• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 2,676 Views, 69 Comments

Scales the Draconic Oddball - Kowlickkid

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Chapter 12: Running

*SNAP!* "Oh, yeah." *CRACKLE!* "Perfect." *POP!* "...Rice Krispies!"

Lena looked at me quizzically.

"Little saying from where I'm from." She shrugged.

"Whatever." *CRUNCH!* "Wow, your joints are really stiff." *POP!*

"I didn't move for six months. Do you expect them to be loose?"

"Well, not really." *SNAP* "But this seems a tad bit exaggerated." *Crick*

I swiveled my wrists and then my arms, now having full mobility.

"Well, that doesn't matter, because you really know how to give a good massage." She scuffed her hoof against the ground.

"Twasn't nothin'." I smiled down at her.

"One second and then we go. I gotta say goodbye to Discord and the others." Her face was genuinely surprised.

"Hold up a sec, Discord isn't the only creature-turned-to-stone?"

"Of course not. A good 90% of the statues here were once flesh and blood. Some were bad and got turned to stone by Celly and Woona, others got turned into stone by cockatrices and malfunctioning magic spells. Few are actually statues. Didn't you know?"

"Uh, that information is classified in the princesses' eyes. And I'm not psychic. Do the math."

"Alright, one sec here. 'Sup Discord?"

I read his mind to try to get an answer.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! I worked for CENTURIES to get enough strength to break out, and you break out in half a year with minimum effort!"

"Oh, nothin' much. Just used the feral bit inside me to get me going. U jelly?" I heard him quietly sob.

"Now I'm gonna be bored for another couple millenia. Y U HAVE TO GO?! Dreams can only keep ya happy for a couple years. I don't have any more ideas."

"Well, you think about that. I've gotta live a little bit out here." I expanded my area. "See ya later, Siggy, Meat-mare." Sigmund 'aww'ed in disappointment while the Meat-mare remained silent.

"Farewell, dragon. Spread a little carnage for me, will you?"

"If I find something that deserves it, alright. I'm not really as evil as all of you, no offense."

"None taken, but everyone can use a little insanity once in a while, dontcha think?"

"You have a point there, Sigmund. I might just help out with that. Now, ta-ta for now, 'cause me and my friend here are gonna scram."

"Are you finished yet?"

"Yeah, I'm done. Hop on my back and we can get going."

I got down on all fours and opened my wings slightly, revealing the little hollow she had sat on before.

"You know what? I'm sick of this place. The vacation ends tomorrow morning, but I don't even wanna spend it here. Do you know how stuck-up some of these ponies are?"

I rubbed my chin.

"Well, apart from a whole bunch of nobles fainting in front of me after insulting me, which, by the way, included Prince Blueblood the Snot-nosed, I don't have a clue."

She grinned evilly.

"You know just how to bring a smile to my face. Now, HI-HO, DRAGON, AWAY!"

"You won't get sick?"

"Trust me on this one, I'm cured of that. Thankfully."

"Okay. If you insist."

I zoomed forward, leaving a dust cloud in the shape of a pony riding a dragon. I looked back at Lena momentarily to see her gums flapping comically in the wind, her eyes squinting because of the high velocity. She clung onto my shoulders for dear life.

"Fast enough for ya?"

"Think again, scale-brain."

"Okay, I'm going to think... INTO YOUR BRAIN!" I proceeded to fill her thoughts with images of Luna throwing a pie in Celestia's face. I then slowed down enough for her face to return to normal.

"Okaaaaaay... Why that image?"

"Luna wanted to learn the ways of the troll, so I taught her the basics. Now, Celly is being tormented by Trolluna."

"Well, as they say: Revenge is a dish best served cold."

"Indeed, and it's even sweeter when you've tasted defeat."


I returned my gaze to what was in front of me, to see a large sequoia in front of me. When I first arrived in Equestria, I would have crashed right into it, but thanks to my better reflexes, I turned a sharp 90° angle to the left and went around it.

"How is that even possible?"

"Do not question he who breaks the laws of physics."

I heard her smack her hoof against her face.

"Great." she mumbled. "Two of them."


"Nothing. Say, we're out of Canterlot now and in a forest. Can we just camp out here or something? I'm getting kinda tired. It is midnight, after all."

"You're right. I'll check our current location and we can take a nap in a tree or something."

I quickly dropped her off on the ground and scaled a tree rapidly. I then removed the sextant and the map from my scale compartment(Let's hear it for biological pockets!) and began measuring.

"Let's see... North Star... latitude... current time... time... longitude... latitude and longitude... current location here... destination here... come morning... compass... over there."

Satisfied with my calculations, I threw myself off the top of the tree and landed softly on the ground. Lena was standing there, teeth lightly chattering, her breath making a bit of vapor as it hit the seemingly cold air.

"A-are you f-f-finished yet?"

"Yup. We're in a forest that's to the south of Canterlot. Tomorrow, we go west."

"Th-that's nice. Now, how about we get a fire going?"

"Too risky. I don't wanna burn the forest down. The trees are too close together and the grass is dry. Look, there's a big tree, and it's got a hollow in it. Come on."

I walked into the small opening and laid down in the middle. Lena dashed inside, went to the other side of me so I was between her and the opening and pressed herself against my side. She sighed and curled up.

"Look at da widdle pony. Isn't she adowable? She's like a gweat big putty-tat. D'aaawwwwww."

"Laugh it up, reptile. It's a cold night and you radiate heat like a furnace."

I snorted and changed color to match the wooden inside of the tree. We didn't want any unexpected visitors looking in.


I was woken up earlier than normal by a high-pitched scream of rage that permeated every inch of the quarters. Lena squawked -there is no other word for it- and leaped into the air.

"What's happening!?", she screamed.

"Either Celly found out I'm gone or Luna put plan 35L into action."

Lena stopped hopping around.

"What's plan 35L?", she asked.

"Trust me: You don't wanna know."

Face met hoof as she massaged her forehead.

"You really like giving me headaches, don't you?"

I put a finger to her lips, and one on mine, and emulated the shushing noise.

"Listen.", I whispered.

A few dull thumps sounded up above, on the branches of the hollow tree. Voices began to speak.

"It's amazing how fast Celestia booted us out here, isn't it?", remarked the voice of a mare. I tried to place her familiar-sounding voice without success.

"Yup.", responded a deep stallion's voice. "She's really mad about this dragon escape. I wonder why, though."

"Word in the castle is that she's annoyed at the guy.", responded a third voice, also of a mare.

Slowly, I turned my head towards Lena and raised an eyebrow. She mouthed something like 'Wamderpolts'. I pondered this piece of information. Then it hit me.

"Wonderbolts...", I whispered, but apparently not quietly enough, because the pegasi above halted movement.

I cringed and slowly lifted a wing up for Lena to crawl into. She carefully mounted my back, but in the process snapped a twig.


A couple orders were barked out by the Wonderbolt captain, and two blue-clad figures appeared in the doorway. Unfortunately for them, that was the moment that I chose to bolt out of the opening and start running.


The pegasi came into formation behind me like professionals, which they were. I made sure that Lena was well tucked beneath my wings as I dodged trees.

"Tree... Rock... Tree... TREE WALL!"

I managed to vaporize a hole in the foliage big enough for me to get through with an explosive fireball.

"Fireball Blast!", I yelled out as the sphere exploded against the trunks.

'Yes, I had to name my attacks.', I mentally told Lena.

The Wonderbolts started moving forward, a line of pegasi on each of my sides. I began to move my legs faster, and got to a point where Soarin was on one side of me and Spitfire on the other.

"Fun fact!", I yelled at them. "When clipped, wings have a hard time flying!"

I withdrew two sharp scales from my torso and flung them at either of my sides. The two captains immediately saw this coming and dodged, but the next two pegasi weren't so lucky. The trajectory of my projectiles curved towards them and clipped a substantial amount of feathers, upon which they accidentally swerved and crashed into each other. I gave them a salute and kept on going.

"Hasta la vista, mistah!"

The pegasi hesitated for a moment before renewing their chase against me.

"So, you think you can keep up, eh? Let's see if you can!"

I kicked up my speed another notch and started making impossible angles around trees, seemingly bouncing off invisible walls. The Wonderbolts strove to follow, but couldn't handle the sheer awesomeness of my physics breaking. Suddenly, I was cut short by Spitfire appearing in front of me from above, with two others blocking me forward path. I screeched to a halt, and was soon surrounded by them. I slowly turned, taking precautions not to reveal Lena.

"Surrender now, dragon, and we won't have to hurt you."

I barely resisted the urge to facepalm.

"Okay, I'm just gonna point out a few things here. First of all, why would I surrender? It would just land me in another cell, maybe even worse than that stone prison. Second of all, you really think you can hurt me easily? I would most assuredly be capable of injuring more than one of you. Thirdly of all, how many beings have actually surrendered when you said that line before?"

The orange mare paused for thought.

"Wellll...", she began.

Unfortunately for her, I saw an opening and dashed through her defences. Tossing her aside, I kept running. Before long, the trees suddenly thinned out and revealed a startling landscape: There was a straight path that had many loop-de-loops and jumps. A grin broke out on my face as a suitable music filled the air unexplicably.

I began running, my legs soon becoming blurs as I sped round the stone track, going at impossible angles, as the pegasi fruitlessly tried to catch me. The sheer amount of loops was astounding, and it was even complete with thin rails along chasms for me to slide on.


The pegasi began swarming me, coming in from all directions, dealing me glancing blows all over. They weren't very strong, but they were throwing me off balance.

"So, Spitfire,", I began, hoping to stall them. "What are you going to do once you bring me down?"

"You're going straight to Canterlot once more to receive punishment for your deeds."

I was beginning to get irked.

"FOR MY DEEDS!?!?!", I yelled. "FOR MY FAULTS!?!?! I HATE TO BREAK THIS TO YOU, BUT YOU PONIES STARTED THIS! I was just coming out of the Everfree and was hit by a stun spell! A few hours later I was encased in stone! For no actual reason! You want justice, you stay off my back and go to get the Elements of Harmony! In the meantime, I will just live a mildly peaceful life, not looking for trouble in your utopian country!"

"Wow, man, you got some anger issues."

I resisted the urge to take her and slam her skull into the ground for, I admit, mostly selfish reasons. If I did that, everyone would be after me and I wouldn't get a moment of peace. As it was, I was wanted. Didn't want to get to more than that. Suddenly, I could see ahead that the cliff dropped. As I didn't want to reveal the pink unicorn on my back, I couldn't lift my wings, but what else to do? Then I caught sight of the rocks, and a dopey smile lit up my face.

"Liiiiiight bulb."

I continued running straight towards the cliff.

"Hey, Spitfire? Can you follow this?!", I challenged.

Immediately she prepared to swoop forward into the skies. SUCKER!!! I got to the cliff, which was cartoonishly vertical, and used my strong taloned feet to grab hold of the rocks and continue running vertically! Spitfire was left in the air, astounded at this, but she soon recovered and dove down after me. I kept sprinting with gravity, my speeds getting higher at every second. I could see bottom a ways away.

'Lena, grab hold of the inside of my right wing, NOW!'

I could feel magic taking hold of my right wing, and as I reached the bottom, I brought my wings forward, cradled Lena to my chest, tucked in my head, my legs, my arms and my tail, and continued rolling, soon becoming just a rolling blur. Inside the makeshift cocoon of my body, Lena's face and mine were quite close together.

"You come around here often?", I asked her jokingly.

Her look was anything but amused.

Somehow, I could see outside, and saw an upward cliff coming up. Using muscles in my back, I managed to jump up platforms and bounce off ledges till I had gotten to the top. Knowing that Spitfire was right behind me, I stuck a camoflauged head over the side. As she came up, ready to keep chasing, I whipped out a claw and grabbed her by the neck firmly but not tightly, and held her away from me. I stared at her with a cold gaze.

"This is your last warning. If you continue chasing me, I will not be responsable for my actions.", I said in an icy voice.

"Yeah, like you could be responsible for anythin-HGGGK!!!"

I had adjusted my position on her neck to better squeeze.

"You are beginning to irk me, Captain, I am irked... And that will not do..."

I extended the claws on one of my hands, and held it back, preparatory to swiping at her. She cringed, thinking it was the end. It wasn't.

With a couple of well-aimed slices, I sliced her yellow feathers off her wings, and for good measure gave her a haircut.

"Consider that an act of mercy. I could've killed you, but I didn't."

I turned to Soarin and the rest of the Wonderbolts, who were watching worriedly from the sidelines, having got there soon after I had grabbbed Spitfire.

"You may want to hurry. A body picks up speed at a tremendous rate when falling, and the force accumulated from here to the bottom of this canyon would put a serious dent on anything. And as you can see..." I showed my hand. "Spitfire was gone a while ago."

Soarin immediately precipitated himself over the edge, screaming her name. I turned to the rest of the cadets.

"I don't have the time or the patience to deal with you.", I said, black smoke billowing out of my nostrils as I spoke. "Consider yourselves lucky. And tell Celly 'Hi', for me, will you?"

The smoke cloud completely covered me. I quickly turned invisible and flew off, leaving some very confused and intimidated pegasi behind.

Okay, so I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a long time. I've been occupied with a number of things, including Ancient Wings, New Soul. Don't know when the next update will come. So I got a little bit violent in this chapter. Yes. I kinda lost patience with Spitfire. Anyways, thanks for reading, and keep your stick on the ice.