wordlessly, and gave him a bottle of the purple mixture, which he promptly consumed. He handed her back the bottle, and I walked over to him. Suddenly, he felt less threatening, probably because he wasn't almost twice as tall as me and swinging magic swords. He almost looked scared, as though his fate was nearly in my hooves. Oh wait, it kinda is... I thought, grinning. He began to smile back, until I stopped grinning and began glowering at him again, at which point he shrank down a little.

"So let me get this straight. You were told to bring me somewhere, or she would die?" I asked, summing up everything I had learned. He nodded, looking guiltily around and avoiding my eyes.

"And instead of telling me the problem, and what you needed from me, you decided to attack me and attempt to knock me out?" I asked, still staring at him.

"Well..." He started slowly.

"Well what?" I returned, possibly cutting him off. What does this whole thing remind me of? I feel like I've seen this before... I though as I waited for his response.

"I didn't hide the truth from you, I asked you peacefully to come with me too. You started the fight, but the last part you said was right." He said slowly, daring to look into my gaze. I opened my mouth to speak, then closed it again. Blinking several times, I realized he was right; he did start by asking me to come with him.

"Oh. Ya, I guess that's true, sorry." I said, backing off a little. Suddenly I realized why it felt so familiar. Oh crap, this is exactly like what happened with Fluttershy! What would she have me do right now? I though, staring off into space. I know what I need to do.

"Well, since Zecora is clearly not within the grasp of some crazy pony, you won't have to take me anywhere. And since I'm pretty sure you've suffered as much as I have, I think we can call it even. You were acting from the heart in a difficult situation, and you did the best you could with what you had, so I forgive you. But please, consider more than one possible outcome of your actions in the future." I finished, wrapping up my little speech. Ah, you'd be proud of me if you'd heard that Fluttershy.

"I am proud of you, Blaze. You've come so far already." The all-to-familiar voice came from behind me. I jumped in shock, spinning around to see Fluttershy standing next to and slightly behind Zecora, who was grinning wildly.

"AGAIN WITH THE MIND READING! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" I yelled in exasperation. They turned and looked at each other before bursting out laughing. I then heard Trahern begin to chuckle, and I stormed off in mock anger.

"To heck with you all, making fun of me like that. With friends like you, who needs enemies?" I said over my shoulder as I walked away quickly.

"Wait, Blaze!" I heard Fluttershy say, before the sound of hoof-falls told me she was running to catch up with me. I slowed slightly, and she appeared beside me.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, none of us did." She said quietly.

"I know, and you haven't really. Honestly, I just needed an exit, because as much as I have a billion questions I want to ask those two, what I really need is real medical attention, food, and sleep. Hopefully in that order, and hopefully all in large quantities. That potion she gave me for pain and energy is wearing off quickly." I said, wincing as I noticed the growing pain in my blood soaked legs.

"Oh, goodness! We need to get you to the hospital!" Fluttershy said, as if for the first time noticing the numerous cuts and copious amounts of blood on my body.

"Ya, that- Ow- sounds good." I said as a bolt of pain shot through me again.

Hey, that nurse was kinda cute. No! Bad brain! No objectifying mares! You can't resist, Blaze. Give in to your true nature. You know you like it. I heard talking nearby, and shook my head to clear away my mental argument.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked, looking at Fluttershy as we walked out of the hospital, my cuts cleaned and bandaged and most of the blood washed off my legs.

"I... I was asking if you were OK, you sorta seemed... Distant." She said, looking warmly back at me. I nodded, looked forward again as I responded.

"Ya, I'm all good, I just got distracted." I said with a smile. Speaking of which, you know who else is cute? I'll give you a hint, she's right- Don't you dare, brain. I thought, continuing the argument my subconscious what determined to have with the rest of me. We walked quietly for a little while before I spoke again.

"So, uh, how was the rest of your afternoon? The part I wasn't around for, at least." I said with a chuckle.

"I didn't actually go that far, even as scared as I was I couldn't leave you all alone out there. I was so worried I was going to lose you, Blaze. I'm glad you're OK." She said quietly, brushing comfortingly against me. I affectionately returned the gesture before replying with a chuckle.

"Mmm, me too. I would hate to miss out on more food." I said, smiling. Fluttershy giggled a little at my comment, causing me to smile wider.

"It would be kinda nice to have a few days where I'm not hurting myself or pushing my body past its limits in a row though. Or, any at all, now that I think about it." I mused, feeling the rhythmic tension then slack of the bandages as I walked.

"I'm sorry you got hurt again, Blaze." She said caringly.

"Hey, don't apologize; it's not your fault that I got attacked. Again." I said defensively. She didn't respond, walking quietly next to me as we made the slow trip back through town. As we were passing a narrow side street, we heard a trio of laughs, before a yellow, orange, and white blur shot out as raced past us, only to skid to a stop and turn our way. I recognized the three fillies from two days ago, the ones that called themselves the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'.

"Hiya Blaze, Hi Fluttershy!" They said in unison. I looked at them, from one to another, trying to remember their names.

"Wait, hang on, I got this. Applebloom I know, but you two... Sweetie Belle and... Scootaloo?" I said, pointing first at the young orange pegasus, then at the white unicorn filly. The pegasus rolled her eyes while Applebloom and the unicorn giggled.

"Wait, no, that's backwards. You're Sweetie Belle and you're Scootaloo, right?" I said, switching the order. The three of them nodded in almost perfect sync, to my moderate amazement.

"Wow, that was pretty good. Still, you've got to give me some credit, I'm terrible with names." I said with a laugh. Fluttershy smiled and was about to speak when Scootaloo piped up, cutting her off.

"Wow Blaze, what happened? More bandages? You're worse than us! Have you been crusading for your cutie mark too?" She asked, tipping her head slightly in an adorable way, the way a puppy might. I smiled and shook my head before responding.

"Not quite, I got into a fight." I said, knowing she would want details and trying to decide best how to describe what happened.

"Really? Awesome! With who?" She asked excitedly, while her two friends looked at her in concern. I chuckled again before responding.

"You really shouldn't use me as a role-model, don't go getting into fights for the fun of it." I said, doing my best to sound stern. She looked sadly at the ground, and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Fluttershy nod in agreement. The young filly then picked up her head and looked at me again.

"Fine... Still, who was it?" She asked, looking at me curiously.

"A bipedal sword-wielding earth-alchemist zebra with a massive pet tiger." I said, realizing in retrospect that they probably didn't know what 'bipedal' meant.

"Bipedal means he walked on just his hind legs, upright." I said, answering their unspoken question.

"Ha, ya, right. Seriously though, was it like, Lyra? She gets kinda angry sometimes..." Scootaloo said with a laugh, clearly not believing what I said.

"I'm afraid he's telling the truth girls, I was there." Fluttershy said, backing me up.

"Oh, wow." Three voices said in unison again as the fillies looked at each other. Then Sweetie Belle looked up at me excitedly.

"That must mean you won! Wow, that's awesome! You're so cool!" She said, bouncing in place like Pinkie Pie.

"No, it was very defiantly a draw. How have you girls not heard any of this yet? I'm sure it's all over town at this point." I said, looking at them with worry and curiosity.

"We've been, uh..." They looked at each other, then back at me.

"We've been crusading. Yes, that's it." Scootaloo said, grinning at me with a look that completely gave away her cover-story. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, shaking my head.

"Just, don't get hurt, don't hurt anypony else, and don't break anything you can't fix, OK?" I asked, looking at each of them in turn. They all nodded, before the group took off again, back in the direction they came from. I laughed, looking at Fluttershy, who was peering down the street where the fillies had disappeared with worry.

"Ah, to be that young again." I said as we resumed our walk. The rest of the trip passed rather uneventfully, until we were nearly to her house and I remembered something.

"Oh shoot, the salt! I forgot it in the town square! I'm so sorry; I'll pay you back when I get the money." I said apologetically to her. She laughed and shook her head.

"Don't worry Blaze; I didn't want you overworking yourself, so I had it delivered. It should be waiting when we get there." She said happily. I sighed happily; glad I didn't lose her 20 bits worth of salt that I nearly payed for with my life. We finished the trip quietly, and soon found over selves at her door once again. The salt sat off to one side of the stairs, right where Fluttershy said it would be.

"Well, that was quite a trip. I'm not sure I'll look at errands quite the same way ever again." I said as she opened the door. We were immediately greeted by a multitude of happy animals, and more importantly, the smell of something amazing cooking. As I walked in, shutting the door behind me, I inhaled deeply, breathing in the smells.

"That smells incredible, Fluttershy! I never used to be a fan of carrots, but they smell so good now, it's amazing!" I said, following her into the kitchen. She laughed as she walked over to the small wood stove and poked about in the stew-pot, likely checking if it was done cooking.

"Stallions are always easy to impress when it comes to food, especially ones as hungry as you. That's what Rarity tells me, at least." She said with a wink. I grinned and walked over, peering into the holy grail of food that stood before me. It was bubbling away happily, small pieces of apple and carrot visible among various other ingredients. She went to the cabinet and grabbed two wooden bowls, which she proceeded to fill with stew.

"You want a large portion, I presume?" She asked, looking at me. I nodded happily.

"If that's possible, that'd be great." I said as she filled one bowl and started on the other. When she was done, she gave me the larger of the two bowls and walked over to the small table she had set up in the corner with two chairs. I followed her over, sitting down at the table.

"I get the impression you don't often have guests over for meals." I said, looking across the small table at her.

"No, not often. You're the first in a while." She said, beginning to slowly eat her food. I did likewise, carefully tasting it at first. When it easily and amazingly meant up to my expectations from the smell, I had a hard time not gulping the whole thing down, not at least until Fluttershy was much closer to finishing. The meal was quiet, and we were soon done. I helped wash the dishes as best I could with my restricting bandages on, then we walked out into the living room. I glanced at the clock on the wall, doing a double-take when I realized it was already half past six in the evening. Right on cue I yawned, and suddenly the day came crashing back down on me, and I felt like I had never slept before.

"Hey Fluttershy, would you mind if I went to bed? Tired doesn't even begin to describe me right now, I think I might sleep through all of tomorrow as well." I said, literally struggling to keep my eyes open and stand upright.

"Of course not! We'll have plenty of time later for spending together." She said happily, looking at me with a smile.

"Cool, thanks. Goodnight!" I said as enthusiastically as I could before trekking over to the stairs.

"Goodnight, Blaze." She said, and I began to make my way up.