• Published 4th Jan 2015
  • 1,839 Views, 44 Comments

A Herd of my Own - Dafaddah

It's good to be a princess... or is it? Twilight was feeling pretty good about the whole princess deal, until T-Wreck came along.

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Changing Perspectives

A Herd of my Own


Chapter one: Changing Perspectives

Edited by Sharp Logic, Microshazm and Mythee

Princess Twilight Sparkle was in her bedroom, planning her very first summer solstice celebration in her brand new Friendship Rainbow Kingdom. She sat immobile in front of her vanity and sighed. It wasn't going well.

"Hey, Twi," said a familiar voice. She glanced over her shoulder to see Spike peeking around the door jam that led to his own rarely slept-in bedroom. He tried to put on a cheerful expression, but she could easily read the concern in his eyes. "Why the long face?"

"Oh, hi, Spike." She gestured for the little dragon to come closer. He waddled over quickly. When he got close enough she encircled his small frame in a tight hug. Only briefly surprised, he hugged her back.

"Do you miss it?" she asked.

"Miss what?"

"The tree. Our old house." She sighed deeply again.

Biting his lip, he gazed up at her face for a long moment, then stepped back. "This isn't just about the tree, is it?"

Twilight's eyes grew wide, and nodded hesitantly. “I guess it isn’t.” She smiled abruptly as she realized something. Spike raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of expression.

“Tell me, when did my number one assistant become so perceptive?” she asked. Her smile faded and her horn glowed as she floated her golden tiara from where it sat much of the time, a foam ponykin head on her dresser, onto her own head. The weight of it still bothered her. It made her feel as if she always had to keep her head straight. She’d already managed to drop it several times when, distracted by ponies or events, she’d looked down, or sideways, or even up at the sky. She stared at the purple princess in the mirror.

“No, this is not just about our old house. This is about how everything has changed, including us.”

Spike pulled a small hoof-stool next to the vanity and hopped up onto it. He sat down, his short legs swinging. “Hmm. Sounds serious.” His head tilted to one side. “So, I take it that you’re not satisfied with how some things have worked out. Is there anything in particular buggin’ ya?”

Her eyes flicked left and right, as if searching for something on her vanity. “It’s just that... I feel like we had just gotten settled in Ponyville! I was really enjoying being friends with the girls, being a part of the town, getting to know ponies, and fitting in. I mean, I’m no Pinkie Pie but I was making friends, and then...” She lowered her head.

“And then?” echoed Spike.

Twilight heaved another sigh. “And then the Crystal Empire, my ascension, the coronation” – her withers drooped – “the whole princess thing, Tirek, and finally, our house." At some point the dam broke. Her tears plopped as they struck the vanity’s glass surface.

“I’ve never felt like I belonged somewhere the way I did when I lived and worked in that tree, Spike! I... I never even wanted to be a part of community that way before. I had a place, we had a place, and so many ponies were so close to us. We were really part of this town, and now –” she turned her head towards the large windows, Ponyville visible through the translucent curtains “– we live in a castle, and they bow when they see me coming. I feel like everypony is so far away again.”

Spike jumped onto the vanity and put his arms around Twilight.

Twilight turned her head back towards him, but couldn't quite look him in the face. “You were so scared and sad when you saw that the tree was gone, and now you get nightmares about it, and... Oh, Spike, I feel like I really let you down! I’m so sorry.”

Spike grabbed a hair brush that lay on the vanity's glass top. Pursing his lips he eyed Twilight and then idly began brushing her mane. "You know you need to take your grooming more seriously now, Princess Dorkle." He'd taken to calling her that whenever Twilight had one of her 'moments', and it never failed to make her smile. This time she could only muster a smirk.

"There. That's better!" he said smugly. “Now Rarity won’t go into shock when she sees you out and about.” Nevertheless, he still continued brushing her mane. Her facial features relaxed as she leaned into the soothing motion.

“So, Spike. Is this what Rarity has you do on all those visits to the Carousel Boutique?”

The dragon blushed. “Social grooming is a mammal thing,” he replied with exaggerated haughtiness, while taking even strokes.

He continued in a more normal voice. “From my perspective, Twilight, you didn't let anypony down! Sure it was really scary to lose our home that way. Sometimes I dream about the old library and I feel sad when I wake up,” – he glanced at his sleeping basket, located even closer to Twilight's bed than it was in the old house – "but this place isn’t so bad, in fact it’s pretty cool. And if some of your friends in Ponyville like to make a fuss over you being a princess now, well, that’s just them having a bit of fun. Nothing important has really changed. Heck, the girls haven’t changed at all. And as to the ponies in town, even some of the ones who used to call you a weirdo kinda like having a princess of their very own.”

“Who’s calling Twilight a weirdo?” a familiar voice piped up intimately close.

Twilight and Spike's eyes popped wide open as they turned their heads in unison and found themselves muzzle-to-muzzle-to-snout in a three way hug with Pinkie Pie.

"How does she do that?" asked Spike.

"I dunno, Spike,” replied Twilight. “Being a princess doesn’t give me a free peek into the deep secrets of the universe, and Pinkie's a subject Celestia’s always very reluctant to discuss."

"Ooh! I know all sorts of stuff about me that most ponies don't!" contributed the pink mare in a bubbly voice. "Maybe we could gossip about me sometime!" She raised a single eyebrow while lowering her head and voice. "I hear I've been spotted hanging around the castle today, but I can't be sure 'cause I got it second hoof."

Twilight and Spike looked at each other then turned in unison again to Pinkie Pie.

"I think we can confirm the rumour, Pinks," affirmed Spike.

"Yeah," said Twilight. A smile replaced the gloom on her face. "Pinkie, don't ever change."

“Well, duh, how could I when I’m always different!?” replied the pink mare. She scrunched her face up. “To change I’d have to stay the same every day, and that would be boooor-ring!”

Spike’s mouth opened, but it clapped shut again, wisely deciding against asking Pinkie to explain her assertions.

“So,” said Pinkie. “How about we go get some hay fries and shakes at the Hay Burger? At this time of day there’ll be tons of ponies there, and maybe we can find somepony else eager to gossip about me!”

Twilight nodded twice and stood up. “Okay! Spike, hop on, we’re going out for a snack!”

“Awesome, Twi!” said Spike with a grin that split his head ear-to-ear. He jumped onto Twilight's back.

She led the trio from her chambers with a spring in her step and pretended not to notice the winks Pinkie and Spike exchanged behind her back. Spike was right, she thought. The important things haven’t changed!

As usual, the Hay Burger was close to jam packed when Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight arrived. There were two lines leading up to the cash registers that took customers’ orders. Since he went in first, Spike chose the shorter line to the left. Pinkie and Twilight followed. Spike scanned the restaurant. He always enjoyed the energetic bustle of the place, as well as the cheesy decor. The white tile, chrome and red vinyl reminded him of Pony Joe's, recalling many of his best memories of Canterlot. And the hay fries, of course! He smacked his lips in anticipation, and then swallowed as he noticed that every eye in the restaurant was turned towards them.

When Twilight had been here previously with the Cutie Mark Crusaders nopony had paid her much attention. This time things were noticeably different. First off, everypony in the restaurant, without exception, stopped whatever they were doing and bowed to Twilight. She was still sputtering for everypony to rise when the shift manager galloped out of the kitchen and skidded to a halt in front of her.

“Greetings, Your Majesty,” said the bright green stallion, bowing low. His shaggy brown mane was barely contained by a regulation Hay Burger billed cap. “We’ve been anticipating your return, and have your table ready!” He gestured with a hoof, directing their attention to a table with a bench and two chairs. It was covered with a white tablecloth, silverware and even a golden candelabra. Just in case somepony didn’t get the picture, there was also a folded card on the table that read Reserved for Her Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Be seated and your waiter will be out momentarily,” he added while shepherding the trio to the table. He galloped back into the kitchen. Less than a second later he stuck his head back out of the door. “And don’t worry, we’ll keep away the riff-raff.” The door slammed shut again.

Seated at the table, Spike peeled his claws away from his face. Twilight was looking downwards with an unreadable expression, and Pinkie Pie’s eyes were wide open in surprise.

“Well,” said Twilight, "so much for rubbing elbows with my fellow residents of Ponyville."

There was a banging sound and the shift manager reappeared next to their table wearing a black tuxedo jacket over his Hay Burger corporate golf shirt. The cap was gone replaced by a black hair net. He had also managed to put on a black bow tie, and held three huge hoof-written menus under his elbow. He presented them each one of the menus.

Spike opened his up and there was only one item listed: Chateaubriand. He looked at the waiter in confusion. “Where are the hay fries and burgers?”

“Those are only on the common menu, sir. The Royal menu offers Chat...uh, Shat –” he pointed at the menu “– that dish there.”

“But what if we want hay fries and burgers?” asked Spike.

The manager-turned-waiter turned up his snout. "We don't serve such low class fare to royalty, sir." Behind him several of the usual waiters, equally enhanced with black bow ties, busily rolled up rope stands and cordoned off their table from the rest of the restaurant.

“And how long will it take for three orders of Chateaubriand?” asked Spike.

“They should arrive in Ponyville in two or three hours,” replied the manager. He held out a bowl of tiny colored candies. “Mint while you wait?”

Spike looked at Twilight and swallowed. Her eyes were closed, her ears were flat against the back of her head and she had that tremble in her jaw that usually indicated a mare at the edge of a nervous breakdown. This had been bad enough when she was just a unicorn, but he was truly afraid of what colossal damage might result should she lose it as an alicorn. He was just about to suggest they head back to the castle for waffles when Pinkie Pie jumped up onto the table, standing on her hind legs with her forelegs open high and wide.

“I have a great idea!” she shouted to the entire restaurant. The whole whole room froze again. Even Twilight’s ears pricked up as she raised her head to look at her eccentric pink friend.

“Hey everypony! Our princess wants to have a chance to meet every single one of you! So, she and her number one assistant Spike are going to take your orders at the cash registers!”

The shift manager-cum-maitre-d’ visibly blanched. When Spike looked back at Twilight he noticed she was now wearing one of the Hay Burger counter staff uniforms. Looking down at his forelimbs he noticed that so was he!

Pinkie Pie jumped off the table, gathering both Spike and Twilight in her forelegs, and frog-marched them straight through the cordon and past the kitchen door. A moment later they were each standing in front of one of the two cash registers, as ponies joined the line to give their orders.

Twilight locked gazes with him. He shrugged and turned to the first pony in line, a mare accompanied by a little colt. He put on his best smile. “So what can we getcha? Hay Burger? Ya want fries with that? How about a drink?”

He punched-in the mare’s order and gave Twilight a wink. “Say, aren’t you Mrs. Gum, and is that little Peppermint?” he asked the mare, who nodded as she hoofed over her money. “Does Peppermint want to say hello to Princess Twilight?” The little foal smiled shily at Twilight and waved a tiny hoof.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Twilight’s eyebrows rise, followed immediately by her ears. She waved back at the colt.

“Hi, Peppermint,” she said.

The colt shoved his face into his mother’s side, and then peeked in her direction with one eye and smiled.

Twilight turned to the front, grinned, and took her first order.

Soon they were getting to meet every single pony who came into the Hay Burger. Hours flew by in a pleasant blur of fast food and gossip, but then the time came when nopony else showed up to queue.

Pinkie Pie pulled them both into a high-power earth pony hug. “You guys both did great! I’m so proud of of you!” She nuzzled them both and removed their Hay Burger caps. “Maybe next time I’ll let you take a shift behind the counter at Sugarcube Corner. But now it’s time to let the next shift take over.” There was a muffled thud from the kitchen. “Oh, and I guess I should go untie the shift manager before his replacement gets here. Bye!” She disappeared from view as she bounced into the kitchen.

Spike and Twilight locked gazes. “Isn’t it just mindblowing to see how competent Pinkie is at making ponies happy?” he remarked.

Twilight’s response was a dazzling smile. “And how true friends know how to bring you up when you’re feeling down.” She gave him a little peck on the forehead. “Thanks, Spike.” Moving close she bent a foreleg to make a step. “Jeez, you’re practically asleep on on your feet! C’mon up and have a rest while I walk us home.”

With a sigh of relief Spike clambered up onto Twilight’s back. “Thanks, Twi!” Ever since her transformation, the edges of her wings made a rather cosy nest just behind her neck that felt like the safest place in all the world. The familiar sway of her careful steps rocked him gently as they exited the restaurant. Before he noticed how tired he was he had already drifted off to sleep.

On the way back to Friendship Rainbow Castle, Twilight was feeling much better than she had in days. In the relatively peaceful lull of early evening, the trill of Cicadas provided a languorous counterpoint as she clip-clopped through the quieter side-streets of Ponyville. At this time of day most adult ponies were at home preparing dinner. Already, some of them were calling their foals in for supper.

Many of the town’s ponies kept elaborate gardens. Twilight was walking along a particularly tall and bushy hedge. She was about to turn a corner when she heard a mare’s voice.

“Can you imagine? Our princess serving up burgers in a fast food restaurant! What was she thinking?”

Twilight halted.

Another voice chimed in. “It's all that dragon’s doing. He’s been nothing but trouble that one. What’s a dragon doing living with ponies, anyway? The princess treats him like he’s family or something. The whole thing’s unnatural if you ask me.”

“Yeah,” replied the first voice. “She’s supposed to be a princess for us ponies, not dragons!”

Twilight felt her mood shatter. Her anger seethed, and just as she was getting ready to walk around that corner, and give those two a piece of her mind, she heard Spike snore in his sleep.

Her resolve shattered. If she made a fuss then it might wake up Spike, and then she’d have to explain to the little guy why she was so mad. Learning the cause of it would certainly hurt his feelings.

A further consideration made her blush. You’re a princess now! If you come down hard on your subjects just because they say something you don’t like, then you’re no better than a tyrant! she reminded herself. Think, Twilight. What would Princess Celestia do?

Coming to a decision she steeled herself and paced regally around the corner, bringing the mares into view. She recognized them from her frequent trips to the market, but didn't recall ever having been introduced. The one closest to her had a pale yellow coat and a light green mane, with a teapot shaped cutie mark on her flank. The other had the reverse coloration of the first, and as she stood slightly behind the yellow mare Twilight couldn't see her cutie mark. The two mares froze as they were suddenly confronted with the very objects of their gossip.

“Hello ladies,” said Twilight in hushed tones. “Don’t make a fuss just because Spike and I are here. He’s still a baby and he needs his rest.” She beamed down at the sleeping dragon. “It's hard to believe when you see him like this that he's saved everypony in Equestria from the evil King Sombra, and that he prevented thousands of ponies from being horribly crushed to death during the Equestrian Games." The two mares' jaws dropped open, and they focused wide eyes on Spike's sleeping form.

“Ponies in town haven’t seen many of the great things he’s done,” added Twilight. “Did you know that Princess Celestia has even put up a stained-glass window in her throne room to celebrate his heroic achievements?”

The two mares looked at each other. They obviously hadn’t known.

"I’ve raised him from the day he was hatched," whispered Twilight. "He is such an important part of my life, and you know, I wouldn’t be the pony I am today if it weren’t for him.” She looked back towards the mares and smiled. “I guess Princess Celestia must have known what she was doing when she asked me to raise him, don’t you agree?”

Both mares nodded stiffly, and then bowed in silence as Twilight casually resumed her walk down the street.

She smiled to herself. Not bad, for a newbie! She was still smiling when she arrived at the castle.