• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 678 Views, 26 Comments

Equisexual - HeavensRaptor

Applejack is pushing along in age and her attraction to mares is no secret to her family. Although it is to her friends, but not for long when she finally confesses to a certain pegasus her affection...

  • ...

Aye' must confess something...

Author's Note:

So, tell me what you think... I did this as a one shot because the other story was getting or well is getting me creeped out at myself... I needed something somewhat warm and fuzzy. Although, I am not sure I am any good at Romantic attempts.

Teen for the fact that it is suggestion what some parents seem to call, no-no things. You know, same-sex relationships... :unsuresweetie: If I should change it, let me know.

Also, I apologize ahead of time... I did my best to make it sound like the Apple family was using their southern "DRAWL" without actually stating Southern Drawl... Ugh, brain.. let me know if it still worked out. Hopefully I didn't make it too difficult to read... :applejackconfused:

As a side note I had to re-write what I wrote because of the writing technique I wanted to use for the Apple Family's small conversation... maybe too small.

Well, leave your comments below and up or down vote! Thank you all! :twilightsheepish:

Applejack had just finished another day of work on the farm and it was only two o'clock in the afternoon. Her body glistening in the glow of the warm summer light and gentle breeze. The stetson hat she always wore clearly caked with sweat where it sat atop her head. She moved with a slight perk in her trot as she came to the familiar red home her family had crafted in past years. The door creaked as she firmly, yet gently flung it open to let herself in. The boards beneath her gave slightly under her earth pony weight and strength. With her hooves clipping across the floor she came to a stop at her destination, the kitchen.

Moving swiftly with a bead of sweat still running down the side of her neck, she opened the refrigerator and grabbed a pint of her family's famous apple cider. Opening the container she brought the delicious substance to her lips and downed it in ten, seconds, flat. Smiling to herself as she put the empty container in the sink to be re-used later. She couldn't help but keep that dumb smile the more she thought about a certain mare that always challenged her. Granted, this time it was not just thoughts of comradery that were filling her mind at this moment. No, no, it was more the way the mare moved with grace and power. The way she swayed back and fourth, up and down, the thoughts of her body being pleasantly pressed against hers as they slowly began to intwi....


Applejack's thoughts were wisp away as a familiar large red stallion came into the kitchen. His appearance mimicking Applejack's, sweat patches at his pits, chest and neck and mane. Looking at her brother she smiled as she gently kicked open the fridge and fished out another pint of apple cider. Which he graciously accepted with a nod and smile as he sat.

As he took down the cider he looked at Applejack and spoke. "Aye' reckon you havn't told er' bout how ya' feel yet, have-ya'?" His husky voice stated.

Applejack looked puzzled at her brother for a moment, clearly not expecting the words to come from his mouth. Although he rarely spoke to anyone unless it was important. "Uh, well, no, not exactly. Aye ju-just don't know if I should risk, ya'know, ruinin' our friendship with something as trivial as this." Applejack replied with slight hesitance in her voice as her cheeks were slightly a-glow.

Big Mac' just stared at his younger sister, he was not going to let her live a life of what-if, if he could help it that is. "Aye' reckon you should say somethin' before some other pony does then." He stated, almost nonchalantly.

Applejack's eyes widened with fear and yet, a bit of hope. "Ya' wouldn't dare to!" She stated, a bit more harshly than she intended.

Big Mac' just stared at Applejack for a bit, in truth he enjoyed watching ponies sweat it out a bit before he replied. "Eee-yup." Was the finality he gave her.

"Big Mac' if ya' dare ta speak a'word of this ta her, Aye swear, Aye'll buck yer' face right out to next tuesday!" Applejack stated with such hostility that Big Macintosh got up.

Now, Big Macintosh was no slouch when it game to confrontation, although he would never go out of his way to actually harm another pony, unless they were a threat and rightfully deserving it. Granted he knew his little sister's temper at times was key, and he knew just how to subdue her anger to get the desired result. Moving sternly and not taking his eyes off her, he got right into her face and scrunched up his nose. "Coward." He stated firmly.

Applejack looked straight into her brother's eyes with anger and fear. "Aye' ain't no coward!" She yelped.

Looking deep into his sister's eyes he knew what she really wanted, and he was finally going to give it to her. With a small smirk that Applejack couldn't notice he replied. "Prove it, tell er' how you really feel." With that he turned away and walked to the kitchen's doorway and stopped. Looking back he could see her eyes looking at the floor with annoyance and that same fear that he hated to see in her eyes. She was too strong to have such fears. "Even if she rejects you A-J, ya' know she'll be yer' friend still. Just then maybe ya'll can move onto somepony else. That's the worst case. Best case is ya'll get ta-geather and start smooching." His smile was in full bloom as he witnessed his sister look at him wide eyed and blushing.

Applejack stared at her brother a bit longer before she replied. "Aye' don' have to take orders from ya'! You may be older dan' me, but dat' dun' mean squat! An' we both know dat' Aye am no coward!"

Without a faltering smile or step, Big Mac turned back to face his sister from the doorway. "Alright, alright, we do know ya' ain't no coward." An indigent snort and huff came from Applejack. "Although you been actin' rightly so whenever she's around."

"Ah' ain't been actin' no such wa-." Applejack's retort was cut off by a familiar raspy yet high voice that when spoke demanded their attention.

"Ya'll don't stop yer' bickering and I'mma' rap ya' both with a rollin' pin." Berated Granny Smith from the living room. The squeaky chair she napped in could be heard as she hobbled out of it and began her commute to the kitchen.

"Uh, sorry Granny, w-we didn't mean ta' wake ya'." Called Applejack as Big Mac moved to let her into the kitchen. Applejack and Big Macintosh's ears both splaying sideways out of embarrassment that they had forgotten Granny was in the house today.

Quickly the stallion of the apple family moved to allow their elder to sit by pulling a chair for her at the head of the table. "Thank ya' Mac'. Ya' know, Aye'm so happy to see you are such'a gentle colt like yer' father was." A warm smile crept itself onto Big Macintosh's face as well as Granny Smith and Applejack's.

Hesitating to break the peace brought forth just by their sole parent over the years, Applejack spoke. "Ya' rarely speak of our parents like dat' now-a-days Granny... wha-what brought this on?"

"Oh-Ho-Ho-Ho! My goodness Aye' forget Aye' never told ya' about how many times Aye' had this similar conversation with yer' mother, have Aye'!?" Giggled out Granny as she made a gentle smile and gestured for the two of them to sit down. Both siblings did so without question.

"Oh, Ah' Suppose this is-a perfect a-time as any." She said in her country drawl. "It's not a very long story." Was her statement as she took a deep breath and let it out, allowing the memories to refill her mind. "Yer' mah' use to sit around just day-dreaming about yer' father. non-stop even, she'd be tending the trees, building a barn and always ya'ed see that distant glint in her eye that told ya' she was not really here. Ya' know, love does that to us all at some point. We get so enraptured that we forget whats really going on around us!"

A couple chuckles and small giggles from the family echoed gently in the home as they thought a bit more deeply of their Granny's words.

"Ya' know she was such a stubborn child to! She didn't want ta' go talk to him because she felt it may be a sign of weakness, ya' know. That if she told em' how she felt that she would be easily taken advantage of. Silly mare. If she weren't so caught up in her own thoughts she could'a seen him staring at her from Canterlot castle!" Again, laughter was filling the gentle, quiet home.

"It took some meddling from me ta get them two around one a'nother! And OHHH-gala did ah' wish Aye' hadn't! AYE Swear! Not even a year went by before she was all happily claiming she was going to be a mother and aye a grandma." Granny Smith laughed a bit harder with a small glint in her eyes.

"Granny..." Applejack said soothingly in a hushed tone with her face cast down slightly with a slight sense of guilt etched into her features.

"Now, Aye hope ya' understand that if Aye hadn't pushed them there two together they would've never had the courage to meet. Aye would do the same to you AJ, although Aye know you don't have that kind of stubbornness. Yer stubborn, but yer able to overcome it. Yer mother was a bit too stubborn fer her own good." Granny Smith sighed as she looked over her wonderful grandchildren. "Now, just promise to me that yer' gonna' be honest and finally tell that mare how ya' feel or at least ask her out. Ya' know just asking her out will let ya' know where she stands on the matter. No matter what, AJ, just stay strong..." Granny watched as AJ gave out another defeated sigh, seeming like she was giving up that it was her choice in the first place to like who she likes.

"Oh AJ, don't you dare mope about like that! We love ya' no-matter what! Yer' always my grand-filly! Although Aye am hoping some other..." As she nudged Big Mac in the side a bit with her hoof, causing the stallion to somehow look a brighter red. "Would find some mare to stick it to!"

"GRANNY!!!" Big Mac and Applejack both snickered in unison. Laughter was again echoing through the house, a bit louder this time. The fear that Applejack had was slowly being ebbed away by the love she felt from her family. The complete acceptance of her was warming her heart and causing a few tears of joy to begin welling up.

Granny Smith had an adorable face as she laughed about her remark. "Oh, in time, in time my little ones." A smile that could calm even the hardiest of warriors graced old Granny Smiths face as she turned towards the two siblings. Her features changed as she looked towards Applejack with a somber but serious expression. "Applejack, honey, now Aye' know ya' are probably tired of ponies talkin' bout ya' as being imbued with honesty an' all, granted that is how aye' raised ya'. Know that ya' were special before yah' were ever part of the elements of them there harmonies. An' know that these words would still be the same here. If yer' going to keep hiding and lying to yer'-self then yer never going to be happy. Yer' going have to admit some time about the truth ya' are hiding."

The room grew silent as the trio's calm breathing could be heard, no not even the mice dare break this holy silence.

"Yah, yer' both right." Sighed Applejack in defeat. "Aye do haft-ta' tell her how Aye' feel and Aye' know it ain't gonna' be easy, though Aye'll be hopin' she'll like me too, in that way." A small blush graced Applejack's features once more as she drew her eyes more towards the floor.

"Then tell her today, while yer' still able to. Fer' ya' know tomorrow may never come..." A sad sigh and tear ran down Granny Smith's cheek as a myriad of memories fluttered through her mind. "Yer' only given the moment child... and ya' should always take it." A smile graced her face as did her children's. When one of them went to comment about her tear she quickly dismissed it by standing straight up and barking an order at them. "Now get outta' mah' kitchen! Aye got some cookin' to do! Little Applebloom will be home from school soon." Was all that she said as she beamed with a smile and pushed the two out with dumbfounded and shocked looks.

Applejack and Big Macintosh both looked at one another, both of them being caught off-guard by their Granny's actions and gave a sheepish smile as they both parted ways to fulfill some of their final daily duties.

Rainbow Dash lay upon a single cloud in the sky, being the captain of the weather ponies in Ponyville had it's perks. It allowed her to use clouds they would otherwise bust-up for relaxation, granted one tiny cloud did not do much to impact the weather, for the most part. She was lazily a drift when she heard the familiar farm pony drawl call up to her.

"Rainbow Dash, yah' up there!?" Bellowed Applejack from down below.

With a quick yawn and flutter of her wings Rainbow Dash got up and did a back-flip while busting through the cloud and landing in a dramatic display. That for some reason left Applejack wide eyed and staring, although Rainbow thought it was because she was just so awesome.

"Hey AJ, whats up?" Remarked Rainbow casually as she folded her wings in and puffed out her chest a bit, in an attempt to look more awesome, of course.

Applejack did think Rainbow was awesome, and did in fact enjoy her stunts, although it did give her quite the scare when Rainbow Dash would end up injured from mistakes. "Ay-aye uh..." Applejack was fumbling for words, she had been so confident prior to her approach, having been boosted by her own family. With Rainbow Dash present though her courage to admit what she had held secret for so long seemed to be wavering.

Rainbow Dash watched her friend seem to stumble for words, something she was not use to seeing her do unless something was bothering her. "Hey AJ, if you are going to say something then say it. I'm not going to stand around all day you know." Dash teased, unknowingly making AJ a bit more flustered than she was.

"Aye, uh, well you see... uhm..." Applejack kept fumbling, but as she fumbled a single phrase rang-out in her mind and a look of sorrow that went along with it. Yah' aint' promised tomorrow, so do what you can today. If she was remembering it correctly. Uh, close enough. She thought.

Rainbow watched as her friend fumbled with a few more words, one of her ears splayed to the side while the other faced forward. She was giving her friend the best of her attention she could muster, but even five seconds sometimes was a bit much for her. It just seemed like everyone was moving much slower than her and she was getting ready to fly away when Applejack brought her eyes back to her. The attention she was giving her told Rainbow that it was something important, important enough that she had that fire to determination to spit it out... which may end up being hilarious, she thought to herself amusingly.

"Rainbow Dash, Aye like you." Applejack just went full throttle and skipped the section in her brain about asking her out and using common talk to figure out where Rainbow's sexuality lies.

Rainbow just looked at her friend and said. "Yeeah, I like you to." A bit of confusion written on her face. "I thought we already knew that, you know... being friends and everything?"

The smirk Dash gave with the confused ears made it adorable to be seen from Applejack's view. She knew that Rainbow was a bit thick-headed when it came to realizing what another was talking about some times. So she figured laying it on thicker might be the proper response, but not too thick. "No, Dash... Aye mean Aye like-like you." Applejack swallowed hard and licked her lips as the realization of what she was saying struck Rainbow Dash.

"Oooh... O... OH, You mean, like... uhm..." Rainbow's shocked expression turned mischievous and wiggled her eye-brows at Applejack. "Romantically or like... just want to have a piece of me." She began snickering a bit as she watched her friend turn bright red.

"Rainbow Aye am serious!" Applejack deadpanned.

Rainbow's snickering died down as she took in her friend's confession and tone. "Oh, well, uhm... Uh, Applejack I'm sorry but... I can't say I feel that way towards you." Her snickering demeanor slowly trickled out as she noticed her friend's solemn expression.

"Aye, okay, sa-sorry." Applejack's dejection was plastered over her face as she turned to leave.

Feeling that she should say something more, the fact that she just kind of crushed her friend's crush for who knew how long entered Rainbow's thoughts. She couldn't leave her friend walking home feeling like she was the culprit, nor that she, herself, was the culprit. After-all she knew you couldn't really help who you were attracted to. Heck, she even thought about who she was attracted to, granted she never really took time to actually think about it.

"Hey, Applejack!" Rainbow stated as she flew up and landed in front of her. "Listen, I, Uh, well how do I say this?" Taking a breath Rainbow reigned herself in a bit. "Look, you are a real cool mare and a great friend. I am blown away that you even like me that way but... truthfully I really haven't thought about who or what I like. I mean... gah, this is more egghead stuff to me." Rainbow puffed out her chest in indignation this time.

Applejack was looking at her friend, now a mix of emotions were being built in her, mainly confusion.

"Applejack, what I'm trying to say is... I haven't really thought about... well you know, romance or things like that. I mean there is always my training I do. Then when I do have time off I just nap or read a book. Which we can thank Twilight for, I suppose. Otherwise I mean..." Another deep breath as she looked Applejack in the eyes.

Applejack on the other hoof was even more confused. Her friend's speech was doing little to ease her mild embarrassment and frustration of admitting she had a crush on one of her best friends. Although, she could tell Rainbow was trying to resolve this the best way she could, on her own.

"Look, wow... I have to admit it took a lot of guts to say what you said..." Rainbow stumbled with her own words now, being caught off guard by a confession of any sort can seem to do that it seemed.

Applejack sighed a bit and spoke. "Thank you RD..."

"Yeah, and well, I do have to admit as I think about it... I'm not actually attracted to mares..." A small blush crept on her face as she looked at the crestfallen Applejack. "Although..."

One of Applejack's ears perked up with a knowing smirk that her friend was about to suggest something crazy. "Although?" She stated, which her mood had been changing slightly as her friend continued to talk to her.

"Although, I do think I remember a few mares coming onto me while I was at their parties... For some reason having a rainbow mane and tail seems to draw out all the... uhm, female lovers and leaves the males away I suppose? Really no skin off my back though." Rainbow smiled gently at her friend. Noticing how her friend's mood seemed to be picking up. "Look, I mean... I know you seem to have this crush on me... and I just kind of... well, crushed that." She winced at her own attempt to make a joke on a small cruel act.
"Just because I don't feel that way now doesn't mean I won't later, nor does it mean you should hold out for me... I mean.. I'm just undecided I suppose. Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm undecided about what I like in or as a partner." Rainbow seemed to nod at her realization of her own desires to be.

Applejack just shook her head. "Yah' know, thanks RD, although I must admit I do feel a lot lighter having told you."

"Hey, I think it's awesome you told me... Although you know I'm going to flaunt this nice tight round plot in your face when we do the running of the leaves next time!" Rainbow growled back, slyly with a wink.

Applejack officially then facehoofed herself... she had just given her rival and somewhat still crush ammo to use against her. "Aye'm regretting havin' told ya' bout my feelings Dash."

Both began a light laugh as they stood there in the evening sun as Dash spoke up. "So, we cool and still going to be awesome best friends AJ?" A pleading look entered her eyes.

"Dash, like that was a possibility to ever stop." A Smile graced both of them as they hoof bumped.

"Hey! Lets go tell Twilight what we learned." Rainbow exclaimed as she looked at her friend.

"Oh, alright, I suppose if my friend's know about me... it wouldn't be so bad, right?" Swallowing a bit of her fear and angst as she looked at Dash.

A nod from Rainbow was all she needed as she heard from the multi-colored maned Pegasus say. " Hey, race you there, one, two, three-GO!" Yelled Dash as she began running with a slightly lagging farm pony who was just happy to have her
best friend.

Comments ( 26 )

It seems kind of cruel of Rainbow to lead AJ on like that. She clearly does know what her preferences are, from how definite she was about just not being attracted to mares. Intentionally giving AJ false hope to soften the pain of rejection will only end up hurting her worse when she's eventually forced to own up to it.

Also didn't see anything you'd need to invent new words for, as an aside.

Hoo boy, not just fan-fiction, but fan-fiction with an agenda. This will be fun.

I'm not sure what everyone's seeing that I don't, but I can't really find anything so offensive or blatantly preachy that it'd be a justification for all those downvotes.

Oh no, the creating of the word is actually what lead me to the story... which maybe I should of stated that in the Notes or description. Just something that I was pondering about... I was actually trying to think of city names to make up... granted there are a lot of good ones out there. I just wanted to attempt to make something more original, granted some of the names I'll be using are not... most of them are not... :twilightblush:

Although I do understand what you mean.

As far as Rainbow Dash seeming to lead Applejack on, I kind of, maybe, possibly left it a bit like that... I took a bit of my life experience when I was younger and threw it in there. If you have never met someone who lead you on and then later on felt... oh, hey... turns out I'm not straight or I'm not homosexual... it is a bit, dis-heartening... even soul crushing at some points... *stares into space... no place in particular* Anyways, yes, it is cruel and that is what life can be sometimes. Even if individuals did not intend it that way. :pinkiesad2:

Thank you for the comments, though if you have any creative criticism or suggestions I'd love to hear them. The only way to grow is if you are willing to learn. Learning can also be through listening to what others have to say. :twilightsmile:

Agenda? If it is story writing and a job, yes. If you meant by promoting equality for all attraction types and different genders. Like in pay or the likes... eh, I kind of already vote for Equality, something so simple yet so complex to some individuals. :pinkiesad2:

Thank you all for who reads this and the story, even if it is not to your liking. :twilightsmile:

Oh, did I label is this correctly? I was unsure if I needed the Sad tag at all... I am unsure if it was exactly sad... need input, assist please! :facehoof:


The noobish story teller - HeavensRaptor

this is quite good, although I have to agree with wlam on RainbowDash being quite cruel in this story

also you may want to add Big Macintosh and Granny Smith tags since both part of the story, while Twilight and AppleBloom are only mentioned

Thanks, and... done. :twilightsmile:


The fuck-

1. Don't ever use aye to replace I. I don't care if you use Ah, but fucking aye? You disgrace the word.

2. What the hell was up with that ending?

'I want your ass'

'oh- I dunno about that.'

'well I feel better for saying that'

'look at my ass'

'I regret saying that'

'can we still be awesome best friends?'

'as if I'd stop'

'let's go tell Twilight shit to write in her friendship report shit'


Being rejected is pretty sad, so that's not an issue. Running the story past a proofreader wouldn't hurt. Your writing is kinda clumsy in the technical sense and fixing the grammar and spelling issues would go a long way towards improving that. Rainbow being inconsiderate of other people's feelings and speaking without thinking of the possible consequences isn't actually a bad thing, because that's exactly how her character works and what she would do. Can't really criticize you for being good at writing her as intended.

Otherwise I don't really see any problems.

I would have dismissed this story as unimportant, and unnoticeable. But your usage of the made up word "equisexual" brought me here, to tell you that you are an idiot. That literally translates as "Sexual in relation to horses" and would imply being attracted to horses. Nothing to do with homosexuality in any way, which means "Sexual in relation to the same" implying attraction to the same gender.

In conclusion, die.

wlam #11 · Jan 7th, 2015 · · 1 ·

I'm sure any moment now I'll start giving a flying fuck and start being irrationally angry about it just like you.

I chose to create the word 'Equisexual' as a means to Homosexual. Although Equisexual I feel could also play to the words as Equal sex, which could also have far more meaning than just attracted to the same-sex.

Reading this, your fantasy level must be over 9000.

5475285 That is literally what I was thinking when I saw the title. At first I thought it was an 'Anon in Equestria' fic.

:heart: fav and like

Always that one violent butthurt individual in the comments :P

It kinda still ends up being applicable, though, doesn't it? Also I think there is already a HiE story that uses a very similar name exactly because of that.

5475911 Uhh..no it doesn't as 5475285 said, it literally means sexually attracted to horses. In this case, it would be applicable with every. single. pony.

When I say "agenda", I mean political. So, maybe?

It's a concept my high school history teacher introduced us to, and it's ruined every movie and book for me. It's some ratio between political content, and political message. Take the original Star Wars trilogy: they have very little of actual politics, but there's a strong political message. Inversely, there's the recent The Interview: it's all about politics, but has next-to no political message.

I'm not complaining about the message; I'm egalitarian myself, so we're idealogical kinsmen. I just get nervous when any kind of message looks... ham-handled, let's say. It's almost like propaganda, but without the finesse.

It was a terribly forced, terrible play on words. One could play devil's advocate, and say that the made-up "Equisexual" doesn't strictly imply equiphilia. It's entirely feasible for one to have sexual relations with equines, while having an utter distaste for horses. Furthermore, I think an equiphalic horse (and also an anthrophillic human) could have the capacity to carry a homosexual relationship.

But that's neither here nor there. The title was dumb.

I must admit... that made me laugh. :facehoof: To summarize a bit... I can't. I really just wrote this because my brain was at a stand-still and needed something to redirect. I thought the word I used/made was crafty... although some seem to hate it. :rainbowkiss:

I'll take to note in later writings, use proper wording in the writing. Even though I would like to point out again, it was an attempt at having the reader, that is you, read the phrases in an accent. I am guessing by the amount of discussion... it was not successful. :unsuresweetie: Thank you for your input though!

Thank you, I am glad I hit success on at least one character... granted Rainbow Dash is one of my favorites... :twilightblush:
I feel as if I could of done better... but I, in truth, did not put too much conscious effort into creating this other than a single sitting and going... yay, this sounds nice and close to their characters! :facehoof:

Seems I may of done poorly with the Apple family, I shall work on that eventually though! Practice makes perfect! :coolphoto:

My... fantasy level... being over 9000, is that good? I hope so... :twilightblush:

5475285 :scootangel:
I am sorry you do not approve of my word creation... although after reading your comment I did come to the conclusion you are fairly correct. With how it is spelt, Equisexual, it may pertain more to the Equine variety... and thus be somewhat moot. So I thought of a neat idea, the word could be repaired to be Equasexual... Which would then arrive at the words equal sex being horrifically combined. I really made it out of boredom, as I do believe I stated else where... It is just something to help get over my small motivational block I was having.

Regarding the Anon thing... you know... that could of been a good title for an Anon story. Know what, anyone who wants to write that go for it! :twilightsmile:

Apologies on my antics of false hope though, although I am glad it brought you here! :pinkiehappy:

Regarding the end of your "Comment", I would ask and state as a matter of fact, that I shall not.

Do not post a comment of such negative stature on anyone's stories, blogs, or other media that you use. Stating your opinion on a matter is fine, even if it is a negative response. Although, if you take it a step further and wish harm to the individual it begins to turn into an entirely different world and conversation. That would be the equivalent of you going up to me in a public area and telling me you wish me dead or that you are going to kill me. I would indeed take that as you preparing to murder me, via how-ever means, and I would react in a self defense manner. Immediately. :pinkiegasp: :pinkiesad2:

You have been warned, do not do it again. :twilightangry2:

That is all I have to say on that matter, otherwise I feel you are entitled to speak as freely and with courtesy as any other sentient being.

:pinkiegasp: yeah, a little. :pinkiehappy:

Agenda as in my own, yes. I totally understand what you are getting at with that, I hope. :unsuresweetie:
I, by no means, attempted any proproganda... although if I made some that seems to work... hey, maybe I could get a job in it! :facehoof:

Regarding both your comments, awesome, thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I do admit I made this story with short-sight and had no true plans for it. It was, and will always will be, one of the possible many stories I write without any real meaning or understanding just becuase I can. Sometimes my mind gets stuck and it gets unmotivated and I need to change it up. This was just one of the things that assisted in it... you know, give yourself a nice distraction sort of thing.

Although I did not intend on any actual traffic to it... in truth. LOL! :facehoof:

So it's perfectly accurate. AJ is a lesbian, but she's a pony lesbian.


No... no, in that context, it isn't.

I chose to create the word 'Equisexual' as a means to Homosexual. Although Equisexual I feel could also play to the words as Equal sex, which could also have far more meaning than just attracted to the same-sex.


I leave that to you to decide what you think of me. Although, I've not once claimed to be incredibly smart... maybe a smart-ass at times. Actually, you know what... I am smart... just with a reasonable amount of room for error. :twilightsheepish: And sleep deprived... I could amend that statement I posted but... honestly I am not really interested in it. I thought it was a fun or clever word combination... though it seems I was wrong, oh well! :rainbowlaugh: :pinkiesad2:

*Goes back into hiding to write and read* Eeep!

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