• Published 21st Mar 2015
  • 7,661 Views, 194 Comments

And Why They Can Work Out For The Better - musicman722

The life and times of Derring Do and Ahuizota from marriage and beyond

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For Whom The Wedding Bells Toll

Dear Diary,

Hoo, boy. Where do I even start? These past few weeks have left me completely exhausted. Picking flowers, finding friends, choosing ponies and locations… Why are pony weddings so complicated? I mean, back in my tribe we just set up some flowers for the ceremony and make the food for the feast. Good thing Derring and I decided to have a small wedding, though it certainly doesn’t feel like it. Then again, Spade did tell me about celebrity weddings and how big those can get. Yeesh.

Anyways, all the effort is leading up to the big day which is coming soon. Let me tell you, it is not easy finding a dress when your belly gets slightly bigger each day. I’m tempted to forget it all and go with the traditional tribal bride wear of just some floral rings and crown, but Silver Spade did find me a really beautiful dress that fits me. Plus, I don’t have that many dresses, or clothes for that matter. She said it was her duty as Maid of Honor to help me make this wedding work.

Hold on… Sorry, I had to eat again. We had some salmon in the freezer and I needed to cook the whole thing. It worries me though, every time I get a craving and give in to it. I’m slowly turning into a balloon and losing my slim curves. I wonder if Derring will still like me? Great, now I need to get some comfort ice cream. Maybe I should cuddle with Derring and have him feed it to me.

Your tired friend,



“Just… a little bit… more!” Silver Spade grunted out as she tried to pull on her dress, “I shouldn’t have eaten that Baklava cheesecake last night. I swear, that whole thing went straight to my flanks.”

“But it was so delicious though!” Ahuizota said as her dress was fitting on rather snugly, despite having to suck in her belly a tiny bit to connect the clasp. It was a beautiful thing, said to be an Elusive Exclusive, and it was worth every bit. The dress itself draped over her body and flowed down like a jungle river. The fabric was an jungle green with gold trimmings and a web of rainforest flowers. Her very pregnant belly was accentuated instead of hidden, but as a symbol of her fertility rather than excess weight. If Ahuizota remembered correctly, the baby would be due soon, possibly in the next week or so. All the more reason and rush to get married. “And don’t worry, you still look fine to me. Besides, I’m the pregnant one here. No one’s going to notice if you put on a little weight.”

“Nnngh… there! Ha!” Silver Spade cried out in triumph, “I’m not fat! Ha, ha, ha!” she started a little victory dance until one of the buttons popped loose and embedded itself into the wall. Luckily, Ahuizota was too preoccupied to notice and she quickly discarded the forsaken thing. “Well, I suppose you’re right. I’m still going to lay off the cake at the reception. Celestia knows how many calories are in that thing.”

“Enough to feed the baby and give Derring energy tonight, that’s for sure.” Both of them chuckled at that. Ahuizota kept staring at her dress, looking down and at the mirror, almost as if it would disappear if she looked away.

“Something on your mind?” Silver asked, noticing her friend’s disposition. It would not do if the bride wasn’t content on her big day.

Ahuizota broke out of her trance, “Hm? Oh, nothing. It’s just… This is really happening, isn’t it? Even before the Sun Temple, I had dreamt of this day, to be wed to Derring, and now that it’s here...”

“It feels like a dream?” Silver finished, “I could throw a rock at you if you want to make sure it’s real.”

“Tempting, but I don’t think you would want to be the one to explain why his bride-to-be is in a coma because of a boulder.” Ahuizota spared her a glance and grin, “No, the only thing left is to count down the seconds until it happens.”

“Eh, sounds boring.” Silver turned to leave, “I’m going to see if the stylist is here yet. Be back soon!” The door closed shut and Ahuizota was left alone with her thoughts, at least for a few more minutes until the door opened again to reveal her future mother-in-law.

“Oooh, there’s my future daughter!” She squeaked out giddily, “Are you feeling well? Do you need me to get you anything? How’s the baby?”

Ahuizota grabbed Sweet Memory’s shoulders to keep her still, “I’m fine, no, and the baby hasn’t been kicking too much today, so I guess it’s sleeping right now. You sound like you’re the one getting married here instead of me.”

“Sorry dear, it’s just that moments like these make me so ecstatic” Sweet said happily, “These are the times when memories are truly made between ponies, the kind that should be cherished and remembered forever. Plus, I can’t wait to put these pictures in the family album!” Her wings fluttered, briefly lifting her off the ground in excitement. “My young Derring is finally getting married and having kids, with a beautiful marefriend no less! It just warms my heart like you wouldn’t believe. Maybe one day you’ll understand, but that’s far into the future and will come eventually.”

“Well the future can’t come soon enough.” Ahuizota huffed, “I just want to get this over with so I can just spend the Day with Derring. The stress of it all is killing me!”

Sweet Memories nodded, “I understand. My wedding day was no less frantic than this one, but then I wasn’t carrying either.” She walked over and soothingly embraced the bride, “Just relax. I’m sure it will be fine. Think about what Derring could be doing right now.”

“Probably all relaxed about this whole thing. I doubt anything I’ve thrown at him in past years could be more stressful than this to him.”


“Is this really necessary?” Derring asked.

“YES!” His friends chorused.

“I’m just saying, my suit is gonna get wrinkled from this.” Derring responded with a shrug.

“Derring, you know I have a spell for that,” Mile Thatch said, “And this is the only way to keep you from messing up our hard work”

Derring rolled his eyes, “But did you have to use cast iron chains? Some rope would have been enough.”

“Yeah, until we turn our backs on you.” Another commented and the room burst into laughter.

“Seriously, guys. I think I’m losing feeling in my wings. Also, I may need to pee soon.” Derring said, hoping one of them would give him some mercy.

“No need to worry, my friend.” Sallah, a camel, said, “We can find a way to help relieve your bladder when necessary. For now, you will have to suffer until your wedding is fully prepared.”

Derring sighed, “You guys suck. I just want to see if Ahui is doing alright, that’s all.”

“Time for love-love later, Dr. Do!” A young changeling said, bounding up to the bound pegasus, “Besides, you already make enough for huge hive!” His horn glowing a bit to catch the energy in the air.

“And you don’t need any more than that, Small Ball.” Derring said, trying to scooch away from the ever hungry changeling. Thankfully, the changeling was pulled away by Sallah who gave him an understanding smile.

“Derring, your new wife shouldn’t have to deliver her child until at least next week. Be at ease, my friend, at least for today.” He gave Derring a pat on the back.

Derring hung his head, “Fine. I’m just worried that the wedding stress on her will harm the baby. Can somepony just ask if she’s doing fine?” he pleaded.

“Can do, Dr. Do!” Small Ball saluted him and scurried out the door to the other end of the chapel. After he left, some of the others filed out to go check on the preparations, leaving Derring alone with his ‘captors’ until it was time to stand at the altar.


The guests had all arrived, having received the invitations from Derring’s ditzy mailmare cousin weeks prior.There were a lot of ponies and creatures of all shapes and sizes who Derring had befriended since his adventures first began. Derring watched with amusement as they made their small talk amongst each other. A Saddle Arabian scholar trying to convince a Diamond Dog geologist on coffee versus energy drinks. His changeling buddies trying (and failing) to be inconspicuous about drinking the love in the air. His mother was chatting up the rest of the family, her hooves hardly staying still and a camera around her neck. Just trying to remember every event he shared with everyone in the room was an intoxicating dose of nostalgia.

I could be out in the field right now. Making more friends and finding new treasures. But I wouldn’t trade this moment for all the findings in the world.’ The sound of the organ jolted Derring and the room grew quiet as all eyes turned to the back. The doors opened by magic and the flower fillies came through first, throwing passion flower petals down the aisle. Then came the bridesmaids with Silver Spade leading them. Derring was impressed by how it was the cleanest he had ever seen her. Once they were in position, Ahuizota appeared, and blew everyone away.

She looked like Nature incarnate after the final touches were put upon her. A long train of exotic jungle flowers woven in with thread vines almost seamlessly was pulled behind her. No one could tell where the dress ended and the train began. A crown of gilded flowers rested upon her head like an unspoken queen of the jungle. Much like one, she stepped gracefully up the aisle, her tail hand holding her bouquet by her side. Upon reaching the altar, she glanced at Derring and whispered, “Dear, you wings.”

Derring snapped out of his trance and saw that his wings were starting to spread on their own. A snicker off to the side told him that Silver had noticed as well. He reigned them in and took his spot next to her. “You look beautiful.”

“And you look quite dashing.”

“This wedding can’t be over soon enough.” Ahuizota chuckled. “Even the baby agrees on that.” she said as the officiant began his speech.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Derring Do and Ahuizota in matrimony….” He continued his speech, much like any marriage, and then asked the loving couple to say their vows.

“I, Derring Do, take you, Ahuizota, to be my wife and the mother of our child. I promise to love and cherish you every day as if it were our last. I will respect, support, and encourage you in times of trial and triumph. I will hold you and never let go, even after death has taken us. You will never be alone again in your endeavors, this I promise you.”

“I, Ahuizota,” She paused to blink the tears from her eyes, “take you, Derring Do, to be my husband and the father of our child. I promise to love and be with you every day, to the end. I will follow you to the ends of the world if I must and come Tartarus or tsunamis, you won’t lose me that easily. You will always be proud of me, this I promise you.”

“Bring forth the rings.” the officiant said. Small Ball, in his little tuxedo, pranced up the steps, holding the pillow in his magic. Derring picked up a thin gold band coupled with a golden primary feather on a platinum chain, and placed it over Ahuizota’s head, letting it settle on her neck. Ahuizota took the other ring necklace, this one with a small sapphire figurine, and put it around Derring’s neck. Their eyes met and they smiled happily as they awaited the officiant’s next words.

“By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” He had to back out of the way as Ahuizota nearly tackled Derring and pulled him into a fierce kiss. Everyone broke out into cheers and catcalls, and Sweet Memories clicked her camera trying to catch every millisecond of the kiss. The changelings dropped all pretenses and tried to gather as much of the overflowing love as possible. Over in the bridesmaid section, Silver Spade was trying to get some errant dust out of her eye and was definitely not crying, no sir.

After what felt like an eternity, they broke the kiss. “Did you eat the salmon I was saving for tomorrow night?” Derring whispered in her ear.

“I was hungry and the baby wouldn’t stop kicking.” Ahuizota whispered back with a blush on her face.

“You’re too adorable. C’mon, the day isn’t over yet.” They left the altar and led the way to the next room where tables and a dance floor were set up. One corner held a large pile of wedding gifts, filled with jewelry, baby items, and some more intimate products among others things. In the center of all the tables was a five tier cake in the shape of a very familiar obelisk and rings. As far as most of the guests knew, it was just looked like another ancient artifact.

“So that’s why Silver wanted to know about Sun Temple.” Derring said. “She definitely got the details down.”

“Let’s just hope that’s all she got.” Ahuizota looked around at the other guests settling into their seats, “I’d rather not have a huge orgy at our wedding.”

“I don’t think the changelings would mind.” Derring winced in pain when his new wife socked him in the ribs. “I was kidding!”

Ahuizota shook her head in amusement as she led the way to their seats. Once everyone was seated Derring began the toast, thanking all who came and supported them. A few made their own remarks, causing laughter, blushes, or both all around.

"Call me if you need an extra for your role plays, Derring!" Silver Spade shouted, causing the couple to go red while most of the room chuckled

"Never change, Silver. Never change." Derring said.

When the toasts were made, Derring and Ahuizota got up and approached the cake. Taking the knife in hand and hoof, they cut out the first slice from the top. After many samples at the local bakery, they had decided on a marble cake. Now, while Ahuizota was told about pony weddings from friends and family, Silver Spade had neglected to tell her about one certain tradition.

"Hey, Ahui." Derring said, holding his cake on one hoof, "You have something on your face."

"What?! Where?" She patted her cheeks for the offending stain. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Hold on. It's right..." SPLAT "There." He grinned mischievously at the smear of cake across her muzzle. The guests started cheering for the groom and bride cake fight. Derring leaned forward and licked a bit of frosting off her nose. “Gotcha.”

Ahuizota gave him a blank stare and slowly licked some of the frosting away, not breaking eye contact. Behind her, her tail hand grabbed the cake knife and sliced off the top tier of the cake.

Derring noticed what she was doing and held up his hooves, “N-Now, Ahui, let’s talk about this. You don’t have to go that far.” But he was drowned out by the cheering of the crowd.

And so, Ahuizota grabbed the remains of the top tier and smashed it into Derring’s face, knocking him over. She broke a grin. “Gotcha.” she said before taking him with a cake smeared kiss. After they cleaned up and everyone got their piece of cake, the food was served and what a feast it was. Dishes from all over the world adorned the tables. A buffet line of Maredeterranean and South Equestrian entrees, some Mid East desserts, and much more for everyone. Much of it was eaten, no one commented on Ahuizota’s plate out of politeness and understanding, but most of them saved some room for the drinks later.

Behind the DJ’s stand stood an orange earth pony mare with a curly brown mane and tail, wearing a cowpony poncho and hat. She grabbed the microphone in her hoof and spoke, “Alright everypony! Now that we’ve filled our bellies, how about we work that off with some dancing? I’m your MC tonight, Cheese Panini! Let’s start things off with our lovely newlyweds!” Derring got up and led Ahuizota onto the dance floor. He remembered the lessons he and Ahui had to take before this. She was so cute when she missed a step.

“Let’s start this off slow.” Cheese said, hitting a button. Music streamed through the speakers and across the air. The happy couple took their first step when the vocals began, leaning into each other. They swung out and in, turning slowly with the beat. Derring stared deep into Ahuizota’s eyes, not breaking away for any of the movements. He shifted himself forward and held her with his wings, guiding her through the next few steps. “We finally made it.” he said.

“Yes. Yes we did.” Ahuizota said. “All that’s left now is the baby.”

“Don’t forget the honeymoon after this. We still need to consummate this marriage.”

Ahuizota smirked. “I think we both know we did that months ago, but sure. Doctor said it was safe to do it. Just be gentle.”

“I always am.” Derring had his signature cocky grin on his face. Ahuizota just rolled her eyes and leaned in, resting her head on his shoulder for the rest of the song.

“I love you, Derring.”

“I love you, Ahuizota.”

The rest of the night proceeded like any other reception. There was dancing, drinking, much merrymaking. Ahuizota couldn’t dance during the more energetic songs, but she did enjoy watching Derring make a dancing fool of himself instead. Silver Spade was having a blast talking with the other guests, swapping stories of their respective adventures with Derring and regrets for no more in the foreseeable future. Ahuizota did notice her and a couple of the changelings slipping away to one of the empty rooms, slightly drunk. Small Ball was getting a lot of affectionate love from the ladies of the room, hugging him because he was small and cute. Sweet Memories took pictures of as much of it as she could, sometimes roping her husband into helping her get the perfect shot. Ahuizota stopped eating the cake when she noticed quite a few of the guests were getting together and ended up leaving in the same fashion. But everyone had fun and that was all that mattered on this day.

Author's Note:

It's finally here! Woo! *party noises*

I've really loved this couple and i'm glad you people do too, especially since Ancient Rituals is near 1k likes! This sequel is just going to feature short clips of life of the family and their future adventures.

Don't worry, I didn't forget about the threesome chapter. That should be the third chapter in this fic. heh.

Also, the current coverart is the only one I could find that fits the story. Not many Derrinzota pics out there.:ajsleepy: Any fanart would be much appreciated!:pinkiehappy:
Anyways, please like, fave, and leave a comment if you wish.