• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2014



One fateful night in Equestia, Princess Luna senses a strange series of forces happening on the Moon. Soon enougth the princess goes off the investigate the werid presence, but she soon discovers that he formor prison has become a battlefield for two beings that are completely out of her league.

Can the princess survive the wrath of these two demi-gods?...Can the Moon?

Crossover with Asura's Wrath Episode 11: The Final Lesson.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

I was thinking about doing a similar thing wiht DBZ (involveing a certin Green alien blowing up the Moon), and I may still do that later. But I had Asura's wrath on the mind lately and just had to do this. So here is a little bit about the 11th episode in a game called Asura's Wrath, that takes place on the Moon..you see how I came up with this...

So here we have a little One-shot (No there will be no more chapters about those two arriving in the land of ponies, thats too insane for my books). Although, some recent developments have givin me a idea for a sequal if you all like this...maybe.

NOTE: If you never seen Asura's Wrath before (Epsiode 11 mostly), then you may be confused a bit. But hey, if you like action, badass fighting, epic Music, and epicness, check it out.

I cannot believe this! This was the first thing I thought of when playing episode 11 of Asura's Wrath. The moment Asura and Argus were on the moon the first thing I thought of was Luna watching the battle take place. Didn't think of her trying to interfere, but it was a nice touch to your story. Anyway, as an idea I also had, though I never thought to write it in fanfic form, I just have to review this.

Detail and description were all nice, vivid enough for me to picture the events, characters, and actions, but also entertaining to read. All the characters feel like themselves and the humour is incredibly witty, but never once feels out of place. It didn't change too much of the story but took place from a perspective that a Asura's Wrath fanfic of this scene would lack, this case, Princess Luna, and it was interesting to see how she viewed these violent and powerful non-pony characters. The bits that did stray from the actual scene felt right, and overall it is a short but pleasant read.

Unfortunately there are quite a few word errors that appear, giving the story a rushed feel to it. It's like you had this idea, and quickly wrote it down before anyone else could. More done with the crossover element, and more moments of Luna involving herself would have been nice to see, but I'm okay with how said things were done as it is, it just could make things better.

If you can think of a way to crossover more Asura's Wrath with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, while making it make sense, that would be good. I've thought of one way to implement a crossover, and attribute it into a sequel style, but I do not wish to cloud over any ideas you have regarding a sequel format and so shall not say unless asked. As for this, I loved it. I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, love Asura's Wrath, and just so happened to love seeing a crossover of the two series. Superb job, keep up the great work! :twilightsmile:

would you of had to seen/read Asura's wrath to understand the story? cuz it looks epic, and i would love to read it, but i wouldn't want to waist my time :twilightblush:


When I try and find as many errors as I can, there is always a large sum (to me atleast) that slip by me, makes me thankful there is a edit function on this site :twilightsmile:

Honestly I was trying to keep the two series as realistic as you could (I know that sounds strange...). I felt that if I included Luna in this more then I did...it would have gotten werid. Because honestly...I think Argus and Asura would have most likely have...well, ended her or crushed her instead of talking to her (if it was any other Demi-god then it would have been different, but with these two...its hard to pull off without them being OC).

And as for the sequal...I've got two ideas. One that involves the space battle at during chapter 18 in AW and may turn into a real story perhaps. And the other during the 'Lost Episode' they released (that had Street Fighter characters) that once again takes place on the Moon. Not too sure when or If I'll actually do them, but the idea is in my head. (any ideas are nice though, I love these crazy Crossovers).

I don't actually think that you really need to understand ths story to read this, if it was any other fight in Asura's Wrath then that may be different, but for this one, not so much. But thats just me.

:rainbowlaugh: I loved this story. But there is not way that ether Celestia or Luna could ever stand up to Augus or Asura. Especially Asura after he got the mantras of the Seven Deities and the reactor as well. Are you going to add other fights from the game? I would love to see Celestia's reaction to Asura and Evil Ryu's fight from the DLC.

That story was INNNCREDIBLE and hilarious at the same time. Poor Luna for not being able to do anything to stop the fight Asura and Augus brushing off her like she was nothing. But then again what can you do to stop too absurdly powerful demi-gods that has the power to literally destroy a God. I really enjoyed this story and I'm going to give a link to the episode in question as well. I just wish this got featured. ^^; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyZgIT4Hp44

that was interesting to say the least.:rainbowderp:

:flutterrage: ASURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well before I even read this fic the first thing I did was sync up a video with the Asura/Argus fight then read it as it played. It adds to experience its a great one off too bad Luna didnt get even more involved!!! Great work man god damn it I want to play that game again. :pinkiehappy:

To be honest, this sounds like the start of a long story, not a one-shot. If you make some more chapters to this, I would love it.

Few things I would have to tell you.

First, this story is epic.

And now more detailed explanation: Asura's Wrath was pure manliness and epicness in one game, though there are few typos, one in description of the fix(proson instead of prison). The descriptions could be better but yeah, it IS hard to convey the FEEL of Asura's Wrath just like that. Putting text in ( ) while if used correctly is a good thing, it was overused here and could be done without, or atleast without the brackets. Sorry but it's like stopping a good movie in the middle of awesome scene only to insert someone's comment. At some points it may be good for comedy but constantly using it? That's a big No-No. Let's see what else... It really feels like start of long story instead of one-shot and I would wish for more.

How could you possibly add to that? Let's see... The sheath and residual Mantra in it may influence Luna once she finds it or a pony she gives it to. The Mantra may start affecting the Equestria OR! We can have battles of Lost Chapters of Asura's Wrath(DLC Content) Happen. Asura fought Ryu and Evil Ryu on the moon, followed by Akuma and Oni...Though the destruction he had done with Oni may be too much... Or we can have Asura come to Equestria instead of dying at the end of Asura's Wrath

His name is Augus not Argus :facehoof:. That aside I enjoyed this story, would love it if you did the Lost episodes 1 & 2 as sequels.

Well... for risk of spoiler...
1. Have either Luna or Celestia make Mithra cry by accident.
2. Find lawn-chair + popcorn.
3. Watch Asura go nuts on Equestrian deities.

And then Asura and Akuma split it in half.

I'm serious. Play the DLC.

So. Much. Want!!!! MOAR MAN, GIvE US MOAR!!!!!

Also, Congrats! You have inspired me to write AiE - Asura in Equestria! May it be as awesome as this (I can only hope)

Technically, I'm 95% sure that both are correct (Argus in English Dub, Augus in Japanese w/ Eng Sub)

There needs to be a sequel with Asura bringing Ryu and Akuma to the moon...while giving Equestria some new legends while it happens.

On the description it says at the end.

"Can the moon?"

But, question... What can the moon? Can it survive the battle? Can it orbit the planet on it's own now? Can the moon become sentient or sapient? Can the moon suddenly become a star?.

So many question's.

Yet no answer's.

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