• Published 6th Jan 2015
  • 1,655 Views, 36 Comments

Mastering Powers - Kaffeina

An HiE in which the character gets some strange new powers. Amnesia lives with Luna before discovering a strange group of people who worship them as their king. Who are they?

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Meeting a Warrior

Amnesia looked up at the girl who had spoken and back at the mirror. His mind burned with rage but he quickly calmed himself. “Your Majesty?” Amnesia asked.

“Yes. I knew when I first saw you in that high school,” she said, “Your are destined to rule our world.”

“This world?” He asked, looking around at the floating trees.

“No. We must go through a portal to get there,” she shook her head, “And we must go now.”


Amnesia and Freyja were at the top of the castle and Amnesia was being taught a new flight maneuver.

“I just, flick my wings?” Amnesia asked, raising an eyebrow critically.

“Thats it,” Freyja nodded.

“Alright,” he took to the air and flicked his wings when she got close enough. Suddenly, with over ten times Freyja’s estimated speed he flew back.

“Amazing,” she said, “Let me grab on and let’s test your limit, hm?”

Amnesia let her grab on and he took off upwards. After a moment the castle became a blur the size of a gnat and he eventually could see the sky begin to darken. “This high enough?”

“Perfect. Just, let it rip when you fly downwards,” she answered. Nodding he dove. The wind pushed and pushed but he instinctively put his wings forward and all resistance and airflow hitting him vanished.

His speed increased rapidly, and a sonic boom echoed around him. He felt fine so pushed on. After another ten seconds of acceleration, all light around him slowed and he passed the highest recorded speed for any universe near him. Suddenly, he beat the Multiverse record by 0.314mph. Then, he split three atoms and broke the universal boundaries throwing himself and Freyja into the Void.

“Well… shit,” Amnesia said.

Meanwhile, a wave of energy slammed into Equestria. Anything not nailed down went flying. Yet sadly, Amnesia was not there to give any fucks.

I had headed into the Everfree Forest again to train and refresh myself. I had already gone through my forms and was now meditating, or at least I was trying to. The day off I gave the Red Wings wasn’t just for them, it was for me too. So far nothing had gone wrong, but the truth was I was really flying by the seat of my pants when it came to commanding troops.

I really have to thank Gregory, Shining, Spitfire, and Thorax for giving me some pointers, not to mention taking over the smaller details, but I just don’t know how long I can keep this up. Maybe I-

My thoughts were cut off as I felt a portal open not too far from me. Before I could even ponder the implications of this something shot out and slammed into the ground like a meteor with enough force to send me tumbling. After the ringing in my ears stopped I looked towards the direction the object had fallen and saw a massive cloud of dirt in the sky.

Well that ain’t good. Let’s just hope it’s not bad.

I hopped from the tree branches over to the crater, arriving in about half a minute. I was about to hop down and investigate when I heard a pair of groans coming from inside. Deciding it was better to see what was happening, I hid in the tree remained quiet as I saw two figures begin to rise.

It looked like two women, one with gold wings, the other's looked incredibly sharp. The gold winged one spoke up first. "I think you broke something, like, I dunno, LIGHTSPEED."

The other one winced. "Freyja, you said to test my limits. I did."

Freyja growled. "Amnesia.."

Freyja and… Amnesia? Who the hell name’s someone “memory loss”? Then again, I am in a world where “Fancy Pants” isn’t considered too odd of a name, so I guess I shouldn’t talk. They seem to be pretty friendly, but I’m not taking any chances. Not after Geo. Let’s watch a little longer.

“Calm down, we just need to figure where we are, and hopefully, the locals are friendly,” Amnesia said, placing a hand on her forehead.

“We just destroyed a section of their forest,” Freyja monotoned.

“It was only an accident,” Amnesia said, “I’ll fly up, look around, and figure out where we are, alright?”

“Go on then,” Freyja gestured.

Amnesia launched skyward, literally flying up faster than any pegasus or flying creature I had seen. Seconds later he landed again, “We’re still in Equestria, the Everfree from the looks of it.”

“And you’d be correct,” I butt in, startling them as a revealed myself. “So Freyja and Amnesia, was it? Sorry to spy on you, but when a dimensional portal opens up out of nowhere during a time of war, you have to be cautious.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” Amnesia nodded, “but, who are you?”

I puffed my chest out. "I, fair maidens, am Gilgamesh, mightiest warrior in all of Equus... or at least this one. And, honestly, I'm surprised you're taking the whole 'you walked into a war' thing so well. Lot of crazy stuff happen to you, too?"

Amnesia pointed at Freyja after facepalming. “She’s female. I am male. Yes, yes it does.”

"Really? Oh, um, sorry about that. And, uh, not to be rude, but you guys might want to leave. I don't think you want to get tangled up in a war decided whether or not the planet is going to be destroyed. Just saying."

“Honestly, I have no idea how to get back to our world,” Amnesia shrugged, “But sounds like you could use help, if you want it.”

I sighed. “Look, if unless you could provide me with some kind of spell, weapon, armor that could be used by anyone, or hell even some quality food, there’s not much you can do here unless you’re willing to stay here. And I mean, like, possibly years. I’ve got soldiers to train and supply, trying to get different species to put their past grievances aside, and god knows what else to do.”

Amnesia grinned, “I’ve got the armor part covered, as well as weapons. Get me some gems and a source of magic and I can get the spells. Food is a possibility.”

I actually blinked in surprise. To be honest, I was just looking forward to sending them home and out of danger, but if they could actually supply the army with something, I’d be all for it.

“If you can, that’d be great, but how much can you make? I’ve got millions of soldiers already, more volunteers and refugees willing to throw in their hand- I’m mean hooves at protecting their homeland, and it’s barely been a month since this war officially started. Not to mention body types. I’ve even got a few dragons in my ranks.”

“Well, here, I’ll let you test the metal I use,” Amnesia reached back and pulled a handful of feathers which regrew instantly. He held up his hands and the feathers molded into a chestplate. “Hit it.”

I shrugged and unclipped my naginata and struck the armor, not that hard but enough to damage the standard issue Solar Guard armor. I was surprised not find a scratch on it. I pulled back for a harder swing, a strike about strong enough to slice clean through Twilight’s treebrary. There was a dent, but it was barely noticeable. I was legitimately impressed, but I had to see it’s limits.

“Set it on the ground. Even if it can take this next blow, I doubt you can,” I warned.

Amnesia shrugged, “I was basically thrown down into the earth at FTL speeds, but yeah. Sure,” he grabbed it and laid it down on the ground.

“Good point, but I still wouldn’t feel good about hurting you.” I clipped my naginata to my back again and raised my fist, gathering energy in my hand and preparing to use the Kongou Kokuretsuzan. “Put up a shield or something. This attack has been known to split islands and pulverize mountains.” As I pulled my arm back, Amnesia and Freyja took a step back, Amnesia making a barrier with his wings.

“Even I don’t know the limits,” Amnesia said from behind the wings, “This could be interesting.”

I slammed my fist into the armor, the attack unleashing a shockwave that sent nearby trees flying, sent the armor into the earth, and sent dirt and debris miles into the sky. After a few seconds of waiting for the dust to clear I picked the breastplate out of the ground and my eyes widened. The armor was bent in, an indentation in the shape of my fist warping it, and a few decent sized cracks all over it, but other it was still whole. Sure, anything that was hit with such an attack would probably still have their internal organs destroyed, but the fact that it was still intact was amazing.

“Holy shit,” I muttered before looking up at the two. “Are you related to Hephaestus or something?” I joked.

Amnesia seemed to ponder for a second, “I don’t know about that but I rule a version of Valhalla…”

I groaned. “Seriously? Another norse Equestria? Jeez, this is getting silly. Am I going to come across a version of Equestria that’s actually Nirvana at some point? Eh, whatever.”

Amnesia shrugged, “It’s always possible, in fact,” he pulled a large book out of nowhere, ruffled through it and nodded, “Yep. There’s one of those.”

I blinked. “Well, questions for another time. Right now, time for business. What do you need to make these, how many can you make, and how long will it take?”

Amnesia put a finger to his chin, “The armor and weapons need the metal on my back, some leather and wood, the amulets for spell casting I need gems and raw magic flow. Food, I just need the ingredients. Not sure how it’ll taste though.”

I honestly started to feel giddy. Some decent news to give the troops was rare even now, but I held back my enthusiasm. One more thing needed to be cleared up. “And, how much is this gonna cost?”

“Whatever you feel you can pay that sounds reasonable. I’m not really one for charging anything besides what the customer wants to,” Amnesia shrugged.

I cringed a bit before asking my next question. “I don’t suppose you’re willing to give out charity?”

Freyja started to open her mouth but Amnesia held a hand up, “Milord you should-”

Amnesia shook his head, “The wings provide infinite metal. Gilgamesh, charity it is.”

I sighed in relief and smiled. “Oh, thank you so much! Oh, you have no idea what this means to me!” I chuckled before settling down a bit. “Still, I’m no leech. You guys can follow me back to Canterlot, I’ll get you some food and something to drink. Might be a little hard to find your exact poison, but we’ve got a few pubs and the Apples have started the cider early.” My mood dampened a bit. “Lord knows they all need a little something to numb the pain nowadays.”

“If you’re willing to put up with us, then that’s all the payment really needed at the moment,” Amnesia shrugged, still holding the large book. “Here,” he tapped the book which duplicated and tossed the copy to Gilgamesh. “Tome about the The Displaced. Got it from my Displacer while she was busy sending me to Equestria.”

I cocked my head. “‘Displacer?’”

“Like The Merchant, old creepy guy who sells things to people and they end up in Equestria? Mine was a crazy catgirl musician deity,” Amnesia said.

“Whoa, whoa, hold up a second! There are other Sys Admins displacing people aside from the Merchant?”

“As far as I know, Essence is the one with the second most Displaced by her. She’s actually rather good about it, Displacing people in deadly situations with no escape or in bad conditions on their home world,” Amnesia shrugged, “She may be crazy but she certainly isn’t bad.”

“Huh. I just bought this naginata at a convention, like pretty much all the others I met. Although, to be honest, it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I hated my life. Even being sealed in stone for more than a thousand years was enjoyable by comparison.”

“From what I remember, there are two Merchants. One is an asshole, the other is rather nice. Essence knows the second one rather well. The first…” Amnesia flinched, “Let’s just say he really pissed her off.”

“Two Merchants? How can-? You know what, not important. Let’s go to Canterlot,” I replied before cutting a hole in the air, opening a portal to the Rift. “I assume you’re accustomed to a method of travel like this?”

“As long as it’s not at FTL speeds,” Amnesia said. Freyja sighed.

“Nah, just a form of teleportation. Nothing so flashy as lightspeed travel,” I assured them before jumping in.

“Alright,” Amnesia jumped in along with Freyja.

The portal closed behind us all before I opened another dropping out into the war room, Surprising Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis, and Gilbert.

“G-Gilgamesh? What are you-?” Celestia began before noting the other figures behind me. “What… who are they?”

Amnesia bowed low, “I am Amnesia, King of Valhalla, Dreamlord, and Blacksmith.”

Freyja pointed at him, “Freyja, Valkyrie Goddess, His second-in-command.”

“Wait, that’s a male?” Gilbert mumbled. “But he looks so much more slender than I expected”

The sound of Amnesia’s facepalm echoed loudly, “If I had a nickel.”

“Yeah, so anyway, I’m assuming you recognize Celestia and Luna,” I interrupted. “In case you don’t already know, this is Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. And this is Gilbert Ironclaw, recently coronated King of Griffonia.”

Amnesia seemed to flinch at Luna’s name, “Yeah. I recognize the first three.”

“Well, hopefully your Chrysalis was one of the more agreeable ones,” I muttered. “Anyway, ladies and gentlebird-”

“‘Gentlewhat?’” Gilbert asked.

“-these two arrived here by accident, one that has provided us a very fortuitous opportunity,” I continued, dropping the breastplate on the table in front of them.

“Wh-What is this?” Luna asked.

“That is a breastplate made by Amnesia here. He offered his services to us and gave me a sample of his product. What you see before you is the result of an attack capable of cracking a mountain in half hitting it dead on.”

All of them stared slack jawed at the warped piece of metal before turning back to me.

“And they are willing to supply us with such armors?” Chrysalis asked.

Amnesia raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. I'm right here so..."

Chrysalis looked to him for a moment before sheepishly averting her gaze. “My apologies for talking about you as if you weren’t here.”

Amnesia waved a hand dismissively, "After my world and Canterlot High, I'm used to it," he trailed off catching Luna's gaze. He flinched before sighing and looking to the Lunar Princess. "I'm going to apologise now, Princess Luna. My reactions are not out of disgust but sadness."

“‘Sadness?’ I’m not quite sure I understand.”

Amnesia took a deep breath and began to spin a tale of void dwellers, human version of Equestria, death, adventure and new realms. "So, to summarize, CHS Luna took me in, we bonded, Merchant murdered her, Essence probably kicked his ass to kingdom come, and I was sent to Freyja in pony Equestria."

Luna’s eyes widened. “Oh… Oh my. So, you had come close to another version myself?”

“How is that possible?” Gilbert asked, Chrysalis sharing his confused expression.

“Oh, right, I never told you, did I?” I said. “Uh, well, if you’re familiar with multiverse theory, well, it’s true. Countless other versions of Equus out there, some almost exactly the same, others vastly different. Hell, I’m probably from another dimension. Or, another planet, maybe, I’m not entirely sure.”

Chrysalis and Gilbert looked surprised before turning to Amnesia. “And despite not being from this world, this universe, you would still be willing to help us? With no benefit to your own world?”

Amnesia grinned, his face lighting up, "I don't see any reason not to, besides, I'm not in my world so why does it need to benefit?"

“... I see,” Gilbert replied. “I’m just surprised. Charity is the last thing we expected in these times.” He bowed. “Your assistance is greatly appreciated.”

Amnesia merely nodded, "To be honest, I can happily say I'm willing to help."

“Well, with that out of the way, I think we should get the work. Amnesia, tell me what materials you need, what kind of environment you need, and I’ll try and get some estimates on sizes and amounts. Expect high tens of millions. In the meantime, I’ll try and rustle you up some food, some alcohol, and get you two a room for the night if you need it. After that, I’m gonna get some rest.” I sighed. “I’m sure it’ll be a long day tomorrow.”

“Armor and weapons, I’ll only need some wood, preferably strong as you can get it, and leather. All I need is a place to make them that is large so that they’ll be quickly made. The spells, or rather, amulets will need something to hold them on the neck, gems and some raw magic. I can make them in the same place as the weapons and armor. Food, however, I need the bare ingredients and a kitchen. That should be all.”

"Alright then, let's get to it," I said, leading the two out of the War Room. "Ladies, Gilbert, I'll trust you to get everyone up to speed."

Author's Note:

Crossover with shinigamisparda's For Glory! For Equus! For Epicness!