• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 688 Views, 2 Comments

The Dragon Cometh - BraxAttacks

Awoken by the intrusion of the CMC, an old and powerful dragon emerges from his entombment and claims Ponyville as his property. This, along with the growing influence of a cult worshiping dragons, may change Equestria forever.

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"As far back into our history as one can look, our faith was built upon only old legends and ancient stories; little better than dust in the wind. Our belief, firm amd resolute, could not be understood by outsiders. We had no case, they would say. But that day, our proof burst from under the earth, shook the loam and silt from its shoulders, and showed the world how wrong it was."

-Excerpt from High Priest Leiotogi's Journal

"I still think it's a bad idea."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes for the millionth time. "Come on, Sweetie Belle! Of course it's a bad idea! What else is gonna get us our Cutie Marks? We've already tried all the safe things!"

Apple Bloom turned to look back at her hesitant friend. "Yeah, what Scoots said. And it's not that dangerous. What's the worst that could be sitting in a cave not five miles away from town?"

All three fillies were casually trotting through the woods east of Ponyvillie, signature Cutie Mark Crusader Knapsacks (made by Rarity) stuffed with crackers, fresh bread from Sugarcube corner, and of course, apples. The soft dirt passing under their hooves and the soft beams of light filtering through the mild canopy made for a pleasant trip, though the destination in mind was less so.

Sweetie was quiet a moment, wracking her brain for creatures she remembered from a bestiary she had read at Golden Oaks Library months ago, at the recommendation of Twilight. "I dunno... a manticore? Timberwolves? What monsters live in caves?" asked Sweetie, looking between Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, both trotting slightly ahead of her.

"I'm not really sure either, but we can always run if things get too dangerous for us to handle," said Apple Bloom. "At least this is more exciting than what you suggested. Monopoly is not a very fun board game."

Scootaloo groaned, remembering the last round the three of them had played. "Ugh, I hate that game. It's all luck! I got no properties!"

"Is not!" protested Sweetie, before grinning wryly. "You just gotta be a smart when you make deals. Maybe that's why you did so bad, Scoots."

"Don't act like you do any better! Apple Bloom is always the one who wins. Stupid real-life business experience..." muttered Scootaloo, frowning slightly.

"Let's not get on each other's nerves too soon, girls. We do have all Saturday to explore the cave. Speaking of which..." All three stopped as the cave came into view. As if drilled at an angle into the ground, the entrance was a dark hole that slanted into the earth, small boulders scattered around it. Surrounded mostly by grass, the cave entrance was nestled into the side of a small hill. "It's almost picturesque," remarked Sweetie Belle.

"See? It aint so bad," replied Apple Bloom, confidently resuming her walk towards the cave. Falling in line, the three quickly reached the cave, stopping at the stone lip. Cold air could be felt flowing from the darkness, spilling out onto the sun-bathed ground like fog over a lake.

Stepping onto the rock floor, the fillies could hear the clop of their hooves echoing deeper down. The walls appeared slick, as if a thin sheet of water were trickling over every inch. A little ways on, pillars of rock jutted from the sloping ceiling like teeth in the mouth of some great beast. The cave leveled out quickly, the entrance ramp turning to floor. It pushed straight into the hill it rested next to, curving gently. Light from outside was greedily devoured by the darkness, only giving proper illumination fifty feet in before clear edges blurred together into a black mass.

"Okay, maybe it's a liiiiittle spooky, but we aint scared! Right girls?" boasted Apple Bloom, glancing to her sides to see Sweetie Belle biting her lip and Scootaloo displaying a grin. "Close enough. Let's go!"

Confidently striding ahead, Apple bloom stopped shortly when she reached the edge of the well lit entrance. "Sweetie, do ya think you could light up your horn?"

"Sure! One second..." replied the white filly, tongue sticking out as she concentrated with eyes closed. She gathered her magical energies in her horn, the power sending tingles down her neck. Focusing on the precise form and qualities she wanted the energy to take, Sweetie pushed it out of her, opening her eyes.

"Nice one, Sweets! Did Twilight show you that?" said Scootaloo, looking somewhat impressed. Hovering above the group was a small orb of light, perfectly round and bobbing in place. It was a light, almost clear blue, the color of clean swimming pools. Other than the occasional flickering tendril of energy that curled away from and back into it's curved surface, the light was extremely stable.

Unease forgotten, Sweetie Belle allowed a small smirk to come to her face. "Actually, I taught myself that one. I found it in the Tome of Practical Spells. Twilight gave it to me."

Apple Bloom nodded. "Perfect! Now this 'ole cave is even brighter than the woods! C'mon, let's keep going. There's gotta be something cool further ahead," said Apple Bloom, wasting no time waiting about. Her friends followed suite as the three of them set off into the cave at a leisurely pace, eyes moving over the walls and ceiling around them. The smooth walls seemed unnatural, as if the cave had been widened by tool or claw. Almost no imperfections could be seen, but the ceiling was another case entirely. Fewer smooth spots could be seen than patches of spiked protrusions, reminding them of icicles hanging from the gutters of their homes in the dead of winter.

"I can never remember if the ones on the ceiling are stalactites or stalagmites..." muttered Apple Bloom, looking up.

"Oh, that's easy," said Scootaloo, looking down at her friend. "Stalactites better hold on tight, and stalagmites might just poke you in the butt!"

"...Huh. That is easy. Where'd you hear that, Scoots?" asked Apple Bloom, not expecting Scootaloo to give her an answer.

"From Cheerilee, in class. Guess that's the first I was paying attention when you weren't, huh?"

Apple Bloom smiled. "Yeah, I reckon so."

Turning a corner, the three stopped cold.

A wall of boulders, tumbled haphazardly into a sloping pile, brought the crusaders to a halt. Examining them, Apple Bloom scratched her head. "How in the hay did all these get here...?"

"Hey! Look at this!" exclaimed Scootaloo, gesturing Sweetie and Apple Bloom towards her. They all pressed their heads together, staring at what Scootaloo had spotted sticking out from the rocks and stones blocking their way.

Amid the brown illuminated in the flexing light of Sweetie's spell, a patch of another color stood out. Only a couple of inches around and easy to miss, the jagged, circular patch gleamed a dark and glistening purple. It looked smooth, bands of reflected light slinking across it when the Crusaders moved their heads.

"What is it?" wondered Sweetie Belle aloud.

"I dunno. I wonder..." said Apple Bloom, raising a hoof to touch whatever was buried here in the cave. Hesitating briefly, her mind wandered to the mound of collapsed rocks that stretched from floor to ceiling before her. It didn't seem natural... the pile was too orderly. But what, she thought, would seal off the cave?

Touching the spot, Apple Bloom gasped when the cold she expected was instead a strong heat, pulsing through her hoof up into her small body. The cave felt drier. Apple Bloom felt suddenly uneasy.

Regardless, she still wanted to know what exactly they were looking at. "Sweetie, do ya think you think you could clear a couple of the rocks around this thing? I wanna know what it is," said Apple Bloom, eyes remaining fixed on the purple sheen peeking out from the rocks.

"Sure!" replied Sweetie Belle excitedly, horn quickly alight with the soft green of her magical aura. Rippling over her horn, Sweetie's magic brightened as she started wrapping it around some of the rocks in front of her, willing them into her grasp. Beads of sweat began to roll leisurely down the side of her face, but she didn't notice; the young unicorn was focused on the task at hand. Impressively, numerous rocks surrounded in the green glow of Sweetie's magic started to shiver and shake, coming loose.

They proved to be the wrong rocks. The moment the third rock was tugged from its proper place, a rumbling began around the fillies as rocks stacked higher up tumbled down. Diving out of the way, the three fillies watched as the entire wall seemed to fall, the cave around them shaking with the combined force of so many rocks falling. After many loud moments, the boulders settled like slumping shoulders.

"That 'aint good," said Apple Bloom.

She had barely finished speaking when the deep rumbling resumed, the collapsed rocks shaking sliding on the cave floor as if on ice. "Earthquake!" screamed Sweetie Belle.

Gathering their wits quickly, the three galloped desperately for the exit, bursting out of the cave and into the day. The air felt pleasant and refreshing in their lungs as they gulped it in greedily, winded by their panicked sprint.

Turning to look back at the cave, all three stared slack-jawed as the hill that sat atop the cave collapsed. The curving mound of dirt and soil gave a moan, folding in on itself in a slow and oddly graceful break. A cloud of dirt billowed up, clumps of earth thrown like lava from a volcano as some great shape pushed its way out of the depths, silhouettes resembling arms sweeping the hill to the sides as a great head emerged. As debris settled, the fillies were not left to doubt what had obliterated the entire hillside.

A huge, purple dragon.

Author's Note:

Whew! Feels good to do something that I'm hoping to stretch my thinking muscles with. Definitely aiming to actually do something with this one.

Anyways, it may not have been much, but hopefully you enjoyed what I have so far. If I can get started on the next chapter quickly, I should be able to finish it in something resembling a speedy fashion.

Leave any critique in the comments, as always, and have a good day/night/whatevs!

Comments ( 2 )

Monopoly is not a very fun board game

It's spelled Monopony.

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