• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2014
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We are the Bronies. Lower your expectations and surrender your incredulity. We shall add your fandoms and characters to our own. Your culture will adapt to enjoy ponies. Friendship is Magic.

Comments ( 67 )

And I've just been waiting for all the clop chapters between Sunset and Sonata :twilightblush:

5439801 Yeeeeah, I tried that already. People didn't seem to like it. So I decided to do this one separately.


I love u!


5439976 I have an alternate ending coming.

Although it's non-canon, this really puts me at ease regarding the same situation in the main story (since that kinda stuff really bothers me and I long for closure :rainbowwild:). Excellent work.

5440003 Kinda one of the reasons I did it. A lot of people wanted them to have sex, and then one person said they wanted Fleur to do Sunset. And then it struck me, in a good way.

Threesome. :ajsmug::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::scootangel::trixieshiftleft::twilightblush::moustache::trollestia::yay:

Eeyup :eeyup:

Why am I writing this, some of you may be wondering? In a word: Curiosity.


You haven't forgotten about your other project, though, have you? :P

Either way, I'm gonna give this a read and at the end, I'll let you know what I think.

I'm not keen on Sunset being used by Fleur, but eh.

Maybe you should do a "side story" to The Evening Sonata", the optional mature stories of Sunset and Sonata. :rainbowwild: Canon, but not necessary to the story, so people can read on and not be bothered about missing it. Obviously reference it in some chapters, or in the chapter that follows, but not be too graphic.

Not saying I would like that... But maybe I will, :heart: For now, this will have to tide me over, you bad, bad, BAD man. :P

*celebrates suggesting this in the comments last time*

Also, you forgot the gift basket!! :P

5440254 Ah damn-it, I did forget the gift basket. Unless you count Fleur's handbag.

5440249 Oh I certainly haven't forgotten my other project. I felt kinda bad about postponing it over Christmas, playing Inquisition and watching the DVDs I got and stuff, so I did this up in part to make up for it. It was something a lot of my readers seemed to want.

Yes, upon seeing the handbag, I was all, "That's close enough."

Not bad work.

5440406 Thanks. I've not tried explicit writing a great deal before. It's probably a little tame.

Not totally tame, which is fine. I've written pairs, threesomes, and foursomes before, and the hardest thing is keeping track of everyone's positions and where their hands have gone.

You know, the scene at the end, I thought it was a troll, lol.

But then I'm reminded of this;

I enjoyed it, and glad of the main event being the way it was, not so much involvement, xD

I do hope to see an optional fic though, alongside Evening Sonata, between those two, in a canon sense where they "explore" each other alone, lol.


Ah, it's all good. I'm jealous in the sense of DA:I. I want that game myself.

How is it? Fun? Killed many dragons yet? XD

Anyway, long awaiting the next chapter in what I want to dub as THE BEST SUNATA FIC on ALL of FiMFic XD

Loved it. Gonna take me a bit to remember that this is set post 'Evening Sonata', reading future chapters may be entertaining for a time.:rainbowlaugh:

I like your curiosity.

God Damn. The world can never have enough Sunata clop. Denouttaden.

Dayum... Unexpected... So... Which "end" is the canon one of this arc? XD The Vampire end, or the Slave end? Or do you have another end to tease us with? XD

I do kinda like Vampires also, but... How Fleur went to get Sunset to do what she wanted... Some Vampire novels I have read don't involve killing the victim first, so... Yeah... But still, Vampire Sunset and Sonata, xD (I can see them both turning on Fleur and killing her while she slept, then again, that could either result in them being free of the curse, dying or remaining as a Vampire, lol. Who knows : P) Keep 'em coming!

5442029 Well none of it is canon, so whichever you like. But if you want my opinion, they're both alternate aspects of the multiverse theory. They both happened. Just in different universes.

I kind of imagine Fleur as an intelligent but discreet individual with a finger on the pulse of whoever she's with. She knows how to get what she wants.


Pretty much like ALL Vampires do, lol. Okie dokie lokie! I love that we've had three chapters all in the space of 24 hours, you're spoiling us with an early New Year gift. XD

I sort of expected Sunset to wake up from a nightmare at the end.

Fleur herself had already indicated that she didn’t want their ‘activities’ necoming public knowledge. But what could Fleur want from all this?


the "The dark Ending" title should have been my first warning. scratch that, the fact that the autor made a clop of his own story should have.

just a heads up, you should put a "gore" tag, or put a warning up like with the glucose levels on "the evening sonata", because this chapter shocked me. I was sincerely not expecting that. It caught me off guard, and I both love and loathe that feeling.

en resumen, great story, great build up, and great "take that!".

OMIGOSH. OMIGOSH. I-I CAN'T. I- I CAN'T. Why do I want more of this? Gleebits!?! THIS IS JUST WONDERFUL. I LOVE IT. FAVORITE AUTHOR RIGHT THERE. Though I wanna read the 'practice' session of Sonata and Sunset >w>

We need more Sunata NSFW stories! Oh, btw because of you I'm gonna get my tablet and draw NSFW Sunata stuff. Thank you for the inspiration.

Show. Me. The pictures.
The Pictures. Show. Me.
Glad you liked the story though :twilightsmile:

5443762 A warning to what? What were you not expecting? A sex chapter?
In fairness, I had no particular interest in making clopfics, but quite a few readers expressed an interest, and also this site doesn't seem to mind explicit material, and this was a story that I already had something to draw from.

It's a really good story, I personally liked it. The writing and the passion between the three was top notch, thank you for that. Though some people might be a little too sensitive to the whole "going from sex to death and light gore" thing, that doesn't have any warning signs to it among the story tags.
Also, was this story a sequel you was talking about previously?
Hey! You are that person that does the thing that I like a lot. Please, keep doing the thing.

a warning to the friggin' vampire..

Seriously, that came out of the blue.

5445212 Ehh, I thought it should be a surprise :pinkiehappy:
Added the tags.

5444959 No, this is not the sequel I mentioned. This was basically just some fan service. Some people expressed a wish for it to happen, and I was curious enough to see how it would be received.

your idea of a surprise had me jumping at shadows. :ajbemused:

now that I look back at it, I can't believe how freaked out I got. still a little jumpy.
Goes to show just how much power you have with words.


Oh, hahaha! Thanks! :D I'll keep doing that thing cause' I like those things >.>

Daniel, you're a magnificently horrible man. It's perfect. I love you, I love your writing, and this story. This was amazingly written and, goodness, vampires. They're perfect! I applaud you. Keep up the fantastic work.

5446363 Freaked out? Were you expecting something else based on the title?

5448074 I plan to :pinkiehappy:


not that, that's for sure.

5455198 Not vampires, you mean? Not gruesome horrible death? Tragic murder in front of a loved one?

Sorry, I can be a bit of a sadistic god sometimes :twilightblush:

Don't be sorry. It was awesome. I got scared because I didn't see it coming.

They were like, basking in the afterglow of their love making, and then, bam!
it all came crashing down.
is just that... well, Sunset willingfully got tied up... and then, when it dawned on her that she had given herself up in a silver plate...


also, I'm yet to read "The Nightmare Sonata". I'll tell you how much of a sadistic god you're when i'm done with it.

edit: there's something wrong with the "spoiler" thing...

5455249 Ahh, yes. I found that you have to invoke the [spoiler ] thing at the beginning of each individual line for it to work.

And yes, that was part of the overall fear-factor was Sunset realising that she had stepped willingly into the prepared net, and that there was no way out. So delicious.

Oh hey, this is a thing... Totally gonna not read it. Cause I don't read that stuff.
Hold on while I unfavorite anything marked mature.

5457951 *Glares narrow eyed... not sure whether to believe*

Yeah, I am not gonna read this later today after I am finished with a couple things that need doing. That is not my plan at all.

I for one want a sequel to the dark ending in which Sonata and Sunset kill Fleur and then go on to hunt down all the vampires they can find. I don't care if it's canon or not, make it happen!

Uhhhhhh.. Errrmmm holy shit...

Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the mastermind of shippers! This guy clearly knows how to write a clopfic.
Okay, in all seriousness, what made you become an author? Talent? Hobby? What?

Ive read some pretty grusome clop ficts, like where I couldnt even get past the actual sex part, but this... Since its an sequel to the main story; I read through the whole thing cause i couldnt stop reading though tbh, it was hard because im not a fan of clopficts at all.


They both need to kill that twisted bitch! I hate Fleur soooooo god damn much.

Daniel' do it!!! Have Sunset and Sonata kill that bitch!
She needs to die. But also continue where this chapter was left off.
Every chapter you make always have potential for another to be made.

Do it!!! Cmon, do it!!

5472410 I'll be honest, I'm not terribly fond of clopfics that use a great deal of explicit detail. The overt detail leaves nothing for me to imagine, and sometimes can put me off when it's not something I would personally do.
I tried here to indicate what was happening without explicit detail of every single minute action, which some other writers are prone to do.

I'm considering doing a little add-on to the dark ending. Maybe. No promises, because I don't yet have a story to build around yet. If I can think of one, I'll write it out and see how I like it.

I'm not sure if it is because I've read too many stories and played too many games about vampires, or if I'm just paranoid—maybe it's both, but I seriously considered this outcome when Fleur asked to be let into their house on two occasions. Well, I guess Fleur also had this whole "romantic" vampire aura about her.

I really enjoyed this story as a whole and this ending was the cherry on top :)

really? i didn't see this coming at all. to be honest, i don't really know how i found this.

One doesn’t simply get between me and something I want.

This calls for a Boromir meme image. Shame I can't make one right now. :raritydespair:

Also, I now have this running through my head:

Even though the band has repeatedly denied the rumor that it's about vampires.:derpytongue2:

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