• Published 11th Feb 2015
  • 628 Views, 12 Comments

The Prophecy of Destruction - Fryguy

A strange prophecy is brought up at a gathering of the four warrior clans, mentioned by Onestar after he finished his news.

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Chapter Two

"ARGH!" Twilight yelled aloud, another potion blown to bits, worst day ever in a brewer's life. Twilight has been spending time in and out of the castle working on potions to use for healing, and it has not been going well, not at all. "Why must Zecora make it so easy? I can only make potions that cause fires and explosions!" Twilight yelled aloud in her frustration as she tossed a few bottles that were empty at the wall.

Potions are hard to make, you have Twilight's word on that, she has spent a week in the castle of hers trying to make the potion that can heal ponies of incurable deseases, but instead, made potions for nuclear wars. Twilight was obviously not having the best of days when she made things explode, again.

The castle was now a bunch of black crystals with ashes on them, Twilight also had a lot of ash stuck on her body. She kept coughing and wheezing trying to keep the smoke and ash out of her lungs. As she fought the aftermath of another failure, her friend and assistant, Spike the dragon walked in, his green scales shot straight up when he saw the mess in the room Twilight used to brew the healing potion.

He stared blankly for a moment, then a huge grin formed on his face, and he started to chuckle, and soon he was just simply laughing to death on the floor.

"Twi-Twilight! What happened in here!" Spike could hardly control his laughter, the sight of Twilight nearly turned to a black burnt chicken nugget was enough for him to crack up for possibly thirty years down the road. Twilight only stared at him with cold eyes, clearly annoyed with Spike giving her the embarrassment of her life.

"Hey, you could end up like the everfree forest just by being the brewer here, now help me clean this up!" Spike groaned, sometimes he hated cleaning up stuff Twilight could clean up herself, but she would ask for assistance, over and over.

"Twilight the oppressor strikes again." Mumbled Spike.


The cake Applejack was eating slid down her throat, and the creamy frosting turned the inside of the mare's mouth to a winter wonderland. The chocolate cake was very delicious, especially from the apples that were put on after the cake was baked, and the cake seemed more and more enjoyible.

But why would Rarity or Pinkie Pie complain about the cake and apples? Who knew, as far as Applejack could tell, apples in cake were like apple pie, sweet, delicious, and most of the time eatable before going bad.

It was like any other day, enjoying the cake she ate, helping Twi in the potion business, and other stuff that Applejack didn't really care about.

"Hey Applejack! I see you finished your cake! Was it yummy? Huh? Huh?" That was the voice of Pinkie Pie, the most likely pony to have stolen sugar from Sugar Sweet Corner, for the record, she's the most energetic, hyper pony around. It didn't matter what the heck was in her mind, and what was going on in there from all of that sugar and sweets, she was still a good friend, that's all what counts.

Applejack was startled when Pinkie barged in like an animal in the circus that was out of control, but she immediately answered. "O-Oh! Hey Pinkie Pie, didn't see ya there. I uh, I was thinking about what Twi's been doing, I mean, I keep hearing these explosions like some sort of war is going on down there!" Pinkie's tail twitched in excitement, oh great, another burst of energy was being charged inside the pink mare, soon to explode any moment like if she was a time bomb with an invisible timer. "Here it comes..."

One second Pinkie was on the ground, the next second she was stuck in the roof, her body flailing through the air and legs kicking as she tried to get unstuck. "Heck, Pinkie, why do you always do these unpredictable stunts now? Where your head goes into some roof?" This was like the incident two days ago when Pinkie's head caused a whole house crashing down to the ground and Pinkie had a big piece of wood with her head through it on her neck.

"I don't know silly, but whenever I hear about Twilight's potion project, I get all excited and burst into the air with excitement! You never know when she'll finish and succeed in her project!" Applejack just rolled her eyes, annoyed with Pinkie for blasting yet another shield from the bad weather, she just looked up again and said.

"I know this is exciting and all, but why don't ya make it more exciting by asking her if we can all help her, she can't do it herself...obviously." Applejack couldn't keep her smile hidden when mentioning Twi's past potion failures and their horrific outcomes, it was funny to see Twilight with ash all over here, she didn't look purple at all, she just looked like a burnt nugget.

Pinkie somehow blasted through the roof and what seemed like 10,000 feet into the air before crashing down. "That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of it before?! Applejack your the best!" Pinkie smiled at the orange mare, then turned and ran towards the "potion room."

"Pinkie wait for me!" Called Applejack as she ran through the door out of the room she was in. This was gonna be fun making a potion for the incurable!


Rarity heard the blasts from the potion room and jumped in surprise, oh great, more messes. "Why does Twilight even bother, I know it's for the ponies who might die soon but this is going TOO far! The explosions! The messes! I hate it!" Rarity could give fits about messes and whine about things, but she felt very violated to sometimes have to clean the messes when no one else volunteers.

She decided to wait for Twilight to come to her, then just simply yell at her to not ask her to help clean her mess then walk away, or run, perhaps. But while Rarity plotted her escape from the sinister tyrant making her clean some messes, Fluttershy waltz in. She was carrying on her back Angel Bunny, her pet rabbit, with her.

"Um, hey Rarity, uh, I just was wondering if..." But before she could finish, Rarity was already gone. "Oh, uh, nevermind Rarity, it seems like your busy."

But the next second Rarity peeked through the doorway of the room, she seemed relieved to see Fluttershy instead of Twilight in the room. "Oh it's you dear Fluttershy! I didn't realize, I'm ever so sorry for leaving you here. Now, what did you seek me for?" Rarity asked in the most polite way she knew how. Fluttershy sort of hesitated before answering though.

"Oh, um, Twilight asked me if I could get you to come and uh, watch her do her, uh, next experiment with the, uh, potions. She thinks she, um, figured out what she did wrong and, she wants us all to gather around and, uh, watch." Fluttershy sometimes paused in between sentences because she was one of the shy type. She was usually quiet and doesn't get in the way of things very much, except for the time she pushed everypony around when she was under Iron Will's influence.

Rarity smiled and said. "Oh is that it? Better then being asked to clean messes. Okay, I'll come." After she gave her word of coming, she headed for the door and started towards the potion room. "Oh, okay. Wait for me!" Fluttershy chased after Rarity towards the potion room.


Rainbow Dash was in her room when she heard yet another blast from the potion room. It's been three weeks since Twilight started this project, and it seemed that it would never end. The worst part was that Rarity kept whining because she was the cleaner most of the time after the blasts go off.

"Well, it sure beats her being an egghead all of the time, reading all of those books every now and then." Rainbow said to herself. She had been sitting in her room for hours now, doing nothing but reading Daring Do books and trying to be her book hero a few times now and then, or she would be plain bored.

As she was about to fall asleep for the fourth time in a row, she heard hooves from outside her door, barely awake from being bored, she went to the air and opened it up to be a cannon outside. The party cannon went off and Pinkie came blasting in. "Rainbow Dash! Twilight wants us to come down to watch her as she finally fulfills what she's been working on all of these weeks!" Pinkie was excited, it seems like there was a breakthrough.

"Ok...I'm coming....as soon as I...I...."thump". Rainbow Dash fell to the floor and began snoring, she must have been so tired from doing nothing but sit or read or act like Daring Do that she was so low of energy.

"Oh, okay! See ya there Rainbow Dash!" With that, the pink mare bounced away, crashing into the roof from time to time. Rainbow seemed to have waken up by now because she crawled out of the room she was in and headed towards the potion room.

The doors were slamming and ponies were running towards the potion room, except for Rainbow Dash, who was being very sluggish as she crawled towards her destination, it was probably going to be another failure and this time they would all get covered in the thick, black ash.

Rainbow Dash was hardly in the mood for being a victim of an explosion, but she might as well deal with it if it happens.