• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 1,200 Views, 10 Comments

Sweetie Belle learns Magic and very, very, weird things happen. - Belle Pepper

Sweetie Belle wants to use magic. So, who else but the wielder of the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle? Thing is, nothing is ever as it seems in Ponyville, and turns out Sweetie has a much larger destiny than anypony thought the little filly had.

  • ...


Rarity was... scared, to say the least. Her sister had been overpowered by some strange magic, and blasted two ponies into a tree. She levitated the phone back to her and dialed Twilight.

"Yes, this is Golden Oaks Library, how may I help you?"

"Twilight," Rarity said seriously, "We need to talk. I'm coming over with Sweetie Belle."

"Can this wait?" Twilight groaned into the phone. "I have a big report to do for Princess Celestia about what's happening in Ponyville, seeing I'm pretty new at this 'Princess Stuff' and all."

Rarity sighed, then explained the entire situation, with definitely more than one interruption from Twilight.

"SWEET CELESTIA!" Twilight yelled in shock. "I'll teleport you here now!" Rarity and Sweetie Belle were surrounded by a globe of vivid magenta that prevented them from seeing anything. When the globe finally dissipated, both ponies saw they were in the Golden Oaks Library. In front of them was Twilight, a victorious smile on her face.

Twilight then yelled triumphantly, "AHA! I knew she was real! Wait 'till Celestia and Luna hear about this!" Seeing Rarity and Sweetie's confused expressions, Twilight facehooved.

"You mean, you don't know?" Twilight questioned.

"Um... about what?" Sweetie Belle asked, trembling.

"Well..." Twillight begun to explain, levitating a seemingly ancient book from one of the shelves, "There is a legend that a pony will become either 'The Princess of the Elements,' or 'The Prince of the Elements.' But not just of the Elements of the Earth, but also emotions, and, most importantly, can wield all the Elements of Harmony at once. And, Sweetie Belle, that would be you."

"But... how do you know about this?" Rarity asked.

"I read that book about 'Pony Myths and Legends' a lot more than you know." Twilight chuckled to herself, then immediately became serious. "And therefore being the Princess of Elements..."

"I would need to ascend." Sweetie Belle finished, super excited but also trembling with fright. "Do I have to rule a kingdom and live in Canterlot? I don't want to be by myself. I don't want to leave my friends or my sister."

"Sweetie Belle, you're a filly. Right now the only 'Royal Duty' you have is to help the ponies in Ponyville, and try to spread peace and harmony within this town. We can't have you living in Canterlot, it would be too complicated right now. And anyway, you don't have to live in Canterlot. You can stay in Ponyville."

Sweetie was overjoyed at this news. She didn't have to leave her friends or family? Awesome! Being pretty much an Ultimate Princess? Double awesome! But still... the idea terrfied her. A Princess? What if she let everpony down? What if she accidentally caused the downfall of Equestria? What if...

"Sweetie Belle." Twilight said, snapping Sweetie Belle out of her terrifying What if? thoughts. "It's okay. I can teach you everything about magic, and Rainbow Dash can teach you how to fly. As for controlling your extra strength... I'd say Applejack would be the best option."

Sweetie Belle looked at the floor, unsure of what to do.

"This is your destiny, Sweetie Belle." Twilight said. "Do you accept it?"

"Yes..." Sweetie Belle finally spoke up. "Yes I do..."

Author's Note:

Hey guys. First, I'd like to say thanks for the encouragement, it really means a lot to me.

Also, I can't wait to see what Sweetie Belle will do next. Maybe a little revenge on a certain pink filly...

Hilarity will ensue. :rainbowlaugh: