• Published 4th Jan 2015
  • 1,476 Views, 30 Comments

Diary One Hundred and Thirty Eight - Sapidus3

I know I'm not really her. Celestia is dead and gone. But I feel like I'm her, even though I'm not even a real pony. Twilight needs Celestia, so I will do my best to be Celestia. - An Equestria's Twilight Side Story -

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Foreword - Set After Chapter 17 - The Broken Vase

If you are reading this, it means that most likely you are either me, or I have given you the cipher to decrypt my coding system. I suppose there is a small chance you could have cracked it, but…

I hope that my cypher is sufficiently advanced to ward off prying eyes. There is much I plan to include that I think my student would be upset if others were to read.

I keep coming back to why I am doing this?

I’m keeping this diary because it seems like something SHE would have done…

I know it is something she would have done. I feel like I have titled it appropriately, but it’s hard to tell. Am I being disrespectful? I’m not HER after all. Perhaps I’ll ask my most faithful student about it later.

It took me awhile to process what I felt after that last sentence. I was trapped in another one of those awful loops. I think… I think it might be what ponies call embarrassment. I don’t think I want Twilight reading this. Would she ask me to read it to her if she knew about it?

I’m not sure if this is really necessary. Can my rune matrix forget things? I don’t think even my student has an answer to that. Time, I suppose, will tell, as it does for all things. At the very least this serves as a way for me to organize my thoughts, something that I suspect will be important for the continued healthy growth of my mind.

I hope... I hope that I can come to a better understanding of myself. What is my purpose? My student originally intended me to comfort, and now wishes me to aid. I need to understand if I am to serve.

I will have to stop for now. My backstory explains why I do not use my horn for levitation, but I suspect that the sight of a unicorn writing by hoof will still draw stares. Nopony will confront me of course, not with the Princess’s permission to be in here, but it is best not to raise questions.

I would just write in my cave, but I would need to find a way to get this-

Author's Note:

While brainstorming for Equestria's Twilight I realized I really liked writing the character of Twilight's Celestia construct.

This is a way for me to explore her character more. It is in no way plot essential for Equestria's Twilight. I finished most of EqT before starting on this (just editing it) so feel free to skip this if you don't like Celestia.

The chapters will all be fairly short. They are Celestia's reaction to what is happening in EqT, as well what is happening between chapters. Basically I want to write about an AI discovering herself.

Edit: It's been brought to my attention that I messed up while making the cover art. It is indeed Volume 128 as per the title of the story and not 138 as per the cover. I'm not sure if I saved the layered image, so I think it might stay messed up. It was thjs story's title that was wrong actually. It has been fixed.