• Published 29th Nov 2016
  • 1,746 Views, 15 Comments

The Infinite Magic of Friendship - striberx

In an alternate world, The Elements of Harmony were sent to a new world to protect them. Now a few chosen girls must gather them in order to save their world. But what if a new hero comes out of nowhere to help? Find out now on this story! (OC x AJ)

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Chapter 1: The Day Everything Changed

The Infinite Magic of Friendship

Chapter 1: The Day Everything Changed

Ponyville. A peaceful town out in the center of the continent. It houses many people and businesses, along with several buildings, landmasses and more for those who come here. Several people come here either through business, viewing the sights, a new life, or transferring here from an old home. Some people say that this place is meant for people who are seeking a new life, while others say this is the place of miracles. It's hard to tell fact from fiction, but one thing is for sure, this town does have wonders.

And in one corner of the town, was a new family entering in and resting here for now. Though this family was taking residence at a rather large apartment complex, at least until they could afford an actual home for once. The family compromised of two adults, a daughter, and a son. And while it took them awhile to get everything done, they finally were able to rest up.

The daughter had long purple hair with a few strands of light purple along with purple eyes, while wearing a purple t-shirt, dark blue pants and purple shoes. Until the new school year started, which was only 2 weeks away, she had all the time in the world to relax and prepare for it. Though she was more disappointed that she had to leave her old home and friends behind, the only reason she came here was due to her older sister, Celeste, telling them it would be better for them to move here.

The young girl sighed softly, looking up at the ceiling in her new room as she let her mind wander, "Just what was Celeste thinking, sending us here?" She muttered to herself, "This place is beautiful, but making new life here will be hard....."

"Twilight! Can you come here for a moment?" A older females voice rang out.

"Coming!" She responded. Twilight got up as she walked into the living room where her mother was. She had white hair and purple highlights and gave off a pleasing motherly vibe to her, "Do you think you can travel to the store for a moment? We seems to be out of eggs." She asked her daughter.

"Can't dad do that?" Twilight asked in response.

"Unfortunately, he's still stuck at work, and won't be able to join us for lunch...." She sighed softly.

Twilight nodded softly, knowing it would be too difficult for him to help, "Alright mom. I'll go to the store." She accepted the request.

Her mother smiled softly, handing her the money, as well as some extra just in case she wanted to buy something as well? She smiled as walked out of the apartment and made her way outside and into the town. She memorized the paths, as well as the locations of the store as she began to make her way towards the store.

As she continued the path, a few glances made her see more of the people. Everything seemed like that of any other town. A few people going on with their day, others still planning ahead, and the occasional angered customer here and there. Though.... while she kept her glances at minimal at best, she did get the odd feeling someone was staring back at her.

The young girl shook her head as she continued her path she laid out. 'Easy Twilight. This is noting more than petty paranoia getting to you. It's just your nerves in this new town is all. It'll pass sooner or later. She said in her thoughts, slowly calming herself down.

Found one.....

Twilight flinched as she turned around, seeing nothing but the busy streets and sidewalks of Ponyville as a bead of sweat rolled down her neck. The strands of hair on her person were shot up on their edge. Something she has never felt before and she still believed it to be her paranoia only getting to her more. She closed her eyes, drowning out every sound so that she can relax, and once calm enough she decided to quickly make her way towards the store.

'Just what was that feeling? She asked once more in her thoughts before shaking it off as she entered the store.

Though once entered, from afar stood a man, staring down where the young teen entered. A sly, devious grin formed on his lips as he knew, she was one of 'those' types of people. And he knew that with a little more effort, she'll be cornered and easily handled.

Near the outskirts of the town. Past where only the forest, a few buildings, housings, gardens and ponds laid at. The sun brew high above the area, making it almost a hot spot from the heat of the sun. Due to the climate of that area, many folks were in their summer clothing's spite it being in the middle of Spring.

In one area laid a small plot of land, only filled in by grass and flowers. And on one of the many hills sat a young teenage boy. Relaxing and bathing in the sun as he was chewing on some doughnuts and other sweets. The bag he had was filled with many different types of pastries, but the majority seemed to be that of Plain Sugar, chocolate frosting, and of course chocolate frosting with sprinkles. The teen finished another one before reaching in the bag as he brought out another sprinkled covered doughnut, eating away at it slowly and savoring the taste.

"Mmmm.... So good..." He said in delight, enjoying his treat.

Though before he could take another bite, a small creature flew up to him. It was small, almost the size of a newborn kitten, but had silver body, along with red gems on it's whole person. It had two wings with a bird like design and face, while on the chest showed the exact creature. It chirped at the teen, gaining his attention as he frowned.

"Found the one we're hunting?" He asked the small gem creature as it nodded. He sighed in annoyance as he placed the half eaten doughnut back inside before folding the bag up to preserve the rest of his treats.

"Dang it... I really hoped it skipped town... Guess I'll go get it." He said with some annoyance before walking over to a motorcycle and hopping on. "Lead the way, Garuda." He said to the creature as it flew off, with him following after it.

Upon exiting the store after buying the eggs, and a little snack for her trip back home. Twilight continued through her path once more, wanting to get home as quickly as possible, though the same feeling she had earlier began to creep back up. She shook her head again, wanting this ominous feeling to stop.

'It's nothing more than your nerves, Twilight. Just keep going...' She said in her thoughts. But as she continued to walk, the creeping feeling grew even stronger as she began to pick up the pace. She was now jogging further, wanting to get home as fast as possible, but that feeling only made it worse as she decided to turn to a different route than the one she laid out for herself.

That ominous feeling grew to the point where it felt like something was close enough to touch her. Twilight had enough as she decided to run, wanting to get away from this feeling and vibe that has been crawling to her more and more. She panted as she raced through the ally's, going through every corner she could see until she reached what looked to be a ruined factory building. She raced inside before she laid against the metal wall, panting heavily.

"I hate this!" She whined, "Just make this feeling stop!!" She cried out loud, annoyed and shaking with fear from this odd feeling. It was something she has never felt before and she wanted it to stop, she needed it to stop.

"If you insist...." A low voice came out.

Twilight snapped out of her trance as she looked up, seeing something that she couldn't believe. In front of her was a humanoid like creature. But it's body was mostly light blue with some white and silver on it's body. The body seemed scale, and almost armored like. It had two large horns and piercing yellow eyes with a bull's tail on it's backside. It was some sort of monster.

Twilight's eyes widen as she slowly began to make her way to the door that lead her into this place. Knowing if she had the single opening, she would take it if that meant she could escape. "S-So... You're the one who was giving me that paranoia?" She asked the creature.

"Indeed." It acknowledged.

"Why? Why me of all things?"

"It's because you're one of the special. One of the unique Gates that I was tasked to find...." It answered her.

"Gates? What are those?" She asked it, closely reaching to the door as the creature followed her movements.

"Ah, ah, ah...." It waved it's finger, it then brought out several small stones before it tossed the items at her, reaching near her and the door. The stones glowed softly before they quickly formed and shapes into a new form. They too were humanoid in appearance, but had stone grey skin with orange veins, horns and wielding staffs. The creatures turned to Twilight before some blocked her escape, while the rest went after her.

She yelped in fear as she maneuvered out of the way, seeing these things tumble to the ground with ease. She soon turned back to see the head monster chuckled in delight. "Just why are you after me? What's a Gate?" She asked as the monster walked over, picking the teen up.

"Why should I tell you, when it won't matter in the next couple of seconds..." It responded, now squeezing on her windpipe.

Twilight gasped as she began to struggle against the grip of this creature. Her legs dangle as she tried to pry herself out of it's grasp, or kick it to let her go. But her efforts seemed in vain as she was unable to get free as more and more of her lungs began to beg for air. She was being suffocated as her vision began to blur.

'Someone... please.... Help me...' She pleaded in her thoughts as tears began to form around her eyes.


From one of the sides of the walls, something tore through it as it raced into the room. What flew in was nothing more than another teen. This one wearing a black hoodie with silver trims and red markings on the sleeves, chest and the back of the hoodie. He had red hair with golden yellow highlights with blazing red eyes. Underneath was a white t-shirt with a fiery pattern on the chest, dark blue pants and black boots on, along with a belt buckle of a hand, and even a odd ring on his finger. The teen was on a silver and gold bike with a red light on the front end of the hood. He soon stood up from the bike before placing his hand with the ring, onto the belt buckle.


A red magical like seal formed next to the teen as he reached inside, pulling out what looked to be a large silver gun, before pointing it at the monster. The creature growled in annoyance as it brought up Twilight as a shield. She was able to get a bit of air into her lungs from the movement as she sees the teen pointing the gun.

"If you value her life, you wouldn't dare-"

The teen just scoffed, waving the gun around as he pulled the trigger and sent a few rounds of bullets at them, surprising the two. But oddly enough, the bullets that were fired, simply curved around the captive Twilight, striking the monster's arm, chest and horn before it dropped it's captive, letting her take in a huge amount of air as she coughed from the lack of oxygen.

"Hey!! You almost shot me!!" Twilight shouted to the teen, angered at his recklessness.

The monster groaned in pain as it held its wounds before touching its horn, "I-Impossible... Silver bullets?" The monster gawked before looking at the teen, "You're.... a Mage?!" It shouted to him.

Twilight blinked, turning to the monster before looking back at the teen in awe and shock, 'A.... Mage?' She said in her thoughts.

The monster was angered, not only unable to get his goal done, but the rumors he was told about of a ring wielding mage that have been destroying his kind were true! It then held out its hand as a ball of fire formed in it's palm. It roared out before tossing the ball of fire at the teen, causing a small explosion to encompass the teen completely.

Twilight gasped in terror, her eyes widen as she sees only the torrents of flames where the teen once stood. He was killed, she just saw someone who attempted to save her die right in front of her eyes. Or so she thought....

HII, HII, HII HII HII HII!! [Translation: Hii can mean Fire]

Soon the torrents of flames soon began to merge into one area. As if something was sucking the intense flames into a singular point. And as soon as the flames died down, being absorbed into what looked to be the very same red magical seal, what stood there wasn't the teen anymore, but a warrior.

This armored warrior was clad in a black bodysuit which concealed his form. The silver belt and chain of rings at his side stayed the same, but the rest was different. His chest was covered in red gem-like armor which was a long line down the middle with three sections on each side that were rectangular, but slightly askew. The shoulders were covered in black armor with silver edges that were decorated with dragon-like crests. From the waist hung a robe-like waist covering which was red on the inside but black on the outside. His wrists and ankles sported bands that were the same ruby red as the chest plate. Finally, his head was concealed by a silver helmet which had a ruby red faceplate decorated like the ring he wore, sporting metal lines making it appear as if it had large eyes with antennae rising from the forehead.

"Saa, Showtime daa." The mage announced, holding up his hand to the enemies before he soon began to walk towards them. [Translation: It's Showtime.]

[Insert Song - Life Is Showtime - Kamen Rider Wizard]

"GRUAAUGH!! GET HIM!!" The monster ordered to the rock minions it spawned earlier.

The several rock creatures charged ahead, some still clumsy than others as they were about to overwhelm the Mage. Though he seemed very unfazed by this, as if he did it before. As he got closer from his walk, he simply raised up his gun, taking a few shots at the two closest of the rock creatures. Sparks and orange blood seemed to have casted off of their bodies before he dodged a swing from an upcoming attack.

He parried a thrust from another spear by pushing the shaft of the spear from him before he started to flip around the rock creatures, followed up by kicks and more shots from his gun. He was like a dancer, easily maneuvering around them, while countering their moves and attacks while barely even lifting a finger to them.

While he continued his advances, the monster turned to the shocked Twilight, ready to try again. But as soon as it got close, a few of the grunts it sent out were flung at it, knocking them away as it snapped the teen girl out of her trance.

"Hey! If you don't want that thing to target you go hide!" He called out to her, gripping a oncoming spear as he sent a few more bullets into the rock creatures.

"R-Right!" She nodded, standing up as she rushed over to one area that looked to be safe.

Once safe, the armored mage continued his attack against these rock creatures. Shooting some down or kicking away any of them that got close. He was easily dwindling their forces bit by bit as the head monster knew that it wouldn't be long before his sights set on him. Once it sent a few more of the rock grunts out, it faded into the shadows, escaping his wrath.

The mage though, didn't notice as he was too concentrated on destroying the minions that were around him. He soon gripped his weapon before folding it up, straightening it out until as blade tip folded out from the inside of the barrel, making a unique sword as he now started going on the offense. Slashing and cutting down the minions that came towards him as well as twirling his blade around in a sense of style that not many swordsmanship champions would think of.

"Time to end this already..." The Mage muttered to himself, folding the blade back into the barrel as he changed his weapon into the gun form once more. He then lifted it up as he gripped the small black block that laid near the handle. He opened it up as it revealed that is was a hand, now fully opened and channeling magic as he place his left hand on it.


Flames soon surrounded the barrel of his gun, holding out as the rest of the rock minions gathered around him, ready to strike and end the mage. But as soon as they got close to him, the mage spun around, pointing the barrel at the creatures as he soon let loose blast after blast of fire at each minion that came close until they all exploded into ash, leaving nothing left but the mage.

[End Insert Song]

"Phew.... That was quite the work up." The Mage said to himself, but upon looking back to face the one he was after, he quickly caught on that his target fled, making him groan in annoyance. "Come on already..." He groaned before rubbing his head, "Well, better see if she's alright?"

He soon walked over towards a slightly ruined office room before knocking on the door, "Hey, they're gone now. You can come out now." He said, backing up as he heard some shuffling and moving.

Twilight finally got out, with only a little bit of dirt on her clothes, coughing as she tried to get any dust out of her lungs before she looked up at him, still in awe of the one who saved her.

"So, you okay?" He asked once more.

"Uh... sides a little traumatized.... I'm fine...." She responded.

"Ah, good to here. Well, ciao!" He waved, walking back to his bike.

"W-Wait!!" Twilight called out, running to him, "Just who are you? And what was that thing? Why did it want me?"

"Just a simple mage, doing good deeds and stopping monsters." He answered her. "As for what that 'thing' was? That my dear, was a Phantom."


He nodded once more, "There are several people in this world. Gifted with some latent magical ability that could at one point, be tapped into. These are known as Gates. And should a Gate die, or fall into despair, their magic will go out of control and create a Phantom." He explained to her, "As for why they're after you? Well, it's obvious you're a Gate. Someone who has some magical potential."

"But... Magic doesn't exist. Magic can't exist." She denied his answers.

"Then what would you call all of this?" He gestured to the ashes of his enemies and himself. "Science?" He chuckled, "Sorry, but not everything can be explained by science. Sides.... Science can't create humanoid creatures out of rocks, nor armor out of thin air."

"But.... why? Why do I have this magical potential?" She asked him, wanting to know more on this impossible reality.

"Beats me...." He shrugged, "But listen.... I suggest you do your best to watch out. Now that they know I'm here, they'll try to attack you secretively. Don't trust anyone... And I suggest you don't tell anyone about this incident." He warned her.

At first, she was hesitant about that request, but slowly nodded."Can.... I at least know your name?" She asked him, "I would like to know the one who helped me out..."

The mage was silent, something he has never heard of before. Someone asking his name, of all things. A soft chuckled escaped his lips before the red seal flew over him once more, reverting him back into his normal state, "Cody Blaze. And it's nice to meet you." He smiled at he before tapping her forehead, "And just some advice.... Never give into despair.... And should you fall and need help, your friends can help and I'll become your hope." He said to her as he waved before placing his helmet on and driving off, leaving her alone.

"Cody.... Blaze...." She repeated his name, before she yelled out in frustration, "Crap!! I have to get home!!" She quickly grabbed her bag, checking on it to see that the eggs were fine. Once she knew of that, she hurried over to her home, taking another new route due to what happened.

After the defeat at the hands of the now confirmed Mage, the monster scurried back into one of the many hideouts the Phantoms have acquired. It panted heavily as it's wounds, while now slightly healed, his horn was forever damaged. It touched it gently before growling in anger, smashing through one of the many tables near by.

"Geez... And here I thought you couldn't get more angrier." A voice called out.

The monster turned to see a human, wearing red, black, and silver clothing. He looked to be his earl 20's with a scruffy beard and an egotistical smirk on his lips. "This is what you get for going after The Elements." He said, leaning against the wall.

"M-My sincerest apologies Master Phoenix..." The monster bowed.

"It matters not, Minotaur.... As this is only the start." A new voice rung. Near by was a beautiful woman with long black hair, a green scarf around her neck and arms, and wearing a light purple, green, and silver dress on her. "After all, she is just one of the cogs we need for Master Wiseman. She can always wait..."

"L-Lady Medusa...." The monster, now known as Minotaur, bowed to her, "But... seems the rumors were true. A Ring Wielding Mage has indeed been targeting us... I only escaped cause he was busy with the Ghouls." Minotaur explained.

"Hmm... so it would seem...." Medusa frowned. "Did he happen to see your old shell?"

"Luckily, no...." He responded.

"Then we have nothing to fear...." Medusa patted his cheek, "Just do your best to try again.... And should he interfere, then simply leave. As an Element, she has wonderful powers... And should we have her as a Phantom, then we would be unstoppable. Since she and those others are the pinnacle of magic and are the best type of Gates to find.... Even if some aren't an Element, they do have that essence from that other world." She smirked.

"I think it would be better to squash this Wizard..." Phoenix chuckled, "Sides, what can a mere human with magic do against us once we obtain an Element?"

"For now, Minotaur, just keep doing your best." She patted his cheek once more.

Minotaur bowed to them once more, taking his human form, that was shrouded by the dark before walking out, dealing with this Element for now.

It only took a day since then. Twilight remained in her room upon waking up, looking through the internet to look at not only the creatures she faced, but as well as magic studies and even reports of Cody Blaze. While the research on the monsters showed only that of the folklore, the magic studies showed too much complexity for her to figure out the answer. As for Cody, the armored mage, she did find a few reports on him, helping others out but so far, the only information showed very blurry pictures, unknown sources, false claims, and too much forums talking about it than any real evidence. The only thing she could find out, was that it's been only a year since the information started to surface, but even then a majority believe it to be fake.

'Just who are you, Cody Blaze? And why can you use magic?' Twilight pondered in her thoughts.

"Twilight! Can you come down here for a minute?" Twilight's mother called out.

"Be down in a minute!!" She called out, closing her tabs on her computer before she came downstairs. Though, upon reaching the living room, she was greeted by a new face. Sitting there with tea on the table and with her mother was an aged man. Around his mid 30's with brown hair and green eyes. And his attire looked to be that of a detective.

"Ah, you must be Twilight Sparkle, correct?" He acknowledged her.

"I.... am... Who are you?" She asked, sitting next to her mother.

"I'm Detective Bartran. Of the Ponyville Police." He said, showing her his badge, "Listen Twilight. I take it you had a run in with somebody shady?" He questioned her.

Twilight flinched from this, surprised by the information. Spite the fact that she hasn't even told her mother about this yet. And speaking of her, she had a look of shock and complete worry on her face. "My Twilight, had a run in? What exactly happened yesterday, Twilight?"

"Mrs. Velvet Sparkle, calm down. She's not in trouble." Bartran reassured. "I'm only here for information...."

"Just who are you referring to?" Velvet asked him.

"We have yet to identify him... Only the fact that with every contact he's meet, there's always a body to be found..." He said with a frown.

Twilight flinched once more, her eyes widen, "A-A body??" She repeated.

The detective nodded, "From every witness we've encounter who saw their friend or family member meeting with him, he always promised to keep his information in secret. Telling them that what they saw was simply magic and what he fought were monsters. When in actuality, nothing more than a play. To get the person to lower their guard... And once he's close enough... Well... I won't go into the gory details." He said, taking a puff of his cigarette.

"Oh my..." Velvet got out, "Just what does he want with Twilight? Why is he after her?"

"I wish I knew, Mrs. Sparkle... But the one thing we have found out, is that his victims are always around his age... And he never leaves his target until the job is done." The detective sighed.

Twilight soon began to shake from this, was what Cody said all a lie? Was he really just trying to get close to her so he can kill her? Was she just another target and all of that was nothing more than special effects?

"Listen... I know this is a lot to take in, but believe me. I'm only here to help." Bartran said, pulling out his card, "Here... If you do have any information on where he is, please contact me." He said, drinking the rest of his tea down before heading out of the apartment.

Twilight soon took the card, a confused expression and look plastered her face. She was scared and didn't know who to believe in. Velvet knew of this as she wanted to talk to Twilight about what happened and get to know the story. But with that look, she decided it wouldn't do much help. Instead she simply sat down and hugged her daughter, comforting her and showing support.

'Did you really lie to me, Cody?' She said in her thoughts, unsure about all of this. Questions began to form as her heart wavered, unsure what to believe in. Though as that happened, a small familiar red gem creature floated in the window, seeing everything that was just shown.

Another day past as Twilight was now with her mother in town. As the two were having a small day together, as Velvet was trying her best to help her daughter get past this shocking news. While she did want to know more, pushing it any further would only make the trauma worse. So for now, she decided to forget about it and simply focus everything on making her daughter happy. Though... upon reaching the new shop they found known as SugarCube Corner for some sweets, Twilight still had that tunnel vision look on her face.

Twilight was completely silent from all of this. Only a few nods and "Mhm" responses here and there. No real conversations or talks, and it was worrying Velvet even more. So much so, she now couldn't keep her questions back any more. "Twilight.... can you please look at me?" She called her daughter.

Twilight only gently looked up at her, her look still showing confusion and shock, "Look.... As much as I want to ask you everything that happened, I know it wouldn't do good for you. But you being silent since yesterday truly has me worried." She said to her, placing her hand on her daughter, "Are you this broken up over some stranger who, most likely be a killer?"

"It's.... not that I'm broken up over this, mom...." Twilight responded softly. Finally an actual sentence from her, "I... I just don't know who to believe in...."

"What do you mean, Twilight?"

"He.... He just didn't seem like someone who was lying to me.... I know it sounds strange, but I could see the truth in his words through his eyes." Twilight explained, "Yet, when the detective showed up, telling all of this. I just started to question myself and everything about it... 'Did he really save me? Or is he just trying to get close to add me to his body count?' 'Is the detective telling us the truth? But what if he's lying as well?' I just don't know anymore, mom and I'm scared! I'm scared that I can't tell who to trust anymore..." Twilight sounded off, placing her hands on her face as she shook once more, she didn't know how to deal with these feelings and it was tearing her apart.

Velvet frowned, looking around to see some people staring at them before returning to their talks or sweets. She then placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders, making her look at her mother in the eyes, "Twilight... I know you're scared, and all of this is confusing.... I truly don't know what else to say. But..." She then placed her hands on her daughter's cheeks and gave her a comforting smile, "But I'll let you decide on this choice.. Do you trust the detective or this boy?"

"I.... I don't know... What if my decision is the wrong choice?" Twilight asked.

"You can only figure that out by listening to your heart, Twilight.... I know that sounds cheesy, but that's what makes us humans so special. Being able to find the right answer through our heart and instincts. I know you can do this Twilight. And whatever your decision is, I'll trust you." Velvet said, offering her another warm, comforting smile.

Twilight looked at her mother's eyes and smile, feeling warmth and comfort from it as her heart began to relax and embrace this feeling. She took a few deep breaths before she nodded, "I.... I believe in him, mom.... I believe in Cody." She responded.

'So that his name?' Velvet said in her thoughts but like she promised, she'll trust in her daughter. "Alright Twilight. I'll trust you and your decision." She nodded in approval. "Why don't we finish this up and head to the movies? Just the two of us." She offered.

Twilight smiled and nodded, as the two began to dine back into their treats, as what felt like a cloud looming over her suddenly just vanished along with her doubts.

As the two set off to the movie theater near by, Velvet stopped as she saw someone familiar. Twilight looked at her mother, confused for a moment before she turned back to see who Velvet saw. And standing there in front of them was none other than Detective Bartran, though with a sour look on his face.

"Mrs. Sparkle, Twilight.... I take it you two figured your decision out already?" He called out to them.

Velvet gripped her daughter's hand, at first she didn't know any better. But now, her feelings were on the mark. This detective felt off and his look clearly showed it, "Unfortunately, yes. I'm going to trust my daughter and her decision." She responded, "While your surprise did shock us, I did wonder your facts about this boy as well. And even I have to admit, this does seem a bit fishy..."

Bartran chuckled softly, "I'm sorry to hear that. And here I thought I not only be able to deal with him easily, but also gain a Phantom in exchange for this trickery."

Twilight's eyes widen as soon as she heard that, 'Did he just say Phantom!?' She got out in her thoughts.

Bartran grinned as odd markings formed on his skin, his eyes changing from green to yellow as his forms shifted and took shape of the same monster that attacked Twilight earlier. And one she hoped wouldn't meet again, especially near her mother.

"What... in the world...?" Velvet gawked.

"Mom! We need to run now!!" Twilight shouted to her, as the two quickly ran away, along with any civilian that saw the monster. But as easily found as they were, the two were quickly surrounded by the Ghouls as they gathered around, waving their spears and pushing them back.

"At first, I was simply going to give you paranoia. Having your hopes dwindle from the possibility that the Ringed Mage was nothing more than a killer, trying to get to you!" Minotaur began to explain, "It would've been the easiest way to get to your Phantom, knowing that you were the one who lead him to his doom. But no.... You had to have her with you giving you advice...." He said, pointing to her mother as the Ghouls gripped them and tore the two apart, tossing Velvet at his feet.

"NO!!! Leave her out of this!!" Twilight shouted, struggling against the Ghouls.

"SO! I gave thought... 'If she doesn't fall into despair at the truth of knowing her savior died by her decision. Then maybe her mother will give a better reaction?' Sounds like a good idea to me..." Minotaur chuckled, drawing out a halberd in its hands.

"Please!!" Twilight screamed, tears running down her face as the Phantom raised its weapon above her person.

"Just stop screaming and become a Phantom already!!!" Minotaur shouted, swinging the weapon downward.


Several gunshots go off as the halberd and the Phantom had sparks casted off of them, causing the weapon to be flung away along with the monster as well. It groaned in pain, holding its new wounds as a few more sounded off, hitting the Ghouls before they turned to ash from the small explosions and freeing Twilight. She rushed over to her mother, seeing only a few scraps and a bump on her head as she sighed with relief.

Twilight gave soft smirk, "Seriously... You had to show up now?" She said, turning to the right to see Cody, now in full view with his weapon.

"Sorry." He apologized, "But I had to get back home for something. But I made it, didn't I?"

Twilight only shook her head, "You seriously almost gave me a heart attack! I almost believed in this guy, you know?"

"Hey, at least you're fine now." He smirked, turning his attention towards the Phantom.

"Grraugh!! You lousy Mage!!" The Phantom shouted in anger.

"Well, since you already lost the last of your minions, that just leaves you and me, big guy." Cody smirked, holding up his right hand that revealed a ring, with the same black and gold hand as what was on his belt buckle, before he placed it against it.


The belt buckled glowed softly as it popped out, forming into a silver belt, with levers on the side, and the black and gold hand now formed a larger buckle. And to the left side showed a holder that revealed many rings on it. The ringed mage plucked the familiar red one, now showing as a red gem on it before he gripped the lever and pulled it down, causing the hand to be shifted to the left side.


As the short, catchy tune began to play, Cody raised his left hand with the red gem ring on before touching the tip of it and flipping it down, now revealing the visor on the ring as well as the one he first used as he then shouted out, "Henshin!" Before placing his hand on the buckle.


He then moved his arm to the left side as the familiar red spell seal appeared next to him. It formed in a fiery burst before moving through him as the magic formed his armor once it fully passed through him. A shine and a faint glow on the yellow gem on his forehead glowed off as he soon showed the Phantom his ring once more, "Saa, Showtime daa." He announced once more.

The Minotaur Phantom was complete angry as it roared out to them both."IF I CAN'T HAVE THAT PHANTOM, THEN I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!" It shouted at them before charging at the Mage.

Cody quickly got his weapon into its sword mode before clashing against the horns of the Phantom, but what he didn't count on was the strength it had as it began to push them, slowly forcing the mage towards the wall behind him. The mage quickly saw, this, hopping over the Phantom as it crashed through the wall, leaving a large hole behind it.

"Geez... that was a close one" Cody gulped from that close experience.

"Don't you have some spell that defeats them easily?" Twilight called out to him.

"Oh yeah.... Why don't I reach in my pocket and bring out the Dragon Balls with me?" He said sarcastically, "Sorry Twilight, but defeating them isn't just a wave of a finger, I actually have to fight them and wear them down."

It didn't take long until they both felt the tremors of the ground as Minotaur charged out of the hole, in a furious rage as it rushed past Cody once more. It seemed to be just wanting to hit him with all of the force it can muster, but its mobility seemed to be degrading. Several more charges went by, again and again, but unable to hit him.

Though the same could go for Cody as well. With the Minotaur Phantom doing this, he was unable to get a strike on him. Even his bullets did little damage now due to the rage boost it just acquired. But, there is always a way to get them down.Upon dodging more and more charges, Cody began to look around, looking for the right idea before he saw what he needed.

'Well, here goes nothing.... I hope.' He gulped in his thoughts, landing next to the fountain near by. But instead of getting a spell ready, or even himself. Cody simply tossed his weapon away as he held his arms outward, ready for the charge head on. "Come on, already!!" He shouted to the Phantom.

Minotaur roared in rage once more, charging ahead as it got closer to him. And upon reaching him, made contact as sparks and what looked to be specks of blood spewed out from the strike as the single horn scrapped his side. Twilight gasped from that, seeing him injured, but he seemed unfazed, and instead of an attack, he gripped the horn in one hand, while grappling his arm around the Phantom's neck, lifting him up in the air.

"W-What the? What are you doing?! You shouldn't be able to move with that injury!!" Minotaur flailed out, trying to break free of the hold.

"It's called, powering through the pain!! Now shut it!!" He responded in grunts, lifting him up high above his head before turning around and slamming the Phantom into the Fountain behind him, not only making a small hole, but filling it with the water it massed together.

Cody knelled while holding his wound, but he wasn't done yet. He knew this fight had to end now as he took off his Connect Ring, now replacing it with a new one, this ring had the symbol of a foot, covered by a dragon as he flipped the levers once more, making the tune appear once more.


"Finale, daa..." Cody announced, placing the ring on his belt once more. [Translation: The Finale]

CHOINE! KICK STRIKE - SAIKO!!! [Translation: Very Nice. Fabulous.]

The fiery red seal formed below Cody's foot as fire and energy began to channel around his leg as he began to get ready for the finisher. Minotaur on the other hand weakly got out of the hole, only to notice the stance and posture. In fear of losing he quickly got out of the hole and began to run for his life, but it was over already.

Cody then rushed ahead, before her started to move in a somersault formation until he planted his feet on the ground before jumping high into the air. He twirled once more before straightening out into a flying side kick, as the fire seal formed into a cone through his technique, flying straight towards the Phantom as high speeds before letting out a battle cry and connecting his kick against the Phantom.

He landed on the other side as he made a simple ring showing pose. While doing that, the Phantom began to cry out in pain as the seal formed around his body, casting sparks and orange blood to spew from the attack as it let out a final scream of pain before erupting into a small explosion, leaving only ash left.

"P-Phew..." Cody got out, wobbling before falling back onto the ground, holding his tender wound. 'Really wish there was some type of healing magic...' He said in his thoughts before everything began to turn hazy for him.

Consciousness slowly began to return as he slowly opened his eyes, noticing a black room, only filled b the lights and moonlight of the sky. He was in someone's house. Cody grunted as he leaned forward, noticing the area and realizing where he was. He turned to his side to see a now sleeping Twilight near by along with a sleeping, yet patched up Velvet.

'They must've helped me out.... Heh, guess I owe them for helping them from the Phantom.' Cody smiled in his thoughts, looking over to see his shirt, not only cleaned from the blood but patched as well. Most likely done by Twilight's mother as a thank you for everything. He smiled softly before slowly and silently taking it before putting it on as he made his way to the door.

"Leaving, already?"

Cody flinched as he sighed softly, turning to see the now awoken Twilight, "Yeah. Gotta get back home."

"I understand..." Twilight nodded, "But... thank you... I owe ya for saving me and mom."

"Hey, don't worry about it." He waved off, "Just doing my job and stopping these Phantoms."

Twilight nodded, knowing what he could do, "Any... possible way I could talk to you more? I'm... kinda curious on your powers."

Cody blinked at her request, but oddly enough he simply smiled, "Sure thing. I'll stop by tomorrow and we can chat." He said, seeing Twilight's soft smile as she nodded. The ring bearing mage waved at her before walking out and back to his home.

And this was the first day, the first day of their meeting and later friendship. But due to these events, several new evils will begin to emerge. But with the hope of Wizard, and the new supposed 'Elements', maybe, just maybe this world can survive the dangerous powers that will plague this realm. Only time will tell.....

Author's Note:

Hiya everyone!! Hope you enjoyed this. I was going to put an opening here but after a talk with one of the moderators I decided to leave it out. ^^ But yes this story is a minor crossover with Kamen Rider Wizard and Mauroz's MLP comic. Which he did give me his blessing on allowing me to make it. ^w^ And I apologize if many of you are kinda sick of seeing Kamen Rider on this site. I've wanted to do this fic for awhile since I saw Mauroz's work, and I felt like Kamen Rider Wizard would be perfect due to the style they have.

Also, I know I've said it'll be awhile before this story comes out. And the reason being is that I wanna give Mauroz plenty of time to keep up his passion project without the fans or me forcing him to go faster. So the updates for this WILL be slow. I will also try to make original chapter ideas, such as this and more, just so I can expand my writing and imagination.

Also, while some bits here and there may be deprived from the actual series. I will not be doing the exact same thing. I will be changing a lot of the stuff, ideas, stories and more. This way I can try to be original, and not try to just simply copy the actual series into story form.

Plus, the reason why I'm using "Cody Blaze" instead of the character on my first fic, is mostly because that first fic was intentional as a self insert. I didn't know everything at the time, and while I am glad that was my first chance at writing, I do realize it was a mistake to have it as a self insert. Hence why this OC. And yes, the name of my oc is that. I couldn't think of a name that rolled off of Blaze, and I didn't wanna have it as a badly named OC that I thought of before. So I went with that. Also, the ship idea, was mostly the reason due to AJ's Element in the comic, as well as Wizard's Base form. I thought it would be nice to have that little nod. ^^;

So for now, this is what I'll have, and I hope you'll support my works. And before I say anything else, I will accept a lot criticisms for this fic. JUST please keep in mind that anything negative ranging from "Lazy Hack" to others like that, will not be tolerated. If you don't like the fic, and there are some flaws, okay just say so. Just try not to do insults okay? Thank you.

Until then, later minna!

Comments ( 13 )

I'm definitely keeping an eye on this!

"Sides.... Science can't create humanoid creatures out of rocks, nor armor out of thin air."

Heh I'm sure Faiz, W, Fourze, Kabuto, Drive and Ex-Aid have a bone to pick with him later with that remark XD and that's bring mild.

7757416 True, but in this reality, they don't exist.

Love the cover art

7758084 Eh, it's the best I could do with my limited skills. :P

7758095 it's better than what I produce. It's a nice picture.

7758097 Again, not really. Just combined the two pics, Mauroz allowed along with adding the Wizard symbol. Basic stuff that any Paint program can do. :P

Comment posted by Mecha Guardian-B312 deleted Nov 30th, 2016

Found this story in the feature box on the front page of the site. Decided to check it out and now its added to my library and am now just waiting on the next chapter.

7760704 ^w^ Well, unfortunately, it's gonna be awhile. Like I said, I wanna give Mauroz plenty of time to keep up his comic where he doesn't feel rushed. I will make some original Chaps, along with mixing it with Wizard's story and the canon of the comic. But the updates for this will be slow so that way everything can proceed smoothly.

7770415 Pretty much. Since his comic came out around the time of Wizard, and I just thought that it would be a nice little idea. My only problem was that sides my laziness and procrastination, work kinda screwed it all up and made this first chap be way too late. But it's out now, and I can relax while thinking of the later chaps while still giving Mauroz plenty of time to continue his work. ^w^

You off to a good start.

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