• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 3,292 Views, 158 Comments

Shadows Unseen - The Fields of Ice

When Spike begins hearing voices he knows aren't real, he quickly learns that not all things that go bump in the night are what he expected.

  • ...

Chapter Five: Silent Voices

The moment their eyes locked seemed to last an eternity to Spike, but the only problem was this moment wasn’t romantic and picture perfect, more terror and shock filled.

“Sp-Spike?” asked Twilight, taking a timid step forward.

Finally regaining control of his slacked jaw, he asked “D-Did you hear that?”

She nodded.

“How much?”

Twilight took another step forward. “Enough.”

“S-So, now what?”

“Spike,” she paused. “I just… I don’t know what to say.”

Unable to stand the tension for a second longer, Spike stood and began for the door. “Listen, I think- I think I should go.”

Twilight sidestepped, blocking his path. “No!” she exclaimed more forcefully than she meant. “Spike, you don’t have to leave. J-Just sit down. I’d like to talk about this. Please?”

Spike was hesitant to move, but slowly made his way over to the bed. Just as hesitantly, Twilight took a seat beside him.

She let out a sigh. “I can’t. I’m with Flash now.”

Spike raised a claw to silence her. “I know. I know, and I promise I don’t want anything to come between you two; just try to forget about this.”

“Spike, I can’t just forget about it. I mean, you’re my best friend, and I want to help you, but…”

“Twi, please, it’s okay. Just stop talking about it. You’re happy with Flash, and that’s all I’m worried about.”

Twilight rested a hoof atop Spike’s hand. “Spike…”


After a night of restlessness, Spike stood atop the Ponyville Bridge, staring into the water, letting his mind run through all of his possible options. No matter if Twilight would admit it or not, just knowing someone who she had seen as a brother had feelings for her must give her the creeps.

“I’m going to have to move out.”

As he said this, Fauxlight, who was currently sitting atop the bridge railing, let out a sigh. “No you won't.”

Spike shot her a glare. “Oh why should I listen to you? You got me into this mess.”

“Because I’m Twilight, and I can promise you I’d never kick you out. It’ll be a little awkward, at first, but I’m sure it’ll pass.”

Fauxlight’s words helped alleviate some of his frustrations, but he still held her personally responsible.

“There wouldn’t have been a problem if you had just left it alone, Faux.”

With guilt in her eyes, Fauxlight turned away. She knew snapping back at Spike would only make things worse, so she kept her tone soft and consoling.

“Spike, I promise I didn’t mean to cause this. I thought you were alone. If I had known… I just wanted you to admit your feelings to yourself, so you could stop fighting them.”

Spike scoffed. “Well, they’re admitted. And unrequited as usual.”

Fauxlight looked away, preparing to admit what she had been hinting at yesterday. “I wouldn’t say they’re entirely unrequited…”

Spike made a confused expression, before looking up to Fauxlight. “What are you…” He trailed off. Upon seeing her scarlet cheeks and shy gaze avoiding his, it was all too clear what she had meant.

“Twi?” he paused. “So you-“

“Yes” she interrupted.

Spike took a step back, shaking his head in confusion. “Wait, then why were you trying to get me to admit that I liked Twilight, yesterday?”

Fauxlight jumped off the railing and took a step forward. “Spike, do you still not see it yet? I am Twilight.”

“No, no, no, you and my Twilight are very different ponies.”

Fauxlight smiled. “That’s not what you said yesterday. And while I may not be your Twilight, I am still Twilight.”

Spike threw his hands up. “Still, this is crazy. You cannot have feelings for me. We’re not even from the same world.”

“If it’s so crazy, why are you blushing like I just saw you in the shower?”

He turned away, crossing his arms. “That’s not the point.”

Fauxlight made her way to Spike’s side and looked up at him. “Do I have to say it too?”

“Twi, please.”

Very nonchalantly, Fauxlight stepped in front of Spike and made sure to make eye contact. “Spike, I want to be with you.”


The pair paused for a long moment, Fauxlight staring up at Spike with anticipation, and Spike at her with hesitation. However, eventually one of the two would lose their battle of wills.

“I do too.”

Fauxlight shyly turned away, beginning to giggle, and gradually started to laugh.

Spike smirked. “What’s so funny?”

“Was that so hard?”

Suddenly, Fauxlight leapt up, attempting to wrap Spike up in her hooves, but as she did this, she found herself face planting on the ground directly behind him.

Worried, Spike turned to her, and traditionally would have given her a hand, but it appears that won’t be possible. “Are you okay?”

Fauxlight playfully rolled onto her back, trying to play off her fall and hide her embarrassment. Though all Spike could see was her looking up at him with an expression of innocence. “I think we can make this work.”


The first rays of orange began to appear on the horizon, signaling the day’s approaching end. For Spike, it was an interesting one to say the least. All that afternoon he and Fauxlight had sat in the park, just talking. He was thankful that the weekdays left the park relatively empty, giving them plenty of privacy.

“So, I take it you’re about ready to head back to the castle?”

No matter how much Spike dreaded it, he knew he had to go. Almost as if she had read his mind, Fauxlight leaned closer to Spike.

“Hey, just remember what I said. Things are going to be weird at first, but just give her time.” She then shot him a quick smile. “And if you need someone to talk to, odds are I’ll be there.”

Spike returned her smile. “Thank you, Twi… I’m sorry I was being such a jerk to you earlier.”

Fauxlight raised a dismissive hoof. “Don’t worry about it. I understand why you were mad. I’m just sorry this all happened.”

He shook his head. “It’s not your fault. I would have gone through with it sooner or later. I’m just glad I had you to talk to.”

For a moment, Fauxlight just stared at Spike. He couldn’t help but find her playful smile adorable.

“What?” asked Spike.

“I really want to hug you, right now.”

Spike couldn’t help but laugh. “The feeling is mutual.”

Fauxlight found herself giggling as well, however she became a little more serious when she looked to the sky and saw the first stars making their appearance.

“Alright, no more stalling. We need to start heading back.”

Spike nodded and arose to his feet. “You’re right.”

As Fauxlight stood to Spike’s side, she shot him a look. “So, would you be willing to walk a lady home.”

“Of course, Twi.”

“Um Spike, what are you doing?” asked a certain Pegasus.

Quickly, Spike spun around to find himself face to face with Rainbow Dash. Just as he did yesterday, he felt his stomach climbing into his throat.

“Oh, hi Rainbow. What’s up?”

The Pegasus eyed him. “Nothing other than walking in on you having an imaginary lovey dovey conversation with Twilight. You know, usual stuff.”

Out of a fit of nervousness, Spike forced a laugh as his eyes darted from left to right. “Oh that, I was um…” Spike dropped his arms to his side and looked to the ground. “Oh what’s the use?”

Rainbow Dash stepped forward, now genuinely concerned that something was wrong. “Spike, is everything okay?”

In the short amount of time he had to think, Spike figured telling Rainbow Dash he had a crush on Twilight was the best out. The only problem was, she could either find this sweet or extremely creepy.

“Please work.”

“Rainbow, listen. I-“ he paused. “I have a crush on Twilight.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened, but given what she’d just seen, she wasn’t as surprised as she would have been.

“Well, I kind of figured that, but that doesn’t explain why you were talking to yourself.”

Spike turned away, his cheeks now red with genuine embarrassment. “I was practicing.”

She raised her brow. “Practicing? Practicing what, a date?”

“Wow, that sounds so much creepier than I thought it would.”

Spike nodded, but kept his gaze firmly locked at his feet. Though to his surprise, Rainbow Dash didn’t let out a fit of laughter, or slowly back away.

Gently, she poked him with her hoof, making him look up. To his surprise, Rainbow Dash was smiling, it was faint, but she was smiling.

“That’s actually kinda cute.”

Spike made a confused expression. “Really? Even though she’s dating Flash?”

“Well, yeah. It shows that you really care about her, even if you’re over thinking it.”

Rainbow Dash leaned forward and lowered her voice for this next bit. “And between you and me, I’d like to see you with her over Flash any day.”

Spike tilted his head. “Why’s that?”

“He’s blander than mayo, dude. At least I can hang with you. But if you want a better chance with her, I’d keep my solo acting classes on the down low. You kinda look nuts.”

Spike let out a faint laugh, still in disbelief that his plan actually worked. “Will do. And hey, could you maybe not tell anybody about this.”

Rainbow nodded. “As long as you don’t, I won’t either.”


As Rainbow Dash walked off into the dimming night, Spike looked around. Just as he had expected, Fauxlight was nowhere to be seen. Disappointed, Spike began his walk home alone.

“Next time.”


It took no longer than five seconds after Spike shut the door, for Twilight to come darting down the hallway. He had told her that he was going out for the day, and she must have assumed he had considered running away. Had it not been for Fauxlight, that possibility would have easily become a reality.

Twilight did her best to hide the worried look on her face with a comforting smile. “Spike, I’m glad to see you’re home.”

Spike returned the smile, and gave her an unexpected hug. Twilight was caught off guard, but after a brief hesitation returned the embrace.

“So what is this?” she asked.

He took a step back, breaking the embrace. “I’m just glad to see you again, that’s all.”

Twilight was still a bit confused. She couldn’t quite figure out if he meant that as just friends, or if he was trying to imply something more. Before her mind could begin to analyze it any further, Spike spoke up.

“Wow, something smells good.”

“Thank you,” replied Twilight, following him into the kitchen.

As Spike turned the corner, he caught sight of the aroma’s source. Twilight had spent the past few hours preparing his favorite dish; amethyst and tomato-basil casserole and for dessert a fresh apple pie sat cooling on the counter.

He looked to Twilight. “Twi, you didn’t have to do all this.”

Twilight shook her head as she took a seat across from Spike. “Spike, it’s okay; I felt bad about last night, so I thought I’d do something to cheer you up… But it seems you did a good job of that yourself.”

Spike nodded and scooped a corner of the casserole onto his plate. “Yeah, I decided to go visit some friends. We hung out the whole day.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Who might they be?”

“Oh, just me Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“Smart one Spike. Odds are she might have ran into Applebloom when she went to get those apples for the pie.”

Twilight picked at her gem free half of the casserole. “That’s funny, because I saw the three of them at Sweet Apple Acres earlier. So where were you really?”


Spike sighed. “I was alone. I was worried you might not want me around anymore, so I just wanted to get away to think. Then I ran into Rainbow Dash and we talked for a bit.”

Twilight’s expression fell. “Spike, I’d never throw you out over something like this. I’m flattered really. You’re a sweet, smart, and caring boy. Honestly, if I wasn’t dating Flash I might have considered dating you, but I’m not the one you’re looking for. I promise you’ll find some other pony out there.”

“Well, technically you’re not.”

Spike nodded. “It’s okay, Twi. I’m not worried about it anymore.”

Twilight couldn’t help but feel something was off. Two rejections in a matter of weeks, and he’s acting like nothing happened. The only thing she could see fixing this so quickly would be so ludicrous, so insane, so off that it might just be true.

“Alright, if you say so. Anyways, you said you ran into Rainbow Dash; what all did you talk about?”

Spike swallowed the bit of food in his mouth before answering. “I just told her what happened, and made her promise not to tell. Like I said, I was worried and a little upset, but she helped calm me down.”

Twilight leaned forward. “You two didn’t hook up, did you?”

The moment Twilight said that, Spike’s fork hit his plate as he busted out in laughter.

“No! Twilight" "why" "would you ever" "think that?!” he gasped in between laughs.

Twilight couldn’t help but join in on the laughter.

“Well, you seemed a little too happy.”

“No, Twi. Just no.”

Comments ( 42 )

And so the chess check on the greaser begins.

He's blander than mayo, dude.

Blessed words, these are, Dashie. Except he is salty mayo, which is the kind you can't even feel the natural taste of the mixed ingredients.

AN UPDATE! Thank you thank you thank you. :pinkiegasp:

The whole business with "Fauxlight" is spooky but fascinating, and sooner or later Twilight is going to figure out there's more to this than Spike is telling her. I dread that the second Twilight may be nothing more than a hallucination on Spike's part or something else, but I hope that it's for real. I wonder how clearly Spike distinguishes his relationship with Fauxlight from his relationship with the real pony? How close can they get, and will they attempt to cross those dimensional boundaries? I can't wait to find out.

I don't think Twi would ever use the expressions "what all did you talk about" or "hook up", but otherwise this is pretty true to their characters, just with the non-canon attraction thrown in.

Wow, dimensional Spilight, definitely I have the feeling that this will not end well.

IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5808745 I don't know. I kind of think she hit the nail right on the head... with a sledge hammer.

JBL #8 · Apr 1st, 2015 · · ·

Imagine if Twilight lets slip that Spike has feelings for her to Flash... and he decides to put Spike in his 'place' in order to show him that he's the stallion in that relationship...

5811356 Flash vs 17-ish dragon who shoots fire, has giant claws, bathes in lava, has teeth that break diamond, and stands 3-4 feet taller than most ponies...


5811443 I was thinking more along the lines of harsh words. Spike's already emotionally vulnerable as it is.

Yussss new chaptah!

Good chapter. Was wondering how the whole Spike revealing his feelings would play out. I think it was handled very well, and the way that mature adult would normally handle it. :twilightsmile:
One thing I can't help but notice is Spike and Fauxlight not discussing 'how' they can make their relationship work. The fact that they are basically ghosts in each others worlds means they will have to find a more permanent solution to being a couple or the relationship simply won't work, and makes me wonder if they are simply avoiding that conversation, or if Fauxlight really is all in Spike's head. :pinkiecrazy:

There's also the fact that alternate twilight doesn't seem to talk about her spike, or hasn't ran into any trouble like real spike has. I wonder why that is...

5810093 I'm not 100% sure how that relates to my comment.

5822962 Oops... It really has nothing to do with your comment... sorry. That is what happens when you read something at 3:30 in the morning after being up and working for 24 hours strait lol.

Oh, come on! We're no chapters?

I need moar chapters :raritydespair:

This story is VERY intriguing! It really does make me wonder, is Fauxlight real? Is she really from an alternate universe? Is it all in Spike's head? I like the mystery behind all that, it makes it sad, chilling, and very intriguing. :pinkiegasp:

I really like it so far, actually. :3 The structure is rushed, but it doesn't feel like the story itself is racing through everything. There's nice build up and suspense, and the fast pace actually works. It doesn't feel like it's going fast and yet it's not going at snail's pace.

Looking forward to what's coming next! X3

I feel sad for some reason it's still my favorite pairing ever but at the same time it's not and yet I don't trust the other Twilight.

Twilight couldn’t help but feel something was off. Two rejections in a matter of weeks, and he’s acting like nothing happened.

The last part of the sentence indicates you probably meant to put it all in italics. As it seems like it's a thought.

Comment posted by angypon03 deleted Jun 21st, 2015

I love this story!(and no,i'm not late,i read it months ago),sorry if I ask but........When for the next chapter?:twilightblush:

*Waiting next chapter* Cof Cof... I need a Sandwich :derpytongue2:

Is that it? ;-;

I think i have an idea of whats going on... Its kinda strange that she always disappears when someone else appears and dorsnt return right after.

I have two ideas, one a great one and the other...I hope isnt the truth...:ajsleepy:

Looking forward to the next chapter! Please update soon, I'm rather addicted to this story.:twilightblush:

next chapter?? plsss !!!

This story is really good and I really want to find out how it ends so please write another chapter

Why haven't you written a chapter in so long? Please write another chapter I love this story :pinkiehappy:

Could you please write another chapter, or at least write a sequel where Spike and Sweetie Belle get together? That would be so cute!

84 years have passed... I'm still waiting for a new chapter of this fic. :fluttershysad:

And I'll still waiting for more...:fluttershysad:

This story would be much stronger if more was happening in it. It feels like it's just the Fauxlight and Spike interacting without much else going on, sprinkles with a few major things. Why not have there be some reason why the two can see each other that someone else knows about, like Celestia or Discord? Maybe they could say that interacting with the ponies from the other universe damages the fabric of reality, and there's some sorta conflict where the two can't see each other?

If they were investigating the reason why they could see each other, or maybe trying to confirm the existence of the other a little more, it would be something, you know? Or it could be more slice-of-life, but based on more notable events. Maybe Fauxlight needs help with something and Spike tries to help her. Then that same problem would surface for the real Twilight and Spike would do the same thing, only for it to fail because Fauxlight lied to him about taking his advice, revealing her true course of action to save the day?

I don't know. *Something*. You have one of the more interesting ideas that I've seen for a story and it doesn't feel like you're taking advantage of all the different things you could do with it.

Damn we need updates

You know, I'm pretty sure that Doctor Whooves isn't in the TARDIS right now.

Still here, just checking if there is an update, hoping it gets continue!

A wonderful story!! I read this in Fanfiction.net, and I accidentally found it while browsing through your page since I forgot you were the writer :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Sorry!

So amazed to see it here!!

Stay safe out there m8 :)

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