• Published 26th Dec 2014
  • 1,059 Views, 21 Comments

Can You Go Home Again? - Jordan179

A Pinkie Pie who lost her way comes home for the holidays, bringing her best friend and dearest love for moral support.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Party of Many

Very Early Morning, December 22nd, Y.O.H. 1502 - Not Quite Our Equestria

The hilarity was general in the Great Feast Hall of the Palace at Canterlot. Ponies were eating, drinking, laughing, some openly hugging and kissing one another at the trestle tables Princess Celestia had laid out to welcome everypony to her Second Day Feast. Stallions, mares, colts, fillies and foals were all present; all social classes mingled in theoretical freedom, even though in practice families and friends tended to congregate at the same tables, and some of the highest members of the aristocracy insisted on remaining aloof.

Pinkie Pie, sitting and stuffing herself with pastries and punch, drank in the blaze of Joy. She had more than done her job helping to lay the tinder -- she'd contributed some recipies (though that Sweet Cream could get very grumpy if one tried to help her out in the kitchen), worked with the castle staff on the decorations -- the vast number of balloons decorating the room had been her influence -- and helped to kindle and stoke the fires with some impromptu singing, dancing and other acts of merriment, most of which the Royal Guards hadn't to be enemy attacks (they could get amazingly nervous about the discharge of a party cannon indoors, even in a very large room!)

Now everything was going very well. The party was roaring of its own momentum, and there was no need to feed the fires any further. Indeed, feeding the fires further might be a very not-good idea -- it could rage out of control and destroy part of the Palace at Canterlot, which Pinkie suspected would make not only Twilight Sparkle but even Princess Celestia rather cross at her. Pinkie Pie had once gone through a phase of having trouble controlling her parties.

When she'd been young -- from getting her Cutie Mark and for the first four years after -- she'd had really good control over parties. Then, after Cloud Kicker Awoke her, it had all become very difficult, because now she was also throwing the special parties and sometimes everything was just very confusing. Really, her whole teenaged years had been very confusing until she met Twilight Sparkle, in that unforgetable summer of 1500, and she learned that she was the bearer of the Element of Laughter.

Everything had, slowly, started to make sense again. It didn't seem so much like realization as remembering, as if there was something she'd forgotten, something she'd lost years ago, something slowly coming back to her. When she saw Twilight (Minty -- wait -- who was Minty?) it was as if something in her head, the pieces of something broken, were trying to spin back into place, as if her mind was a jigsaw puzzle that had been spilled out of the box and she were slowly putting it back together.

Jigsaw puzzles -- Maud was good with jigsaw puzzles, Pinkie remembered, and the memory had the taste to her of a part of her not touched in many years. An image arose before her of Maud with a wedge on one hoof, rapid-fire pumping it to cut fine and precise lines in painted plywood, making her a jigsaw puzzle. She smiled. Why did she so seldom think of her beloved elder sister? Normally it was as if she were swimming upstream, fighting a current, to remember Maud. Normally, she started to feel bad, though she couldn't remember why ...

Normally. But nothing could make her feel bad this Hearth's Warming season, and she turned to regard the reason why, sitting beside her.

Light from the magecrystals and from the hearth fiercely blazing at one end of the great hall mingled in the glorious rainbow mane of her True Love. Lovely cerise eyes flickered with the far-fiercer internal fires of her warm soul. Rainbow Dash sat on Pinkie's right, so Pinkie saw her better left-side profile, unmarred by the terrible injuries Rainbow told her she'd taken in a long-ago fight, whose details she had so far chosen to keep private even from Pinkie.

Poor Rainbow Dash! No pony so good, so noble, should have been hurt so badly! Even now she had problems with close-in depth perception, even occasional partial seizures (partial petit mal, the information came to her from somewhere). And then there was the damage that had been done to her down between her hind legs, in places that only doctors and Pinkie herself ever got to go. Some places, inside, that only the surgeons who patched her up had ever gone.

(Traumatic insult to the lower pelvis, the information came to her, serious tissue damage both interior and exterior, accompanied by uterine hemorrhaging, all before the onset of menstruation, resulting in malformation of developing tissues -- impairment of both sexual and reproductive functions. Prognosis for unassisted recovery is poor. Permanent non-functionality the probable outcome).

This time the burst of mysterious information was strong, definite. It smelled and tasted like ... Granny. The image of her gentle, kind but utterly no-nonsense grandmother -- Golden Pie -- surged fully into Pinkie's memory. Big fluffy white hair, just a tinge of its former gold, framing an orangish-yellow face, from which bright and intelligent golden eyes gazed upon her grand-daughter. Her warm, loving voice, homespun tones concealing her great knowledge and even greater wisdom, often spiced with more than a hint of sarcasm.

Granny was sage, scholar, sorceress, biologist -- and midwife. This was exactly the sort of situation about which one would expect her to know.

Pinkie wished that Granny had been there to help Rainbow Dash after she got hurt. Granny could have made her all better. Granny could do almost anything!

If Rainbow was all better, Rainbow could land without crashing so much. She could stop having those times when she went all twitchy and not in the useful way like her Pinkie Sense, but the way that just left her helpless. She could feel things down there, so Pinkie could make her feel really good like she wanted to do. Rainbow deserved so much to feel really good, because she was so really good herself -- Pinkie wished she could heal Rainbow Dash.

Bourne up by the dreamy happiness of the moment, the Joy of the great party surging all around her, and her own love for Rainbow Dash, she pretended that things were like they were before her Awakening, and she could just wish things to happen. She could sort of still do it, but only to save her life or those of her friends. She knew now that thinking she could do it was childish, to be put away with the wider and better world to which Cloud Kicker had introduced her, but sometimes she just wanted to be childish. Or childlike.

She looked again at Rainbow Dash, and it occurred to her that Rainbow was a Hero, like the ones she'd heard about in the fairy tales her mother had told her when she was small. Someone fearless, who would go through anything for one she loved, someone like one of the Immortal Flock of Derecho, or the Faithful Tourmaline. Someone out of her childhood tales, and if their love was more sexual than anything the filly Pinkie could have imagined, there was still something pure and wonderful about it that had never been in any of the many casually-carnal activities in which she had engaged ever since Cloud Kicker had shown her how to really be a Party Pony. Something, in fact, very much like the most innocent dreams of her youth.

Rainbow Dash noticed Pinkie looking at her. She turned her face to Pinkie, one eyebrow raised questioningly. Pinkie could now see the subtle asymmetry of her face, where her head had broken around one eye.

(Severe fracture of the right orbit, Granny's voice said in her mind. Serious bruising to the lateral rectus, internal damage to the orb, partial retinal detachment ...)

The asymmetry did not mar her. Nothing could mar the utter beauty, within and without, that was Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie smiled at her True Love, a great, utterly-open and completely-loving smile.

It was the longest night of the year, but it was as if the dawn broke from Rainbow's face, as she smiled back at Pinkie Pie. It was a wholly-unguarded expression, one of pure and perfect Love.

Pinkie Pie felt the Love and Loyalty wash out over her, with a curious precision of emotional awareness on her own part, one which she did not question. It never paid to question at these moments. Too many questions spoiled the comedy.

So Pinkie just closed her eyes in happiness ...

... and Wished that Rainbow Dash could get better. With all her heart and might, she Wished ...

And Something -- Something long-forgotten -- answered her call.

Deep within her was a portal, a portal once open almost the time but which over seven years ago had been fettered fast with steel chains, when an Intruder had entered and raped her soul of everything it wished to take. The Intruder ... which even now her mind slipped off naming ... had made sure that Something could not help her. But the chains had been laid on so long ago ... nopony had inspected them recently ... they could be rusting ... surely they were now rusting, weakening, failing ...

Pinkie's own power, rendered overwhelming by the great Party all around her, swept forth to test the chains.

They snapped in a spray of rust.

The portal opened, deitrus fountaining as Something surged through long-unused channels to eagerly, happily, lovingly enter her mind.

Knowledge overwhelmed her. A precise diagnosis of Rainbow Dash's original injuries, delivered in Granny's voice but coming to her far faster than the old mare could have possibly been speaking. Maps of Pony anatomy, the characteristic growth patterns analyzed down to the cellular level, the location and function of every organ and tissue as plain to her as cupcake recipes. A vast Mind accessible to her, the combined and preserved knowledge of a millennia-old super-technological civilization that had spanned a whole Solar System in a now-vanished worldline. The World That Was Lost ... but had been saved, backed up, and one day would be restored ... by Something ...

My Sire ..., Pinkie briefly thought, but this thought was so awesome in its implications that it directly conflicted with what the Intruder had taught her -- that she was just a silly, helpless little Party Pony, rather than something transcendent, that there was really nothing special about her -- that she clamped down hard on this line of thought lest the internal conflict distract her from the important thing she meant to do. For a moment, the wards of the Intruder tried to check her from her action ...

Pinkie tapped into the Love and Loyalty from Rainbow Dash, combined it with the Laughter from the party, and by dint of both main force and misdirection staved off the compulsions that throughout her mind were rising to full alert, trying to prevent her from using her power in this fashion. That use of power was reserved for the Intruder itself, to do its bidding, to extend and cement its control over ... but her mind hurt when she tried to think that thought.

Something surged through to aid her.

Don't try to get fully loose yet, my Pink Daughter, the Something said, in a voice full of caring. The Shadow Vice has finally made a fatal error, and the moment of your full freedom approaches -- but not now. Help your friend for now. Be true to her. I shall protect you while you do this.

Pinkie nodded.

The pressure of compulsion was lifted. With her full intellect, Pinkie integrated diagnosis, knowledge, and probability. She Wished.

Forces which not even the Age of Wonders in its final moments had fully understood fountained forth from her, affecting multiversal worldlines on a massive scale, yet with the delicacy of a surgeon. Tremendous quantities of virtual particles appeared from Nothingness, interacted, producing showers of daughter particles, canceled each other out, yet not entirely -- the asymmetries nudging probability in the directions she desired. Her mind easily formed the necessary images, playing the incredibly-involved Finemare Diagrams with the same skill she did any and all musical instruments, in what was but the most trivial manifestation of her true Talent, which was to manage the Party that was the webwork of worldlines in Creation.

Rainbow Dash had not had a medical checkup in almost a year, Pinkie's power verified. In that year her diet and hormonal balance had changed, she had encountered new experiences (within her, the part which had normal Pony emotions giggled happily at the precise nature of some of those experiences), and she had completed most of her final growth from adolescence. It was hardly beyond probability that a final burst of growth would permit an answering final burst of healing, allowing her to recover from at least some of the damage done to her in that long-ago fight.

Hardly beyond probability. So it could be True, and without visible Paradox.

A final effort of realization on Pinkie's part.

And it was True.

The Wish had been completed, and with only trivial strain to the continuum.

The flare of Chaos magic from Pinkie Pie was very minimal.

But not impossible to notice.


Sitting on Pinkie's other side, Twilight Sparkle's eyes widened, and muscles on her back and around her barrel tensed. If she'd had wings, they would have flared at that moment.

What just happened? she wondered. She turned to regard Pinkie Pie narrowly. It was much like what she'd sensed from Pinkie around the time they fought that Hydra, but much, much stronger.

"Pinkie Pie?" she asked.

Pinkie turned to regard her, smiling at her with both her mouth and her guileless blue eyes.

"Yes?" Pinkie replied.

"Did you do something just then?" Twilight knew better than to try to get too specific. Pinkie's power had a way of protecting itself.

"Just looking after Dashie," Pinkie replied. "Her old ouchies."

"Oh," said Twilight. "How've they been?"

"Getting better," said Pinkie, smiling even more widely. "Better and better every day."

"I'm glad to hear that," said Twilight. She meant it. Rainbow Dash had once been in some dreadful fight, from which she still carried the scars. Twilight knew that they still pained Dashie from time to time.

Now that Pinkie was Dashie's fillyfriend, Pinkie was probably noticing this too and using her own unique abilties to ease Dashie's pain. Since those very same abilities had on more than one occasion saved Twilight's own life, and both Pinkie and Dashie were among her own best friends, Twilight entirely approved of the situation.

"I'm getting better too," Pinkie randomly said. And then something else, which Twilight couldn't quite catch. Though she might have heard the word. But it made no sense.

Who was "Minty?"



Cloud Kicker's wings flared with the alarm of the being within her. She stared right across the great feast hall to the place where the Element Bearers sat together.

What had Pinkie just done? It shouldn't be possible!

Pinkie Pie was hers. Pinkie had been hers since their encounter after the Nightmare Night party of 1495. Hers, in the usual sense of a sexual conquest (and that in itself had been delectable ... Pinkie had been so cute at fourteen, once Winning had finished fixing her mind so that the frightened filly had begun to enjoy it) ... and in the more important sense that Winning had fed on her Element and spread its glorious Essence into her soul. Pinkie still had her powers ... could still use them for important purposes and to defend herself and others from anyone save Cloud Kicker herself ... but Winning had made damned sure to sever Pinkie's emotional and psychic connections to her own family. And most especially to her Sire, the Paradise Entity.

Pinkie was one of the few forces Winning had seemed to truly fear. Rainbow's blind Loyalty had been defeatable first in direct physical combat and then by erosion through the infliction of self-loathing. Princess Celestia was too pure to even notice her, and she had managed to Touch Princess Luna earlier this very year -- the Winningness was within her, growing through her soul, slowly drawing her back down into the Shadows, the truth of her corruption utterly unguessed by the Moon Princess. Generosity and Honesty sensed something wrong in herself, but thought that it was pure lechery, rather than the primal essence of Lust. The naive, nerdy Twilight Sparkle could not even begin to understand what Cloud Kicker was in truth.

But Pinkie -- Laughter -- she could have spoiled everything. She could have warped reality and, with the aid of her Sire, directly defeated Winning. So she had to be neutralized before the Elements even met up. What Pinkie had told her about most of the other worldlines only confirmed the wisdom of her decision. It had been a tough fight, but a necessary one.

Her eyes narrowed as she regarded the little pink party pony. Not now, she thought. Not now, when I am so very close to my triumph. So close to Ascension.

One more year, and I'll have the power I need.


The voice was high and childlike, but with a throatiness which made it obvous that its owner was no child. Cloud Kicker turned to regard Derpy Hooves.

Cloud felt an uncharacteristic rush of warmth and caring. Derpy, she thought fondly. My true friend. Desiree Doo. When I have won my victory, you shall be high at my side, my own Loyalty, the only Loyalty who has ever loved me. And you shall be at the head of your clan -- they shall pay dearly for having cast you out.

You'd be horrified if I told you this. You've never cared for yourself, only for others -- for me, for Sparkler, for Muffin. You don't want revenge on those who have wronged you; only happiness for those you love.

You are truly good, she thought. Your rejection by Equestria is proof that this is a sick and flawed society. I shall make a better Equestria when I rule. Certainly, a far less hypocritical one.

But to win I have to keep my Laughter under control, she reflected. And the harness seems to be slipping.

I'll have to do something about that.

"Aw, nothing," Cloud Kicker replied, smiling warmly at Derpy Hooves. "Just thinking about my old friend Pinkie Pie. She's really having a good time at the party!"

"Oh yeah," Derpy giggled. "Pinkie loves parties!" She leaned and bumped Cloud's side. "I love her parties too. She's nice and fun!"

"Yep," agreed Cloud. "Nice and fun."


Princess Celestia gazed up below half-lidded eyes at Pinkie Pie.

That had been a noticeable flare of power. Pinkie had done something, some sort of Wishing, and stronger than she'd ever seen Pinkie do.

There had been a taste in that of something very old, too. Something from before Celestia's own current Incarnation, before even Sundreamer, and sideways.

Something Star-Catcher had known very well.

Is Pinkie growing into her true Self? Celestia wondered. Really, I expected her to have done so by now. She's certainly shown enough power before now, when she's had to do so.

Something's been wrong in the land, she reflected. For a while now, some half a decade before Luna returned. Something dark, something twisted. But it doesn't smell quite like the Night Shadows ...

She turned to look at Luna. Her Sister had agreed to come to the celebration, but seemed strangely-subdued. She'd been getting so much better, growing into her power -- but in the last few months she'd relapsed. She'd become melancholy, caring less and less about her military reforms. Less and less about Twilight Sparkle.

You're giving up again, Celestia thought. Something darkens your soul. Something about which you do not wish to speak with me. Something of which you are ashamed. Something for which you fear I might despise you.

O Sister, do you not know how wonderful you are, how noble, how good? Do you not know that there is nothing you could do for which I would despise you? You are a heroine -- I but a schemer.

Her mouth tightened, her jaw set in determination.

I shall not lose you again, as I did once before, she vowed. I shall find out the source of your sadness, and I shall help you love yourself.

Pinkamena Diane Pie, I hope that you really are coming into your inheritance. For I shall have great use of your aid, against this invisible corruption.

Something is spreading to threaten us, to threaten all my little Ponies. And I shall not let it triumph.

I stand between my little Ponies and the foe. As always.

Author's Note:

The main Shadow Wars universe Pinkie Pie comes back to South-Dunnich every couple of weeks to visit her family. Such is not the case, for various reasons, in this worldline.

This is, of course, neither the main Shadow Wars universe -- nor the Winningverse.

This is the world being made by Winning-Through-Degradation. And it's not so nice as either.

Comments ( 21 )

Well I am always ready for a story with Pinkie and Dash. Granted I hope that in the end that their relationship does not fall apart due to being influenced by the evil tainting Cloud Kicker in this universe. That would be depressing.

I will say that regardless one thing I do enjoy is the imagination in your stories. Not always the way I would choose to go but certainly well doen and interesting.

I also will track this in the hope for a happy ending for Pinkie and Dashie (granted for me the best would also include them staying together but we will see if it is in the cards).


You may note that in my main worldline stories, I have immense respect for all of Celestia's Champions, and that includes Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Indeed, one of my main gripes with the Winningverse is that both are treated as if they are mentally, emotionally and morally retarded. Notably, Pinkie has no depth beyond "Whee! I like parties!" and "Wow! I [inexicably] love Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie is the only member of the Mane Six who is treated as promiscuous (more on that in a moment), and one of only two of them to succumb to Cloud Kicker (and Fluttershy's subsequent behavior strongly indicates that she can subconsciously tell that something is very wrong with Cloud Kicker -- in the Degradingverse, it's because her love tastes off to her Royal-Changeling empathy). Rainbow Dash is treated as stupid because she's a virgin and Oblivious To Love.

Indeed, one of the most emotionally-horrifying (if you like Dashie and Pinkie) moments of the whole Winningverse takes place in The Life and Times of a Winning Pony,

In context -- Rainbow Dash is getting worried because Pinkie wants sex and Dashie has no idea how to make love (because of the physical and emotional damage Cloud did her in Flight School, she's at most emotionally demisexual (like my Trixie) and physically has very little sensation in her own genitalia because of massive injuries inflicted by Cloud Kicker (the ones Goldie is diagnosing in Chapter 1 of my story). And Rainbow Dash does the one thing one should never do in a Winningverse story -- she asks Cloud Kicker for advice (she's the only one of the Winningverse Mane Six so naive as to trust Cloud Kicker -- even Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie don't do that).

Whereupon the following conversation occurs:

(Cloud Kicker): "Pay attention to how Pinkie's reacting to you. What makes her happy, and what doesn't. For example, she really likes being touched around the base of her tail."

“Okay, thanks I—” The last bit of what I said slowly worked its way through Rainbow’s brain, and she faced me with an unreadable expression. “How do you know that?

She didn’t know? I kinda figured she would’ve put two and two together, but then Rainbow Dash does seem to have a bit of a mental blank spot when it comes to general understanding of romance, relationships, and banging. I sighed and laid it out for her. “You remember that one Nightmare Night, the first one after Derpy moved to Ponyville? Do you remember how Pinkie and I went off together about halfway through, and you didn't see me again until the next day?”

Careful, Winning-Through-Degradation. You're peeking out a bit too far from under Cloud Kicker.

From the bemused look on her face, Dash still didn’t get it. “Yeah, what abou—” Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped as the facts finally clicked. “What? You banged Pinkie!?

WINNING: That's right. I ate your True Love and crapped her out as nutritionally-unsatisfying. Got a problem with that?

I winced a bit at her volume—Blossom definitely overheard that part. I’m generally not in the habit of advertising or bragging about my bang partners. Not that I’m ashamed of them or try to hide them, but a bit of discretion is usually a good thing. No time to worry about privacy issues right now though, I needed to run a bit of damage control with Rainbow. “It was seven years ago, Dash. You two weren't even friends yet, let alone a couple.”

WINNING: Hence, Pinkie was only useful to me as a food source. It's not as if she yet figured greatly in my larger strategic plans, save as it was important to neutralize the threat she posed to them.

Rainbow’s jaw was still just about resting on the sofa. “Yeah but...” Rainbow’s nose crinkled up and she gave a slight shudder. “Eww.”

Well, as far as reactions to finding out I’d banged her special somepony go, I could do a lot worse than ‘Eww’. At least she wasn’t mad at me. I tried to smile at her and break the tension with some bad humor. “Look on the bright side. You know I've got good advice now.”

WINNING: I mock your pain and enjoy the way it weakens your psychic defenses!

The joke didn’t seem to work, since instead of laughing Rainbow went darkly silent. After long enough to start making me just a little nervous, Rainbow asked with a hint of a sullen pout. “Who else has Pinkie, um, been with?”

RAINBOW: How bad is the news?

Oh great, there’s a big old relationship landmine. I don’t really pry too much into the sex lives of other ponies, but you can’t help hearing things. Small towns love their gossip. “I don't really know for sure about Pinkie, but she wasn't a virgin when we did it. And there have probably been other ponies since me.” Simply put, banging is fun, and Pinkie Pie is well known for being a fan of all things fun.

WINNING: She's the other town bicycle. You know, the one with pretty streamers and training wheels? When Ponies get used to riding on her, they graduate to me. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you see Pinkie as somepony special?

“Swell,” Rainbow grumbled and flopped back against my couch hard enough that I felt the need to pull my wing out of her path. “That just means that she's been with a bunch of other ponies and knows what to expect.”

That last part is Rainbow's moment of sheer magnificence in the scene. She's learned something horrifying about Pinkie, something which would have led many Ponies -- especially ones as idealistic about love as Dashie -- to give up entirely on her love.

That may, in fact, have been Winning's intention. Winning knows that it can't be blatant about its power -- if it starts acting like a character from Erotic Mind Control porn, it's going to be noticed, and the Sunshine in the form of a giant super-powered Alicorn is going to ruin its day. It's not strong enough (yet) to take on Celestia in a one-on-one mind duel. And it knows this.

So it has to act through Cloud Kicker, and do nothing inexplicable by being a "normal" nymphomaniac Pegasus. What's more, there's a rock-paper-scissors matchup between Lust (Winning's Shadow Vice Element) and the other Elements. It's strongest against Kindness, and weakest against Loyalty. (It gets as far as it does against Derpy, a backup Loyalty, because Derpy genuinely loves Cloud Kicker).

Cloud Kicker can beat Rainbow Dash in direct physical combat (at least at this point in their careers), and thus a possible strategy would be to kill Dashie, getting her out of the picture. The problem is that this would attract attention. Murder is rare in Equestria, and Rainbow Dash both prominent, and famous for her honor and decency. Winning is afraid of disposing of Dashie so directly, at least before it can get the Two Royal Alicorn Sisters under its sway, and so far Winning has only slightly Tainted Luna (and very carefully, and still Celestia has noticed that there's something wrong with her Sister).

Besides, killing Rainbow Dash would deprive Winning of the opportunity to drain her powerful Element. Demoralizing Dashie would work better. A corrupted Loyalty -- and one more powerful than Derpy (whom Cloud and hence Winning both underestimate) -- would make a useful piece in the chess game Winning is playing against Celestia.

Note that what Cloud Kicker is by implication saying here. "Your fillyfriend? Yeah, I already banged her. Just like I did to Fluttershy. Your ideals are childish, your love is worthless -- all you can ever aspire to are my cast-offs. Submit to me."

And Rainbow's ultimate reaction?

"Damn, if Pinkie Pie is more experienced than I thought, that means I have to try even harder to make her feel good."

That is pure love speaking there. Pure Loyalty. And it flies right over Winning's nasty little tactic.

That exchange, in fact, is what made me realize that Winning made a serious mistake in its chess game.

Cloud Kicker helped Rainbow and Pinkie to get togther. Why? The perceptions of the alternate Pinkies, including the one from the main Shadow Wars worldlines, is that it was an act of kindness by Cloud. This is also what Cloud herself claims in The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Winning originally Tainted Pinkie because it feared Pinkie's power -- Pinkie has perhaps the most dangerous abilities out of any of the Mane Six, because her abilities encompass and transcend the ultimate weapon of the Cosmic Concepts -- the Nullification. Pinkie Pie has the power of controlled causality alteration -- Wishing -- the same sort of power as her Sire, the Paradise Entity, which is a Paracosmic being. Winning has reduced Pinkie's effective intellect and increased her hedonism to the point where (it hopes) Pinkie can't notice it or interfere with its plans.

Rainbow's power is not as subtle, but is very dangerous to Winning. Rainbow has Loyalty, and the most fundamental manifestation of this is that Rainbow Dash cannot be seduced or controlled by any external force, especially where such control would violate her ideals. Winning's primary power is seduction, followed by mind control. Winning can't use this power directly against Rainbow Dash. It's a straight-up No Sell situation.

Winning knows this because Winning has never been able to control Derpy, only manipulate her, and only through Cloud Kicker's normal social skills.

I haven't decided yet if Winning yet grasps the greater powers of Loyalty. Rainbowr Dash can directly sense when one to whom she is Loyal is in danger, and all her abilities are amplified when fighting for that to whom she is Loyal. Ultimately, she has what amounts to a very limited Wish for victory in such a situation. That, in fact, is why Rainbow Dash nearly won her fillyhood fight with Cloud Kicker, despite the facts that Rainbow Dash was five years younger (8 to CloudKicker's 13) and did achieve her end (she made Cloud stop raping Fluttershy, at least for many years to come).

She didn't, of course, win Fluttershy's love for herself. But then Loyalty is by definition to another, and ensuring that other's success -- not one's own.

The great irony here, of course, is that Cloud Kicker herself was a potential Loyalty. That's precisely why Winning values her so highly as a host. In consuming Cloud's Element, Winning was able to grow strong even before Tainting anyone else. Winning-Through-Degradation's first and most complete victim, of course, was Cloud Kicker.

Winning's great mistake is that it went along with Cloud's plan to bring Pinkie and Rainbow together. It assumed that Pinkie had been reduced to a harmless airhead, and that Rainbow had always been a clueless fool. But what it did was to strengthen Friendship and spark a powerful Love, which are fundamental psychic forces -- and ones very strong against Lust. Pinkie, freed of her compulsive promiscuity (which was helping keep her mind simple, because whenever she throught too hard about her situation she was consumed by self-loathing) and sheltered by Rainbow's Loyalty from Winning's direct power, has begun to heal from the psychic damage Winning did her in 1495, seven years ago. And Pinkie's Love for Rainbow Dash, reinforced by her power to Wish, is beginning to heal Rainbow of the emotional and physical damage Winning did to her in 1490, twelve years ago.

The scene I quoted was probably Winning starting to realize the danger and trying to shatter Rainbow's Love for Pinkie, by the normal social tactic of telling Rainbow something bad about Pinkie so that Dashie would despise her.

It didn't work. Rainbow's Loyalty was too strong. Rainbow re-interpreted it as her own failing.

Two of Winning's victims have come together, and are growing stronger in their mutual Love.

They are starting to wake up from their spell, and Winning does not know what to do.

Well keeping all of that in mind I guess we will see if Pinkie and Dash's love for each other can overcome the darkness and how them conquering this foe will affect the world and those around them. And perhaps they can find more happiness with each other along the way.

I'm gld your doing with the winning (It not only a pathetic corruption in my opinion but relies on parodying a person personality to the extreme.)

"Yeah at least i am creative with my new personality these parody personality are a insult to my former work and other personality changer art." Discord said annoyed (I imagine him not to mess with the invisible corruption just yet, he wants to know if its hiding something before reacting hence why he's not attacking it for fluttershy sake just yet)

and i'm glad pinkie (Almost) completely threw off her shackles. hopefully the return to the rock farm will cure her better. and as a pinkie/rainbow dash shipper i approve what your doing here.

So good work, can't wait to see what you do in your next chap.

So Minty is a previous incarnation of Twilight, like Dusk Skyshine?

And Paradise has the knowledge of the lost timeline, plus everything before and after and literally every fact ever discovered? And when Pinkie regains her powers she gains that knowledge?

how would it be if you implemented paragraphs to the summary?
furthermore, you don't need to add "chapter 1" in the chapter title either, just add the code for chapter numbers after the title


I did use the code for chapter numbers, so I'm not sure to what you refer.


Twilight is in part a reincarnation of G3 Minty.

Paradise has all the knowledge of the Age of Wonders, and of the Age of Paradise. Scientific discovery slowed among the hedonistic Ponies of the Age of Paradise. It did not stop completely. And the Age of Paradise lasted three thousand years.

5454286 Guess the code gives the effect of perfectly organized chapter numbers, but the number after the title, without adding "Chapter" first since it is implied in the first place.

The front; summary and chapter titles is the first we see of the story, which could deflect interested readers and give some the excuse they feel they need to down vote a story.


But I like the word "Chapter" as part of chapter titles. And a lot of stories on site -- and, for that matter, published books, use the word "Chapter" in their chapter titles.

5454634 I guess I can go with the preference.
What works for a printed book with hundreds of pages, doesn't have to work for a story without these pages.
What others does or doesn't is no excuse, it it was, I could go around murder and rake people, as bad an example as that was.
I guess this is one of the details we are bound to disagree, some like it, others doesn't.
At least the title is short enough to give room for it.
From my own experience, I take it you have a reason for the title of the chapter that makes perfect sense to you, even if it sounds off to me and most likely others as well. (Sounds like a version of Party of One)

Hope you don't mind me expressing my perspective here.
If more did the same, it would be an even better community for all on the site.-


It's the inverse situation to "Party of One." In "Party of One," Pinkie begins losing her sanity because she fears she is unloved; in "Party of Many," Pinkie begins regaining her sanity because she knows she is loved.

5454839 Pinkie Pie and her state of mind seems to be a very common and popular topic for stories. Even I have some on this.
Though I can't recall any on the ascension, or even mentioning of it. Guess it is about time.

She commonly knows it, even if it seems the consequences of her not realizing it can be very dire to any close by, herself included.

She can be quite spectacular, when everything is on the up and up too, which is some fun to see.

5454292 In part?

So Pinkie's basically got all the knowledge of a supercomputer plus a lot more.


Though, note ... she has to look it up. She's super-intelligent herself -- about as smart as Twilight Sparkle but in a different way -- but she's not as vastly intelligent as is her Sire, the Paradise Entity.

5456994 So she has access to the supercomputer, and is not the computer itself?


Exactly. Though anything she's learned and bothered to remember, she knows. And she has an eidetic memory for anything she cares to remember.

I can't wait to see where you will go with this. Got to see how Pinkie will deal with the family and how they will deal with Dash and Dash with them.

Wow. I think the Winningverse ended up pretty horrible and even I think you're reading too much deliberate malice into that conversation (and not enough harmful stupidity).

A more plausible reading is that Cloudkicker is trying to help but not very hard, because she wouldn't put that much effort into helping someone instead of getting laid, so she's not really thinking about what she's saying. Further, the fact she's a self-centered moron is hamstringing her attempts because she can't conceive of other people being bothered by things that don't bother her, except in the most abstract way and even then only after they've started showing signs of distress.

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